Mount Pleasant High School
Student Handbook
July 1, 2024
The administrative team would like to welcome you back to school for the 2024-2025 school year. We are excited to have the opportunity to work with each of you and look forward to a successful school year.
We would like to challenge each of you to put forth your best effort both in the classroom and in your extra-curricular activities. It will be through your hard work and overall commitment that you will achieve the ultimate high school experience.
We wish you all the best and are here to support you in one of the best times of your life.
Lacee Jacobs - Principal
Sara Lamb - Assistant Principal (A-K)
Chase Tinnel - Assistant Principal (L-Z)
For a variety of reasons ranging from inclement weather to legislative requirements, the school calendar is subject to change. We encourage you to periodically review the school calendar online at This is the surest way to get the most up-to-date school calendar information.
Important school events will be announced daily. The official source for all school and county information is the CCS website. Please check the county website for official school closures or delays. CCS Facebook, Twitter/X, Parent Square, the school sign, and the MPHS website are also excellent sources of school information. Our website address is listed on the front cover of this handbook, and there is also a link to our site from the Cabarrus County Schools homepage listed here.
Cabarrus County policy states that more than eight (8) absences in a high school grades (9-12) course during each semester is considered excessive and students will not receive credit for the course. Please see the Cabarrus County Parent Handbook for the list of absences which are approved as excused. Note: Family vacations are not excused absences nor are they considered educational opportunities.
When an absence occurs, students must provide a note from a parent/guardian, doctor, court of law, etc., documenting the reason for the absence. A parent note may not be sufficient documentation to excuse an absence. Note: An absence may also occur in a course when there is a total of four of any of the following: tardies. For example: 4 tardies = 1 absence. Notes are also required for late check in and check outs.
Students who have more than eight (8) absences are in jeopardy of losing credit in that course. If the student has fourteen (14) or more absences a county-wide committee will hear attendance appeals. Only in extreme circumstances will the committee grant credit. Once the county committee has decided the school may not go against or reverse that decision. Students must provide documentation for “excused” absences (doctor, lawyer, court, etc.)
Make-Up Work - Students are given the opportunity to make up work for all absences, even those due to suspensions. With exceptions made for unusual circumstances, students are expected to complete make-up work within an appropriate time frame according to the classroom teacher’s rules and expectations.
Skipping class/improper check-in/improper check-out - Skipping/cutting class is defined as: (1) a willful absence from school without the prior knowledge of your parents AND without proper notice to the school, (2) an absence from a class without permission, (3) leaving class without permission, (4), not returning to class promptly as instructed by school personnel (5), and being in an undesignated area of the school. The first incident of truancy will result in an administrative assigned consequence. Any further class truancy may result in additional days of in-school suspension. Parents will be informed of attendance and they will be contacted as attendance issues arise.
Steps to follow when absent from school:
1. When possible, notify your teachers in advance of any planned absences.
2. Upon return to school, bring the original note from a parent/guardian, doctor, court of law, etc. The note should list your name, dates of absence(s), specific reason for absences and his/her signature. Copies of notes will not be accepted. Present the note to the school attendance clerk upon your return to school. All notes must be submitted within TWO days of an absence.
3. Ask all teachers for make-up assignments.
Student drop-off and pick-up is in the front driveway. Students should never be dropped off in the teacher or student parking lots. Please Note: The front drive is a one-way in and one-way out route. Please pull all the way forward and do not stop in front of the school. This will allow for a faster and more orderly drop-off.
Students are required to provide written documentation of requests to leave school at any time. All written documentation will be followed by a confirmation phone call to the parent. In case of emergencies, parents may call and request early dismissal, however, written documentation must follow.
Leaving school without properly signing out in the front office will result in disciplinary consequences. Students are not permitted to leave campus for lunch, online courses, etc.
All absences will be considered unexcused according to CCS guidelines. Only extreme situations are waived by the county.
Whenever possible, make doctor and dental appointments after school hours. There will be no student checkouts after 1:45 P.M.
Please notify the office regarding prearranged absences (family trips, college visitation etc.). All dismissal requests must be verified by a call from a parent/guardian.
MPHS will continue to use the “sweep” tardy system for tardy management for the 2024-2025 school year. Students who are tardy to class will be required to go to the front office before they are allowed in class. Teachers, on planning that period, will “sweep” the students to the front office where each tardy to class will be documented. Students will then be sent to their classroom with a pass to be admitted to class. Chronic violators of the MPHS tardy policy will receive additional consequences from an administrator.
1. The administrators are available for consultation and assistance. To ensure that your concern receives the time and attention it deserves, an appointment is recommended.
