Escuela Secundaria Técnica No. 10

“Marco Antonio Barberena Cruz”

Jesús María Ags.

Ciclo Escolar 2019-2020

Subject: LENGUA EXTRANJERA   Grado     Trimestre: Tercero

Teacher: César Martínez Peres

Unit 4A: Bilingual Dictionaries

Communicative Activity: Interpreting and following instructions

Social Practice of the Language: Write instructions for using a bilingual dictionary.

 Achievement: Understands the use of textual components of bilingual dictionaries.

 Week: April 27th to May 1st, 2020

Using the information given, complete the next activities that describe the parts of a dictionary.

Usando la información dada, complete las siguientes actividades que describen las partes de un diccionario.

Parts of a dictionary

Entry word. The word that heads a lexical entry and is alphabetized in a dictionary

Pronunciation. Tells you how to pronounce the entry word

Guide words. This tell you the first and last words defined on each page

Speech part. This abbreviation tells you what part of speech the defined word is

Definition. This explains the meaning of the entry word

Page number. A number assigned to a page in a dictionary

Origin. Shows the origin of the entry word

Pronunciation guide. This guide explain the meaning the symbols use in the pronunciation

Plural form.Shows how the entry is witten in plural form

Dictionary. A reference book containing an alphabetical list of words with information about them.

Activity #1: Answer the questions appropriately choosing the correct answer

                    Responde adecuadamente las preguntas eligiendo la respuesta correcta.

  1. The word that heads a lexical entry and is alphabetized in a dictionary

A) ENTRY WORD              B) PRONUNCIATION               C) GUIDE WORDS               D) SPEECH PART

  1. Tells you how to pronounce the entry word

             A) ENTRY WORD              B) PRONUNCIATION               C) GUIDE WORDS               D) SPEECH PART

  1. This tell you the first and last words defined on each page

A) ENTRY WORD              B) PRONUNCIATION               C) GUIDE WORDS               D) SPEECH PART

  1. This abbreviation tells you what part of speech the defined word is

A) ENTRY WORD              B) PRONUNCIATION               C) GUIDE WORDS               D) SPEECH PART

  1. This explains the meaning of the entry word

A) DEFINITION               B) PAGE NUMBER                C) ORIGIN                         D) PRONUNCIATION GUIDE

  1. A number assigned to a page in a dictionary

A) DEFINITION               B) PAGE NUMBER                C) ORIGIN                         D) PRONUNCIATION GUIDE

  1. Shows the origin of the entry word

A) DEFINITION               B) PAGE NUMBER                C) ORIGIN                         D) PRONUNCIATION GUIDE

  1. This guide explain the meaning the symbols use in the pronunciation

       A) DEFINITION               B) PAGE NUMBER                C) ORIGIN                         D) PRONUNCIATION GUIDE

  1. Shows how the entry is witten in plural form

       A) PRONUNCIATION GUIDE                 B) ORIGIN                  C) PLURAL FORM             D) DICTIONARY          

  1. A reference book containing an alphabetical list of words with information about them.

             A) PRONUNCIATION GUIDE                 B) ORIGIN                  C) PLURAL FORM             D) DICTIONARY          

Activity #2 Make a word search using the words related to the parts of a dictionary

                   Elabora una sopa de letras usando las palabras relacionadas con las partes de un diccionario

Activity #3  Complete the following table using an English-Spanish dictionary

                    Completa la tabla siguiente utilizando un diccionario inglés-español

Finding words in a Dictionary




*Guide Word (initial)

*Guide Word (final)










*Guide words. This tell you the first and last words defined on each page

 Primera y la última palabra definidas en cada página en la que se encuentra la palabra que buscas.

Acivity # 4 Complete the following crossword puzzle related to the parts of a dictionary

                   Completa el siguiente crucigrama relacionado con las partes de un diccionario