Tumwater Middle School
Student Handbook
Assistant Principal
Table of Contents
Welcome ……..……………………………………..3 Contact Information…………………….……..3 School Hours………………………..……………..3 | Safety and Security……………………….5 Closed Campus Emergency Preparedness |
General Policies and Procedures……….3 Visitors Student Drop Off/Pick Up Food & Drink Back-to-School Video | Technology…………………………………...6 Chromebooks Technology Use Technology Expectations |
Beginning the School Day………………………….3 Bus Transportation Personal Transportation During the School Day……………………………….4 | Attendance…………………………………..6 Policy Notification Absences Sign In/Sign Out Planned Absences |
School Meals…………………………………….4 Breakfast Lunch Special Menus | Registrar and Counseling……………..7 Counseling Confidentiality Statement Procedure for Changing a Class |
Academics………………………………………..4 School Schedule Learning Management Systems Late Work Retakes & Revisions Absences | Student Support Services…………..8 Health Room Illness Room Injury at School Medications at School Restorative Justice |
Student Life……………………………………..5 Cell Phones Personal Property Classroom Behavior | Behavior Expectations………………..9 Personal Space School and Personal Property Dress Code Serious Offenses Student Rights |
Para obtener una versión en español de este documento, haga clic en este enlace: (LINK)
This handbook is subject to change based on updated information from the Tumwater School District.
Tumwater Middle School Firewolves has a long tradition of retaining excellent teaching staff who are here to support teaching and learning of all students. On behalf of the Tumwater Middle School staff, we are excited to welcome you to TMS and want you to have a wonderful experience here. For two years running now, our school has been recognized in the Silver and Bronze categories of Best of South Sound. We are honored to be recognized and know that along with our collective staff at TMS, we share this award with our students and supportive families!
Our student population continues to grow. Safety and security are a top priority for us, so you will find that upon entering the office we will assist you by confirming your reason for your visit prior to allowing entrance. This is just a way for us to ensure safety on our campus for all.
Along the lines of safety, please also help us by reinforcing with your student our “no hood” rule upon entering the building so that we can more easily identify students for safety reasons. Other ways to ensure your student is prepared, please remind your student to bring their charged chromebook, in its case, to school each day along with only school essential items. The following handbook details the most important information needed to support a successful year at Tumwater Middle School. We thank you for the support and partnership and look forward to continuing our work together to ensure a safe and successful learning environment for all students.
The TMS Staff
Contact Information
Tumwater Middle School
6335 Littlerock Rd SW
Tumwater, WA 98512
Main Office: 360-709-7500
Fax: 360-709-7502
Attendance Line: 360-709-7520
Cathy McNamara, Principal: cathy.mcnamara@tumwater.k12.wa.us
David Parascand, Asst. Principal: david.parascand@tumwater.k12.wa.us
TSD Safety Tip Line: 360-709-7998
Website: https://www.tumwater.k12.wa.us/Domain/11
Skyward Family Access: http://eaplus.tumwater.wa-k12.net/
School Hours
General Policies and Procedures
The main office is closed to visitors. If needing assistance, please enter the front foyer and check in at the window, where our office staff will be happy to assist you.
Student Drop Off/Pick Up
To drop off or pick up students, please enter the school from the entrance south of the school, closest to the roundabout near Walmart. Staying to the right, follow the traffic flow and stay to the right as you enter the parking lot. Use the drop-off/pick-up lane in front of the building. Pull up to the curb, drop off/pick up your student, then immediately pull out into the left lane to leave the premises. Please do not stop for extended periods of time in the drop-off/pick-up area, as it affects traffic flow.
Food & Drink
Food and drinks should only be consumed in designated areas and at designated times as directed by your teacher. Water fountains/fill stations are available in Pods. Students should bring a full water bottle from home. Sinks will be available to refill personal water bottles in some classrooms.
Beginning the School Day
Bus Transportation
Bus Route Information: (LINK)
To ensure a safe ride for all, students are expected to follow expectations while in addition to specific safety directions a driver may provide. At this time, all students will be expected to:
Personal Transportation
Students who do not ride a school bus should arrive at school no earlier than 7:35am and should be picked up before 3pm. Our parking lot can become congested at the start and end of school, so please use caution when dropping off and picking up your student. Instruct your student to use crosswalks and stay alert as they enter the school grounds.
During the School Day
After entering the building, students can obtain breakfast in the cafeteria. Students will need to clean their area prior to leaving for class.
Our Cafeteria & Commons have been configured to ensure the maximum amount of spacing possible for students. Students will proceed to their seat for lunch. Students must remain seated until they are finished eating, have cleaned their area and are dismissed for an outside break. The library may be available at times for students during the second half of lunch break. Each grade will have their own lunch time.
Special Menus - Please notify the kitchen staff of any dietary restrictions or allergies.