2. Parents, please avoid sending messages to students during the school day. This includes cell phone calls and text messages. We want our students to be focused on instruction and minimize all distractions. We are not able to deliver messages from employers and friends, or other nonessential info/items. Students are called out of class for emergencies only.
3. Announcements concerning school activities are made once a day. The announcements are also posted on the school website.
4. At the end of the instructional day, all students are expected to exit the building unless they are working
with a faculty/staff member or attending a school function.
5. CCS School Board Policy prohibits students from selling items on school property unless the sale is part of a school fundraiser.
6. All State and Federal laws apply on School property.
7. All students must sign an Acceptable Use Policy letter to use the internet at school and are required to use CCS issued ChromeBooks, students are not permitted to bring personal devices from home or use personal hotspots.
8. Supervision of students on school days is provided between the hours of 7:00 AM and 2:25 PM.
At Mount Pleasant High School we believe that (1) good behavior is essential to learning; (2) each student has a right to be free from distractions caused by the inappropriate behavior of others; and (3) the school must teach responsible behavior. We expect students to conduct themselves in a manner that allows them the opportunity to acquire the fullest education possible. Students should avoid any behavior that is disruptive to the order of the school day. Students should be WHERE they are supposed to be, WHEN they are supposed to be there, doing WHAT they are supposed to be doing. Always respecting oneself and others.
In addition:
1. Students will show respect toward all school personnel.
2. Students will follow any reasonable direction given by a school employee.
3. Students will not participate in, record, encourage, or instigate fights on campus or at any school function regardless of its location. Participants in fights will be suspended from school and may be subject to arrest. Special note on fighting: Law enforcement will be informed of and will investigate every fight that occurs on the MPHS campus, or at any school function, regardless of location. Criminal charges may be filed. Any student who records and or shares videos of fights will have disciplinary consequences.
4. Students will not use or display profane/vulgar/gang-related language or symbols.
5. Students will not abuse or misuse school property.
6. Students will not threaten, coerce or intimidate, either a single person or in groups, any fellow student or school employee.
7. A student shall not possess, handle, or transmit an object that reasonably can be considered a weapon on school grounds or on school transportation at any time (including in vehicles).
8. Excessive and disruptive noise or behavior in the halls, cafeteria, etc., is not permitted.
9. Students will, always, be at their assigned location, on time, and with all necessary materials.
10. No student will possess, use, sell or be under the influence of any drugs or alcohol at school, at any school function, or on any school transportation. This includes all vaping devices.
11. No one, including students, parents/guardians, or employees, shall possess or use tobacco products/paraphernalia, to include vaping, on Cabarrus County School Board property or at any school sponsored activity regardless of location.
12. The inappropriate display of affection is prohibited (including kissing).
13. Cheating on schoolwork may result in a disciplinary consequence at the discretion of the teacher and administrator. This includes the use of AI supportive technology.
14. All outside food and drink must be consumed prior to entering the building. Students are not permitted to leave campus for lunch. Food from restaurants may not be brought in OR delivered. Food is not allowed in classrooms.
15. Students are not allowed in unassigned classrooms or unauthorized areas unless requested by a teacher and that teacher is supervising students.
16. NCVPS/RCCC students and students who flex are to remain in the assigned area when on campus. Online students are expected to remain on campus (in the YES center) unless they have no other classes on campus. Students with an online class during 1st or 4th block may choose to work off campus, with parent permission.
Bullying and/or harassing of others is strictly prohibited. There are 3 types of bullying: physical, emotional, and relational. Bullying is classified by a repeated pattern of behaviors and may include, but is not limited to verbal taunts, name-calling, implied or stated threats, and exclusion from peer groups. Bullying can occur in person, or through apps, social networking sites, texting, blogging, and the internet. Students who feel bullied, harassed or intimidated at school by an adult or another student should report the concern to a teacher, administrator, or other staff member at school. Bullying and Harassment Reporting Forms are available on the CCS website, The MPHS school website, in student services, and the main office.
Students who violate this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion.
Cell Phone/ Electronic Device Expectations
*NEW CCS Policy (2024)
Students are permitted wireless devices on school property as long as such devices are not activated, used, displayed, or visible during the instructional day or as otherwise directed. Electronic devices include but are not limited to, cellular phones, electronic tablets, electronic watches, laptops, iPads, and similar cellular/wifi/bluetooth-enabled devices of any type not owned by Cabarrus County Schools.
A. Use of Personal Communication Devices
The use of cellular phones or electronic/media devices by students during instructional time is disruptive to the educational environment, not conducive to productive learning experiences, and often the source of disciplinary intervention.
