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Pleasant Surprises and New Beginnings
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[Whoever said life was boring has obviously never experienced it in its entirety. It’s hard, it’s messy, it’s heartbreaking... And it’s unpredictable. Things happen that we aren’t prepared for. I’ve heard it said that ‘It’s not what happens in life, it’s how you respond to it that matters’. It’s true for most people and in most situations. And in that one instance, life is predictable. You can almost guarantee a response regardless of the person or situation. Whether the response is appropriate or not depends on the person and/or situation. One such occurrence happened recently where the response was actually very appropriate... Let’s go with a flashback to get everyone caught up. Are you ready for this? You are? Oh good! Sit back and relax because here we go!]

After answering his front door following being woken up out of a restless sleep in the early morning hours, all Chance Owens could do is shake his head, with a slight smirk.

Chance: “We are really going to need to work on your ability to sleep at night, so that on the rare nights that I sleep, you won’t wake me up coming from 4 states away.”

Normally much more polite, Kelsai Adamson tries to push her way through the front door. Chance immediately knows that something is not quite right.

Chance: “Alright, now you have me a little worried, what’s up?”

Kelsai: “I need to talk to you alright? This couldn’t wait….because if it did, I might lose my nerve.”

Chance leads Kelsai out to the front porch.

Chance: “My brother is sleeping, you know that. What is going on Kelsai?”

Kelsai: “Can we sit down on the bench?”

Chance offers up a seat on the bench before taking one alongside Kelsai himself.

Chance: “Ok partner, spill it.”

Kelsai: “Well it’s just that condo, you, three houses from yours that you were telling me about. See, you are my partner Chance, and I couldn’t just have anyone buy that. Someone might be trying to do something awful to you, and I couldn’t have that. So…I bought the condo.”

Chance: “You bought a condo in Denver? You live in New Orleans.”

Kelsai: “I’m moving to Denver.”

Chance: “What? Why?”

There were a lot of things that Kelsai could say to explain why at this point, but leaning over and passionately kissing Chance on the lips for the first time, the first time she had ever kissed a man other than Victor pretty much said it all.

[That kiss really had said it all. He could only look at her for a few seconds before he smiled and gave her a soft kiss in return. He’d then settled her in his lap and put his arms around her.]

Chance: One thing you need to be aware of before anything else... Please don’t play Santana around me.

[Kelsai looked up at him in concern when he said that.]

Kelsai: Why?

[He could have phrased it in any manner of ways, but he decided to be upfront about it.]

Chance: His music does something to me... It gets me very, very aroused.

[Kelsai didn’t need any translation. The meaning was very clear and her eyes widened.]

Kelsai: Oh my goodness. So that day when I played “Smooth” here on your front step...

Chance: I would have done something incredibly reckless and sent you running away as fast as possible if you hadn’t left when you did.

[He tucked his hand under her chin and lifted it so he could see her face even more clearly.]

Chance: It worked out for both of us when you left because you wouldn’t be here now if you hadn’t.

[Kelsai’s smile made her eyes shine like freshly polished gems left out in the sun.]

Kelsai: Well then I’m glad I left. I can’t think of anyone else I’d rather be with.

Chance: You read my mind, sweetheart.

[The endearment made her smile again before putting her head on his shoulder and sitting with him on the bench outside his front door.]

Things have gone rather smoothly since then and Chance couldn’t be happier. He’s actually whistling as he starts the coffeepot like he does every morning. Leo comes downstairs grumbling under his breath about loud-mouthed kids and stops when he hears Chance whistling in the kitchen. “What’s got you so damn happy this early in the morning?”

Chance turns to look at his younger brother in concern. “What’s got you so grumpy today?”

The look Leo gives him only deepens his concern. “Damn kids were screaming under my window again.”

“You’ve never been grouchy about them before... What changed?”

Leo hears the concern in Chance’s voice and feels something shift inside. “I asked them to stop screaming because I was trying to sleep... They got louder and I had to yell at them to make them stop.” He’s never had to yell at the kids before.

“Wow, that’s different.”

