(The theme for Wrestleworld begins to play as an overhead view of various spots and places in Wrestleworld as red “bloodlines” begin to come from them, making their way around the map)

Male Voice-Over: The Heart.

(The red lines continue to strategically make their way throughout the Wrestleworld map)

Male Voice-Over: The Core.

(The red lines all finally meet together in the center of the map where Wrestleworld Studios is)

Male Voice-Over: This is The EpiCenter of Wrestleworld.

(The camera rapidly zooms in to where Wrestleworld Studios located on the map before transitioning to the inside with a set up with blue coloring and Jaywalker sitting at the EpiCenter Table, dressed in a suit as usual along with a suited up and grinning Felix Mosby on the opposite side of the Table)

Felix Mosby: Annndddd we’re back! It’s been far, far too long! For the first time since the start of Book 2, The EpiCenter has officially made its triumphant return as of tonight! Welcome one and all to another edition of the show tonight, I’m Felix Mosby, here as always with none other than the man that’s made all of this possible in the Director of Wrestleworld himself, Jaywalker!

Jaywalker: Good evening, everyone, and evening to you as well, Felix. I see you’re as chipper as ever.

Felix Mosby: How could I not be?! So much has gone on since we were last here! The final show before Dreamworld! Dreamworld itself! The first Chapter of Book 2! So much has gone down that I don’t think we even have enough time on this show to begin to cover it, but there’s no need to, I suppose! The EpiCenter is about the fallout of the previous show, and what a previous show it was!

Jaywalker: And keep in mind, there’s already been not one, but TWO Chapters that have gone by since Book 2 began, and already a lot has changed in the landscape.

Felix Mosby: No doubt! No doubt about it! By The Sword is an event I’m already on the edge of my seat in anticipation for so you can imagine how giddy I got when we found out last Chapter that it would feature the first ever Fatal Four-Way contest for the Shogun Championship between Champion Arata Asakura, Animus, Reginald Dampshaw III, and Jacob Senn!

Jaywalker: And that’s far from all, but tonight is about covering as much as we can coming off of last Chapter and heading into into the final Chapter before By The Sword.

Felix Mosby: That’s right, there’s so much to cover and that’s not even including all of the things we’ve seen from the new DOMINION that’s been absolutely incredible as well as they head towards their first ever Grand Tour!

Jaywalker: That’s true, but we’ll cover DOMINION next episode, as for tonight, we’ll focus solely on Book 2, and we’ll have our very first Book 2 Guest when we return, so don’t go anywhere.


(The camera returns to The EpiCenter Table where Christopher Sabertooth is shown seated with Jaywalker and Felix Mosby)

Jaywalker: Welcome back to The EpiCenter, everyone, as you can see here we have our very first guest of the night. He’s been a huge part of Wrestleworld since its inception as perhaps its most dominant Champion as he reigned for several months as our first ever European Champion. Please welcome none other than Christopher Sabertooth.

Felix Mosby: Welcome, Chris! And this IS Sabertooth we’re talking to, right? Not Havoc, yes?

(Sabertooth nods)

Christopher Sabertooth: That’s right, and thanks for having me… And while I appreciate the introduction, I don’t really consider myself to be the former European Champion. That was Havoc’s accolade. I’m here and he’s not because I intend to build a legacy of my own here in this company.

Felix Mosby: So we’ve heard! I was elated to see the change and the determination you’ve displayed as you’ve set out to show that you’re perfectly capable of handling your business on your own as Sabertooth. Do you truly feel like Havoc has been sort of a crutch to you all this time?

(Sabertooth thinks it over as he reluctantly nods)

Christopher Sabertooth: As much as I hate to say it, yeah, I do. When I first arrived in Wrestleworld, I never had any intention of letting him out unless absolutely necessary. I competed as myself and I succeeded as myself, but it became increasingly clear to me that I wasn’t getting the job done as just myself. When you’re put in a situation like Babayka and Erik Vance had me in, you start to wonder what your best course of action is… I don’t doubt that was their intention too. Tristan and I were chosen by them for a reason and we both had a choice to make. He made his choice, and obviously I made mine. I felt like I had nothing to lose by giving in to Havoc and letting him take over. And he did exactly what we wanted by capturing the European Championship immediately.

Jaywalker: Did you ever consider just taking over while you were still European Champion?

Christopher Sabertooth: No. He won the Championship. It was his reign to have. I sat back and let it happen. I let him do whatever it was he wanted to do for as long as it took, and as you can see, he did a good job. He held onto it for a long time and did everything I could have ever wanted.

Felix Mosby: And that changed after the loss at Dreamworld?

