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BAN - Ahare-Mot 5784
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The BAN – Beth Aharon Newsletter

Riverdale’s Sephardic-Yerushalmi Congregation @ The Riverdale Bayit

3700 Henry Hudson Parkway, Bronx NY 10463 * *


abat Mevarim Paraṡat Aḣare Mot
4 May 2024 * 26 Ḣodeṡ Nisan 5784
 11 LaOmer * כ”ו ניסן

Earliest Candles Lighting - 6:27pm

Official Hadlaqat Nerot abat Time - 7:37pm

ir Haṡirim - 6:45pm

Minḣa/Qabalat abat/Ȯrvit - 7:00pm
aḣarit (Qorbanot) - 8:45am @ The 2nd Fl BM

Latest emaȯ - 9:20am * Devar Torah - 10:45am

Pre-Yom-HaShoah Talk - 11:30am 
Qiduṡ - 12:00pm

Table Conversations - 12:15pm

Minḣa Gedola - 1:28pm
Minḣa - 7:25pm - LBM

Ṡiȯur & Seȯudonet Ṡeliit - 7:55pm

Ṡeqiȯa - 7:56pm * Ȯrvit - 8:31pm

Żet Hakok̇avim / Havdala - 8:41pm
Ṡabat ṡel Ṡalom!

Rəfuaa Shəlema

Our prayers for full and quick recovery to ‘Am Yisrael wounded bodies & souls and the kidnapped brothers  & sisters, and to those who are sick, among them: * Reuven ben Aliza * Yig’al ben Sulika * Gavriel ben Yocheved * Shoshana bat Yocheved * Yehuda Baruch Noam ben Tova Batya * Eliyorah Ruth bat Naomi Rivka * Gavriel Lev ben Yechielah * Yosef David ben Haya Golda * Zvi Hershel ben Miriam * Dalia bat Rahel * Hadassa bat Shoshana * Masha bat Miriam * Tehila bat Rachel * Tanya bat Hoda Margalit * Yehuda Efraim ben Shifra * Yehuda ben Susi * Aliza bat Hassibah * Orly bat Annet * Rachel bat Hassibah * Shulla bat hassibah * Simon bat Hassibah * Yaniv ben Sarah * Michael ben Sonia * Shachar Shalom ben Sason * Menachem Hillel ben Malka Sandra * Liraz bat Tziporah * Shaked Ben Aliza * Ilana bat Victoria * Etka Ruth bat Devorah * Ezra ben Evlin * Beeri Mikhael ben Reut Ester * and to all the ḥolim and the ḥolot.

Thank You All for joining beth Aharon for Tefilot Ḣag HaPesaḣ and Shabbatot. Please use this link DONATE ONLINE to Support Beth Aharon with your donation towards aliyot, yizkor, blessings, kiddushim, and general pledges. Special Thanks to all the kiddushim sponsors. Qidush Sponsorship is available and always welcome, full or partial. Please check your emails for schedule availability!

This Shabbat & Beyond

This Shabbat we read Parashat Aḣare Mot, bless Rosh odesh Iyar, and keep on praying for IDF’s Soldiers Victory & Safety. The Molad for Iyar is on Wednesday, May 8, at 11:41am, and 8 fractions, Jerusalem time. Rosh Chodesh is on Wednesday and Thursday, starting Tuesday after nightfall.

Tefilat Erev Shabbat starts w/ Shir Hashirim. Time is listed on the left. Minḥa is 15 minutes later.

● The Bayit Sarah & Avraham’s Tent welcomes all community members and visitors every Erev Shabbat for communal dinner, in memory of Henry & Goldie Guttman z"l.
 All Kids Are Welcomed to participate in tefilot Beth Aharon, such as Ashre, Shema’ Yisrael, Sim Shalom, Listen to Aliyat Cohen, Say Yimlokh, Ein KəEloqenu, Adon Olam, and more...

Shabbat Bayit Groups are available to all kids of all ages from 9:30am to 11:30am, on the 3rd floor.

Special Tefila: We say prayers for Medinat Israel, its People, the Perished, the Kidnaped, the Wounded, the Safety of all IDF Ḣayalim and Ḣayalot, and for a Victory of the IDF.
Azkara: Eyal ben Varda z”l, Juliette Abergel z”l.
Dvar Torah: Rav Dov Lerea on “How Do We Purify Ourselves?”


Holocaust Talk: Join us for pre-Yom-HaShoah Talk by our Friend and Teacher Zvi Paikin on "The Holocaust in the Sephardi/Mizraḣi World, before Kiddush.

