I hope by reading this book, you will take the time to read proverbs in the Bible. It has 31 chapters that will impart wisdom and a more deeper understanding of life.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. If you don’t fear God, you will do whatever sin you want by acting like God is not there. To grasp wisdom we need humbleness. I always tell myself I don’t wanna start well and finish bad. King Solomon was the wisest man in his day, but he threw it all away when he started dabbling into sin. The wisdom he wrote down for us wasn’t his, but God’s. We all have the opportunity to sin and fall. So no one should look to any man as someone special. But let's give The Holy Spirit the credit He deserves.
I can’t say that I'm that wise or smart, till this day I still have days and moments of weakness and say and do things that require more wisdom. I learned some things the hard way by making mistakes and not being obedient to the Lord. So I hope maybe I can steer you towards a better direction in life. We have to understand that the Holy Spirit is still speaking today. This book is a continuation of what the Holy Spirit is saying to the body of Christ. My prayer is that you understand the proverbs in this book with the desire to transform your thinking to be more like Christ.
This book has seven chapters, which have taken seven years to write. Wisdom takes years to cumulate. Not all the sayings in this book are just my sayings. About five percent of the sayings are from other Godly people who have inspired me through the years. I had to write them down and make sure it made it in this book. But Most importantly this book has been possible because of my wife. She has sown into me by praying that God would give me wisdom. And I have to appreciate her for it, because without her prayers this book would never come together. Enjoy, and may God touch your life in Jesus’s Name!
Chapter 1
- Messy house, messy life.
- Anointing is better than talent.
- Dispatching angels requires holiness.
- Knowledge without wisdom is dangerous.
- What you don’t deal with, will deal with you.
- Power is given in the place of intimacy with God.
- Don't let your anointing get ahead of your character.
- Losing all you have for truth, is a man who loves God.
- Spreading knowledge is good, but understanding is better.
- Character is who you are when no one but Jesus is watching.
- Wrong beliefs produce harm, but right beliefs will bring safety.
- You have to win in the spirit before you see your victory on earth.
- When time with God gets replaced, time with activities gets added.
- Giving in secret will give glory to God, but in the open, glory to self.
- Quantity time with God will eventually turn into quality time with God.
- Information can be a poisonous drink. It kills when there's no discernment.
- Speaking against sin will make enemies if it’s not accompanied by conviction.
- A forgiving person is safe from evil, but one that holds grudges makes enemies.
- You can’t lose your calling or gifting, but be careful, you can lose your anointing.
- Avoiding Godly counsel will take you towards one direction; Counsel of the wicked.
- You want the anointing Jesus had, but you don’t want the persecution that comes with it.
- Some things are not for you to fix. God wants it broken so he can establish a new foundation.
- Concealing progress will bring more progress. Protecting it is better than rushing with excitement.
- A gentle wife lifts up her husband when he makes a mistake, but an angry woman beats him down.
- Storms and trials are meant to expose our weaknesses. Then we can evaluate our foundation in Christ.
- Pure gold is more valuable than one that's mixed. So is a pure man more valuable than one mixed with sin.
- Disagreeing with humbleness is a better way to plant your seed. But making your point with arrogance is for fools.
- The woman who does not follow the leading of her Godly husband, will also not follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.
- Believing lies is a sickness; once you're infected, you believe them in a split second. Like a disease, you can spread them to others.
- People that don’t understand the attack, give advice like Job’s friends. In the end, their advice is without understanding or discernment.
- It’s how you respond to each moment of life that keeps you young. Problems will come, but how you let them affect you, determines your lifespan.
- Becoming familiar to the Voice of The Holy Spirit is more important than one's family. Troubles will come, but a man that hears His voice will save his family.
Chapter 2
- Good is the enemy of best.
- No anointing, no manifestation.
- Where there is revival there is prayer.
- Rest is where better decisions come out of.
- Progress can slow down because of presence.
