(“Accelerated” by Miami Nights 1984 begins to play as a first-person view of the camera begins to walk around a dark TV studio. The lights start to brighten as the large screen turns on and shows various clips and segments that occurred so far in Book 2.)

Narrator: Ladies and Gentlemen… Wrestleworld Presents….

(The camera then cuts to a professional-looking Mallory Montana who is seated on her office chair right by her table with a pile of papers on it.)

Mallory Montana: Good evening, everyone! This is Mallory Montana once again with yet another exciting edition of Wrestleworld Insider where we talk about the bests of Wrestleworld from the last cycle of events! Huge apologies for having the show too late in the week, I have been sick and in bed the whole week, and I don’t know about you guys but there’s something really weird about the water supply of Wrestleworld recently… But I have been told by reliable sources that our maintenance crew has it taken cared of so there will be nothing but clean waters ahead and a healthy Mallory on top of it all! But even though I have been under the weather, I never missed a single second of the matches and the work put in by our Wrestleworld Clients! I am also happy to inform all of you that I will not be missing a single event, whether it’s The DOMINION Grand Tour Rise of the Ronin or Book 2’s By The Sword! Why would I? Every single match taking place brings nothing but excitement! How I will be able to travel from Wrestleworld to Japan… Well, I’ll figure that out as I go!

(Mallory Montana looks at another camera as she gives a genuine smile. The screen to her left displayed an aerial view of last week’s DOMINION at the Wrestleworld Carnival)

Mallory Montana: But before I talk about the events this weekend, I still need to cover exactly what happened in the past. Who shined the most in their matches? Who gave the best speeches and overall performances, and everyone has been so outstanding it’s difficult to just place them in ranks. My gran-gran has always told me that everyone’s good at something, and I’ve kept that in mind before I got the honor to do this Insider show! DOMINION at the Wrestleworld Carnival has been amazing to see live, that 10-person Battle Royale has been a delight to watch and seeing the last two, Jacob Striker and Señor Pinchy, rock the main event has made me see just how talented the roster members are and how far they’re willing to push in order to get to the finish line. Beauty Melanie had her win there against Thad Kennedy, but it’s a shame that it was because of a forfeit but oh well. DOMINION finished off their night with all of the Four Tribulations participants meeting each other in the ring before they are set to compete at the Grand Tour.

(Mallory Montana instinctively arranged the stack of papers before she proceeds. The screen behind her transitions to a view of the Heaven’s Arena.)

Mallory Montana: While DOMINION had its direction on a straight line going to to Rise of the Ronin, Book 2 has been catastrophic and destructive, but what else is new? Everyone’s threatening each other. Everyone has a business to settle. It’s like someone is plotting and conspiring to take you down the moment you turn your back on them. It was truly interesting to see Kimberly Chase visit the Wrestleworld Carnival which then later gave Ozymandias the opening to mislead and later on attack Colt Montoya after his match against Maverick. These two are ready to bring it at By The Sword, and both men refuse to be made a fool of. Kevin Devastation addressed Maverick and Claudia Michaels. And as you can tell by their upcoming match, Jaywalker isn’t having any of it. Both Devastation and Maverick are now scheduled to face each other in a Trial By Combat match where Jaywalker and Claudia Michaels are in their respective corners. Christopher Sabertooth is met with a familiar face in Layne Kurobane… Or should we say Layne Driver. We have not seen this man since his Badlands in Wrestleworld, and his last match in Omega Wrestling Alliance against at their Final Destination event when he was taken out post-match and was never seen again. I don’t blame him for re-inventing, but something feels different about this one and I suppose we will see how this all goes at By The Sword.

(Mallory Montana now takes a deep breath as a recap of the main event is shown in the screen on her side)

And now on to the main event… I don’t even know what to say. It’s all chaotic in every way and everyone seems to be attacking each other whether opponents or teammates! Drago Santiago addressed the American Dream Championship stipulation earlier in the night and swears to take the belt. He got himself involved in the ring at the trios exhibition match which kept Matsuda occupied but Jay Jones took the deciding pinfall against former Shogun Champion Jacob Senn, and this was all before they all started swinging and beating the lights out of each other. On the other side of the ring though, the Shogun Division isn’t doing so hot either as the two men that you thought would benefit from working with each other, Jacob Senn and Reginald Dampshaw III, ended in a brawl with the Shogun Champion Arata Asakura. Every Chapter creates a new mess each bi-week and it somehow still surprises me how hungry and passionate these people can get. Both huge events of Wrestleworld will be coming our way soon, and before we get ourselves involved in that, let’s see who stood out this week.

(The screen behind Mallory Montana changes and transitions to the first winner of the category)

Insider Edition 3 Award for Best Match

Animus, Reginald Dampshaw III and Jacob Senn vs Stephanie Matsuda, Jay Jones and Emmanuelle - Trios Tag Team Match

Mallory Montana: In case you couldn’t figure out why I would not shut up about this match just a few seconds ago, well, it’s because this match had me fully entertained from start to finish, and it was a fitting main event in the go-home show of Wrestleworld before By The Sword. I did consider the main event for DOMINION for this, it was also a good runner up and a match to be remembered, but this one just did it for me! All of the competitors did not hold back in this match, and even the outside interferences keeps you at the edge of your seat, waiting to see what happens next! Granted after this contest was done, it all ended in a brawl for both divisions involved, all while both Emmanuelle and Animus decided to buzz off and let the craziness happen as they leave without a scratch. Smart.