 Qidush this shabbat is sponsored by Ilene and Zvi Paikin in honor of Zvi's father, David Paikin, David ben Ephraim Yaakov Hakohen z”l, and by the Abikzer family in memory of Jonathan’s mother, Bernice Abikzer, Bella bat Rahel and Aharon, z"l.

Add’l Contributions could be made here: SUPPORT BA ONLINE

Table Conversations after Qidush, for those who care: Free talks on the holy and the worldly.

 Mila baParasha - understanding a word in parashat Aḣare-Mot. This week: “Azazel - עֲזָאזֵל” - what is it or where is it?  Basic (and love of :) Hebrew is sufficient.
 Sunday Shaḣarit @ 8:15am - Hodu. Qorbanot @ 8:00am

Matters @ Beth Aharon @ The Bayit & Beyond

This Week’s BAN is Sponsored By





Community Matters

 Ahavat Yisrael and Ahavat Haberiyot - love for the Jewish people and love for all humanity - are part of the Bayit’s and Beth Aharon’s Values. It manifests by being a warm and welcoming and inclusive community to everyone who loves Medinat Yisrael and the Jewish People.
Join Beth Aharon’s WhatsApp Groups

BA Tefilot information and details: BethAharonTefila

BA Notifications: BethAharonNews

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BA Women Group BethAharonWomen

BA Tehilim & Refuaa Shelema BethAharonTehilim
BA Facebook Page

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Contact Us at for general inquiries and to join our email listing and the BANewsletter.

Get the BAN Newsletter Email us @ to get our weekly BANewsletter.

Birkat Hashana - Show your bond, support, and affection, your ḣiba, to Beth Aharon. Become a member this year and/or take part in our 5784 התשפ”ד Birkat haShana Campaign. Your participation in tefilot and events greatly enhances our Bet Keneset and b”H makes us greater. Currently enrolled in Birkat HaShana 5784:

  לֵוִי, סִיגַל-מוֹלִינַס, אֲבִּיכְּזֶר, אַהֲרֹן, אֶלְמַעלֶם מֹשֶׁה וּבָנָיו, בֶּן-זָקֵן, בֶּן-מוּסָא, בֶּרֶבִּי, זוּכֶּר, זִימֶט, מַהְגֵּרֶפְטֵה, מוּת, מְנַשֶּׁה, סְמֹאל, סַמְיוּאֵלְס, פָּגָּ'רֶס, קָנוֹוִיץ', רוֹנֵן
Contributions: Supporting Beth Aharon tefilot and programs is much needed & welcomed! Support and DONATE ONLINE Tizku leShanim Rabot veTovot.
Questions or Help? Email

Beth Aharon is Riverdale’s Sephardic orthodox congregation, located at the Riverdale Bayit (HIR) Bronx, NY, since its establishment on parashat Ḥaye Sara 5768/1998. We mark this year 25 years, in gematria  ḢIBA-חִיבָּה standing for love and affection. Beth Aharon tefilot follow the Sephardi-Yerushalmi nusa, based on the teachings of Rav Ovadia Yosef, z”l. Our community embraces Jewish worshipers of all ethnic communities (‘edot) and of any level of observance, and welcomes all individuals who are in search of the Jewish faith. We encourage our congregants to take an active-leading role in Tefila and Qriat haTorah.

Blessings & Thanks & More

Condolences to the families of the IDF soldiers and captives who lost their lives this week in the Gaza War.
Mazal Tov to Shira & Shlomo Walker on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Yamin Walker.  Happy Birthday to Rachel Berman, Avi Assaban, Bill Cohen, Kati Hogeg, and all this week’s girls and boys birthdays.

Upcoming Happenings  

Yom HaShoah 5784 will be marked on Sunday night and Monday day, May 5-6, Nisan 26.
Yom HaShoah Seder - Monday, May 6 @7:30 pm
If We Do Not Remember Who Will? Join us for our annual Yom HaShoah/Holocaust Memorial Seder, where young and old join with survivors and their families to re-tell the experiences of the Holocaust. Minḣa will be at 7:15pm and Maariv to be following the program.

 Yom HaZikaron 5784 will be marked on May 12-13, Sunday Night & Monday, 5 Iyar, followed by Yom HaAtsmaout celebrations on Monday night and Tuesday Day, 6 Iyar. 

 Community-Wide Yom HaZikaron Ceremony, Sunday night, May 12, Iyar 5, 8pm-9:30pm, at the SAR High School. Register at: YomHazikaron2024 

Community-Wide Teqes Maavar & Tefila Hagigit @ Israel’s 76. Monday May 13, Iyar 6, 7:45-9:15pm. Celebrating together the Miracle of Medinat Yisrael. At YIOZ of North Riverdale.