Therefore, any use of a device during instructional time is prohibited. Students are required to power off and securely store their cell phones away from their person.
Cabarrus County Schools has provided computers for every student to use individually. Students are expected to use the CCS-provided device for all educational activities. Administrators may authorize individual students to use personal electronic devices for communicating during a crisis.
Cabarrus County Schools has established clear guidelines regarding students’ use of devices while on school campuses.
High School: Students are not allowed to utilize electronic devices during instructional time. Students may use electronic devices during non-instructional times which may include arrival/dismissal, breakfast/lunch, and class change. During instructional time, students are required to power off and securely store their electronic devices away from their person.
For this policy, instructional time/school sponsored events includes anytime a staff member is providing instruction or instruction-related, administrative, medical, or health-related activities, including, but not limited to: classrooms; libraries; auditoriums; gymnasiums and inside and outside physical education areas; performing arts areas, locker rooms; school administrative offices, nurses’ or other medical or psychological provider’s office or assigned room within the period of the school day. At MPHS, we will consider this any timeframe within our bell schedule where students are assigned a class. Lunches and transitions are not considered instructional time.
During instructional time or school sponsored events, students will be required to put electronic devices away from their person when instructed by school personnel. Students are prohibited from using their device to take unauthorized photographs or record video or audio of other students or staff members while at school or school sponsored events.
Though generally use is permitted during non-instructional hours, the use of electronic devices may be prohibited on school buses if it interferes with the safe operation of the buses. A student’s use of an electronic device to access the internet at school subjects the student’s internet activity and email communications to monitoring by school personnel as stated in Policy 3225/4312/7320 Technology Responsible Use and Policy 4342 Student Searches.
B. Consequences for Unauthorized Use
School employees may immediately confiscate any electronic device that is on, used, displayed, or visible in violation of this policy. Absent compelling and unusual circumstances, confiscated electronic devices will be returned only to the student's parent or guardian.
Smart watches and similar devices should be used primarily for their intended functions. However, the use of these devices for other purposes that lead to classroom distractions are subject to school-based consequences and confiscation.
Leaving the classroom during instructional time to an electronic device in another setting including but not limited to hallways bathrooms, stairwells, is subject to school-based consequences and confiscation.
Use of an electronic device for any action that is disruptive to the educational process, including but not limited to cyberbullying, any form of harassment, threats against persons or property, and/or display of nudity, lewd or other sexually inappropriate images will be subject to school based consequences, up to and including suspension, confiscation of device, and/or legal action.
The disciplinary consequences for violations of this policy shall be consistent with Section D of Policy 4300, Student Behavior Policies.
C. Search of Electronic Devices
In accordance with Policy 4342, Student Searches, a student’s electronic device and its contents, including, but not limited to, text messages and digital photos, may be searched whenever a school administrator has reason to believe the search will provide evidence that the student has violated or is violating a law, board policy, the Student Code of Conduct, or a school rule. The scope of such searches must be reasonably related to the objectives of the search and not excessively intrusive in light of the nature of the suspected infraction.
D. Liability
Students are personally and solely responsible for the security of their electronic devices. The school system is not responsible for the theft, loss or damage of any personal electronic device. Legal References: G.S. 115C-36, -390.2
*If students need to call home, they may use the main office phone. Parents/guardians may call students using the main school number or call/text them during class change.
Students may use cell phones and headphones (“One In - One Out”) in the hallway during class change and in the cafeteria during their assigned lunch.
Anyone who originates, adds to, or forwards any correspondence through the use of: social networking sites, instant messengers of any kind, texting or any other electronic or social media that is in any way considered to be threatening, of graphic sexual nature, or in any way violates school rules or policies will be subject to disciplinary action including suspension and referral to the Alternative School. This is true regardless of the hour of the day or whether the correspondence was created on or off campus. Length of the suspension depends on the disruption to the learning environment caused by the video or social media site.
A student shall not possess, handle, or transmit a gun, chain(s), knife, razor, ice pick, stun gun, explosive, loaded cane, machete, pistol, rifle, shotgun, air-rifle, air-soft gun, or any other object that can reasonably be considered a weapon. These items may not be possessed on Cabarrus County School Board Property or at any school function regardless of its location. IT IS A CRIME TO POSSESS A WEAPON ON SCHOOL GROUNDS. Law enforcement will be contacted.
State law mandates that for a student to maintain a driver's permit/license he/she must make adequate progress in school. Specifically, a student, under the age of 18, must pass three 75% of enrolled classes per semester in order to apply for and keep a driver's permit/license. Also, students who drop out of school will lose their permit/license until they turn 18 years old. School administrators will notify the Department of Motor Vehicles of students who have not met these requirements.