- Zeal is good, if it doesn't take you out of His will.
- You want to change, but your pride is not letting you.
- You can't give God your burden if you don't go to him.
- Submissive wife is beautiful, whoever finds her is blessed.
- Making a habit of asking will get you in the habit of receiving.
- Avoidance from Godly counsel exposes the motive of the heart.
- A busy life is good, when the important things from God are first.
- Better to have a flowing chemistry than the best talents next to you.
- Rest is progress, it will bring you hope and keep your vision revived.
- If victory can’t be found in your struggles, your path will be destructive.
- Knowledge steered without wisdom, is a man's sword steered without eyes.
- Better to teach a baby to use a spoon, than to feed him for the rest of your life.
- When they fight, make them hold hands, they will love you when they grow up.
- Righteous anger will make you do something about it. But passiveness feeds evil.
- A free man doesn’t easily get offended. Man that gets offended is far from being free.
- If you humble yourself, your eyes will see, but because of your pride you will stay blind.
- Growing requires trusting, and trusting requires faith, and faith requires taking a step forward.
- A tree without leaves does not produce shade. Shade comes when the tree is planted by the water.
- God abides in a timeless dimension; entering there in worship will require you to lose track of time.
- The foundation of a small building does not take long to build, but the foundation of a skyscraper does.
- Sometimes it's better to let the dust settle before doing what’s needed. Going in too early will bring disaster.
- Strategy does not always bring effectiveness. Spending time with the Holy Spirit will always lead you to effectiveness.
- The most dangerous people are not with guns. Most dangerous people are the ones that can’t comprehend or understand the truth.
- It’s easier to air out empty advice when you have a lighter load. Carry the heavier load so your understanding will work with maturity.
- A wise woman knows how to turn her husband's weaknesses into strengths, but a foolish woman turns his strengths into weaknesses.
- The people that hate you are the ones you’re supposed to help not become like them. Their experience with you, helps them become a helper like you.
- Struggles are meant to prepare you, so you can be the relief for the next generation. Don’t get off the course, God has you on, or you will lose the next generation.
Chapter 3
- Love is blind without God.
- Can’t see positive without power.
- Remove pride, before it removes you.
- Your fruit will defend you at the right time.
- A person of power, is a person of self control.
- Better to face the problem early than to let it grow.
- Having a reservoir of love is for your own protection.
- One that talks bad about others will talk bad about you.
- Humbleness brings promotion, but arrogance closes doors.
- A car without fuel is like living without your spouse's support.
- You are blind when you listen and accept the words of the blind.
- A free person gives his testimony, but the one in bondage hides it.
- Don't let the fear of losing everything dictate your calling from God.
- Whatever you don't give to God, you have already given to the enemy.
- Truth can’t be destroyed, no matter what happens, it will sprout back up.
- The discerning will see the route, but the simple will only touch the surface.
- Saying: “trust in Jesus” without a fight in prayer, might end in disappointment.
- Better to have it on paper in the beginning, than to give room to the enemy later.
- Standing up for what is right may start a fight, but doing nothing comes from fear.
- Stay on the road of patience not on the road of delay. Discerning the difference is key.
- A wise man gives up his time to God, but a lukewarm person finds excuses why he can’t.
- Don’t remove the guy that puts out fires, or a fire will start and you won’t be able to put it out.
- Fools use knowledge to give harmful advice, but a good man uses knowledge with understanding.
- Keep your ideas silent. Control your tongue till the Holy Spirit can confirm your thoughts to be His.
- Knowledge without faith will bring discouragement, but Knowledge with faith will keep many in hope.
- A woman that's in love with the Lord protects her husband, but a lukewarm woman will give him to the dogs.
- You can’t take the blindfolds off without humbling yourself, and you can’t humble yourself if you don’t know how.
- It’s better to learn to use your own hand to feed from God’s table, than to have someone feed you for the rest of your life.
