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Diet Pills
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The psychiatrist said that with your food addiction, it would be impossible to diet with no pharmaceutical help. He handed you a prescription for diet pills, warning you about the drastic effects it can have on your body.

You agreed with him about the food addiction and accepted the potential changes, desperate to shed weight off your short three hundred pound body. Your first stop from the psychiatrist was the drug store, and the pharmacist cracked a smile when he saw your prescription.

“Gonna be seeing you a lot…” He chuckled, handing you a heavy bag that you didn’t have to pay for.

You were too excited to wait, and opened the bag right when you got home. The instructions said to grind all the pills up, mix them with protein powder, and drink the entire thing within an hour.

“I don’t have protein powder…” You mumbled aloud, annoyed that nobody had told you what you needed.

After a quick trip to the store you had everything necessary, and cooked up a disgusting concoction that made you gag upon smelling it. You held your nose and chugged, surprised at how sweet it was and easy to drink.

The cold liquid quickly slipped down your esophagus, and you felt it settle in your belly. Then suddenly a sucking sensation pulled your stomach inward, and you felt your hips cave in. You wanted to be excited about the sudden results, but you were more anxious about the drastic side effects of such an experimental drug.

Your hair grew down to your shoulder as the fat in your body redistributed, giving you a more stout posture with an androgynous build. Your pelvis rounded out as your skin softened, and you blushed as your legs curved toward each other.

Then energy built up in your chest and suddenly fat from all over your body crawled upward, pooling into your two breasts as they inflated. Meanwhile, the sucking sensation travelled down and dug deep between your hips, tugging at the internals of your manhood.

The shaft inverted first, leaving a pulsating head above two testicles. Then everything became a lot more sensitive, and you moaned loudly as your shaft separated and stretched into fallopian and uterine tubes. A slit formed between your balls, but the vacuum inside you kept everything from falling out. The skin curled in on itself, and suddenly your testicles shot up inside you, settling as they became ovaries and a uterus.

The energy in your chest moved up your neck as wet pussy lips pressed together in the drafty air, and your face shrunk as you realized that your clothes completely slid off! Before you can react though, an overwhelming need to move consumes you.

Jogging around the house made you jiggle too much, and so did any calisthenics. Leaving you to do push-ups and curls, not able to stop for hours as your body moved in unfamiliar ways. You only stopped working out when you were too tired to stand, and barely made it to your bed to pass out.

The next morning you woke up feeling exuberant, ready to do just about anything; and you hadn’t eaten since you drank that concoction! You jumped out of bed and winced when your feet hit the floor with a light thud, almost having forgotten about transforming into a woman.

You called the psychiatrist and asked him what the next step is, but he simply told you to re-up on your prescription. You knew better than to question a medical professional, and went to the pharmacy for some more diet pills. The pharmacist greeted you with a knowing smile, refusing to give you more than a single day’s dose.

“I have to check on your progress daily, I’m the only one stopping you from a lethal overdose.” He explained, handing you the heavy bag and wishing you a good day.

That was almost a week ago. You still randomly wake up in the morning thinking you’re a man, your dreams occasionally placing you back in your old body. Those mornings are always the most exciting, your toned body a pleasant sight compared to the pudgy mess you’re expecting.

Yesterday you realized going out in men’s clothing isn’t the most comfortable or appropriate in such a feminine body, so you went straight to the mall when you woke up to thoughtlessly shop for cute outfits.

You don’t know how your body’s gonna continue to change, so you bought clothes that could fit a plethora of figures. Most of them fit you now, but that’s just cuz after trying the stuff on you couldn’t help but bring it home!

Only once you get through the front door do you feel like your mission is complete, happily taking out the silky clothes and stashing them in your closet. You then suddenly remember that you hadn’t had your shake today, the pills just sitting in the kitchen counter.

Till now you’ve been wearing male tennis shorts and a tight tank top to work out, but after your trip to the mall you have all the support you need. No more intense jiggling in the front, and your tight pants should keep everything in place behind you!

You giggle at the idea of your booty bouncing as you get undressed, happily putting on a fitted sports bra and tight yoga pants. It takes a few seconds to place your plush breasts securely in the cups, and even when you do it’s less comfortable than you imagined.

Posing in the mirror is fun as you pull at your waistband, marveling at your body and contemplating what these pills will eventually turn you into. Your delicate fingers feel amazing on your soft skin, and your nipples tingle as you make sure your sports bra isn’t scrunched up behind you.

Maybe you’d somehow grown since trying it on, or been too excited in the fitting room; either way, you need a bigger bra. You can’t help but whimper with relief as you pull the bra up, desperate to free your restricted chest.

You didn’t realize just how much support they were getting, but your tits suddenly bouncing is better than anything you expected. It takes a minute to get your head back, and you change into one of the larger bras before going to the kitchen to make your diet smoothie.