The Spirit Rock may be used to display messages that are in good taste (birthday announcements, congratulations, etc.) Messages or signs that are vulgar, offensive, potentially disruptive, political in nature, gang-related or are displayed on any surface other than the rock itself, are prohibited, and students will receive appropriate consequences. Access to the rock is on a first come first served basis and no guarantees are made that messages will not be painted over at any time.
In conjunction with the Cabarrus County School Board, the MPHS administration and staff believe that “the dress and personal appearance of students greatly affect their academic performance and their interaction with other students.” The MPHS dress code is implemented to promote the health and safety of all students as well as to ensure a positive, professional educational environment. Please use the following guidelines when selecting clothing to wear to school with the understanding that MPHS enforces the CCS defined dress code.
Cabarrus County Board of Education specifies that each student must come to school appropriately dressed in clothing that is not disruptive to the educational process and does not endanger the health and safety of others. (See Policy 4316 Student Dress Code).
The principal has the authority to determine when a student has violated the school dress code and assign consequences consistent with the Student Code of Conduct.
• violates a reasonable dress code adopted and publicized by the school;
• is substantially disruptive;
• is provocative or obscene;
• depicts or promotes gang affiliation;
• endangers the health or safety of the student or others, or prevents easy identification of the student.
Each school will adopt a dress code in compliance with Policy 4316 that includes but is not limited to the following expectations:
• Skirts and shorts: Mid-thigh length or longer
• Shirts and blouses that cover the student’s midriff
• Straps at least the width of the student’s ID card (two inches or greater)
• Pants that are fitted at the waist
• Shoes, tennis shoes, sneakers or sandals
Students may not wear:
• Tank tops (with straps less than 2”), muscle or mesh shirts
• See-through or excessively baggy, short, tight, or revealing clothes (i.e. plunging necklines or exposed cleavage)
• Exposed undergarments
• Clothing advocating drug, alcohol, vaping or tobacco use
• Clothing advocating products or services illegal to minors (i.e. weapons, drugs, etc.)
• Clothing with inappropriate or suggestive language or symbols (i.e. profanity, pornography)
• Clothing that could discriminate or be perceived to discriminate against particular groups
• Clothing with holes or slashes above mid-thigh
• Bedroom slippers
• Excessively long or oversized shirts, coats or jackets
• Sunglasses, hats, hoods, caps, stocking caps, toboggans, bandanas, skull caps or any other headgear in school
• Any apparel and accessories including jewelry, emblems, tattoos or body markings, that depict gang affiliation
• Excessive face and/or body painting
• Chains, spikes or other accessories that could be perceived as or used as a weapon
Principals may use their discretion in implementing the dress code, including making reasonable accommodations on the basis of students’ religious beliefs or medical conditions.
If a student is asked to alter his or her dress due to an infraction, complies, and later reverts back to the infraction within the same instructional day, he or she will face a more severe disciplinary consequence.
Students who fail to comply with our dress code will be offered alternative clothing when available or remain in the control room until a proper change of clothing is provided.
Protect yourself by being cautious with your property. The faculty and staff of MPHS are not responsible for lost or stolen items. Here are some suggestions: 1) Identify all your personal articles in a manner that cannot be erased, 2) Do not bring large sums of money or other valuables to school, 3) Request a locker and keep it locked at all times, 4) Do not leave clothing, purses, etc. lying around on desks, cafeteria tables, the floor etc. 5) We encourage you to leave electronic devices at home as they are frequently targeted by thieves. It is a student’s responsibility to adequately secure personal property at all times.
The administration has the right to search a student, a student's locker, his/her belongings, or vehicle if it is deemed there is reasonable suspicion that a school rule has been violated or for health and safety concerns. Students driving onto campus are responsible for the vehicle they brought to campus and the items inside the vehicle, regardless of ownership of the vehicle. Trained law enforcement K-9 units periodically conduct random searches for controlled substances. Illegal substances and/or stolen property will be confiscated, and law enforcement will be contacted. Students in unauthorized areas of campus will automatically be subject to search.
METAL DETECTORS- (See Policy 9222 Use of Security Equipment)
Metal detectors shall be used, as needed, to protect the safety of students, staff and visitors to school facilities. The superintendent or principal shall determine the appropriate times and places for the use of metal detectors. Metal detectors are part of the required district Safety Checks that happen periodically.
The administration, faculty, and staff are concerned that each individual student experiences academic success and learns responsibility for his/her behavior. We firmly believe that parents and students also share this concern with us.
