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The Urly Bird, Renturly's  vetting system, eliminates tire kickers


Say Goodbye to Daisy Chains and Tire Kickers

Make faster, better, more frequent deals with Renturly's Urly Bird vetting and Birds of  Feather matching systems

Michael Sadler


Renturly was created with a single, clear purpose:  to help buyers and sellers close bulk deals more quickly -- and frequently -- than ever before.

I started out with some assumptions about what I thought created problems for buyers, sellers, buyers' representatives, sellers' representatives, asset managers and deal facilitators in the bulk off-market real estate industry.

But I wanted to create real solutions for real problems, not hypothetical ones.  So I spent hundreds of hours interviewing successful and struggling real estate professionals to find out exactly what stood in the way of greater success.

I asked questions and listened to answers before studying, testing and implementing solutions.  I can confidently say my solutions work better than anything else available because they address the problems YOU identified as critically important and because they are solutions that YOU say work.

Renturly eliminates your two biggest problems:  tire kickers and daisy chains.

83% of you said your greatest challenge was try to close more transactions in the presence of daisy chains and tire kickers while trying to uphold your reputations.

Imagine your much time you would save -- and how much more money you could make -- if you had the tools to efficiently evaluate prospects and deals.

Now you can!

Survey reveals critical problems you face in bulk off-market real estate

Eight out of 10 respondents said the biggest problems hampering their success were tire kickers and daisy chains.

You said you were frustrated in your efforts to find real buyers and real deals and wasted a lot of time spinning your wheels on make-believe people and go-nowhere deals.

 I said, 'It's time to solve these problems!"

The Urly Bird Vets the Worm

Tire kickers waste time, energy and money.  But most of you have resigned yourself to putting up with them.

One industry leader screens clients on his website.   And guess what notation he makes after nearly every name?  Tire kicker.

Does a system that eliminates practically every prospect work?  Isn't that almost the same as having no system at all?

That why I created the Urly Bird Grade.

Both buyers and sellers need to be vetted.  The Urly Bird Grade allows sellers to grade buyers, buyers to grade sellers and provides an updated grade once every 30 days. This means that as prospects improve their skills, everyone will know and can choose to reengage with them.  The Urly Bird Grade is reflective of the community consensus about a prospect.

The gentleman who labeled nearly everyone in his system a tire kicker did himself a disservice.  As soon as he did that, he killed them from his prospect list.  Label someone a tire kicker and you'll never approach them in the future when they become a real prospect.

The Urly Bird Grade fairly rates buyers and sellers.  If yesterday's tire seller turns into a serious prospect, the rating system acknowledges this change.  

I have feedback from you that the best way to vet a source of deals is to have closed with them before.  So to vet sources of deals I speak with Asset Managers and speak with people who have closed with this source before.

This also helps solve the problem of finding real buyers.  Buyer’s Representatives can use our system, documents, and contracts to focus on vetting buyers. (Hint: if the buyers don’t send the documents back, they aren’t real buyers.)

Stop wasting time with tire kickers and stop kicking yourself when a competitor converts an idle prospect into an active buyer.  With the Urly Bird Grade system, you can quickly -- and accurately -- assess any prospect, any time.  

Birds of a Feather Flock Together to Bigger, Better Deals

Thanks to Renturly's Urly Bird vetting system and Birds of a Feather matching system, it is now normal for me to discuss deals in the $200+M range.  This is not hype. This is a direct result of the quality of the information that I source for the system.

The information and tools provide an unprecedented solution to those in the off-market real estate industry.

Why?  Because they solve the problems you want solved.  The Urly Bird Grade screens prospects.  The Birds of a Feather System supplies you with unlimited matches to real, fully-vetted deals and deal makers.

I asked you, "What is the scarce resource between $85B/month in assets for sale or $200M of real proof of funds?"

You said having a consistent and reliable stream of bulk assets for sale is the real trick.

