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* VOCA Service User Agreement
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VOCA Service User Agreement

IP Efremov Vladislav Borisovich 323784700373420

IP Efremov V.B. on the one hand, and the person who has accepted the offer posted on the Internet at on the other hand, have entered into this User Agreement as follows.

This User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the User Agreement or the Agreement) is part of the public offer of the VOCA Service (i.e. an offer to enter into the Agreement on the specified terms and conditions) and defines the general terms and conditions and procedure for using the VOCA mobile application, web services and materials located on the Website, the rights to which belong to IP Efremov V.B. and may be supplemented and specified by separate additional terms and conditions, regulations, provisions and rules and other documents governing the use of the VOCA Service.

Please read these terms and conditions and any other documents governing the VOCA Service carefully before using the VOCA Service. If you do not agree with these terms and conditions and/or other documents governing the VOCA Service in general or in part, immediately cease all use of the Service.

1. Terms

1.1. VOCA Service, Service or VOCA is:

(1) An online service hosted on the website allows Travel Experts to provide Travellers with personalised services for developing individual travel itineraries (Travel plan VOCA). These plans are crafted by professional organisers and guides (Travel Experts) for a fixed price. The service also grants Travelers access to unique individual journeys, excursions, tours, expeditions, and other forms of active and moderately active recreation (VOCA activities). Following this, there is the opportunity to participate in selected VOCA activities available within the chosen and paid tariff. Additionally, Travelers can negotiate, conclude transactions, and make payments with those who intend to acquire or have already acquired a Travel plan VOCA.

(2) An online platform, a set of programs owned by the Administrator, through which the Administrator provides Travel Experts with services: (a) to attract Travellers for the provision of personalised services in developing individual travel itineraries (Travel plan VOCA), (b) to ensure technical capability for interaction between Travel Experts and Users, booking of Travel Expert Services, and facilitating settlements with Travelers, (c) to assist in resolving disputes between Users by providing information related to their actions in connection with the conclusion and execution of transactions between them.

1.2. The Website - is an automated information system accessible on the Internet at the address, including its subdomains.

The website is utilised by Users to submit requests for personalised services in developing individual travel itineraries (Travel plan VOCA), created by professional organisers and guides, at a fixed price. Travel Experts use the platform to offer such services and to enter into agreements for the provision of services in developing individual travel itineraries (Travel plan VOCA), excluding those prohibited from advertising, promotion, or any mention of Goods and Services as determined by the applicable legislation in the region of the order or service provision.

1.3. Administrator (Administration) - IP Efremov V.B., which owns all rights to the Site, VOCA Service and domain and provides services to Users under the terms of these General Terms and Conditions and the public offer of the Service.

The Administrator is not a travel organiser or a person providing travel services, a seller of tourist products. By entering into interaction through the use of the VOCA Service, Users and Travel Experts enter into contractual relations directly with each other. The Administrator is not a party or other participant in any contractual relations between Users and Travel Experts, and is not a travel agent or insurer in respect of any insurance risks of Users and Travel Experts. The Administrator does not act as an agent of the Users, except as provided by the Terms of Payment Services.

1.4. User Traveller - a capable natural person who has reached the age of 18 and acting on his/her own behalf, interested in receiving the Service of the Service. In case the User is a legal entity, an individual acting on its behalf shall be recognised as duly authorised by such legal entity and shall be obliged to provide the Administrator and/or the User Travel Expert with whom it enters into a transaction with the necessary documents confirming the legal status of the legal entity and the powers of its representative.

1.5. Travel Experts - capable individuals and legal entities accepting applications for personalised services on the Service for the development of individual travel itineraries (Travel plan VOCA) on the basis of the public offer of the Service and complying with the Requirements for Travel Experts.

1.6. Account - a unique account of the User on the Website, which allows to uniquely identify the User.

1.7. My Account - a set of secure pages of the Website, access to which is provided to the User by credentials (login and password) after creating an Account on the Website, and using which the Administrator, User and Travel Experts are able to interact with each other in order to fulfil this Agreement.

1.8. Travel plan VOCA is a service provided by a Travel Expert for the development of individual travel itineraries at a fixed price. It grants users access to unique individual journeys, excursions, tours, expeditions, and other forms of active and moderately active recreation (VOCA activities). There is subsequently an opportunity to participate in selected VOCA activities available within the chosen and paid tariff, in accordance with the submitted request and/or the agreement concluded with the Traveler. The agreement includes a "Travel Program" agreed upon by the Travel Expert and the Traveler, adhering to the terms and conditions for travel execution.

