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Profile Board Final Meeting Minutes 11-17-22.docx
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Profile School Board

Profile School

November 17, 2022


12/15/22 approval of minutes with corrections:”A question to Toni about tuition funds from the last meeting was answered. The current Surplus/Deficit Report shows the correct amount.”

I. Call to Order

Present: Tim Wennrich John Devlin, Tim Burger, Chair Kim Koprowski, Ruth Heintz Heinz, Alice Rocke, Kate Segal Superintendent, Kerry Bushway Principal, Erin Sweeney Clerk

Community: Paul Hayes, Caledonian Record

Student: Evie Burger

II. Announcements & Good News 

Profile just completed the Decennial Visit. Principal Bushway shared positive feedback from the NEASC visit: It went well! The committee said they loved meeting with students and expressed appreciation for teachers and paraprofessionals. Profile will not hear back from the committee until the spring.

Granite State Conference: Pierson Freligh (Boys’ Soccer), Lily Pospesil (Girls’

Soccer), Emery Young (X-C)

Sam Jacobs & Alvah John Devlinson attended the All NE Choral event at PSU.

    All State Girls’ Soccer: 1st Team Defense Lily Pospesil, 2nd Team Mid MacKenna Price,

     2nd Team Forward Evie Burger, JV Coach of the Year Ellie Bartlett

   Riley Plante & Kobe Toms competed in the Energy & Conservation Project

III. Approval of the Minutes

Spelling corrections were made to the October meeting minutes. Tim Wennrich moved to accept the public and private minutes. John Devlin seconded the motion. All approved.

IV. Public Input

Any citizen wishing to speak before the Board must sign in with the administrative assistant prior to the  opening of the meeting. The visitor will identify themselves with their name and address and speak for no  longer than five (5) minutes. See Board Policy BEDG.

Principal Bushway informed the board that we are looking for a student to be a non-voting member of the board, attending the meeting on a regular basis.

Evie Burge, a Profile Student Council representative reports that school spirit and climate are the main goals of the Student Council. They sold pom poms and pep sticks at Soccer games, hosted the Homecoming dance, and planned a Winter Sports pep rally. The Student Council is running Community Meetings, and created  holiday cards for the military.

Paul Hayes from the Caledonian Record asked about  the education tax decrease this year?  Principal Bushway answered that Profile had a surplus this year because the ESSR funds covered some of the budgeted expenses for the year. We did not use these funds for any construction projects. We used it for school safety, such as air filters, summer school programs to decrease learning gaps due to Covid.

Surplus deficit: $637,368 will be returned to taxpayers this year. Business Manager Toni Butterfield will contact Paul Hayes next week.  

V. New Business

A. Profile Jr/Sr High School enrollment of faculty and staff children

We have 2 students who are children of staff members who live outside of the district requesting approval to enroll at Profile, which will be discussed in non-public.

B. Chair Kim Koprowski gave an update of the para negotiations

John Devlin and Chair Kim Koprowski have been meeting with the Para Union. There are 5 different groups that are part of this group, and they are asking for different increases. Chair Kim Koprowski reported that the overall increase is not a tremendous amount. She will put some numbers together and see if they are happy with it. The step system has not acted as an incentive for staff who have returned year after year, so they want to remedy that. To be competitive with other schools, we need to increase their wages. Chair Kim Koprowski feels that they are not asking for a lot, just for their salaries to be fair.

C. Snow Plowing

We have received 2 bids: Presby Construction and Dirtworks, Inc.

Dirtworks was who we have used for the last two years. Principal Bushway reports that they have been responsive and she has been satisfied with their service. Tim Burger moved to accept the contract of Dirtworks, Inc. John Devlin seconded the motion. All approved.


VI. Continuing Business

A. Review of ESSER Grants Funds

Superintendent Segal reports that we have an allocation of  ESSER II funds, for  just under $183,000. The funds are used to narrow learning gaps due to Covid.. Some funds are also used for technology.  ESSER II funds are just under $400,000.

B. Review of Federal Grants Funds

Title 2A grants are for recruiting, training, and retaining high-quality teachers of which we have an allocation of $11,000.

Title 4A grant  is for improving student achievement of which we have been allocated $10,000. Ruth Heintz asked for clarification on the spending of the funds. Principal Bushway and Superintendent Segal: Grant requests need to make clear what activities will be done with them before we receive the money. Money cannot not be spent until grants are approved.