“Yeah, tell me about it.” Leo grumbles again as he sits at the table in the dining room. “I don’t know if I have the energy to make breakfast today.”

Chance responds by taking out the frying pan. “Then I’ll do the cooking.”

“Thanks, Chance.”

“Any time, little brother. That’s what I’m here for.” Chance sees Leo’s faint smile and his heart goes out to him. Leo works evenings at a restaurant within walking distance of their townhouse and he’s still having trouble adjusting to it. The sound of kids literally right outside the other door has him heading that way with a grim expression on his face. “They’re not usually this unruly...”

Leo shifts just enough so he can see the coffeepot. “So what’s changed?”

“I’m going to see if I can find out.” He’s caught off guard by a burst of noise as something repeatedly slams against the door and is followed by screams and laughter. The grim look on his face turns into a scowl as he unlocks the door and yanks it open. “What the hell are you kids doing out here!?”

Five boys between the ages of seven and twelve are standing outside, one of them holding a soccer ball in his hands. The shortest one is a kid Chance recognizes as being from the townhouse directly on their left when you look at the row of townhouses from the sidewalk. He’s the one who answers him. “We’re just playing, sir.”

“Playing. After my brother had to yell at you to stop screaming while you were directly under his bedroom window. Do your parents know about that?”

One of the taller boys is one he doesn’t recognize and he has a bit of an attitude. “Why should our parents know about us having fun?”

Chance moves out onto the concrete step and crosses his arms. “Our ideas of ‘having fun’ are very different, young man. My brother works evenings as a cook at one of the nearby restaurants and he’s usually awake until 1 or 2 AM because he needs to eat and shower after he gets home. You standing under his window and screaming at 7 AM doesn’t help him get enough sleep because you’re keeping him awake!”

The boy with the attitude also happens to be holding the soccer ball he repeatedly ricocheted off the door right before Chance opened it. “He should have his window closed, then.”

“This is Denver. We’re so high above sea level the sun is a lot hotter here than it would be in, say, Phoenix. And we can’t afford air conditioning right now!”

A woman he doesn’t recognize comes up to the boy with the soccer ball and gives him a look Chance has seen many times before. “Are you causing trouble, Deonte?”

Deonte immediately changes his attitude and posture. “No, Mom.”

Chance snorts loudly and Deonte’s mother looks at him. “He most certainly is! He and the other boys with him woke my brother up after maybe five hours of sleep, and when my brother asked them to stop screaming, they got louder instead of stopping. My brother had to yell at them to make them stop.” He fixes Deonte with a hard gaze. “Leo has never had to yell at the children here until today.”

Deonte’s mother looks at the other boys. “Is that true?”

The boy Chance recognized swallows at the look Deonte gives him but stands his ground. “It is. Deonte also bounced his soccer ball repeatedly off the door before it opened.”

Deonte’s mother snatches the soccer ball out of her son’s hands. “You go home right this instant, young man! You are grounded!”

Naturally, Deonte protests. “Aw, Mom! It’s summer time!”

“NOW!” Her loud voice spooks them all and they scatter, Deonte heading home. She turns back to Chance and sighs softly. “I’m sorry, Mr...”

Chance shakes his head at the kids’ behavior. “I’m Chance Owens, but you can call me Chance.”

“Chance? As in Andrew and Amanda Owens?”

“They’re my parents.” Then he recognizes her. “Oh my gosh, Mrs. Tremayne...”

Leandra Tremayne used to work with Amanda. “I’m sorry Deonte woke Leo up.”

“You really need to have a talk with him about respecting other people, Mrs. Tremayne, he told me Leo should have his window closed.”

Leandra’s lips press into a thin line. “I most certainly will be having a talk with him! And don’t worry about the soccer ball. He won’t be getting it back. His father and I have told him repeatedly not to throw it at other people’s houses.”

“He needs to know his actions have consequences and that’s a good place to start.”

Leandra suddenly grins and holds out the soccer ball. “Why don’t you take it? It’s your door he bounced it off of.”

Chance laughs as he takes the soccer ball she’s offering him. “A rather fitting punishment if you ask me! I think Mom would like it if she got a call from you.”

