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GA Legislature and Guns 101
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GA Legislature  and Guns  from Rep Becky Evans

June 5, 2023, updated Sept 21, 2023

Georgia Legislature and Guns 101 - and other resources

In the GA House, there are 180 members - 79 Democrats and 101 Republicans.  Georgia is controlled by the GOP in the House, Senate and Governorship.  

Go to Georgia General Assembly to find out where committees and legislators are.  All bills have to be passed through one chamber, then the other, then signed by the Governor.  

A bill has to pass committee, then Rules, then the House, then go to a committee in the Senate, Rules, then the Senate floor.  All committees have a majority of Rs so they will always win the votes.  Bills rarely come to the floor that don’t pass.  We all count our votes.  

On the House side, gun bills are generally assigned to Public Safety and Homeland Security. You can click to see all of the gun safety bills that have been filed.  

If a bill were to pass this committee, it has to go to the Rules committee.  Our Speaker is Jon Burns.  The Majority Leader is Chuck Efstration.  The Majority Whip is James Burchett.  Majority Caucus Chairman is Bruce Williamson.  This is the party in power.  Study these members - see where they are from, and if you all have friends or family in their districts.  Elected officials respond to their own voters.  

This is a good article about seats in play:  The Jolt: Kemp deploys political machine for 2024 legislative battle  /If we want to target Rs that are in swing district areas, you can focus on these:Kemp’s initiative is designed to protect six state House Republicans: Scott Hilton of Peachtree Corners, Deborah Silcox of Sandy Springs, Matt Reeves of Duluth, Lauren Daniel of Locust Grove, Mike Cheokas of Americus and Gerald Greene of Cuthbert.

Email and call their offices to make an appointment.  When you talk with them, look for common ground first - how we are alike.  They have children, grandchildren, etc.  What we have in common.  Then describe the problem, and make your ask.  Listen to what they say and think of how to respond to their concerns or fears.  You probably won’t get anywhere but we never know until we try.  And they may well listen better to white women - they know they need at least some of our votes.  

The medical community is a huge ally.  That is how Rep Michelle Aue got her safe gun storage bill heard in the Public Safety committee - the doctors kept calling and emailing, and wouldn’t leave the chairman’s office.  Always treat with dignity and respect.  Always persistent.  Speaking of which, here is the committee meeting where her bill was heard - there were so many amazing speakers: Public Safety & Homeland Security Subcommittee 2-A 03.16.23

 ICYMI: Georgia Moms Demand Action Volunteers Testify in Support of Secure Storage Bill

Pediatric Safe Gun Storage (HD 161) Advocacy Toolkit

This is an amazing podcast on the background of the gun debate.  No Compromise : NPR  The NRA is outdone by Gun Owners of America.  

Excellent Organizational  Resources: 

Firearm Injury Prevention Symposium The Georgia American Academy of Pediatrics held their first Firearm Injury Prevention Symposium on Saturday, August 26.  HERE is the link - please watch if you can - the doctors are clear in defining our terrible problem and need for action.  There is a history of gun regulation and legislation, a panel discussion with gun owners, as well as how gun trauma affects kids.  


Moms Demand Action

Giffords Law Center

Brady Gun Center

New resources I learned about at meeting on May30 at Justin & Robyn Critz’s backyard -

Here for the Kids -

Be Smart for Kids

Georgia Moms for Change -

Neighbors for Action -

Excellent articles:

Georgia Mayor’s Letter

Georgia Pediatric ER Doctor’s letter

Former Gun Company Executive Explains Roots of America's Gun Violence Epidemic

Crossing Lines — A Change in the Leading Cause of Death among US Children | NEJM

What the data says about gun deaths in the U.S.- Pew Research

ICYMI - Recent Polling Shows Voters Demand Stronger Gun Laws | Giffords - Giffords

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