Christopher Sabertooth: He was hurt at Dreamworld, both physically and mentally. It became clear to me that Havoc had run his course, and I took advantage of that. I got tired of sitting back and letting him do my business for me. I know what I’m capable of. We share the same body, don’t we? I’m every bit as good as he is. I’ve won accolades upon accolades on my own, so why should it be any different just because of where it all happens? Wrestleworld was a place he drove his flag into the soil of, but now it’s my turn to do the same. And that all starts now. No matter who the hell gets in my way. Especially this… Whoever this person is. And I’m glad I’m here, Jay.

Jaywalker: Hmm?

Christopher Sabertooth: Because you’re just the man I wanted to see about all of this. For 2 Chapters now, this guy… Whoever this old man is - he’s been watching me and talking to me as if he knows a damn thing about me. I don’t know what his deal is exactly, but it’s clear he represents someone. You’re the guy in charge here, so who is he? I figured if anyone could give me an answer, it’s you.

Jaywalker: Oh, right… Well if I’m being perfectly honest, I don’t know who exactly he represents.

Christopher Sabertooth: What? How?

Jaywalker: I’ve known him for a while now, and the deal signed with him and Wrestleworld wasn’t a simple one where his client or whoever it is signs up. We signed his Production company, which has the power to bring in virtually any client of theirs they see fit. Anyone signed with him can compete in Wrestleworld, basically. So as to who it is he’s bringing in, I honestly couldn’t tell you.

Christopher Sabertooth: And just who the hell is this guy?

Jaywalker: Well, the thing is, he’s asked me not to give you that information because he wants to tell you it himself at Chapter 21. I don’t think who he is is what matters though. But I do think you should be ready for whatever it is he’s bringing to challenge you. If it’s a new start you wanted, then I suppose this is the best way to do it anyway.

Christopher Sabertooth: Suit yourself. If you don’t want to tell me who he is, then so be it. But tell your friend - whoever the hell he is - that I’m not some doormat to be walked on. Like you said, I’ve been here since day one. I’m an original in this company and I’ve been here all this time not because of Havoc, but because of me and no one else. So tell your friend I’ll be more than ready for whatever mindgame bullshit he thinks he’s about to pull.

(Sabertooth gets up from the Table and walks off as Jaywalker and Felix look on)

Felix Mosby: A very determined Christopher Sabertooth! I like it! I can’t even begin to guess who on earth this older man is or who he’s bringing in, but I know I’m looking forward to finding out! Perhaps not as much as Sabertooth is, but my elation is up there!

Jaywalker: I hope he’s ready for whatever it is… But nonetheless, we’ll be back here on The EpiCenter with our next guest when we return.


(The camera cuts back to The EpiCenter Table where a smiling Hana Nakajima is shown seated with Felix Mosby and Jaywalker)

Felix Mosby: Welcome back to The EpiCenter, everyone, and here we have our next guest in none other than the undisputed “World’s Cutest Wrestler” in none other than the young sensation that is Hana Nakajima!

(Hana giggles and nods)

Hana Nakajima: Hajimashite. Thank you so much for having me.

Jaywalker: It’s a pleasure to have you on the show, Hana. I don’t think you get the opportunity enough to talk and say your piece, especially as of late.

(Hana looks slightly saddened as she nods again)

Hana Nakajima: Yes, so much has gone on since Dreamworld.

Felix Mosby: That’s very true, and at Dreamworld itself, you and your team with Reno Dumont and Crazy Violet came up short in a brutal Oak Table Match against Cash Corleone’s team, but I think it’s safe to say you’ve all found your own way to bounce back. In fact, at By The Sword it’s been announced by Drake & Jones that you will now be competing AGAINST Reno, as well as Nobi, as Sweet Melody will take on The Wild Cards for a shot at the Campeonatos de Parejas. Any thoughts on that?

Hana Nakajima: I believe that Drake & Jones’ intentions in making this match between us were not good. We do not think that this match was made because of how good we are, but because they thought it would fracture World’s Finest. But initially, we looked at it positively. My senpai, April, told me that it was something that we needed to accept and look at in a good way. She and I became a team to prove how good we are together, and the only proper way to do that is to get through good opposing teams like The Wild Cards.

Felix Mosby: And I take it The Wild Cards feel the same way, especially Nobi…

(Hana looks a little saddened again)

Hana Nakajima: Yes, it seems as though Nobi especially has not shown hesitation in this.

Jaywalker: I think Nobi’s case is something to focus on too. Just watching from afar, it looked to me like you and April and even Reno were all on the same page, but Nobi… I mean, to me anyway, Nobi comes off like he wants to take you guys on and hasn’t exactly been respectful about it either. How do you feel about him?