That's why I spent a lot of my time sourcing a virtually unlimited supply of great assets for sale that buyers can be matched to.   Asset Managers will continue providing Renturly with a consistent supply of assets for sale because transactional efficiency is improved for them.

The Urly Bird Grade system gets rid of tire kickers.  The Birds of a Feather system eliminates the daisy chain.  It drastically cuts down the hoops and hurdles that stand between you and your ability to close deals fast, efficiently and profitably.

Why has no one solved the tire-kicker  and daisy chain problems before?

The real estate industry's methods for sharing information -- forums, email blasts and LinkedIn groups -- were not designed to accommodate the industry's workflow.  They are the available methods, not methods that work smoothly or efficiently.

You are afraid of circumventing the system because acquiring information helps make you successful.  You are reluctant to share information because it puts at risk your ability to make commissions.

You don't want to upset the apple cart even though it's mostly filled with rotten apples.

Some of you have tried to design your own screening systems on your own websites.  But, since your system wasn't engineered for the industry as a whole, it doesn't solve the problem.

The off-market real estate industry needs a system that supports the way business is actually done.

Renturly's Urly Bird vetting system and Birds of a Feather matching system work because they align with your needs.  They work the way you conduct business.

Real Solution to a Real, Worldwide Problem

The Renturly systems eliminate the tire kickers and drastically shrink the daisy chain.  It helps buyers and sellers come together and close deals sooner than ever.  It increases efficiency, improves communication and puts more money in your pocket.

And you get all the information you need without risk..  Renturly provides buyer and seller codes so you do not need to worry about circumvention.  The optional values in the Renturly system allow you to give your clients a memorable identifier so you don't need to input any of your clients' personal contact information.

 No matter whether you are the principal, direct-to, or a facilitator everyone else will be able to see that the deal can only be done by going through you! 

Renturly's Urly Bird Grade and Birds of a Feather give you:

What is different now?  How could I solve a problem no one else has solved?

Historically, it has taken the efforts of someone outside an industry to bring about change and solutions to common problems within the industry.. I have gotten to know many successful transaction facilitators by letting them know that I am not trying to sell them anything and that I am trying to understand why everyone has this problem of dealing with tire kickers and daisy chains.

What’s different about me -- and the Renturly Urly Bird vetting Birds of a Feather matching systems I created --  is that I never intended to earn commissions by closing transactions.  This makes me an outsider.  I have been so focused on building a solution to buyers' and sellers' problems that I never considered closing deals myself.

But now, because of the system I created, I keep getting offered commissions (as high as $3M) and being paid subscription fees for using Renturly.  This motivated me to add contracts to my system.  They're now in place and every Renturly subscriber can use them!

I became an insider because I listened to successful facilitators when they identified the problems in the industry and tested different solutions before adding them to features in Renturly.

With the Renturly's matching and vetting systems, daisy chains and tire kickers are a thing of the past .

Why should you make a payment?

Buyers, Sellers, Buyers' Representatives,  Sellers' Representatives, Asset Managers and Transaction Facilities receive these benefits with the Urly Bird vetting and Birds of a Feather matching systems:

It is true that I am letting you to sign up FREE. I want you to not just perceive the value of the system but actually realize the value of the system before subscribing. My hope is that when you save a portfolio with assets or add a property, save a buyer and contact your first prospect after being matched that you will want to subscribe to realize the full potential of the Renturly Urly Bird and Birds of a Feather matching and vetting systems.

How much is a Renturly payment worth?

When I interviewed you , you told me you would pay $600 to know how reputable a single prospect was.

You also said that, depending on a buyer's proof of funds and the quality of the deals  (50 cents on the dollar and not shopped around) you would pay between $1,900 and $3,900 per month to access unlimited matches.

 The Urly Bird Grade is the vetting system and Birds of a Feather is the matching system that allow you to contact prospects in real time.

You said you would pay up to $4500 a month to receive these two services.

Say goodbye to tire kickers and daisy chains.  Say hello to faster and more frequent deals.

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