Learning Management Systems
All teachers utilize a Learning Management System (LMS) such as Google Classroom, SeeSaw, etc. Teachers will train students in the use of their chosen LMS.
Late Work
Students are expected to complete all assignments. Some late work may be accepted, according to classroom, school, and/or District policy.
Retakes & Revisions
Assessments such as tests, essays, and projects may be retaken or revised according to classroom, school, and/or District policy.
If an absence is excused, the student will be permitted to make up all missed assignments, outside of class under reasonable conditions and time limits established by the appropriate teacher. In participation-type classes, a student’s grade may be affected because of the student’s inability to make up the activities conducted during a class period.
Student Life
Cell Phones & Personal Technology
Cell phone use during class time detracts from student learning. Cell phones, earbuds, headphones, smartwatches hes, etc are to be off and put away in backpack during school hours (8-2:30) with the exception of students' lunch period. Students are not allowed to text other students who are in class, take videos of other students without their permission, or use their technology to harass others. Personal electronics such as iPads, gaming devices, and laptops are not permitted at school. Please support us in helping students use their technology in a responsible manner. If an emergency arises during the school day, students can ask permission from their teacher, or the office/counseling staff for help. We are happy to assist a student in the event they need to contact a parent during the school day and ask that students request to do this in the office or counseling center. If a student is not feeling well, they need to go to the Wellness Center where we can assist in notifying a parent/guardian.
If a student demonstrates irresponsible behavior or refuses to put their personal technology away, the following consequences may apply:
Personal Property
Students are to assume responsibility for loss or damage to personal property. The school is not responsible for the replacement or repair of personal items. Each student is encouraged to write their name on all personal belongings. Students should not lend personal items to other students.
Classroom Behavior
Students must comply with all classroom behavioral and safety expectations. If a student becomes disruptive to the classroom environment, the teacher may refer the student for additional support.
Safety and Security
Closed Campus
TMS is a closed campus. Students may only leave campus before dismissal when signed out by a parent, guardian, or emergency contact in Skyward. Before school starts and once a student arrives on campus they are not able to leave, without permission, and then return.
Emergency Preparedness
An emergency plan for TMS will be reviewed with students. Drills are scheduled throughout the school year to familiarize students with procedures and expectations. In the event of an emergency, parents will be notified of the specific procedures to be followed in assuring the safety and security of all students. It is important that parents/guardians update Skyward with any/all medical, address, phone number, and emergency contact changes and/or additions.
TMS students are issued a Chromebook which is checked out through our library system. Students and families will receive guidelines for technology use at the time of check-out. Students are responsible for following TMS and District technology guidelines regarding the use and maintenance of their device.
Technology Use
Inappropriate or unethical use of school technology and student Chromebooks may result in corrective action, including possible loss of technology privileges. Students are responsible for their school computer accounts and any use or access to their accounts by others. Students are reminded that staff members have the ability and authority to monitor their accounts and electronic activity. Information transmitted from, to, or on the District’s computers and/or Chromebooks is NOT confidential.
Technology Expectations
Washington State’s attendance law, known as the Becca Bill, requires all children between the ages of 8 and 18 to attend school.
Please review the following links for policy legal information:
If your student is absent, please email tms.attendance@tumwater.k12.wa.us or call our Attendance Line at 360-709-7520. Be sure to include your name, your student’s name, the date of the absence, and the reason for the absence. Parents/guardians must contact the school within 48 hours upon their student’s return to school to excuse unplanned absences.
Sign In/Sign Out
Students must be signed out by a parent/guardian when leaving early. Only approved persons (parent, guardian, emergency contacts in Skyward) may sign out students. Parents and/or guardians wishing to sign out a student will enter the front foyer and check in at the window with front office staff. Those requesting to sign out a student may be asked to provide proof of identification.
Planned Absences
For a planned absence, please notify Attendance at 360-709-7520 or tms.attendance@tumwater.k12.wa.us and connect with teachers for any work that will be missed.
Registrar and Counseling
Contact the Registrar, Sally Riddle, at 360-709-7503 or sally.riddle@tumwater.k12.wa.us about student withdrawals or updates to family information such as phone numbers, email address, change of address, and additions or deletions to emergency contacts. Parents are also able to update demographic information in Skyward Family Access.
Counseling - Counselor Request Link
The TMS school counseling program provides all students support for academic growth, career planning, and personal/social development. School counselors utilize multiple formats to provide support, outreach, prevention/intervention services, and guidance curriculum (Naviance) to students. Families and students are encouraged to contact the counseling center to address any areas of academic or personal/social concern.