- A carnal person swings his sword and hurts his neighbor. In the same way is a person that mishandles scriptures, he hurts at random.
- If you want to beat the devil you must forgive those that have done you wrong. Otherwise, you’re defeated from the spirit of unforgiveness.
- A blindfolded man is not approachable, he doesn't see his blindfolds, and his harsh ways keep him in the dark. But the humble will always have eyes to see.
- A person with no urgency is worthless. He says, “The Lord's coming will be at another time.” Those who give ear to his voice, become worthless, just like him.
Chapter 4
- The blind keep others blind.
- Losing fire is like losing purpose.
- Not all gray hair is related to wisdom.
- You have time to fight, but no time to love?
- Fasting will bring back the smile you once had.
- A blessing in the hands of a fool turns into a curse.
- A free man is the man knocking at the door of revival.
- Blessed is the woman who finds the value of submission.
- Sharing your life is good, if you're one with your neighbor.
- You will never truly understand until you wear the same shoes.
- A loving heart makes problems smaller, but fools magnify them.
- An ear that listens to negative news will also be one that speaks it.
- Miscarriage in the flesh is bad, but miscarriage in the spirit is worse.
- Staying surrendered will keep you full, but the prideful will go hungry.
- The voice of the Holy Spirit is more valuable than the treasures of kings.
- Compromising is the quicker way, but it will lead to problems down the road.
- If you don’t see the root of the problem, your counsel will bring more damage.
- Character and a sinless life is more valuable to Jesus, than your talents and gifts.
- A person lives in a cage with bars called negativity. His own lips keep him trapped.
- Kids with choices make good choices, but controlling parents produce controlling kids.
- Discernment and love work better together. When one is not there, it's replaced with evil.
- Positive minded will find good in bad, negative minded will always find bad in even the good.
- Successful person seeks the success of others, but a foolish person only wants success for himself.
- It's better to take a loss than to burn a bridge. You're going to need that bridge to cross over one day.
- How can a man get refreshed if he does not know how? Blessed are the feet of those who show the way.
- You want to build a new foundation, but you don’t want to break the old one? That’s why you're not changing.
- Real revelation causes schedules to change. The impact of what you have received puts what's more important first.
- Rich men on earth will soon be the poor men in heaven. Money shouldn’t just serve you when your neighbors are suffering.
- The blind mistake faith and confidence, with pride and arrogance, but God elevates a person of right standing, and lowers the prideful.
- A hard worker is a smart worker. He doesn't pass the limits of God, but the foolish don’t keep the sabbath, and inherit burn out, not riches.
- A foolish woman desires a Godly husband full of wisdom, but does not receive any of it from him, because all his words sound foolish, as she is foolish.
- A man is rich in his deeds towards his community, not in his bank account. A man that gives to God, deposits into his savings in heaven, but whoever only gives to himself, will be more poor than the beggar.
Chapter 5
- Holy Spirit moves into faith.
- Trust is perfected through testing.
- Memorizing is good, but being is better.
- What you take in, is what you will give out.
- I like to tell the truth, it helps me sleep at night.
- Less time with God means more time with burnout.
- Better to walk in anointing than to walk in knowledge.
- You can choose what’s right or you choose what’s easy.
- Hurt people, hurt others; they're trapped in their past pains.
- The world is not running out of money, it's running out of love.
- Better to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit than many counselors.
- The wicked may get a jump start, but the righteous win in the end.
- Shielding yourself from condemnation is obtained through scripture.
- If God can't use you, He neither can replace you. You’re one of a kind.
- How you are towards your spouse, is how you will be towards your kids.
- A person's words may say one thing, but discernment will draw out the motive.
- Don't let zeal run past God's timing. It will take you places you don’t want to be.
- Hang around the wise and you become wise; around fools you will become a fool.
- Being stripped of everything is not always bad. God wants to take over His project.
- Self control holds back a person from making decisions early, but fools rush into a trap.
