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APCM 2021-05-25 Minutes
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Minutes of the
Annual Parochial Church Meeting

Tuesday 25 May 2021

1. Minutes from previous meeting 17th November 2020

All present agreed these were a true record.

Proposed: Alistair Hezel
Seconded: Mike Jackson

2. Matters arising

None to report

3. Presentation of Annual Report and Financial Statements for 2020

The PCC were sent a copy on 8th April 2021 and it was officially approved by all members on 18th April 2021.

Report has been available to view on the Church website.

Alistair Hezel thanked the congregation for their generosity and flexibility in their giving during 2021 and talked through the key points of the report.

4. Appointment of independent examiner

This remains with White Rose Accounting for Charity.

Proposed: Alistair Hezel
Seconded: Sue Butcher

Approved by all attending meeting

 5. Election of 6 members of the PCC

  1. Katherine Sirrell – 2nd 3-year term
  2. Gemma Burton - 2nd 3-year term
  3. David Waddington - 2nd 3-year term
  4. Jean Bradley - 2nd 3-year term
  5. James Black – 1st 3-year term
  6. Spare – to carry forward

Proposed: Maureen Sandham
Seconded: Martyn Butcher

An updated list of who is on the PCC and their terms of office is available on the Church website.

6. Election of 2 members of the Deanery Synod

 No new members elected so the 2 places will be carried forward

7. Appointment of Electoral Roll Officer

Shelagh Freer stepped in as acting Electoral roll officer and brought the report up to date.

The roll now stands at 186. At last year's APCM the number was 196.

8. Chairman’s report

The Chairman’s report is available to view via the Church website.

9. Any other business

Sandra Hilton wanted a record of her Thanks and appreciation to Nick Jackson and team for the online streaming services and meetings this last year. She knows that a lot of non-worshipers are watching our services and becoming interested again.

James Black reiterated Sandra’s comments and added that we have been seeing consistent numbers accessing our online services to near enough the same figures we would have seen in church, pre pandemic days.

Canon Matthew Peat Thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting with The Grace.

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