(The screen now transitions to the next category)

Insider Edition 3 Award for Most Promising Star

Cynthia Rose

Mallory Montana: No matter what anyone says, this girl has been a workhorse in all her time here in Wrestleworld while still keeping that optimistic, smiling face on. Both Cynthia and Amber Payne deserve this award, especially with how Amber Payne pulled off her victory against Saria and Axel Topnotch, but Cynthia made things more memorable and noteworthy by defeating her By The Sword opponent, Nas, along with two others who have been looking for opportunities to rise and be known to the world. Jensen Lane has taken the time off from By The Sword to refresh and reflect on her performance in Wrestleworld, while newcomer Yuki Sakaraba will have a great opportunity to show what she can do as she faces fellow newbie Kyle Boe. I know for a fact that these people will bring it, but most especially Cynthia who will definitely do her best to keep the momentum!

(The screen now transitions to the next category)

Insider Edition 3 Award for Best Promo Battle

Hana Nakajima vs Reno Dumont

Mallory Montana: Two entertaining pieces from two extremely talented individuals. You just can’t find that elsewhere! These two had an incredible match at Chapter 21, and Reno Dumont was able to take the win against the Cutest Wrestler in the World! Personally, I am excited to see how this all goes at By The Sword with the #1 Contenders match. It could really go either way! I think Hana Nakajima and April Song would be a fantastic team to challenge The Bear and Jag Connection because we have seen how incredibly talented they are, on the other hand, it would be interesting to see Nobi go against Teddy Mac and his new buddy considering Nobi has been behaving differently lately. Well, whatever happens, I know that both teams will certainly BRING IT!

Insider Edition 3 Award for Best Segment

Babayka Chooses Joel Dante

Mallory Montana: Joel Dante was given another chance to succeed after being tipped over at that Battle Royale earlier in the night. Not everyone gets that. But to Babayka, he is the best among the DOMINION roster to represent the European Division and so he has been included int he Four Tribulations match for the Territorial Championship. I’m sure they made the right call, but being part of this alone only means that there will be more challenges ahead of Dante. He is facing the selected individuals plus the main event winner which is almost overwhelming considering that all of them wish to become the very first Territorial Champion of Wrestleworld, and as you can probably tell in the aftermath of the main event, they are not messing around and have expressed every intention on walking out of Rise of the Ronin with the belt.

(The screen now transitions to the next category)

Insider Edition 3 Award for Best Champion

The Bear and Jag Connection

Mallory Montana: The Campeonatos de Parejas takes the best Champion spot this week! I know, I know, they didn’t exactly have a tag team match, but Teddy Mac has actually picked up an impressive win against Campeonatos de Parejas Architect Drake Jaeger. Stephanie Matsuda is also a runner up here in her match against the Shogun Division, but considering the message sent to Drake & Jones and the gravity of beating an Architect in a match, I think Teddy Mac wins this for the Bear and Jag Connection. Regardless though, Drake & Jones have been a tag team for many years now and if there’s an expert on determining how tag teams work, it would be them, and they don’t believe that Teddy and Jaguar are quite impressive enough to hold the belt and represent the Parejas Division. At By The Sword, the Champions will do their best to prove them wrong and keep the belts.

(The screen now transitions to the next category)

Insider Edition 3 Award for Best Promer

Teddy Mac

Mallory Montana: Teddy Mac has truly told a captivating story! Inspiring even! He started off as a guy in Wrestleworld looking to take on any and all challenges that went in his way, but I’m sure he didn’t plan on ending up in a tag team situation and becoming Champion of it. It was by chance and luck mixed with his already-incredible skills in the ring. The stars aligned for him, he was willing to nearly injure himself to represent his team with  Jungle Jaguar who he only knew for a month or so at the time, and nobody tells this story better than him. This is one of our fast rising stars and I know that everyone is just looking forward to his success whether or not he retains the Championships with Jaguar at By The Sword. Cause, seriously -- who wouldn’t root for this guy?


(The screen now transitions to the next category)

Insider Edition 3 Award for Most Amazing Client!

Jacob Striker

Mallory Montana: Don’t be surprised. Just don’t. Cause the moment I interviewed this guy at Dreamworld, I knew he had promise and that he will go very far in his Wrestleworld journey, and it turns out, I was right! And he did it in a short time too! He was not selected specifically by any Architect, he worked hard for his spot in the Grand Tour which should tell you enough about what this man is willing to do to earn his stripes. Jacob Striker did not only win the 10-person Battle Royal but he also won the main event on the same night, which guaranteed him a spot for the Four Tribulations Match. And if that’s not amazing, I don’t know what is!

(All of the awardees are now shown on the screen behind Mallory)

Mallory Montana: We have all this hype about the Territorial Championship, but don’t forget that the Hybrd Tag Team Championships are also up for grabs as six different competitors will do whatever it takes to grab one of two Championships from the opposite sides of the ring. All Championships are on the table at the Grand Tour and By The Sword, and I am just thrilled that I get to witness it all  this weekend, and as always, we will bring you yet another edition of Wrestleworld Insider to check out the highlights of the events and who the bests are. This is Mallory Montana from the Wrestleworld Insider, signing off!

(The lights in the studios go dim as “Accelerated” by Miami Nights 1984 plays again. The screen fades to black before the Wrestleworld Logo fades in and out.)