The staff of MPHS wants to ensure that our students receive the rigorous education they deserve, along with having a safe environment. The following guidelines are set to accomplish this goal. Administrators may assign Lunch Detention, After School Detention, Saturday School, In-School-Suspension, or Out-of-School Suspension. The administration reserves the right to assign different consequences when deemed necessary. Repeated and/or flagrant violations may result in a referral to alternative placement.
THE CONTROL ROOM (In-School Suspension – ISS)
The decision to assign a student to the Control Room/ISS is at the sole discretion of the MPHS administration. The Control Room/ISS is held in the ISS room from 7:15 AM until 2:15 PM. Students in ISS will be counted present for the day and will be required to complete all assignments as directed. Students who are disruptive in ISS could be suspended from school for at least one day. Cell phones and electronic devices are turned over to ISS Coordinator upon arrival.
An out-of-school-suspension can be short term (1-10 days.) Students may be referred for alternative placement for the remainder of the semester if behaviors are severe enough or there is a repeated pattern. The decision to assign a particular type and duration of OSS is determined by, but is not limited to, the following factors: school or district policy, severity of the offense, a student’s discipline record, level of danger to fellow students, etc. Law enforcement officials may also be contacted. Students may neither be on school property during the suspension period, nor may they participate in or be a spectator at any school related activity during the suspension or while at an alternative placement. Examples of school related events include, but are not limited to athletic contests, band, or choral concerts, dramatic productions, school dances, drivers’ education etc.
If a student is suspended (either ISS or OSS) at any point during their 11th grade (Junior) year, he/she is not eligible to be a graduation junior marshal. Suspension, regardless of the year, can result in students being ineligible for some clubs and/or Honor Societies at the discretion of the club advisor.
Students who are suspended may make up their academic work. The decision to suspend a student from school is at the sole discretion of the MPHS administration.
PASS PROGRAM DESCRIPTION- Positive Alternative to Student Suspension (Long-term)
PASS is an intervention program assigned in lieu of long-term suspension or assignment to an alternative program. PASS is an education program focused on decision making for middle and high school students who have engaged in identified high-risk behaviors in violation of the Student Code of Conduct.
• Students are referred to PASS on the first offense for sexting or drug/alcohol use possession on campus.
• Students who come to campus or other school related events under the influence of substances may be referred to PASS on a second offense.
• Other behaviors addressed through PASS may include but are not limited to
· use or possession of vapes;
· mutual sexual contact;
· misuse of school technology;
· cyberbullying;
· possession/sharing pornographic images; or
· sexting
PASS is not a counseling or treatment program.
I. General Statement of Policy
Students who participate in the extracurricular activities offered at their schools enjoy a privilege, and many of them are called upon to represent their schools in local, state, and national arenas. Accordingly, students may be held to a higher standard of eligibility for participation in extracurricular activities than what is required for participation in the regular instructional program. It is the policy of the Cabarrus County Board of Education that students who commit prohibited acts, as defined in Section II, below, may have suspended their privilege of participation in extracurricular activities offered by their schools. This policy shall govern each student at all times that he or she is enrolled in the Cabarrus County Schools. It shall also apply equally to conduct taking place outside of school- related activities, and not on property owned or leased by the Board as to conduct or taking place during school-related activities and on property owned or leased by the Board.
II. Prohibited Acts
A student may be suspended pursuant to this Policy for the following:
A. Conduct that constitutes a felony under state or federal law or any crime involving moral turpitude, including the illegal possession, sale, or use of drugs or alcohol.
B. Conduct that constitutes a violation of Board policy and/or school rules.
All persons, other than assigned chaperones, desiring to attend the annual Junior/Senior Prom must be at least in the 9th grade and under 21 years of age. Students owing fees or who have earned a long term suspension during the current school year may not attend prom.
For your safety, video cameras have been installed in the school buildings and in parking lots on campus.
Be advised:
1. School administrators and law enforcement officials monitor both the cameras and the recordings.
2. Video recordings are used to investigate violations of school rules and the law.
3. Video recordings may become part of a student’s educational record.
Driving to school and parking on school property are privileges. All student vehicles parked on school property must be registered with the school office. A valid student parking pass must be displayed on the vehicle. Students are to enter and exit the student lot via the lower driveway – not by way of the bus lot. During school hours, no students are permitted to park in any of the following areas without the permission of the school administration: the bus lot, the faculty parking lot next to the main gym, the shop areas, the faculty parking lot at the front of the main building, any other area that has been designated off-limits to students, the side of any road on campus, or on a non-paved area. Students parking at the field house must not obstruct the stadium access lane or any bus.