Yom Ha'Atzmaut Celebration at the Bayit - Bronx-Israel Independence Day Festival Tuesday, May 14, 6 Iyar, 4:45-7:00pm, with the Bronx Borough President Vanessa Gibson, celebrating Israel's 76th anniversary. Music with the Bronx Borough DJ, IDF soldier boot camp for children ages 3-11, and a BBQ!

Herzel Day, Yom Hertsel, is a day which commemorates the life and vision of Zionist leader Theodor Herzl

Sat night and Sunday, 11 Iyar, May 18-19.

 Lag BaOmer is on Motsash and Sunday, May 25-26, 18 Iyar, celebrating a late-night bonfire with the Shtible and Sunday day with Riverdale Chabad at Seaton Park.
 Celebrate Israel Day Parade Sunday, June 2, Iyar 25. March up Fifth Avenue in the annual Celebrate Israel Parade. Now, more than ever, we must unite to proudly and publicly express our love and support for Israel.
The HIR Annual Dinner will table place b”H on Sunday June 2nd, Iyar 25, honoring Am Yisrael.

Guests of Honor: Mia Diamond Padwa & Daniel Padwa

Magine Ha‘Am Honorees: Naama Elefant & Shai Bernstein, Tiferet Zussman & Josh Cohn, Paz & Assaf Diamant, Rivka Elitzur-Leiman & Yoni Leiman, Batya & Meir Keller

Yom Yerushalayim, Jerusalem Day, commemorates the reunification of Jerusalem in 1967. Is marked on 28 Iyar, Tuesday night and Wednesday, June 4-5.

BA Shavuot Luncheon on Shavuot Day 1 Wednesday - Sivan 6, June 12, 2024. Stay tuned for details.

 The Shabulletin - Your shabbat-table newsletter, on the parasha and beyond... 5784:32

Parasha & Times

abat Mevarim Paraṡat Aḣare Mot
4 May 2024 * 26 Ḣodeṡ Nisan 5784
 11 LaOmer * כ”ו ניסן

Today 211 Days BaGaza
Jerusalem - Candles 6:41pm; Havdala 8:01pm
Modiin - Candles 6:52pm; Havdala 8:02pm

Miami - Candles 7:35pm; Havdala 8:30pm
Manhattan - Candles 7:37pm; Havdala 8:41pm
Moscow - Candles 7:55pm; Havdala 9:25pm
London - Candles 8:10pm; Havdala 9:29pm
Paris - Candles 8:52pm; Havdala 10:06pm

Picture of the Week

Weekly Moment

“In Lumine Tuo Videbimus Lumen”

The Weekly Riddle

What does the quote above mean; in which language is it written; which University uses it as its motto; what is its source; is there a part to this quote? (Guess before you take a peek. The answer is on the next page).

In The Beginning

In many Jewish homes, a Shlissel ala or Key ala will be served this Shabbat.

 The Meiri (1249-1315) says that while on Rosh Hashana it is decided whether one will live or not, live in peace or suffer, G-d forbids. On Pesa we are judged about the grains. That means that these are the days in which it is decided how abundant our parnasa (livelihood... or dough :) will be this coming year.

After 40 years in the Midbar, the Sinai desert, Bene Yisrael continued to eat the Mann until the first Pesa in Erets Yisrael. They brought the Omer offering on the second day of Pesa and from that day on, they were no longer eating the Mann, but rather food that had grown in Erets Yisrael. Since this time of year is when they began to concern themselves over their sustenance rather than having it fall from the sky each morning.

There are many traditions that have developed to correspond with this idea. In Syria and Turkey the women would sprinkle grains around the corners of their home at the closing of Pesa, the Jews of North Africa celebrate the Mimouna on Motsae Pesa, and in Eastern Europe the Jewish women would bake alot in a shape of key and ven place a key in the ala. The key shape of Ḥala reminds us to still look upward and remember the Source of all sustenance, and daven that the gates of Parnasa should be opened up to us. (multiple sources)

Cyril Zooms In

“The scapegoat has always had the mysterious power of unleashing man's ferocious pleasure in torturing, corrupting, and befouling.” - Francois Mauriac

This week's parasha, Acharei Mot ("After [death]") has as its main theme the ritual of Yom Kippur when the Tabernacle and the two Temples were functioning. The particularity of this year is that this parasha falls just after Passover. Could there be a connection between Yom Kippur and Passover? Passover is the exit of the Jewish people from Egypt. It’s a joyful and family celebration. Yom Kippur is Egypt leaving the Jewish people. It’s an austere 25-hour fast that allows us to introspect on all our actions of the year that has just ended. Despite these differences, these two festivals are the two necessary stages for total individual and collective freedom. First, free yourself physically from the chains of slavery. Then, leave the slave mentality that strangles us a little more every day. This is why designating a scapegoat on Yom Kippur (in fact, two goats were selected) is an act of liberation to the extent that we extirpate our bad impulses, both individual and collective, from our beings. No violence was therefore necessary against any minority. What a difference from other nations scapegoating!