Everyday the pill bottle feels larger, and even though you assume it’s your hands shrinking, you still have the faintest suspicion that the creepy pharmacist is upping your dose without saying…

The odd sound of the weirdly undense pills hitting the plastic sides of the bottle makes you bite your lip with desire, perhaps a sign that a craving for these pills is developing?

You ignore that thought, and open the bottle with an easy twist. You empty some of the pills into your hand, crushing them lightly before putting them in the protein mixer. You find it faster if you do this to all the pills instead of grinding them, though perhaps it just makes the experience even more tangible for you…

Your hands already begin to tingle as the pill dust works its way into your pores, and you lick your fingers as you pile delicious female protein powder into the mixer. You pour in some water and turn on the vibrating machine, letting your breasts rest atop it as it creates your only meal of the day.

You can’t get enough of the thick mixture, slurping it down within a few minutes as your body quickly reacts. But no longer does it tone your muscles, instead you feel yourself plump up and get bloated.

Your sports bra quickly gets tight enough to restrict your breathing again, but that doesn’t stop you from gulping down the delicious drink. After that a bit of pink fog clouds your thoughts, and you find it hard to remember why you’re focusing on your squeezed chest.

Almost done, your favorite part.

As you get to the bottom of the bottle you feel a surge of euphoria leak in from all corner of your body, meeting in the middle right above your soft tummy. It’s hard not to laugh and bounce in place, but you hold off till you finish.

Your sports bra is almost as useless as a tank top was, now that your boobs are too big for this one…

You don’t let that stop you though, and try running around the house before quickly giving up. Your chest bounces too much, even with a tight sports bra. So you try some push-ups, but your chest is far too big to do even one off the floor. You push off a step as your breasts hang off your chest, too exhilarated by the pills to be ashamed.

You take the same energy to your next workout, though it almost feels like you’re doing the opposite of a workout cuz you’ve been getting weaker everyday.

You started with twenty pound dumbbells, but just yesterday you were barely able to curl five. Now you have a fake feeling plastic weight, just heavy enough to let you exert your brimming energy.

Sweat begins to leak through your pores, and you feel a rush of arousal as your heart rate increases from the workout. A smile crawls across your lips as you think about all the things you can when this program’s done, and you could live your life as a thin man.

You’ll get into any club, ladies will fawn all over you, and guys will do whatever you say.

Wait, what??

Maybe you’ll become a model, hopefully for Playboy!

Shit! Why are you-

Hopefully these pills give you a nice big rack and booty to match, wouldn't want to lose too much weight. As a former cheerleader, you know what guys are after…

After a few more curls the euphoria building beneath your chest erupts, and your body convulses uncontrollably as every part of your body swells.

Your lips plump up as fat pours into your chest, and the back of your thighs separate as your bubble explodes. Wide hips spread even further as your back is forcibly arched, breasts growing big enough to almost rip your large sports bra. The fabric pinched your nipples and makes every jiggle orgasmic, giving your body incentive to bounce without remorse.

Sure there’s been times when you’ve given into an overwhelming desire to pleasure your new womanhood, but you never experienced such a loss of control. You try to adjust your bra, desperate to stop your body as it makes you hop on your knees.

All that does is turn you on even more, and you hold on for dear life as your shoulders recoil due to the immense weight rising and falling from your chest. You feel your folds press together as your bottom half plumps up, thighs filling out like balloons as your ass swells into your ankles. Your pants no longer leave anything to the imagination, a juicy camel toe pulsating into your far too stretched out bottoms.

Viscous juices and creamy cum leak through the now see-through material, and you feel a new wave of ecstasy wash over you. Your moans get stuck in your throat as you convulse euphorically, bra straps collapsing off your slender shoulders and allowing your boobs to bounce freely in the cool air.

You try not to squeal, your whimpering purrs caught behind the lump of bliss in your throat.

Your arousal builds up to the point of climax, but you just float in a limbo as your body circulates the same feelings through you. It’s not till your fingers join the mix that you leap over the fence, landing in a deep sensuous sea of orgasm. Your hips buck and follow your two fingers as they dig into your gushing womanhood, soon opening a little more space to let in a third.

You’re soon squealing delightfully, four fingers thrusting in and out of your wet pussy. You can’t fit anymore into the opening, but your fingers get slimmer at the end. You need something to fill you consistently, like a rod, or a pole, or…

O shit…

You don’t bother going to the pharmacy the next day, and get a call from your psychiatrist telling you he’s worried. You arrange an appointment that works into your hectic schedule, telling him you were too busy to pick up your dosage yesterday.

You arrive at the office fully intending to just jump the hunky doctor, your sex drive and craving for cock the only thoughts your mind is capable of.

You open the door and are pleasantly surprised to see the weird pharmacist as well, standing nude next to the psychiatrist.

Maybe that five o’clock meet up with Big Dick Chris needs to be pushed off… 😘