Parking permits may be revoked at any time at the discretion of MPHS administration due to the following violations:
The parking/driving suspension will be for an amount of time deemed appropriate by the school administration up to and including the remainder of the semester or year. Students are to exit their cars upon arrival (no loitering in cars) and exit campus upon dismissal from school. Students are not permitted to go to their cars or be in the parking lot without permission from a school official, this includes eating lunch in cars or retrieving forgotten items. All vehicles parked on school property are subject to search by the school administration, the student is responsible for any items in the vehicle they drive to school, regardless of legal ownership. Parking fees will be forfeited in all revocation of parking privileges. The administration reserves the right to change student-parking regulations as the need arises.
Parking Lot Expectations
In order to park on campus, a student must purchase a parking pass.
• Students must park in designated student parking areas with parking pass
• Parking pass must be visible/affixed to vehicle.
Parking Pass Violation Consequences
1st Offense $35 ticket ($30 cost of parking pass plus $5 parking violation fee)
2nd Offense $5 parking violation fee
3rd Offense $5 parking violation fee
4th Offense Loss of school privileges for 1 month (parking, dances, events, etc)
5th Offense Loss of school privileges for rest of semester
6th Offense Loss of school privileges for rest of year
No refunds will be given if a student purchases a parking pass and has it revoked during the school year. Students are responsible for towing expenses.
Riding the school bus is a privilege and not a right. You will lose your privilege to ride a school bus if you frequently violate school bus rules. The decision to remove your bus riding privilege is made by the MPHS administration. Your bus driver is performing a service by providing you with transportation to and from school. You depend on the driver for your safety, so you should follow his/her directions and refrain from any distracting behavior. Your life may depend on it. Be Safe, Respectful, and Responsible at all times
1. Wait at your assigned stop and only get on and off of your assigned bus. Students may not ride home with friends or other buses they are not assigned to.
2. Stay seated in your assigned seat facing forward at all times.
3. Keep all body parts and objects to yourself and inside the bus at all times.
4. Foods and drinks are prohibited. You must keep the bus clean and do not damage the bus in any way.
5. Smoking, vaping, using profane language, gambling, threatening other students and horseplay of any kind are not permitted. You must also use appropriate noise levels and be respectful with your words and actions.
6. Buses will load immediately after school and depart campus promptly following the bell to end fourth period. Any student who is not on the bus at the time the school buses begin to depart will not be permitted to board any bus. Students who miss the bus will be responsible for finding transportation.
7. Follow the bus driver’s directions the first time they are given. This includes the use of electronic devices.
8. Failure to follow bus rules can result in suspension from the bus and/or school.
9. Note: All buses are equipped with audio and video surveillance.
Per CCS, all students are required to earn 27 credits to graduate (22 in some pre-approved cases). Transfer students will work with their counselor to determine graduation requirements based on their existing transcript. Students attempting to earn credits outside of Cabarrus County Schools must have prior approval from the Principal and the Assistant Superintendent of High Schools. “Future Ready Core” curriculum requirements are intended to prepare a student with the skills to be successful in college or the workforce. This standard mandate is that a student must successfully complete the following state required courses: English: 4 credits. Mathematics: 4 credits. Note Math I successfully completed in 8th grade will fulfill the Math I course requirement; however, only credits earned 9-12 count toward the number of credits required for graduation. Social Studies: 4 units; one each in Civics, World History, American History, and Economics and Personal Finance. Science: 3 units; Earth & Environmental Science, Biology, and a Physical Science. Health/PE: 1 unit. Elective credits can come from any of the following areas: CTE, JROTC, Arts, Physical Education, and World Languages. In addition, students are required to pass any and all tests required by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction and fulfill any other state-required learning outcomes. Note: A curriculum guide is available on CCS website. Students must also successfully complete a CPR course for graduation.
PowerSchool is the official source of grade reporting. MPHS no longer provides paper copies of report cards unless requested. Parents may access their student's grades at any point using the PowerSchool Parent Portal. If you have questions about your student’s grades, please contact their teacher first.
Letter grades:
A: 90-100 B: 80-89 C: 70-79 D: 60-69 F: 59-below
Promotion will be determined based on the total number of credits.
Credits Needed for Promotion
Sophomore: 6 credits
Junior: 13 credits
Senior: 19 credits
Transfer Student Grade-Level Classification
The transfer student’s grade classifications at his/her former school and an evaluation of the student’s transcript will be used for grade placement and GPA. The GPA of a transfer student will be based on the weighting system used by MPHS.
