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K-2 Choice Board
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Elementary Technology Integration Plan
K-2 Project Choice Board

This choice board can be used for any unit, project, and/or activity. The teacher will choose the topic and/or content, and let your students choose from the menu how they would like to show their knowledge of the topic. Students should choose a variety of categories throughout the school year.


Students will digitally draw a picture.

Suggested Tools:


Graphic Design

Students will create a document with pictures and words.

Suggested Tools:



Students will type information into a word processing document.

Suggested Tools:



Students will input data into a spreadsheet and/or create a graph.

Suggested Tools:



Students will create a slideshow presentation.

Suggested Tools:



Students will capture video and/or audio using iPad, Chromebook, or camera.

Suggested Tools:


Project Ideas for Students

  • Newsletter/Newscast
  • Storybook
  • Timeline
  • Comic Strip
  • Webpage
  • Song
  • Play
  • How-to
  • Review Game
  • Poem
  • Vocabulary cards
  • Graphic organizer
  • Advertisement
  • Poster
  • Survey


  • Coding - assignment
  • Library/whole class - Google meet with a guest speaker
  • Simulation/field trips

Project/Assignment Ideas Examples for Teachers


First Grade

Second Grade

  • Rhyming words - Create a product to show words that rhyme. (LA)
  • song video
  • poem document
  • graphic design pictures with words
  • Retell texts - Create a product to retell a story that was read aloud in class. (LA)
  • presentation to retell the story
  • graphic design with the main elements of the story
  • video acting out the story (collaborative)
  • Personal connections - Create a product to show a connection to a character in a story. (LA)
  • graphic organizer
  • draw a picture of the main event in a story and label
  • video of how a student relates to the main character
  • George Washington - Create a product to show what they know/learned about G. Washington. (SS)
  • presentation
  • flipgrid video
  • graphic design timeline
  • Needs & Wants - Create a product to show what kinds of goods are needs and wants. (SS)
  • graphic design of a graphic organizer
  • drawing of items that are needs and wants
  • take pictures of items and categorize as needs or wants
  • Amelia Earhart - Create a product to show what you know about A. Earhart. (SS)
  • video singing a song or telling about Earhart
  • presentation
  • document report using correct punctuation and complete sentences
  • 3D Shapes - Create a product showing 3D shapes we have learned about. (M)
  • video shapes in the class and talk about it
  • take pictures of 3D shapes in building and place in presentation
  • draw 3D shapes in drawing program
  • Data - Create a product to show how you collect, sort, and organize data.(M)
  • graph data using spreadsheet software
  • collect data and present it in a presentation
  • draw a picture to display the data you have collected
  • Multiplication - Create, describe, and solve multiplication problems using a model. (M)
  • graphic design or presentation to make up a mult. word problem and show how to solve with shapes
  • video talking about how to solve a mult. problem
  • Animals - Show what you know about animal parts and their coverings. (A different animal could be assigned to different students.) (Sci)
  • graphic design with pictures and labels
  • presentation describing animal parts and covering
  • draw animal and their parts and covering
  • Life cycle - Create a product to show the life cycle of a butterfly. (Sci)
  • write a story in a presentation with pictures about the changes in each phase
  • draw a picture of the life cycle
  • make and record a song to describe the life cycle
  • Safety - Show what you know about safety in science class. (Sci)
  • Write, act, and video a play to show science safety procedures. (collaborative)
  • presentation with safety rules
  • document/poster of safety rules