VII. Standing Reports

A. Principal Bushway gave her report which included a description of Profile’s Growth Mindset and reflections on Priority Areas that are addressed in the NEASC Report. Principal Bushway reported that the NEASC visiting committee chair said we did a great job preparing for their visit. The Profile NEASC Faculty Committee was extremely organized and had all the information ready for the Visiting Team, who completed their report by 7PM on Tuesday evening which is rare. The students who interacted with the NEASC committee reported that it was “fun!” One Visiting Committee member told Principal Bushway, “We love your school,” and another asked if we had any job openings. The staff should be commended for their work on meeting our goals. We will receive their official recommendations in May. Principal Bushway shared the student video with the board. It was the result of months of hard work and learning.

Tim Wennrich extended the board’s appreciation to Principal Bushway and to the staff for all the hard work on meeting the NEASC standards.

Discussed briefly the NEASC Vision of a Graduate program (Profile named our program Profile of a Graduate) Profile staff has put a lot of work into the program, and are happy with it. It is one of the 6 Foundational elements of NEASC.


Alice Rocke asked when the Winter Concert is scheduled this year. January 12, 2023


B. Superintendent Segal presented the  2023 Schedule of District Budget Hearings/Annual Meetings, the 2023 Deadline for Petitions of Special Warrant Articles and a draft of the 2023-2024 SAU 35 School Calendar - Draft

C. Business Manager

1. Surplus/Deficit Report

Superintendent Segal handed out the Profile School District Surplus/Deficit Statement. Principal Bushway explained that not everything that has been budgeted for has been encumbered at this time.

Ruth Heintz questioned why the revenue from tuition students is only $406.00. Superintendent Segal said that she will look into that with Business Manager Toni Butterfield.

VIII. Committee Reports

 A. Executive Board

Superintendent Segal reported that the Eboard voted on a 4% salary increase for SAU employees. They also discussed the funding for related services, focused on Speech and Psychology but no decisions were made as to whether they should be SAU or district employees.

 B. Facilities

Paul Lehman has been great filling in as the Facilities Director. He prepared the building for the NEASC visit and regulated the heat in the building. After Thanksgiving, we will plan the transition for the new Facilities Director. The facilities budget is done.

Superintendent Segal wants to thank Principal Bushway for managing the transition to a new Facility Director, while preparing for the NEASC visit.
The board asked what happened with the propane that caused the school to be canceled on 10/31. Principal Bushway explained that the propane was intentionally shut off. Nancy Ward and Mary Crowe in the kitchen did not know how to turn on the propane. The pumps went off in the boiler room and the pilot lights were out in the kitchen. Paul Lehman found that we had a 75% full tank and then discovered that it had been shut off. Principal Bushway believes that It won’t happen again because we now have a camera on the propane shut-off, and the kitchen staff now knows how to turn it on and off.

As an unintentional benefit of canceling school: many high school students and Profile staff attended the elementary schools' Halloween Parades. Because school was canceled that day, Profile 9th-grade students could start setting up the Scary Walk at noon.  The Scary Walk was a big hit with over 200 kids participating.

 C. Policy Handbook

 1. BBBF – Student Board Members - First Reading

BBBF: Tim Burger. asked if we think it is a good idea to have the same student at the meeting each time. What criteria will be used to choose this student? Principal Bushway: We can draft this as a school and bring it to the policy committee. We will personalize it to Profile.

Tim Wennrich. moved to adopt the first reading. Alice seconded. All in favor.

 2. EBB – School Safety Program – Revised  

 3. EBBD – Indoor Air Quality - Revised

 4. EBCD – Emergency Closings – Revised  

 5. EHAB – Data Coverage and Security – Revised  

 6. EHB – Data/Records Retention and Destruction – Revised

Principal Bushway reports that the revised policies are being updated because of new laws. Tim Wennrich moved to accept all revised policies. Tim Burger seconded. All in favor.

Alice Rocke asked about a Travel Policy for upcoming trips by the World Language Department. Principal Bushway said she will be working on one soon, using a NH School Boards Policy as a model.

IX. School Staffing Notifications & Approvals

1. Winter Sports Nominations

Tim Wennrich moved to approve the slate of Winter Sports nominations, including softball. Ruth Heintz seconded the motion. All approved.

X. Non Public Session as per RSA 91A:3, I, II  

XI. Return to Public Session:

A motion was made by Ruth Heintz, and seconded by Tim Burger to approve the enrollment of the two faculty members' children to Profile. All approved.

Tim Wennrich moved to accept the nomination of John Wissocki as the  new facilities director. John Devlin seconded. All approved.

Tim Wennrich moved to reject a request to tuition a non-resident student. Ruth Heintz seconded. All approved.

A motion to adjourn was made by Tim Weinrich and seconded by Alice Rocke.  Meeting adjourned at 7:35.

Next Board meeting: December 15, 2022