Junior Marshals consist of the top 16 students in the junior class as noted by 3rd quarter grades. The Junior Marshals main responsibility is to assist during graduation. Any student who has received a suspension will not be eligible to serve as a Junior Marshal.
According to NCDPI, students who miss more than 13 days in a course could have credit for that course withheld.
The following procedures are in effect for any student who requests a schedule change:
1. No changes will be made after the THIRD day of classes unless it is an administrative error or for pupil balancing.
2. Any student that requests a change once the schedule has been created in the Spring (for the next year) can request a change through the student services website and decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis and with Principal approval. (Changes at this point are contingent upon extenuating circumstances and available space.)
3. Students failing the first course of a two-part sequence of a prerequisite course will be dropped from the second course
4. Second term changes are particularly discouraged once the school year begins; however, the Principal with counselor recommendation may consider exceptional circumstances.
5. If a student drops a class once the term has begun, it is only with the Principal’s approval and the grade of WF will be recorded on the student’s report card and transcript. The WF will be averaged into the overall GPA as a failing grade.
6. These guidelines also apply to courses taken on-line or at a community college for dual credit.
1. Only 12th grade students will be able to exempt teacher made exams (non-EOC/CTE) if they meet the following criteria in a course(s):
a. Student must have an 80 or above average.
b. Student who has accrued no more than 3 (three) absences (of any kind other than field trips) prior to the exam
c. Student has received no suspensions during the semester (ISS or OSS)
d. Please see School Board Policy Code: 3411 High School Final Examinations for additional information
2. Students are required to take all EOC and state CTE exams.
In the event schools are closed for an extended amount of time, CCS will utilize multiple resources to provide remote learning including utilizing Canvas, our Learning Management System (LMS), posted videos and assignments, phone calls, video conferencing, long-term projects. Two-way communication is extremely important in a remote learning situation. CCS is committed to providing high quality instruction in any situation.
All MPHS students will be assigned a Chromebook for the 2023-2024 school year. It is the responsibility of the student to bring his/her Chromebook to school each day. Students are also responsible for the care and general maintenance of the device assigned to them. Should a device become damaged or lost, a fine may be given. Each student user is responsible for appropriate use of the internet. If inappropriate materials are encountered, each student is to report the issue immediately to a teacher. Parents and students understand all student email communications and use of the internet on school-provided email and online collaboration platforms may be monitored.
Intervention Time
The purpose of our intervention time is to provide students with an opportunity to receive small group and one on one remediation and enrichment from their teachers. During this time students are expected to be in their designated class, attendance will be taken and monitored and consequences for skipping will be assigned.
Monday 1st block
Tuesday 2nd block
Wednesday Advisory
Thursday 3rd block
Friday 4th Block
The board recognizes high school students may need to repeat a course for which they have earned credit in order to increase their understanding of the course content, to improve skill mastery, or to meet postsecondary goals. Students may repeat a course for which they have previously earned credit, subject to the following preconditions and any other reasonable rules established by the superintendent or designee:
• the student must make a written request to repeat the course; the principal or designee must approve the request
• there must be space available after seats have been assigned to students who are taking the course for the first time or repeating a previously failed course
• the course to be repeated must be a duplicate of the original class and must be taken during the regular school day at a high school in this school system, CCP program, or through the North Carolina Virtual Public School (spring, fall or yearlong only)
• upon completion of the repeated course, the new course grade will replace the student’s original grade on the student’s transcript and in calculations of the student’s GPA, class rank, and honor roll eligibility, regardless of whether the later grade is higher or lower than the student’s original mark
• credit towards graduation for the same course will be given only once
• a course may be repeated only one time; students may repeat a maximum of four previously passed courses during their high school careers
• the course must be taken within two semesters of the original course
Students in grades 9 through 12 can earn course credit by demonstrating mastery of course material without first completing the regular period of classroom instruction in the course. Students in grades 6 through 8 may earn credit by demonstrating mastery for high school courses offered in middle school. To earn credit by demonstrated mastery, students must demonstrate a deep understanding of the content standards and application of knowledge through a multi-phase assessment, in accordance with standards established by the State Board of Education and any additional standards established by the superintendent
General Guidelines:
1. Edgenuity and NCVPS are the only approved platforms for credit recovery
2. Students may not complete packets or teacher work for credit recovery
3. Students should be enrolled in credit recovery within two (2) consecutive sessions following a failed course
4. Students failing with less than a 50 and/or a non-passing/non-proficient score on the final exam must retake the course or use Edgenuity Credit Recovery
5. Students failing with a grade between 50-59 and/or a passing/proficient score on a final assessment are a candidate for credit recovery via Edgenuity
6. Students must complete credit recovery in one semester or session.
7. Students must follow all YES center rules while taking credit recovery and may be removed from credit recovery for violating the YES Center or school rules.
