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Light_R_Auto 1A Syllabus2020.docx
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Cajon Automotive

Auto 1 Syllabus

Mr. Light


        Auto 1A is an introduction to automotive basic systems.  It covers engines, cooling, lubricating, braking, electrical, ignition, and suspension systems.  The course will be conducted with group activity, lab, and classroom instruction.

        All students are required to pass the safety test and tool test with a score of 80% or higher to participate in lab and group activities.


        Students will be required to complete all classroom work.  There will be a written requirement every day.  There will be subject tests at the end of every topic.  All tests will be graded on a standard percentage scale.        

        Lab – Labs cannot be made up. Because of the amount of equipment needed to run a lab, students are required to participate when the lab is set up. Once the lab has been taken down, there is no making up work.

        Participation - Participation is 50% of your grade.  It is based on your desire to learn, work, and improve.  


Cheating will not be tolerated.  The first time you are caught cheating, you will receive a 0 on that test and can not make it up.  The second time you are caught, you will be dropped from the class with an F, no matter what your current grade is.  



        Attendance will play an important part in your ability to learn and participate.  These topics are difficult to learn and if you miss class, you will fall behind.  Time for make up work will be after school or at lunch when arranged with the instructor.  You will not be allowed to participate in class if you are late without an excused pass.  10 absences and you can receive a grade of “F” or be dropped from the class.


        Appropriate clothing is a safety issue.  Wearing appropriate clothing to auto shop is required and enforced.  Students will not be allowed to participate in lab without the appropriate clothing.  Appropriate clothing will be covered in detail during the safety class.


A professional behavior is required at all times.  Horse play and any action considered unsafe by the instructor, can result in suspension or being dropped from the class.


        Pencils, paper, and notebook are required everyday.  Textbooks should be checked out and left at home for reference and homework unless specifically stated by the instructor.

Student Name Printed ____________________       Student Signature ____________________

Parent Signature _________________________