1.9. An order (transaction) is a civil law transaction in the form of a service contract between a Traveller and a Travel Expert, information about which is available on the website.

1.10. Order - a request for Travel Expert Services placed by a Traveller User on the website.

1.11. Booking - consent of the Traveller User to the Travel Expert's offer, confirmed by making payment/prepayment for the Travel Expert's Services under the terms and conditions of the Order.

1.12. Content - audio-visual, graphic, textual, photographic and other representation of the Software activity, forming information in any form and shape, placed on the Website by the Website Administration, Travel Experts, third parties.

1.13. Electronic Gift Certificate (EVC) - a document purchased by the User and used by the User or another Traveller as an equivalent nominal payment for the services of any Travel Expert (travel itinerary author, guide, instructor), at the time of presentation of the EVC, providing services by accepting Orders on the Service.

2. General provisions and regulation

2.1. In the manner and on the terms provided by the Agreement, the User is provided with the opportunity to use the Site. The Administration provides the User with information and intermediary services through the Site to place an Order for the development of individual travel itineraries (Travel plan VOCA) developed by professional organisers and professional guides (Travel experts) for a fixed price, and giving the Travellers access to unique individual trips, excursions, tours and expeditions and other types of active and moderately active recreation (VOCA activities) with the subsequent opportunity to visit the selected VOCA activities, up to the following.

The User under this Agreement has the right to:

     2.1.1. To browse the Site, to place an Order according to certain parameters.

     2.1.2. Register an Account, enter into a Contract with the relevant Travel Expert in respect of the selected Services and pay for the cost thereof.

     2.1.3. The User at any time has the right to delete his account on the Site. In this case, the Administration deletes and destroys all information about the User on the Site without the possibility of recovery. Also for deletion of the User's account the User can send a request to the Administration of the Site to the address specified on the site. Deletion of the User's account and termination of processing of the User's personal data is carried out by the Site Administration within 10 working days from the date of receipt of such a request. The date of deletion shall be fixed on the website and processing of the User's personal data shall be terminated.

2.2. For the above purposes, the Administration grants to the User on the territory of the whole World a non-exclusive royalty-free licence to use the Website, which is a composite work, including software code, data files, graphic elements, designs, images, photos, audio and video materials, other results of intellectual activity, owned by the Administration and/or duly provided to the Administration by other right holders (hereinafter - the Licence). The term of validity of this Agreement and the Licence is for the period of existence of the User's Account.

2.3. The Service provides an opportunity to the User to conclude the Contract on rendering of Services (Travel plan VOCA) with the Travel expert. Administration is not an organiser of tours, seller of Travel plan VOCA and any other goods or services. All obligations in relation to the provision of Travel plan VOCA, tours, purchase and sale of relevant goods or provision of relevant services arise between the User and Travel Expert and/or third parties. The Administration is not responsible for the validity and enforceability of these obligations of the Travel Expert. The Administrator is also not authorised by its actions to recommend any Travel Expert or Travel plan VOCA. Any indication that a Travel Expert is "verified" (or other similar definitions) means only that the Travel Expert has undergone the appropriate procedure of verification or verification by the Service.

2.4. The User may use the Site without registration to familiarise themselves with the content of the Site and the list of Services offered by Travel Experts. Registration of the User is mandatory for placing an Order and other actions stipulated by this Agreement.

2.5. To register on the Site (create an Account), the User shall provide the necessary reliable data about themselves - full name, age, other data related to the specifics of a particular Service requested by the Administration. The User may also authorise on the Site (register) using their social network accounts (Facebook, Apple ID,, etc.), supplementing the above data with information that is not available in other User accounts used for registration. After registration, the User gets access to the Personal Account, which reflects information about Orders, their status and actions on Orders.

2.6. The Administration has the right to refuse the User to register an Account and/or place an Order in case of specifying unreliable data, committing or attempting to commit bad faith actions, violation of this Agreement, as well as committing by the User of other illegal actions or actions contrary to generally accepted norms of morality and ethics.