Leandra picks up on the hidden message. “It has been a while since I spoke to her... Today sounds like a good day to call her. You have a good day, Chance.”

“You too, Mrs. Tremayne.” He watches her go before going back inside and closing the door.

Leo hasn’t moved from his spot at the table. “Who were you talking to?”

“Mom’s friend Mrs. Tremayne.” Chance puts the soccer ball in a box and throws the deadbolt. “Her son Deonte seems to be getting out of control.”

“Oh damn.”

“That’s one way of putting it.” Chance goes into the kitchen and washes his hands before taking down two coffee cups. “How do you want your coffee today, little brother?” The lack of a response makes him turn toward the dining room. “Leo?”

Leo has his head down on the table and he’s fast asleep!

Chance smiles fondly. “Breakfast can wait, then.”

Jericho comes into the dining room and moves Leo into a fireman’s carry. “I’ll put him back in bed.”

“Thanks, Jericho.” Chance isn’t expecting Jericho to come back downstairs, so he pours himself a cup of coffee and sits where Leo had been sitting until just recently.

Jericho takes him by surprise when he goes into the kitchen and opens the fridge door. “You’re hungry now, so I’ll fuel you up. You can feed Leo when he comes downstairs again.”

“You don’t have to... But thank you.”

The older man’s smile makes him look ten years younger. “You’re like family to us, and family always looks out for family.”

Chance smiles in return and sits there savoring his coffee while Jericho works his magic in the kitchen. His mind invariably goes back to the day Kelsai told him she bought the vacant townhouse three doors down. Her impulsive actions made him throw away his ‘three strikes rule’ and he doesn’t regret it. He can’t help smiling at the memory of her kissing him.

Jericho looks over and sees Chance smiling. “What’s got you smiling, mon ami?”

Chance puts down his coffee cup before answering. “The three strikes rule no longer exists.”

Jericho’s no dummy, he knows what that means. “So Kelsai made you throw it away, huh?”

“She did.”

“And how did she do that, hm?”

Chance thinks for a moment so he can put things in the proper order. “She bought a vacant townhouse three doors down from me and Leo... She came here to tell me that in person...” He’s totally unaware of the goofy smile that comes across his face. “She kissed me when I asked her why she was moving to Denver.”

“Say again?”

There’s a surprised look on Jericho’s face. “She kissed me, Jericho.”

“That’s what I thought you said. Where’d she move here from?”

“She’s actually from your neck of the woods.”

Jericho stands there absolutely flabbergasted. “She’s from New Orleans!?”

“Yes sir.”

“That changes things a little.”

“I’ll try not to let her see it, just in case.”

“Good man.” They’re talking about Chance’s ability to see things as they happen. Just because Kelsai is from New Orleans it doesn’t mean she believes in magic.

“Thanks.” Chance finds himself wondering how Kelsai is settling in when Jericho puts a plate in front of him.

“Eat. You can check on her later.”

“All right.”

“Thank you.” Jericho watches from the kitchen as Chance methodically makes his way through the food on his plate. He just knows Chance is thinking about Kelsai despite the lack of expression on the younger man’s face. Only when Chance brings the empty plate into the kitchen does he know what’s going to come next. “Get your boots and windbreaker on.”

Chance knows better than to argue and goes to do exactly that, grabbing his phone off his desk in the process. His wallet and keys are in the windbreaker and he puts it on after he puts his boots on. “Where are we going first?”

“I want you to wait for me outside and record your promo on your phone while I get someone here to watch over Leo. And when you’re done your promo, we’ll check in with Kelsai.”

“Yes, sir.” Chance unlocks the door and steps outside, closing it behind him. He’s immediately grateful for Jericho telling him to put on his windbreaker because there’s a strong wind in Denver today. His first thought is to sit on the bench by the door. Once he’s comfortable, he takes out his phone and sets the camera to record. Once he sees the red square, he starts talking. “Katie and Gigi Steward. I’ve been studying your archives since you came back at Taking Hold of the Flame. I must say I’m impressed. Your records speak for themselves. Though I’m not fond of you ganging up on Adam Brock. Ah well, if he has a problem with it, he’ll let you know. He’s good like that.”