Hana Nakajima: In The World’s Finest, we all have a deep respect for one another. We have a respect that we all feel we’ve earned. Some of us may be separated on DOMINION from Book 2 now, but we are still a group and still feel that way no matter what. I do not know Nobi as well as the others, but I know he is very talented and has been through so much in his career. I do not want to make assumptions about him. I think he has been through a lot and feels very stern about this match. When I first met him, he was very nice and welcoming to me, but he has been distant as of late… I don’t know. He was happy before, but now he seems only focused on winning and doesn’t look happy. I can’t explain it, I’m sorry.

Felix Mosby: That’s alright. It’s clear we’ve seen another side of Nobi ever since Dreamworld took place. And how about Reno? Any thoughts on your opponent at Chapter 21?

Hana Nakajima: I’m very grateful to April for giving me the opportunity to compete with her and to become a part of The World’s Finest, and because of it I met new friends such as Reno. He has been nice and has taught me a lot as a wrestler since we all came together. I was happy to have the chance to team with him at Kingdom Come and other shows such as Dreamworld. I don’t know how to feel about Nobi, but I think Reno is on the same page as us and intends to compete and put on his best performance with us at By The Sword, and we more than welcome that. It will be an exciting experience to compete with him one on one this Sunday. I look forward to it very much. And I hope that with this match, maybe Nobi will feel the same way as we do. I hope.

Felix Mosby: Well I hope so too! I’m sure it’ll be a great contest, and you have no idea how much I’m looking forward to that tag match at By The Sword! Thank you so much for joining us, Hana, we really appreciate--

(Colt Montoya walks into view of the camera as everyone looks on)

Jaywalker: Of course, what would an episode of The EpiCenter be without someone just waltzing in here?

Colt Montoya: Jaywalker.

Jaywalker: What do you want, Colt? If you wanted to be here tonight, all you had to do--

Colt Montoya: I’m only here because I knew you’d be here, that’s all. I don’t want an interview. All I want is one thing from you.

Jaywalker: And what would that be?

(Colt steps up to the table)

Colt Montoya: This Sunday, Kimberly has apparently been invited to the Carnival by Ozymandias.

Jaywalker: And?

Colt Montoya: I don’t think I need to spell out to you what his goal is. She’s the one being invited while I can’t come with her obviously, I have a match. I don’t think you need to be a Detective to see he’s taking advantage of that. And while I’ve urged Kimberly not to go through with going there, she’s adamant about it and doesn’t seem to have any fear about it.

Jaywalker: If she wants to go through with it then what do you want from me?

Colt Montoya: Something simple. I want you to say right now that Ozymandias is not allowed to lay a finger on her in any way, shape, or form. If anything happens to her, strip him of his Championship. This match at By The Sword is between me and him. No one else. I’m not gonna sit back and focus on my match while who the hell knows what happens to her at that Carnival. So that’s what I want from you.

Jaywalker: That’s it? You want some, what, insurance for your Manager?

Colt Montoya: I’m not going to let Ozymandias get what he wants out of reaching out to her. This is the only way to do it.

Jaywalker: …. Alright, fair enough. You’re right, this is between the two of you, not her. There’s no reason for her to get hurt or anything, so you have my word then. If any harm comes to her, Ozymandias will relinquish the European Championship. Happy? We good?

(Colt says nothing as he only nods and walks away)

Jaywalker: Good. Apologies for that, Hana. Thank YOU for showing up here like you were scheduled to, unlike certain others. Nonetheless, we’ll have our final guest of the evening here with us when The EpiCenter returns.


(The camera cuts back to The EpiCenter Table as Claudia Michaels is shown seated with Jaywalker and Felix Mosby)

Felix Mosby: Welcome back, ladies and--

Claudia Michaels: Shut up, Felix. Nobody tunes in to listen to you spaz out for an hour. Let’s be honest, anyone tuning in at all tonight is because of me.

Jaywalker: As classy as ever, Claudia.

Claudia Michaels: I don’t want to hear it from you either, Jay. In fact, this would go a lot more smoothly if you both would shut your mouths and let your Queen address the current situation with the American Dream Championship that’s currently being held hostage by the Korean that is Stephanie Matsuda.

Jaywalker: Well unfortunately I won’t be shutting my mouth, not for you or anyone else. I’ve given you the opportunity to come on here and spout whatever nonsense you have to say and make a decision for the Championship that never belonged to you in the first place.

Claudia Michaels: Oh I think you know very well that Championship belonged to nobody but me. Architect or not, I’m the best competitor in this entire company and it deserved to be around MY waist. In fact, it would still be around my waist if you hadn’t displayed one of the most sickening acts of power abuse I’ve ever witnessed by sending out your little army to interfere in my match at Dreamworld. And now you have the audacity to insult me?