3. Rights and obligations of the parties

3.1. The service is provided by the Administrator for use on an "as is" basis.

3.2. The Administrator does not own, sell, resell, resell, organise, provide tours, travel and Travel plan VOCA.

3.3. The Traveler has the right to use the service free of charge to place an order for the development of individual travel itineraries (Travel plan VOCA), created by professional organisers and guides (Travel Experts), at a fixed price. This service provides Travellers with access to unique individual journeys, excursions, tours, expeditions, and other forms of active and moderately active recreation (VOCA activities). There is also the subsequent opportunity to participate in selected VOCA activities available within the chosen and paid tariff. Additionally, Travelers can negotiate, conclude transactions, and make payments with Travel Experts intending to develop a Travel plan VOCA. They can also receive related informational and intermediary services, engage in communication with Travel Experts and the Administrator.

3.4. The User is responsible for purchasing any supplies, including provisions, means of transport, venues and other materials (hereinafter referred to as "equipment") necessary for the trip prescribed in VOCA's Travel Plan or participation therein. It is the User's sole responsibility to ensure that such supplies used as part of the trip are in working order and in compliance with all laws governing safety, equipment, inspection and fitness for use. Unless otherwise required by law, he assumes all risk of damage to or loss of the accessories.

3.5. It is the User's responsibility to understand and comply with all laws, regulations and requirements that may be applicable to the travel prescribed in Travel plan VOCA; to obtain all necessary licences, permits or registration documents to conduct the travel prescribed in Travel plan VOCA; and to comply with any agreements between it and any third party in relation to the Order and/or Travel plan VOCA.

The User shall, at its own cost and expense, ensure that it investigates the terms and conditions of the VOCA Service and Travel Experts, including, but not limited to, investigating laws, rules and regulations, customs that may apply to Bookings and/or VOCA's Travel plan, without relying on any representations made by the Administrator with respect to any Booking.

3.6. Travelling under VOCA Travel plan may involve risks of illness, injury, physical injury or death. By deciding to use Travel plan VOCA, the User voluntarily and knowingly assumes these risks. The User accepts full responsibility for actions taken before, during and after using Travel plan VOCA and the Payment Service. If the User is travelling with minor children, the User is solely responsible for the minors when using Travel plan VOCA.

3.7. Travel Expert warrants that the cost of any of its Travel plan VOCA on the Service is no more than on any other resource on the Internet, including but not limited to its own website or pages or social media accounts such as pinterest, youtube and others. If the Traveller finds the Travel plan VOCA of this Travel Expert at a lower price within 24 hours after the payment has been made and provides a valid link to information about it, the Travel Expert undertakes to immediately reduce the price of the Travel plan VOCA on the Service and compensate this difference to the Traveller.

3.8. The User has the right to be a member of the referral programme of the Service and receive bonuses on the terms, in the order and in accordance with the "Referral Programme" posted in the relevant section of the Site.

3.9. The User has the right to purchase, receive and use the Service's Electronic Gift Certificate (EGC) in the manner and on the terms and conditions specified in the Rules for the use of the gift certificate.

3.10. The User is warned and agrees that Travel Expert may, in exceptional cases, make changes to the Travel plan VOCA that do not impair the consumer properties and without any additional payment from the User.

3.11. The User is warned and agrees that he/she is liable for any unfair acts either by the User himself/herself or in collusion with Travel Expert.

3.12. By placing an Order, the User agrees to the terms and conditions specified by Travel Expert in Travel plan VOCA, including the terms and conditions of refusal to book and/or cancellation of the Order.

3.13. VOCA Travel plan includes a Stay Programme agreed between the Travel Expert and the Traveller, containing a description of the itinerary, travel dates, description of activities, transfers, addresses and contacts, conditions of participation established for the Traveller. In the event that the Stay Programme is carried out as part of a group of Travellers, all clauses of such programme and this Agreement shall apply to each member of the group. The Traveller undertakes to pay Travel plan VOCA to Travel Expert in full on the terms and conditions agreed with Travel Expert.

3.14. The User agrees to use VOCA Travel plan, including all related features and functionality, in accordance with applicable laws, rules, regulations and other restrictions imposed on the use of the VOCA service or its activities. You agree not to licence, create derivative works of, offer for sale, or use (except as provided in these Terms) the content and information contained in or obtained through Travel plan VOCA and the VOCA Service. User also agrees to the following: not to circumvent, delete, modify, disable, disable, degrade or impair the protection of the content in Travel plan VOCA and the VOCA service; not to use robots, circumvention software, hacking software or other automatic means of gaining access to the VOCA services; do not decompile, disassemble or disassemble software or other products or processes available through the VOCA Service; do not insert code or product into or manipulate the content of the VOCA Service in any way; do not use mining, data mining or data extraction techniques. In addition, you agree not to upload, publish, send electronic or other communications or transmit any material designed to disrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of computer programmes associated with the VOCA service, including software viruses or other computer code, files, programmes. We have the right to cancel or restrict your use of our service if you violate our Terms of Use or engage in illegal or fraudulent use of the service.

