You may engage in reproductive activity and personal stimulation, with the opposite sex and/or the same sex. Do not engage in rape, pedophilia, and adultery.
Do not kill other humans or yourself. Life is sacred.
Do not kill or torture other living things. You are only permitted to kill animals for food and in self defense, and you can only eat domestic species.
Do not wipe out species, as all life is sacred.
Do not waste resources, such as food, water, and other commodities.
Treat your fellow man with respect. Do not engage in slavery and abuse.
Do not torture criminals unless they commit egregious acts. Otherwise, treat them as you would treat anyone else, as most have the hope of salvation.
Do not exploit workers, treat them with kindness and respect.
Treat others fairly, regardless of their personal traits/characteristics/qualities.
Do not engage in procreation once the human population surpasses 1 million.