Confidentiality Statement
Information shared with a school counselor is confidential. The student’s right to privacy is guarded as much as permitted by law, ethics, and district policies. School counselors are obligated to break confidentiality when there is potential harm to the student or others, concern of neglect or abuse, or when a court of law requires testimony or student records. School counselors often consult with other school professionals, but only share information necessary to achieve the goals of the consultation.
Procedure for Changing a Class
If students or parents feel the need for a class change, the following process will occur:
The Tumwater School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age and provides equal access to the Boys Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Title IX Coordinator, Wendy Bromley, 360-709-7020, Address: 621 Linwood Ave SW, Tumwater, WA 98512. Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator, Shawn Batstone, 360-709-7030, shawn.batstone@tumwater.k12.wa.us. Address: 621 Linwood Ave SW, Tumwater, WA 98512. Section 504 Coordinator, Andra Kelley-Batstone, 360-709-7030, 621 Linwood Ave SW, Tumwater, WA 98512, andra.kelleybatstone@tumwater.k12.wa.us.
Student Support Services
The Counselors, Health Room Assistant, Nurse, and School Psychologist are core members of the TMS team that work collaboratively with staff, families, and community organizations to deliver support so that all students have the opportunity to be successful in school and beyond.
Health Room
The Health Room is located in the Main Office and is attended by a Health Assistant during school hours. The School Registered Nurse is available on site or by phone at all times during the school day. The Health Room is currently only available for student injuries and medication disbursement.
Illness Room
Students displaying COVID-19 symptoms, will be will be supervised by trained staff, until a parent or guardian arrives to take them home.
If sent home with potential COVID-19 symptoms, students must follow all until approved to return to school in accordance with Department of Health and CDC guidelines.
Injury at School
If an injury occurs after a student arrives at school, they are to report the injury to a staff member who will notify the Health Assistant, then send the student to the Health Room.
Medications at School
If your child needs to take medication during school hours, a medication authorization form for each medication must be completed by a licensed healthcare provider, parent, and school nurse before any medication may be administered to the student. No medications, cold remedies, etc. are provided by the school or administered without a completed medication authorization on file with the Health Room.
Student Support Process
The best teaching and learning occur in an environment where students are on task and engaged. To help ensure that every student has the opportunity to succeed at TMS, students can expect teachers and staff to:
During the first days of school, time is devoted to discussing and ensuring an understanding of behavioral expectations and school rules, including new health safety protocols. Students should review and discuss school behavioral expectations with their parents/guardians. The involvement of parents/guardians is a crucial factor in the implementation and success of a building-wide Student Support process.
Tumwater Middle School utilizes the Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) approach to teaching behavioral expectations to students. The goal of PBIS is to improve the school climate by establishing an environment that is safe, consistent, positive, and conducive to learning. No student has the right to interfere with the education of others.
Restorative Practices
Our goal is to keep students learning in the classroom and allow teachers to continue teaching. Teachers will try a number of strategies before a Student Support Team Member (SSTM) is called to the classroom for assistance. When this occurs, the SSTM will lead the student in a restorative conversation. The restorative questions that will be asked are as follows:
The purpose of these questions is to help the student reflect on their actions and take accountability for their choices. Students who violate rules and expectations will need to “restore” the relationship that has been damaged. When this step in the process is reached, the parents/guardians will be contacted by the SSTM, and a follow-up report on the student’s behavior will be provided.
Behavior Expectations
Personal Space
School and Personal Property
Dress Code
It is expected that students wear clothing that is appropriate for school and school-sponsored activities. It is recommended that students wear comfortable shoes and dress in layers as windows/doors may be open to allow for proper ventilation.
The primary responsibility for ensuring appropriate school dress rests with the parents/guardians. With this in mind, the student and parent/guardian may determine the student’s dress provided they are consistent with the following:
If a student’s appearance is considered disruptive or inappropriate by staff, a private conversation will occur with the student requesting that they change into clothing that complies with school expectations.
Serious Offenses
Students may be referred to Administration for offenses including, but not limited to:
These offenses constitute misconduct and may result in suspension and/or expulsion from school. They are prohibited at any time: on, in, or adjacent to school premises; in transit to and from school; and at school-sponsored events. They may also constitute a violation of federal, state, or local laws.
Student Rights
All matters relating to student discipline and/or suspension are governed by the rules and regulations contained in the Students Rights and Responsibilities handbook, published by the Tumwater School District. Additional copies of these handbooks are available upon request. As a matter of practice, no individual student’s rights may negatively impact the rights of another student, the student body as a whole, staff, or the safe and effective operation of the educational environment.
Tumwater School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, disability, or the use of a trained guide dog or service animal and provides equal access designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination:
Civil Rights Coordinator/Title IX Officer: Assistant Superintendent Shawn Batstone
621 Linwood Ave SW, Tumwater, WA 98512
Section 504 Coordinator: Director Chris Halladay
621 Linwood Ave SW, Tumwater, WA 98512