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Parent-Teacher Conferences: Instructions to Parents Nov 2021
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UNIS Parent-Teacher Conferences November 10th, 11th, and 12th, 2021


Dear UNIS parent,

On Thursday, November 4th, we will make available the ability to sign up for your children’s parent teacher conferences, scheduled for next week. Fall conferences will be held in all divisions.

Conference Dates

Sign-Up Period

Start / Open: Thursday, November 4th at 5:00 pm

End / Close: Monday, November 8th at 5:00 pm

Access to Conference Sign-Up

Sign-up is available only through the Veracross Portal (

Without access to Veracross, you will not be able to book conference times with your children’s teachers. Please check your login credentials before sign-up starts.

If you have not yet received notifications regarding your Veracross login credentials, or are having trouble logging in,, send an email message to to retrieve them

If you have received your credentials you must log in to Veracross to access the parent-teacher conferences signup

When you log on to your portal, you will be able to sign up for conference slots for each of your children. Instructions on booking conference times with your children’s teachers are available by following this step by step set of screenshots. Once you have logged into your Veracross account:

Click on the button labeled Parent-Teacher Conferences

This will take you to the Teacher Conferences page

Review the instructions listed at the top of the page (below the page title)

If you have more than one child attending UNIS, you will see a list with each of the students’ names Do not open separate tabs per child. Saving in one tab will reverse the bookings in the other tab. The list includes the number of teachers for each student and the number of scheduled conference appointments

Click on the View Teachers link to list of your child’s teachers whose classes are available for parent-teacher conferences

If you have only one child attending UNIS, clicking on the Parent-Teacher Conferences button from the portal’s home page will take you immediately to the teachers' list

From the teachers' list, select the time slot of your choice for each of the teachers with which you wish to meet

The drop-down box next to each teacher’s name will only list the available remaining conference time slots for that teacher

As you select conference times, a list of scheduled conferences will show on the right side of the page The scheduled times will be listed in chronological order

The list will include all your conference appointments regardless of the child whose teachers you are planning to meet

When you select a conference time, the drop-down button will change aspect: it will be surrounded by an orange border and a yellow background

Click the RESERVE TIMES button to save and confirm conferences not yet saved/booked

NOTE: Conferences are saved and booked only when you click the RESERVE TIMES button

Selecting conference times and not clicking on the RESERVE TIMES button will not block the time slots of your choice

Be mindful of time conflicts, or booking more than one appointment at the same time with different teachers:

The system will not prevent you from booking appointments at conflicting times Conflicting appointments are highlighted by surrounding the drop-down button with a red border and a light red background

When you have completed selecting conference time for the teachers of one child, you can click on the back to children link displayed on the upper left side of the page to then select another child
Do not open multiple tabs. Reserving on one will clear the other appointments already booked on another tab.

When you have completed the conference booking and saved your selected appointments for all your children’s teachers, you can review the completed schedule by clicking on the Download Schedule button to will generate a document that lists all your scheduled conferences

The information listed includes:

Your name, a list of your conferences by date, the time (from and to) of each

conference, the name of the student, the teacher you are scheduled to meet, to the room where the meeting will take place, and the classes taught by the teacher

While viewing the document online you can click the Print to PDF link generate a PDF file (which you can save, print, and send by email)

NOTE: We strongly encourage you to review the Download Schedule document to ensure you have indeed booked the conference times of your choice

NOTE: DO NOT OPEN MULTIPLE TABS to work on the schedule for multiple children. The system will clear the meetings not booked in that tab, and you may end up with a limited selection of conferences, and lose the time slots for conferences that you thought you had already booked.

For Zoom meetings, the PDF and the schedule page have live links that will take you to the appropriate meeting in Zoom.

Questions, Issues, Concerns, and Feedback

Send an email to 

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