(Jaywalker laughs)

Felix Mosby: Alright, guys, come on, let’s try to be professional--

Jaywalker & Claudia Michaels: Shut up, Felix.

Jaywalker: Claudia, there’s no denying your talent. You’re one of the best competitors I’ve ever seen in a ring. But you weren’t hired here to be a competitor. You were hired to be an Architect. And from day one, you took what power you had as an Architect and exploited it to pretend you were the Champion. You even created your OWN little army to ensure it never left your possession. Well that all blew up in your face, didn’t it?

Claudia Michaels: Oh don’t you worry, Jay. I always land on my feet. The American Dream Championship is still very much mine, and there will come a day when I take back what’s mine, whether you like it or not. But if you get in my way again, I’ll make you regret the day you ever invested in this piece of shit company.

(Jaywalker stands up from the Table as Felix gets up to try to calm him down)

Felix Mosby: Okay, okay, okay! Calm down, everyone! Claudia came here tonight to address the American Dream Championship scene, right? Let’s just get to that…

Jaywalker: Yeah, go ahead, Claudia. Give us your verdict. We’re all dying to know what your first decision is as just an Architect.

(Jaywalker sits back down as Claudia stares down with him)

Claudia Michaels: … I’m glad to have kept you all waiting. So many have been asking me about it. Obviously enough, both Drago Santiago and Jay Jones were given guaranteed shots at the American Dream Championship, so I had two options. I could hand them individual shots at the Championship, or they could compete for it in the same match. I thought it over and considered which would be harder for Matsuda to retain, but then Drago and Jones went out of their way to make the decision for me. Back at Chapter 20, Maverick took a huge step forward in my absence and tried to recruit Jones and Santiago, but those two had the gall to abandon him when they were needed. So obviously it’s been made clear that they’re nothing but a couple of ingrates. And ingrates need to be taught a lesson. So no, they won’t be getting individual shots at the American Dream Championship like they both so badly desire. Instead, they’re going to compete at the same time for it at By The Sword. In fact, I’m not going to make it even THAT easy. Not for them and not for Matsuda. This isn’t going to be just some run of the mill Triple Threat Match. No, no, no… I’m going to make it a Three-Way Scramble Match.

Felix Mosby: Three-Way Scramble?!

Claudia Michaels: That’s right. Over the course of 30 Minutes, they will compete, and it won’t be about who just captures a fall, but who captures THE fall. Whomever is the last to capture a fall by the end of the time limit will be walking out as the Champion. So rest assured, I very much look forward to watching the hope leave their precious faces when someone takes the fall away from them and leaves them desperate to take it back while the clock keeps ticking away. So yes, that is my final decision. I hope none of them win, in all honesty. But it’s neither here nor there. Whoever leaves with it is simply keeping it warm for me. We’re done here.

(Claudia gets up from the Table and starts to leave)

Jaywalker: Not quite.

(Claudia stops as she looks back)

Claudia Michaels: Excuse me?

Jaywalker: No, I don’t think we’re done quite yet. In fact, I think just like Santiago and Jones helped YOU come to a decision, I too have come to a decision.

Claudia Michaels: Is that so? About what?

(Jaywalker leans back in his chair)

Jaywalker: I seem to recall a little incident you and Maverick had with Kevin Devastation last Chapter.

(Claudia rolls her eyes and scoffs)

Jaywalker: Now I had no issue letting it all be at Chapter 19 when Kevin showed up here without permission and not contractually allowed to be here or do what he did, but then you and Maverick took it upon yourselves to outright goad him into showing up and getting physically involved before attacking him and sending some “message” I’m sure.

Claudia Michaels: Who gives a shit about Kevin Devastation? We finished our business with him.

Jaywalker: Not quite, Claudia. You see, someone truly does give a shit about Kevin Devastation that I know of, and they happen to be a team of lawyers that would happily pursue the both of you and probably Wrestleworld itself. That is, of course, unless I went with another option he suggested. I think you’ve helped me choose which one I’ll go with tonight. So while Kevin wasn’t contractually allowed to be here before… He will be contractually allowed to compete in at least one match, and very soon.

Claudia Michaels: You didn’t…

Jaywalker: Oh I did. I am. You two started this, and I’m going to end it. So at By The Sword, Maverick will step inside the ring with Kevin Devastation. No more bullshit. No excuses. It all ends once and for all. So while you thought you were so slick with that ambush of yours last Chapter, I can assure you that as of right now, there’s nothing holding Kevin back from making sure it’s you two buried in the ground. Tell Maverick I said good luck. He’s gonna need it.

(Claudia stares down with Jaywalker from across the Table as the camera slowly fades to black)

(Wrestleworld Logo Buzzes)