4. Order placement

4.1. The Order is placed using the module (form) for placing the Order, located on the Website, which allows to define the criteria of the Order.

4.2. To place an Order, the User shall:

     4.2.1. Fills in all the required fields and provides all the necessary data about himself in the module (form) for placing the Order;

     4.2.2. If necessary, before placing an Order, the Traveller may contact the Administrator via the feedback form (leaving a phone number or email for contact), via WhatsApp, other messenger program or email.

4.3. When placing an Order, the User provides the Administration and Travel Expert with his/her personal and contact details (both those reflected in myAlpari and those additionally requested by Travel Expert and/or the Administration in the process of fulfilling the Order).

4.4. By filling in the Order form, the User enters into a service agreement with Travel Expert, for the development of Travel plan VOCA, and gets to the payment page. The User has the right to pay for the Order not later than 72 hours from the moment the Order form is completed. The minimum Prepayment amount is specified on the page with tariffs or in correspondence with the Administrator or in correspondence with the Travel Expert, the User has an opportunity to make 30% Prepayment. The User may place more than one Order for the same Service.

4.5. After placing an Order, the User receives a Notice confirming receipt of the Order. After receiving the notification and until the User has paid for the Order in full, the Travel Expert is requested to confirm that he/she can provide the Service selected by the User and conclude the Contract on his/her part. After payment for the Order, the User receives a VOCA Travel plan with the following information:

     4.5.1. tour type and description, broken down by date;

     4.5.2. description of the tour route;

     4.5.3. number of tour participants;

     4.5.4. description of additional services;

     4.5.5. list of required/recommended clothing/equipment;

     4.5.6. list of required/recommended equipment and outfit (if necessary);

     4.5.7. on the requirements imposed by authorised bodies for documents (including for foreign citizens);

     4.5.8. the possibility/necessity of purchasing health insurance and the terms and conditions of the insurance;

     4.5.9. on the rules of behaviour while participating in the tour;

     4.5.10. about possible difficulties related to unfamiliarity with the language of communication of the country (place) of stay;

     4.5.11. the state of the natural environment in the country (place) of stay and specific weather conditions;

     4.5.12. o sanitary and epidemiological situation in the country (place) of temporary stay;

     4.5.13. the dangers that may be encountered while participating in the tour;

     4.5.14. what medical measures (including vaccinations) are required to enter the country (place) of temporary stay and participate in the tour.

4.6. Actions related to conclusion, modification, cancellation or execution of the Order, which are performed by a person who has authorised under the respective User Account to access the Protected pages of the Website, shall be deemed to have been performed directly by the User as if they had been performed by him/her personally.

4.7. Once the confirmed transaction has been completed (including payment), the User will receive a confirmation notice containing the details of the Order. The said notification shall constitute confirmation of the Order placed with VOCA Travel plan.

4.8. Payment of the Order by the User means that the User has read and agreed to the proposed terms and conditions of VOCA Travel plan in full and without reservations.

4.9. The Administrator shall not be liable to the User for Travel Expert's failure to make a refund of the transferred funds.

5. Payment and cancellation

5.1. Payment Period. Payment for services on the VOCA Service and any other fees that may be charged in connection with your use of the Service, such as taxes and possible transaction fees, will be charged using the payment method you specify on the specific payment date specified in the "Account" section.

5.2. Payment Methods. You must specify at least one payment method to use the VOCA Service. You authorise us to charge you using any payment method associated with your account in the event that your primary payment method is rejected or is no longer available to pay for the service. You are responsible for any unpaid amounts. If a payment fails due to expiry, insufficient funds or other reasons and you do not cancel your account, we have the right to block your access to the service until we are able to successfully debit the correct amount using your valid payment method. For some payment methods, payment processors may charge additional fees, namely cross-border transaction fees or other fees associated with the processing of your payment method. The amount of local taxes may depend on the payment method used. Please check with your service provider for details regarding your payment method.

5.3. Update your payment methods. You may update your payment method. We also have the right to update payment methods based on information provided by payment service providers. By accepting any updates, you authorise us to charge you using the applicable payment method.