He pauses for a moment while he thinks. “On to the matter at hand. The two of you are facing me and my partner Kelsai Adamson this week on Breakdown.” His lips twitch and his face contorts into a sneer. “I don’t care what you two accomplished the last time you were here. What matters is the here and now, and I don’t think you have what it takes any more. You couldn’t eliminate The One, you couldn’t eliminate Adam and you were both eliminated by The One! How embarrassing for you! When I said your records spoke for themselves, I wasn’t kidding. Katie Steward. The first woman to ever be the SCW World Champion. Her sister Gigi. The first woman to ride her sibling’s coattails and manage to do absolutely NOTHING on her own! Aren’t you tired of her following you around and sharing your spotlight without doing anything to earn it, Katie? Come on now. Surely it irks you at least a little knowing Gigi’s just going to tag along and bask in your hard-earned glory. I know I’d be irritated if my brother Leo did that to me.”

He stops to take a few calming breaths. “At least you only have to deal with Gigi being a lazy bum, Katie... It looks like Madison decided to do the smart thing and stay home.” He shivers a little because of the wind. “Katie, you do impress me. Gigi, not so much. Gigi’s going to have to actually pull her weight and do her share on Breakdown, otherwise you’re going to wind up with egg on your faces again. And this time it’ll be at the hands of a couple of young upstarts just itching to make a name for themselves at anyone else’s expense! Kelsai and I will be more than happy to start with the two of you! It’s going to take a lot for Gigi to impress me.”

Another shiver makes him think he should have grabbed a jacket instead of his windbreaker. “Gigi, do us all a favor and pull your weight on Thursday... It won’t end well for you if you don’t.” He shivers more violently and bites back a few choice epithets. Winds like this never bode well. “This Thursday, we’ll find out who the better team is... And I have a feeling it’s not going to be you. Katie, Gigi, if the two of you want to get anywhere, you have to go through me and Kelsai.” His trembling thumb taps the stop button and he stands up before shuddering violently from head to toe. “Goddammit!” He abruptly goes back inside and gently closes the door before digging out a jacket that’s a little heavier than the windbreaker he’s currently wearing.

Jericho raises an eyebrow. “What’s the problem, Chance?”

Chance shivers violently as he moves his keys, wallet and phone to the jacket he dug out before removing the windbreaker without taking his shirt off in the process. “There’s a damn omen wind blowing!”

Jericho stares at him for a long moment. “An... omen wind?”

Chance hangs up the windbreaker and shudders before putting the jacket on. “A strong steady wind that gets colder and colder until it feels like the wind is blowing across your soul. Something horrible always happens after one of these winds blow through and I’ve taken to calling them omen winds.”

“We’ve had winds like that blow through New Orleans before. I thought I was the only one who called them omen winds.”

“I wish these winds would have avoided us. Mom was almost one of the victims of the last one.”

Jericho shudders even though he’s been inside the whole time. “We’d better get you to Kelsai’s. Michael’s upstairs with Leo.”

Chance takes his phone out of his jacket pocket and uploads what little of a promo he was able to record before he had to come back inside. Once that’s done, he signs out of the SCW website and tucks his phone away again. “Ready when you are, I just uploaded what I was able to record while I was outside.”

“Let’s go. The sooner you get there, the better.”

“Gotcha.” Chance opens the door again and waits for Jericho to get outside before following him and closing and locking the door. Kelsai is only three doors away but that short trip feels like it takes forever. The wind is progressively getting colder and colder and he can hear parents calling for their children to come home and stay inside. Kelsai’s presence is immediately noticeable with brightly colored curtains in the kitchen window. Chance sees Jericho stay on the sidewalk as he makes the short trip up to Kelsai’s door and knocks on it loudly enough to be heard over the wind and any music that might be playing, then he stuffs his hands in his pockets and waits patiently for her to open the door.

[An ill wind never bodes well for anyone. We’ll end things here for now and hopefully he and Kelsai can do a little brainstorming to figure out a strategy to use against the Steward sisters.]