I wish you and your family a peaceful, relaxing and joyful Shabbat. Shabbat Shalom! C.B.

On the Parasha & Beyond…

Biblical Quiz - Aḥare Mot

Kids: From which tribe was king David? Youth: Was Jonathan a friend or the brother of David? Teens: What was David's father's name? Adults: What did David kill with his bare hands? Experts: How many wives did David have, and how many children?

Parasha: Aḥare Mot - Vayikra (Leviticus) 16:1-18:30

Historical Context: Bene Israel's 40-year journey continues. Location: Midbar Sinai. Creation Year: 2448. General calendar: 1446 bce or 1311 bce according to Seder Olam, entering the second year of the departure of Mitsrayim. Bene Yisrael camp in front of Har Sinai, received the Torah, built the Mishkan (sanctuary), are commanded of the qorbanot (sacrifices), kosher eats, purity and impurity, & other laws.

Parashort: Following the deaths of Nadav and Avihu, G-d warns against unauthorized entry "into the holy." Only one person, the Kohen Gadol ("high priest"), may, once a year, on Yom Kippur, enter the innermost chamber in the Sanctuary to offer the sacred ketoret to G-d.  Another feature of the Day of Atonement service is the casting of lots over two goats to determine which should be offered to G-d and which should be dispatched to carry off the

sins of Israel to the wilderness. The Parshah of Acharei also warns against bringing korbanot (animal or meal offerings) anywhere but in the Holy Temple, forbids the consumption of blood, and details the laws prohibiting incest and other deviant sexual relations.

Haftara: Aḥare Mot - Yeezqel (Ezekiel) Ashkenazim: 22:1-19; Sepharadim 22:1-16

Haftit: Hashem speaks to Yeḣezqel in a prophecy, asking him if he is willing to reprimand the Jewish people for committing the following sins. Adultery, idolatry & bloodshed. Yeḣezqel lists 24 sins the Jewish people will have to stop committing in order to avoid being exiled. Hashem said to Yeḣezqel that the the last unforgivable sin is of committing theft, because business is based on mutual honesty and when that trust is broken, the unraveling of society begins. There was nothing left to do for Hashem except to throw the Jews out of their homeland. While in exile they realized just how good they had it. After 70 years, Hashem brought the Yehudim back to Israel.

Connection to Parasha: The Parsha outlines the laws of forbidden relations, and in the Haftorah Hashem finds fault with Bnei Israel for these and other sins.

Speechless in the Parasha - Aḥare Mot

Our parasha describes the sending of the scapegoat. What are the two Hebrew words used for “scapegoat”?

Biblical Quiz: Answers - Aḥare Mot

Kids: Yehudah. Youth: Jonathan was the son of King Shaul and was David’s friend. Teens: Yishai. Adults: Lion. Experts: 18 wives; 19 kids.

 Rav Question - שאלת רב

Can we purify ourselves and if yes how can we do it? From the individual outward, to the society, the kelal, or from the society inward, to the individual, the perat, or both at once?

Time to Smile

On the Seder Night we all leaned on our Left hand, while raising the cup with our Right hand.

‘Am Yisrael Ḣazaq Ḣai VeQayam עם ישראל חזק חי וקיים

The Gaza War, the Eighth Day War, enters its 31st week. We strengthen the hands of Am Yisrael and Medinat Yisrael, of Israel’s army, its security forces, its citizens, and its residents, and remember the over 1500 perished Isarelis, civilians and defenders. We pray for the fast return of the remaining 133 kidnapped, the return of the nearly 200,000 displaced Israelies to their homes, for the full recovery in body and soul of over 12,000 injured, and for strength for the 230 widows and 532 orphans. With prayers for victory, safety, and lasting peace.

Riddle Solved

In Lumine Tuo Videbimus Lumen” is the Motto of Columbia University, NYC. In English it translates to ‘in Your light, we shall see the light.’ Herein, ‘Your light’ refers to the Divine guidance or the light of G-d, whereas ‘we shall see the light’ implies gaining wisdom or enlightenment owing to the said guidance. The eloquent expression holds profound significance, beautifully resonating with the idea of education being the light that guides us onto the path of wisdom and clarity. The sources is Tehilim: Psalm 36:9 - בְּאוֹרְךָ נִרְאֶה אוֹר.

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