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McDowell Connect Agreement
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McDowell Connect Agreement

Student’s Name: _____________________________________________

By signing below, you accept the following:

1. I have read, understand, and will adhere to all information outlined in the McDowell Connect Standards and policies as stated in the MCS Student Code of Conduct.

2. I acknowledge that I am responsible for regularly logging into my online course and completing all assignments. Additional time may be necessary to complete coursework in the evenings and/or weekends.

3. I understand that falling behind in my coursework will require me to attend tutor sessions at least three (3) days per week until I am caught up in my classes.

4. I recognize that I am responsible for procuring the necessary computer equipment and software for NCVPS/MC courses/MCS virtual programs when working from home. I also understand that I may incur additional expenses for equipment or software required for my MC courses, such as a graphing calculator, headset with microphone, or software.

5. I pledge to complete all coursework independently. Enlisting another individual to complete assignments for courses I am enrolled in constitutes cheating and is a direct violation of the student code of conduct.

6. I commit to contacting my assigned NCVPS/MCS Distance Learning Advisor (DLA) via email or phone if I have any questions or require assistance, including login issues or academic challenges.

7. I agree to attend scheduled tutoring sessions if instructional support is needed.

8. As determined by the Distance Learning Advisor, I will participate in all required EOGs, EOCs, and/or CTE Post Assessment/Credentials in person at the designated school location. I understand that I am obligated to take ALL State Tests or CTE credentials associated with my courses.

9. I understand that failure to log into a course within the first 10 days of class will result in being dropped from the course.

10. I acknowledge that all grades earned through MC, including "F’s," will be recorded on my transcript and factored into my GPA. This encompasses failing to drop a class before the official drop date (refer to for official drop dates), failing to complete all coursework by the final day of class, and/or failing to take any required EOC’s or CTE Post Assessments/Credentials.

11. I understand that McDowell Connect and/or McDowell County Schools reserve the right to terminate my enrollment should I fail to comply with all academic standards and policies.

Parent/Guardian’s Signature_______________________________ Date____________

Student’s Signature______________________________________ Date____________

Parent/Guardian’s Email Address__________________________ Contact Number___________

Student’s Email Address_________________________________ Contact Number___________