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English translation: "ASL - Back to Basics: US Constitution - 22nd - 27th Amendments."
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Today I will be doing the “Back to Basics” series, talking about the 22nd - 27th Amendments to the Constitution.  

The 22nd Amendment established term limits for the President.  The President can serve two four year terms, for a total of eight years.  Now, we need term limits for Congress.  Some people have been in Congress for 40 or 50 years.  Those people abuse their authority to get rich.  People in Congress should be there to serve, not to get rich.  

The 23rd Amendment allows Washington DC to pick its own electors for Presidential elections.  

The 24th Amendment says that citizens cannot have their voting rights taken away, just because of not paying their taxes.  

The 25th Amendment says that, if a President does not serve four full years as a result of the President dying or being impeached and removed, the Vice President becomes President.  If that President is later gone, the Speaker of the House becomes the President.  This is set up in the 25th Amendment.  

The 26th Amendment says that citizens age 18 and up are eligible to vote.  Democrats don’t like this.  They want to allow people age 16 and up to vote.  They know that people’s brains are not fully developed at age 16.  Democrats plan to indoctrinate 16- and 17-year-olds, so that they will support and vote for Democrats.  

For the 27th Amendment, do you know how Congress alternates all year between being in session and recess?  If Congress votes to increase their pay, that increase cannot happen when they are in session.  It has to increase during their recess.  

These are the 27 Amendments.  Remember that the first ten amendments are the Bill of Rights.  I hope you enjoyed the Back to Basics series.