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ADC-IARPC Semantics WG 2019-05-09

ADC-IARPC Vocabularies and Semantics Working Group

Meeting Agenda & Minutes


2019-05-09 17:00 UTC (11:00 AM MT and 19:00 CEST)


Ruth Duerr is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: My Meeting

Time: May 9, 2019 11:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

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Agenda and minutes

  1. Round table (who is attending)
  1. Ruth Duerr, Shannon Christoffersen, Peter Pulsifer, William Manley, Øystein Godøy, Mark Schildhauer, Allison Gaylord, Pier Luigi Buttigieg, Paul Thompson,
  1. Adoption of agenda
  1. Adopted
  1. Review of minutes of previous meeting
  1. 2019-02-19
  1. Approved for publication, following Peter updating information on AON workshop
  1. Meeting Details: Roadmap for Arctic Observing and Data Considerations: Joint Arctic Observing Systems and Arctic Data Collaboration Sub-team Meeting May 2019, Wednesday, May 15, 3 to 4pm EDT
  1. 2019-03-19 (no minutes, just wandering discussion on other topics)
  1. No minutes to be approved. Meeting to be deleted from list on website.
  1. 2019-04-23 (no minutes, no meeting)
  1. No minutes to be approved. Meeting to be deleted from list on website.
  1. Review of action items
  1. All - What meetings might have several Polar folks in the May-June time frame where we could pull a meeting together…?  If you know of any please post to our mailing list.
  1. To be removed, and raised later.
  1. Ruth action item once Pip is done with matrix to assess to see what info can gleaned - provide to Peter/Øystein when complete
  1. Ruth has a presentation with a bit of a summary of the matrix 
  2. Bill also had a presentation at that IARPC meeting; direct link to PDF.
  1. Peter/Øystein to review results of b and add anything from their work
  1. Still pending.
  1. Peter to talk to Mark/Peter Fox re students to do this (modelling/visualisation the matrix from 4b) work
  1. Preliminary discussions, but nothing concrete yet.
  2. Still pending.
  1. Mark to contact US LTER Info Mgrs about the Polar terms questionnaire
  1. Email requesting input sent to all US LTER Info Mgrs on 2/19.
  2. direct discussion with Info Mgrs from Toolik (LTER ARC) and Beaufort Lagoon
  3. use of WorMS, ITIS for taxonomy, and USA LTER Control Vocab; nothing Arctic specific or strongly cryospheric
  1. Øystein will inform WMO and ask for contributions
  1. Done, but no feedback received so far. Probably due to ongoing time consuming preparations for congress for both WIS and WIGOS.
  1. Ruth/Øystein to look at the vocabulary repositories for ANDS
  1. Ruth has looked at this. Keeping this open.
  1. If someone have trouble accessing the questionnaire etc, please inform Ruth.
  2. Ruth to send out doodle 26-28 for next hackathon
  3. Put discussion of Third Polar Data Forum on next agenda
  4. Siri Jodha to share spreadsheet of parameters and standard names
  1. Third Polar Data Forum (Peter P. informed)
  1. A conference call discussing the forum was arranged a month ago and progress at various levels is good. The website is up and running. Formal invitations for SG will be circulated in a week or so. 2 day plenary style conference, 3 day hackathon.
  2. Discussions on whether a workshop or training event on semantics should be included in the Polar Data Forum.
  1. It was agreement that this is a good idea, but that target groups need to be identified. It is probably wise to address both expert and uninformed target groups.
  1. Need to introduce the concepts of semantics to a wider community and address how to engage domain experts in the workflow. Some of the specific semantic work is out of scope for domain experts.
  1. ENVO’s guidance for contributors for reference (based on Steven Chong’s training at NCEAS) 
  1. Peter suggested to create a page with relevant information material before the end of May in order to introduce concepts to the target groups (in particular the users not aware of semantic approaches). This was strongly supported.
  1. Action: Peter to add some more information that should go into the document (notes missing from the minutes), Øystein to push document further and Ruth, Mark, Bill and Pier Luigi to contribute.
  2. Suggested outline for “one pager” that describes the workshop (1-1.5 days?)
  1. General introduction to vocabularies and semantics for non-experts ; what do we mean by “semantics”, why is the field important, example applications etc.  
  2. Specific applications: Cryosphere ; Life Sciences ; Social Sciences ; Indigenous Knowledge etc.
  3. A road map outlining how the community (domain experts, semantics experts etc.) can work together to enhance vocabularies/semantics for shared benefit (perhap 2 - 3 hours at start of workshop)(appropriate for all participants)
  4. Hands on “training” and ontology development
  1. [Outline details of training component of workshop e.g.
  2. identifying existing vocabs/ontologies ;
  3. enhancing existing resources (e.g. using ENVO, git etc.) ;
  4. analyzing and modeling definitions ;
  5. simple representation (e.g. SKOS-like) ;
  6. advanced representation (developing axioms) ;
  7. inference etc.
  8. Semantics in the wild - using semantics in an application.
  1. Peter also suggested Include a keynote on semantics. This was also supported and details are to be discussed further.
  1. A suggestion was to focus on the pipeline from domain experts to ontology experts.
  1. Possible inclusion of hackathons (in person and/or remote) to keep momentum going with small groups of related phenomena. Perhaps one at a high-level (just getting terms/defs settled) and then a low-level follow-up in a technical hackathon (building on/merging with our cryohackathon series)
  1. Discussion on inclusion of indigenous knowledge through engagement with indigenous librarians who are familiar with controlled vocabs. Possible link to UN Sustainable Development Goal Semantics.
  2. Further discussions on TPDF in the next meeting. Details should be framed out before mid summer.
  1. Status of responses to the Polar Vocabularies questionnaire
  1. Results are available in
  2. 11 responses so far.
  1. Action
  1. Øystein to add WMO to list
  1. Revisit purpose of activity. Why do we do this?
  1. Collection of information
  2. Multiple purposes that may evolve over time.
  1. Preliminary results
  1. No indication of Arctic specific vocabularies, which is good since the Arctic communities that are using vocabualries are aligned with global or domain efforts.
  1. Peter suggested that we may promote the questionnaire during preparations for TPDF in order to get further contributions.
  1. Awareness updates (roundtable)
  1. Ruth
  1. Next Cryohackathon on May 30, 12 am MT, 20:00 CEST
  1. Øystein
  1. GCW/WIGOS meeting on WIGOS vocabularies and WIGOS metadata May 9, trying to close gaps.
  2. is being populated and is moving forward, but still much work remaining.
  1. Next meeting
  1. Agreed to do the third Tuesday of the month, at 1800 UTC.
  2. Next meeting will be Tuesday 28 May, at 11 am MT = 1800 UTC.