- You can’t be over someone if you’re not supportive of them. You gotta serve, not be served.
- Don’t rush into a position that you are not called to. The anointing you have is for another task.
- Celebrate the years of unity, not the years of marriage. Marriage is not marriage when it’s divided.
- Tolerating wrong behavior feeds lies, but a person that stands his ground will mold his surroundings.
- You cannot deposit truth into immaturity; it will self destruct and fall apart. Truth never harms the mature.
- The same measure of love you have towards your neighbor is the same measure of love you have towards God.
- An evil spirit says, “I will slow him down,” but does not succeed; so he says, “I will speed him up, to burn him out.”
- You can’t win that battle with a sinful mouth, God’s not with you, the devil whom you don’t like is. Repent so you can start to win.
- God says, nothing makes me happier than seeing my children happy. So why do you do the things you do, to keep them unhappy?
- There's still hope for the one that's poisoned when he realizes he is. But there's no hope for the fool who can’t see how poisoned he is.
- A blind woman says in her heart “I’m equal to my husband” and loses her covering. But a woman with submission will always be covered and have eyes to see.
- There are two sides to a story, and there are two kinds of people. One is a one-sided person with no regards to knowing the truth; he accepts anything that comes to his ears. The other listens to both sides before making judgment. Which one are you?
Chapter 6
- You don’t pray, you will pay.
- Fruit dries up without discernment.
- Wisdom without anointing is powerless.
- Love gives freedom, control gives bondage.
- Leadership that prays together succeeds together.
- You have the energy to fight, but no energy to love?
- Better to take a loss than to win, and have a bad name.
- What you teach yourself is what you will teach your kids.
- Cover your anger with love, so anger does not turn into sin.
- If you’re not a prisoner of Christ, you're a prisoner of the devil.
- Freedom comes before giving. You wont give unless you’re free.
- How can you offer peace when you don't have peace of your own?
- Wisdom is shown in a man when he uses his tongue at the right time.
- Better to give your opinion when asked, than to try to give it forcefully.
- Being passive means less headache in the beginning, but more at the end.
- Lack of appreciation stops progress, but encouragement gives fuel to the task.
- The gift of discernment shows you what things to pray for, not to gossip about.
- Strength is in the man with purpose, but a man without purpose goes on sinning.
- Speaking about a matter with discernment is better than speaking out of experience.
- A wise wife respects her husband's role as a man, but a disgraceful wife takes his place.
- Run in humbleness or don’t run at all. Why let pride waste your time in the wrong direction?
- More time with God and less with self brings real change. Change without effort is for dreamers.
- Real truth will bring division, it’s a sword that divides for a time, but will bring healing at the end.
- A man that prays in tongues will get rich in knowledge, but a man that does nothing will stay poor.
- Your smartness is working against us. You have become a smart tool of the devil with that hardened heart.
- The amount of freedom you're walking in, is the amount of freedom you're going to help someone else walk in.
- A woman in bondage will always make excuses not to be intimate with her husband. Her heart sees the act as a chore.
- Revelation with strength will bring change. Revelation without strength is a pond that doesn't move, and rottenness in due time.
- Not all fights are won by love. Love shows itself in gentleness, kindness, humility, but also in boldness, correction, and boundaries.
- A person that sees with a hardened heart, will find ways not to believe. But a person with a childlike heart, will believe without seeing.
- The man who stands up against control is a man that stays out of the cage. But the one that remains passive for the sake of peace, will have a cage to live in.
- Your dad is your brother. Your son is your brother. Your wife is your sister. Your grandma is your sister and your grandpa is your brother. We all become the same in heaven one day, with no wrinkles and no gray hair. We are the sons and daughters of God.
Chapter 7
- Pride will keep you suffering.
- Better to side with truth than family.
- First comes fasting, then comes progress.
- Falling out of prayer is like losing the battle.
- A gun pointed the wrong way, can't hit the target.
