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CSA Agreement between Member and Farmer
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   R8 Vegetable Growing Season 2023-2024

Agreement between Member and Farmer:

What is a CSA?

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) means that there is a relationship between the farmer and consumer. Rather than simply purchasing food, you become a member of Regener8 farm. You help us, the farmers, grow food and we reserve a fresh portion of the farm’s harvest specifically for you. When you are a fully paid member committed to the whole season you help us cover the upfront costs of running the CSA like seed and packaging material. All subscription boxes include the delivery, packaging and service fee worked into the price. Our CSA runs from November to May for 23 weeks and is delivered to a couple of locations. More pick up location details TBA.

What’s in the Box?

We, the farmers, promise to do our best to provide you with a bountiful share each week. However, members understand that due to extreme weather conditions, insects or other production factors despite our best efforts, our yields can be affected. When joining our CSA, you agree to share the bounty as well as the risks of the season with us and the other members.

If the farm has abundant yields of a certain crop then you will receive more of that crop for a certain amount of time. After that time you may not receive that same crop for a couple of weeks, as we do not want to overwhelm our members with too much food that it ends up going to waste.

The procedure for crop failure is as follows: we compensate for the failed crops by filling your share with other crops grown on the farm that are ready for harvest at that time. We may purchase crops from other local farmers who share similar growing practices and send those in your box.

How Does Pick Up Work?

Members are responsible for showing up at their pick-up location each week to get their box of produce. You will receive a 3⁄4 bushel box and we strongly encourage you to return the box during your next pick up in an effort to reduce & reuse. You may also choose to bring your own bag and transfer the items to your bag.

If you cannot pick up your box, you must make the appropriate changes to your online subscription 3 days before your delivery. Any box not picked up within 24hrs will be donated. You may miss 2 boxes during the season and be given a store credit that can be used before the season is over. We encourage members to have a friend or family member who can share the responsibility of picking up their box. You are responsible for explaining the pick-up location and procedures when someone else is picking up the box. Dates in which we do not deliver are: 12.27.23, 1.3.24, 3.27.24

Staying In Touch 

Farming can be unpredictable, mishaps can occur at pick up locations and in general our lives change throughout the season. So it's important to stay in touch & contact us whenever there is a situation. The best way to communicate with us is via phone, text or email. Contact Farm Manager Alicia at (786) 316-2461 | The best times to reach us are Monday-Saturday 8am-5:30pm.

Each week you will receive an email with the contents of your box along with other important information. Be sure to check it out as we depend on being able to communicate important information such as changes to your distribution schedule, details for our farm events, etc.


This is a non refundable commitment that ensures as our CSA member you receive top priority harvest, communication and attention. When you sign below, you agree to all the aforementioned details. Be sure you have chosen the box type that you most prefer as it cannot be changed for another type. Although unlikely, the farm may change parts of this agreement related to production and distribution from time to time. You understand that Regener8 Farm will contact you via email in advance of any changes to this agreement.