Students desiring membership in the Beta Club must: have a GPA of 3.8 or better, and have never been in ISS or had out of school suspension. Changes in either grades or discipline/suspension status may affect a student’s status in this club.
MPHS offers students the opportunity to participate in the following competitive sports: football, volleyball, cross country, soccer, tennis, basketball, wrestling, swimming, baseball, softball, track & field, golf, and cheerleading.
To be eligible for a team a student must: 1) Pass a minimum of three (3) courses during the previous semester at an approved high school. Peer Mentor and Office Assistant do not count as course offerings and will not count toward athletic eligibility purposes. 2) Meet local promotion requirements (See Promotion Standards and Grade Level Classification listed above). There are other criteria for attaining athletic eligibility in a North Carolina High School Athletic Association member institution. For a complete listing and explanation of each of the criteria, consult
The school policy is to accept only those visitors who have legitimate business at the school. ALL VISITORS MUST REPORT TO THE OFFICE to sign in, obtain a visitor pass and be escorted to their destination. Any unauthorized visitor found on campus will be considered trespassing. Students from other schools are visitors and must be approved by the principal. Students may neither eat lunch with visitors on campus, nor may they receive outside food from visitors.
Students who wish to store their belongings in a locker may request one from the front office. It is the student’s responsibility to see that his/her locker is always kept locked and in order. Students may not share lockers. Students are expected to keep their lockers in good condition. The administrators can conduct searches of lockers as they deem appropriate. No one should leave classes or the cafeteria to go to his/her locker without permission.
Any student who does not have their assigned textbook, novel or loaned material at the end of the semester will be charged the full price for the missing item. Students will be assessed a fee for any damages to items that may occur.
The Student Services Department is available for every student in the school. The services this department provides include: assistance with educational planning, interpretation of test scores, occupational information, career information, help with home, school and/or social concerns, or any issues he/she would like to discuss with the counselor.
Students wishing to visit a counselor must fill out a request on the Student Services page on the MPHS website to arrange for an appointment. Students are assigned a counselor based on the first letter of their last name.
A-F Christopher Lloyd
G-M Sofia Mejia
N-Z Lynn Thomas
Parents are encouraged to contact the counselors throughout the year. Information regarding careers, college admissions, financial aid, curriculum offerings, testing, records and personal assistance is available. The Student Services phone number is 704-260-6699.
Families who believe they may require financial assistance should apply for free/reduced lunch. To do so, please visit to apply online or obtain a paper application from the school or our website.
Cabarrus County Schools provides equal access and does not discriminate on the basis or race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, disability or age in its programs or activities. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies:
504 Coordinator:
Angela Fitzwater
Director of Intervention Services and Exceptional Children
Post Office Box 388
Concord, NC 28026
Office: (704) 260-5600
Title IX Coordinator:
John LeGrand
Deputy Superintendent
Post Office Box 388
Concord, NC 28026
Office: (704) 260-5600
Cabarrus County Schools prove acceso equitativo y non discrimin en sus programas o actividades sobre la base de raza, color, origen nacional, sexo, orientacion sexual, discapacidad o edad. Las siguientes personas han sido designadas para manejar consultas relacionadas con las politicas de no discriminacion:
504 Coordinator:
Angela Fitzwater
Director of Intervention Services and Exceptional Children
Post Office Box 388
Concord, NC 28026
Office: (704) 260-5600
Title IX Coordinator:
John LeGrand
Deputy Superintendent
Post Office Box 388
Concord, NC 28026
Office: (704) 260-5600
Mount Pleasant High School will strive to send home information in a timely manner using the school website, social media pages, and Parent Square. During the first month of school, a Curriculum Night is held for parents where a great deal of information concerning instruction is shared.
Parents are notified each school year with information about the school’s academic performance. This information is shared through multiple platforms. Performance and growth data is also available on the State Report Card website in English and Spanish. School-wide End of Course testing results will also be shared through the State Report Card, which is available on the website.
All parents are invited to participate in school activities. We seek representation on committees that reflect our diverse population. Our School Improvement Team is made up of parents and teachers who meet every month.
We also have an active PTO, athletics boosters, and band booster organizations that meet regularly to address comments, concerns, and suggestions.
Upon reading the handbook in its entirety and by filling out the Scribbles form, you acknowledge that you have read the entire handbook, including all rules, policies and compacts and understand the Mount Pleasant High School expectations.