5.4. Changes to Fees and Charges. We have the right to change our fees and service charges; any changes to fees or charges will be effective upon notice being sent to you.

5.5. Cancellations. Where permitted by applicable law, payments are non-refundable and we do not issue refunds or transfers for any partially unused service or unattended VOCA activities.

5.6. The order of mutual settlements.

The user of VOCA service makes a prepayment for the development of a personalised individual travel plan in the amount of 30% of the cost of the selected tariff. After making the prepayment, the user receives a preliminary travel plan with covered contact information of guides, with hidden addresses of lodgings and with hidden other important points and contacts for preliminary acquaintance, after which the client has to pay the remaining 70% of the cost of the travel plan development service. After that, as a result, the user receives a complete travel plan with all contact details of guides and addresses of lodges and other key information and points.

The remaining part of the payment in the amount of 70% is made after the client receives the draft travel plan.

The user of the service can refuse to pay the remaining 70% if he/she is not satisfied with something. The prepayment made is not refundable, as the development of the travel plan is carried out with the help of an experienced guide, who spends his time and effort on the development of the travel plan, for the payment of whose services the 30% prepayment made by the client is spent.

6. Rights to Service

6.1. The exclusive rights to the Service, including but not limited to computer programs, databases, interface, technical developments, logo, trademark, other means of individualisation used on the Service and allowing to implement the functional capabilities of the Service, belong to the Administrator.

6.2. Except as set forth in the Agreement and applicable law, the Service and its components, including those listed in the paragraph above, may not be copied (reproduced), processed, distributed, framed, published, downloaded, transmitted, sold or otherwise used in whole or in part without the prior written consent of the Administrator.

6.3. If the information (content) posted by the User is protected by copyright, the rights to such information shall be retained by the User who posted such information. In this case, the User grants other Users of the Service a royalty-free non-exclusive right to use such content by viewing, reproduction (including copying), processing (including printing copies) and other rights exclusively for the purpose of personal non-commercial use, except for cases when such use causes or may cause harm to the legally protected interests of the right holder.

6.4. The User grants the Administrator a non-exclusive right to use on a royalty-free basis the content placed on the Service and legally belonging to him in order to ensure the Administrator's functioning of the Service to the extent determined by its functionality, as well as display the Content in promotional materials (advertising materials) of the Administrator, including within the images of the interface of the Service, including by bringing such promotional materials (advertising materials) to the public, including for the purpose of advertising the Service.

6.5. This non-exclusive right is granted to the Administrator for the entire term of the User's exclusive right, includes, among other things, the right to reproduce content, as well as the right to process content, including by incorporating it into a complex object or a composite work, subsequent display, publicising, broadcasting, etc., and extends to the territory of countries around the world.

6.6. The Administrator is entitled to transfer the rights specified in this article to third parties for the purposes specified in this article without the consent of the person who owns the exclusive rights. The expiration of the term of placement of content on the Service and/or the term of the non-exclusive right does not entail the need to withdraw from circulation promotional materials (advertising materials) of the Administrator displaying the Content (including their removal from the Internet).

6.7. No provisions of the Agreement do not grant the User the right to use the logo, trade name, trademarks, domain names and other details, and distinctive signs of the Administrator.

7. Limits of the Administrator's Responsibilities

7.1. None of the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions and other documents that constitute the public offer of the Service in themselves cannot be considered as the establishment between Users and the Administrator of the site of agency relations, relations of joint activity, relations of employment, provision of compensated services or performance of work, or other agreements.

7.2. Information about the Services is provided by Travelling Experts, the Administrator is not responsible for the content and/or relevance of the information provided by Travelling Experts, including information about the cost of the Services of Travelling Experts.

7.3. The Administrator is not responsible for any transactions made by the User and Travel Experts in the course of providing the Services.

7.4. The Administrator is not responsible for possible unlawful actions of Travel-experts in relation to third parties, or third parties in relation to the User.

7.5. The Administrator shall not be liable for delays or failures in the transaction process caused by force majeure, or any failure of telecommunication, computer, electrical or other related systems.

7.6. The Administrator is not responsible for the actions of transfer systems, banks, payment systems and for delays associated with their work.

7.7. The Administrator is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by the User and Travel Expert during registration.