- The man that stands for truth will also stand by fire.
- Better for a child to first learn to worship than to walk.
- Knowing what to do is useless without the power to do it.
- If losing a fight gives you a chance to plant a seed, you win.
- Better to wear makeup, than a face covered with a bad attitude.
- A healed man can be trusted, but the broken will break promises.
- When you start caring about yourself. You’ll start forgiving others.
- The man that stops spending time with God, spends it with activities.
- Hang around careless people, and you will become like them: Careless.
- A sloppy business comes to ruins, but efficiency makes you more money.
- Anointing works with holiness and holiness, with power from the Holy Spirit.
- Promotion comes through a life of endurance. Who wants to promote a quitter?
- Humble responses preserve relationships. In the right time, you will bear its fruit.
- Loving your kids more than your spouse is a trap, little by little you’ll lose them all.
- Pride holds apologie as a prisoner. Remove pride, and apology will restore relationships.
- Hiding behind wisdom shows fear. When your wisdom is of the world, it fights against faith.
- Stop complaining and start admitting with repentance, your life will flourish with God's blessings.
- Good done with complaining is no good at all. There will be no reward for the good that was done.
- A woman that rejects affection and love from his husband will also reject affection and love from God.
- Understanding deep parables comes to softened hearts, A fool with a hardened heart will never understand.
- You can’t comprehend the depth of scripture with a hardened heart, comprehending scripture is for the children.
- Not having an opinion on everything is good, but those who give their opinion on everything set a trap for themselves.
- A wise person gets their emotions under control before making a choice, but a person with no self control rushes into battles blind.
- What’s the point of having a nice city with ungodly men? Looks beautiful from the outside, but the inside is full of wickedness.
- A wise man searches and carefully considers his wife's advice to see if it's from God. But a stupid man rejects everything that comes out of her mouth.
- You're a worship leader, you’re supposed to lead people into God's presence. How will you lead them, if you yourself don’t know how to enter His presence?
- The Pharisee says to Jesus: “Your fruit towards us is not good, you're constantly insulting us.” The wife says the same thing to her husband, “You're constantly rebuking me, where are your good fruits of love towards me?” But the blind wife won’t turn from her errors, just like the Pharisees never turned from theirs.
Back Side Of Book Cover
Wisdom is the most valuable thing on Earth.
Having it will help you succeed.
Proverbs 1:8 “Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.”
Proverbs 1:20-23 Wisdom shouts in the street, She lifts her voice in the square; 21 At the head of the noisy streets she cries out; At the entrance of the gates in the city she utters her sayings: 22 "How long, O naive ones, will you love being simple-minded? And scoffers delight themselves in scoffing And fools hate knowledge? 23 Repent at my rebuke! Then I will pour out my thoughts to you, I will make known to you my teachings.
Not having Wisdom & Knowledge is like not having a mother. The First Chapter of Proverbs says do not forsake your mothers teaching (Proverbs 1:8.) Proverbs 1:20-23 calls Wisdom & Knowledge a her. So it's important to understand that the Holy Spirit is still speaking. This book is a continuation of what the Spirit is saying today. If you want to be rich in Wisdom & Knowledge then this book is for you. It's so important to have mothers in our lives, so by not having Wisdom & Knowledge is equivalent to not having a mother.
Tigran Tom Fesliyan is the pastor of RC House Of Prayer, established in 2020 in the city of Rancho Cordova CA. He received Jesus Christ as his personal savior in 2004. He is married with two kids. His passion is to see people delivered & healed from the enemy's hands.
Questions related to this book
- Messy house, messy life.
- Good is the enemy of best.
- Love is blind without God.
- The blind keep others blind.
- Holy Spirit moves into faith.
- You don’t pray, you will pay.
- Pride will keep you suffering.
- Anointing is better than talent.
- No anointing, no manifestation.
- Can’t see positive without power.
