Welcome back! If you still need to buy an Activity Pass, begin at the school cashier (or online) and buy it before you take your picture. Activity Pass is $35 - gets you into all PSD athletic events for the 21-22 school year, otherwise $4/entry. If not....you may complete the stations in any order. School Picture - required (PHS Auditorium) Retakes: Aug.25 Oct.13 Laptop - required (PHS Tech Office) Pay class/athletic/club fees - not all students (PHS Cashier Office) (Online, https://psdschools.schoolpay.com/ ) NOTE: Pay anytime Lockers - not all students (PHS Media Center) Get a PHS parking permit - not all students (Online application) PHS website, search Parking Rules & Permits (After the app is submitted online, bring a copy of driver’s license, reg.and ins. to Mr. Fuller in office) NOTE: PHS Parking Passes are good until you graduate or until you lose it. You do not need a new parking permit every year. Medication - not all students (PHS Nurse’s Office) School ID Card: Jen Backurz | jbackurz@psdschools.org | 488-6064 Text Books: Sara Johnson | sajohnso@psdschools.org | 488-6033 School Laptops: Ariel Rodriguez | arielr@psdschools.org | 488-6035 Class Fees: Justina Malm | jmalm@psdschools.org | 488-6024 Student Drive Parking Permit | phsparking@psdschools.org | 488-6113 Lockers: Tiffany Brumbaugh | tbrumbaugh@psdschools.org |488-6000 Textbooks: Students will get textbooks with their classes during the first week of school. |