7.8. The Administrator shall not be liable for the failure of the Travel Expert to make any refunds, its failure to perform its monetary obligations to the Traveller for any reason for any obligations incurred by it to the Traveller in connection with the relationship between them.

8. Final Clauses

8.1. This Agreement or the User's use of the Service does not imply the creation of any joint venture or partnership between the User and the Administrator, as well as the establishment of labour relations.

8.2. The Administrator has the right to make changes and additions to the public offer of the Service at any time without separate notification of Users about such changes or additions. The new edition of the public offer comes into force for Users from the moment of its posting on the Site.

8.3. If any of the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions and other documents constituting the public offer of the Service are considered invalid or unenforceable, this provision will be deemed deleted and will not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.

8.4. The failure of the Administrator to enforce any right or provision of these General Terms and Conditions does not imply a waiver of future enforcement of that right or provision. Except as expressly provided in these General Terms and Conditions, the exercise by either party of any of its available remedies under these General Terms and Conditions will not limit the exercise of any other remedies available to it under these General Terms and Conditions or permitted by law.

8.5. Unless otherwise specified, all notices or other communications, the sending of which is permitted or required by these General Terms and Conditions and other documents constituting a public offer of the Service, shall be in electronic form and sent by the Administrator by email, by publication on the Service or by sending messages in messengers.

8.6. With regard to the operation and development of the Service, the Administrator shall be guided by the applicable legislation, this Agreement and other special documents that have been or may be developed and adopted by the Administrator in order to regulate the provision of access to the Service to Users and Travel Experts.

8.7. To promote the Service and increase views by potential Travellers, content may be displayed on other websites, in applications, in emails, and in online and offline advertisements. To assist Users who speak different languages, content may be translated in whole or in part into other languages. Administrator cannot fully guarantee the accuracy or quality of such translations. The Service may display translations created by third-party companies.

8.8. The Service may contain links to third-party sites and resources. Use of third-party sites and resources may be subject to other terms and conditions, including privacy terms. The Administrator is not responsible for the availability or accuracy of third-party sites and resources, or for the content, products or services of third-party sites and resources. The presence of links to third-party sites and resources does not imply any warranty with respect to such third-party sites and resources on the part of the Administrator.

8.9. Due to the fact that the Administrator is not a person providing technical possibility of continuous access to the Internet for Users and for itself, the Administrator cannot guarantee constant and uninterrupted availability of the Service to Users. The Administrator has the right to limit the availability to Users of the Service, its sections or functions, if it is necessary to maintain proper bandwidth, security or integrity of its servers, as well as to carry out technical measures to ensure proper or improved functioning of the Service. The Administrator may improve, expand and modify the Service, as well as introduce new Services without the Users' consent.

8.10. In case of any disputes or disagreements related to the settlement of legal relations arising from these General Terms and Conditions and other documents constituting the public offer of the Service, Travel Expert and the Administrator will make every effort to resolve them through negotiations between them. If the dispute is not resolved through negotiations, disputes shall be resolved in the manner prescribed by the applicable law at the location of the Administrator, unless otherwise expressly provided for by the applicable law.

8.11. Appeals, proposals and claims of individuals and legal entities to the Administrator in connection with the operation of the Service, violations of the rights and interests of third parties when using the Service, as well as for requests of bodies authorised by law may be sent to the Administrator's details.

8.12. By submitting their personal data and expressing their consent to this agreement, the User gives their consent to the processing, storage and use of their personal data for the following purposes:

     8.12.1. registration of the User on the website of the Service;

     8.12.2. implementation of customer support by the technical service of the site;

     8.12.3. organisation of settlements between the User and Travel Experts in accordance with this Agreement and the transactions concluded between them in accordance with the procedure established by the current legislation;

     8.12.4. fulfilment by Travel Experts of their obligations to the User;

     8.12.5. the Administrator's audits and other internal studies to improve the quality of services provided;

     8.12.6. providing information about him as a person who has placed Content on the Service with infringement of copyright of third parties in case of application of persons whose rights have been infringed by the User.

By agreeing to these General Terms and Conditions, the User acknowledges and confirms that if it is necessary to provide his personal data in accordance with the requirements of the current applicable law to achieve the above purposes to third parties, the Administrator has the right to disclose to such third parties to the extent necessary to perform the above actions information about him (including his personal data), as well as to provide the relevant documents. In this case, the above third parties have the right to process his personal data on the basis of this Agreement.

9. Administration requisites

IP Efremov V.B.


Last update: 16 November 2023.