- Losing fire is like losing purpose.
- Trust is perfected through testing.
- Fruit dries up without discernment.
- Better to side with truth than family.
- Dispatching angels requires holiness.
- Where there is revival there is prayer.
- Remove pride, before it removes you.
- Not all gray hair is related to wisdom.
- Memorizing is good, but being is better.
- Wisdom without anointing is powerless.
- First comes fasting, then comes progress.
- Knowledge without wisdom is dangerous.
- Rest is where better decisions come out of.
- Your fruit will defend you at the right time.
- You have time to fight, but no time to love?
- What you take in, is what you will give out.
- Love gives freedom, control gives bondage.
- Falling out of prayer is like losing the battle.
- What you don’t deal with, will deal with you.
- Progress can slow down because of presence.
- A person of power, is a person of self control.
- Fasting will bring back the smile you once had.
- I like to tell the truth, it helps me sleep at night.
- Leadership that prays together succeeds together.
- A gun pointed the wrong way, can't hit the target.
- Power is given in the place of intimacy with God.
- Zeal is good, if it doesn't take you out of His will.
- Better to face the problem early than to let it grow.
- A blessing in the hands of a fool turns into a curse.
- Less time with God means more time with burnout.
- You have the energy to fight, but no energy to love?
- The man that stands for truth will also stand by fire.
- Don't let your anointing get ahead of your character.
- You want to change, but your pride is not letting you.
- Having a reservoir of love is for your own protection.
- A free man is the man knocking at the door of revival.
- Better to walk in anointing than to walk in knowledge.
- Better to take a loss than to win, and have a bad name.
- Better for a child to first learn to worship than to walk.
- Losing all you have for truth, is a man who loves God.
- You can't give God your burden if you don't go to him.
- One that talks bad about others will talk bad about you.
- You can choose what’s right or you choose what’s easy.
- Blessed is the woman who finds the value of submission.
- What you teach yourself is what you will teach your kids.
- Knowing what to do is useless without the power to do it.
- Spreading knowledge is good, but understanding is better.
- Submissive wife is beautiful, whoever finds her is blessed.
- Humbleness brings promotion, but arrogance closes doors.
- Sharing your life is good, if you're one with your neighbor.
- Hurt people, hurt others; they're trapped in their past pains.
- Cover your anger with love, so anger does not turn into sin.
- If losing a fight gives you a chance to plant a seed, you win.
- Character is who you are when no one but Jesus is watching.
- Making a habit of asking will get you in the habit of receiving.
- A car without fuel is like living without your spouse's support.
- You will never truly understand until you wear the same shoes.
- The world is not running out of money, it's running out of love.
- If you’re not a prisoner of Christ, you're a prisoner of the devil.
- Better to wear makeup, than a face covered with a bad attitude.
- Wrong beliefs produce harm, but right beliefs will bring safety.
- Avoidance from Godly counsel exposes the motive of the heart.
- You are blind when you listen and accept the words of the blind.
- A loving heart makes problems smaller, but fools magnify them.
- Better to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit than many counselors.
- Freedom comes before giving. You wont give unless you’re free.
- A healed man can be trusted, but the broken will break promises.
- You have to win in the spirit before you see your victory on earth.
- A busy life is good, when the important things from God are first.
- A free person gives his testimony, but the one in bondage hides it.
- An ear that listens to negative news will also be one that speaks it.
- The wicked may get a jump start, but the righteous win in the end.
- How can you offer peace when you don't have peace of your own?
- When you start caring about yourself. You’ll start forgiving others.
- When time with God gets replaced, time with activities gets added.
- Better to have a flowing chemistry than the best talents next to you.
- Don't let the fear of losing everything dictate your calling from God.
- Miscarriage in the flesh is bad, but miscarriage in the spirit is worse.
- Shielding yourself from condemnation is obtained through scripture.
- Wisdom is shown in a man when he uses his tongue at the right time.
- The man that stops spending time with God, spends it with activities.
- Giving in secret will give glory to God, but in the open, glory to self.
- Rest is progress, it will bring you hope and keep your vision revived.
- Whatever you don't give to God, you have already given to the enemy.
- Staying surrendered will keep you full, but the prideful will go hungry.
- If God can't use you, He neither can replace you. You’re one of a kind.
- Better to give your opinion when asked, than to try to give it forcefully.
- Hang around careless people, and you will become like them: Careless.
- Quantity time with God will eventually turn into quality time with God.
- If victory can’t be found in your struggles, your path will be destructive.
- Truth can’t be destroyed, no matter what happens, it will sprout back up.
- The voice of the Holy Spirit is more valuable than the treasures of kings.
- How you are towards your spouse, is how you will be towards your kids.
- Being passive means less headache in the beginning, but more at the end.
- A sloppy business comes to ruins, but efficiency makes you more money.
- Information can be a poisonous drink. It kills when there's no discernment.
- Knowledge steered without wisdom, is a man's sword steered without eyes.
- The discerning will see the route, but the simple will only touch the surface.
- Compromising is the quicker way, but it will lead to problems down the road.
- Hang around the wise and you become wise; around fools you become a fool.
- Lack of appreciation stops progress, but encouragement gives fuel to the task.
- Anointing works with holiness and holiness, with power from the Holy Spirit.
- Speaking against sin will make enemies if it’s not accompanied by conviction.
- Better to teach a baby to use a spoon, than to feed him for the rest of your life.
- Saying: “trust in Jesus” without a fight in prayer, might end in disappointment.
- If you don’t see the root of the problem, your counsel will bring more damage.
- A person's words may say one thing, but discernment will draw out the motive.
- The gift of discernment shows you what things to pray for, not to gossip about.
- Promotion comes through a life of endurance. Who wants to promote a quitter?
- A forgiving person is safe from evil, but one that holds grudges makes enemies.
- When they fight, make them hold hands, they will love you when they grow up.
- Better to have it on paper in the beginning, than to give room to the enemy later.
- Character and a sinless life is more valuable to Jesus, than your talents and gifts.
- Don't let zeal run past God's timing. It will take you places you don’t want to be.
- Strength is in the man with purpose, but a man without purpose goes on sinning.
- Humble responses preserve relationships. In the right time, you will bear its fruit.
- You can’t lose your calling or gifting, but be careful, you can lose your anointing.
- Righteous anger will make you do something about it. But passiveness feeds evil.
- Standing up for what is right may start a fight, but doing nothing comes from fear.
- A person lives in a cage with bars called negativity. His own lips keep him trapped.
- Being stripped of everything is not always bad. God wants to take over His project.
- Speaking about a matter with discernment is better than speaking out of experience.
- Loving your kids more than your spouse is a trap, little by little you’ll lose them all.
- Avoiding Godly counsel will take you towards one direction; Counsel of the wicked.
- A free man doesn’t easily get offended. Man that gets offended is far from being free.
- Stay on the road of patience not on the road of delay. Discerning the difference is key.
- Kids with choices make good choices, but controlling parents produce controlling kids.
- Self control holds back a person from making decisions early, but fools rush into a trap.
- A wise wife respects her husband's role as a man, but a disgraceful wife takes his place.
- Pride holds apologie as a prisoner. Remove pride, and apology will restore relationships.
- You want the anointing Jesus had, but you don’t want the persecution that comes with it.
- If you humble yourself, your eyes will see, but because of your pride you will stay blind.
- A wise man gives up his time to God, but a lukewarm person finds excuses why he can’t.
- Discernment and love work better together. When one is not there, it's replaced with evil.
- You can’t be over someone if you’re not supportive of them. You gotta serve, not be served.
- Run in humbleness or don’t run at all. Why let pride waste your time in the wrong direction?
- Hiding behind wisdom shows fear. When your wisdom is of the world, it fights against faith.
- Some things are not for you to fix. God wants it broken so he can establish a new foundation.
- Growing requires trusting, and trusting requires faith, and faith requires taking a step forward.
- Don’t remove the guy that puts out fires, or a fire will start and you won’t be able to put it out.
- Positive minded will find good in bad, negative minded will always find bad in even the good.
- Don’t rush into a position that you are not called to. The anointing you have is for another task.
- More time with God and less with self brings real change. Change without effort is for dreamers.
- Stop complaining and start admitting with repentance, your life will flourish with God's blessings.
- Concealing progress will bring more progress. Protecting it is better than rushing with excitement.
- A tree without leaves does not produce shade. Shade comes when the tree is planted by the water.
- Fools use knowledge to give harmful advice, but a good man uses knowledge with understanding.
- Successful person seeks the success of others, but a foolish person only wants success for himself.
- Celebrate the years of unity, not the years of marriage. Marriage is not marriage when it’s divided.
- A man that prays in tongues will get rich in knowledge, but a man that does nothing will stay poor.
- Good done with complaining is no good at all. There will be no reward for the good that was done.
- A gentle wife lifts up her husband when he makes a mistake, but an angry woman beats him down.
- God abides in a timeless dimension; entering there in worship will require you to lose track of time.
- Keep your ideas silent. Control your tongue till the Holy Spirit can confirm your thoughts to be His.
- It's better to take a loss than to burn a bridge. You're going to need that bridge to cross over one day.
- Tolerating wrong behavior feeds lies, but a person that stands his ground will mold his surroundings.
- Real truth will bring division, it’s a sword that divides for a time, but brings healing at the right time.
- Storms and trials are meant to expose our weaknesses. Then we can evaluate our foundation in Christ.
- A woman that rejects affection and love from his husband will also reject affection and love from God.
- The foundation of a small building does not take long to build, but the foundation of a skyscraper does.
- Knowledge without faith will bring discouragement, but Knowledge with faith will keep many in hope.
- How can a man get refreshed if he does not know how? Blessed are the feet of those who show the way.
- You cannot deposit truth into immaturity; it will self destruct and fall apart. Truth never harms the mature.
- Your smartness is working against us. You have become a smart tool of the devil with that hardened heart.
- Understanding deep parables comes to softened hearts, A fool with a hardened heart will never understand.
- Pure gold is more valuable than one that's mixed. So is a pure man more valuable than one mixed with sin.
- Sometimes it's better to let the dust settle before doing what’s needed. Going in too early will bring disaster.
- A woman that's in love with the Lord protects her husband, but a lukewarm woman will give him to the dogs.
- You want to build a new foundation, but you don’t want to break the old one? That’s why you're not changing.
- The same measure of love you have towards your neighbor is the same measure of love you have towards God.
- The amount of freedom you're walking in, is the amount of freedom you're going to help someone else walk in.
- You can’t comprehend the depth of scripture with a hardened heart, comprehending scripture is for the children.
- Disagreeing with humbleness is a better way to plant your seed. But making your point with arrogance is for fools.
- The most dangerous people are not with guns. Most dangerous people are the ones that can’t comprehend the truth.
- You can’t take the blindfolds off without humbling yourself, and you can’t humble yourself if you don’t know how.
- Real revelation causes schedules to change. The impact of what you have received puts what's more important first.
- An evil spirit says, “I will slow him down,” but does not succeed; so he says, “I will speed him up, to burn him out.”
- A woman in bondage will always make excuses not to be intimate with her husband. Her heart sees the act as a chore.
- Not having an opinion on everything is good, but those who give their opinion on everything set a trap for themselves.
- The woman who does not follow the leading of her Godly husband, will also not follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.
- Strategy does not always bring effectiveness. Spending time with the Holy Spirit will always lead you to effectiveness.
- It’s better to learn to use your own hand to feed from God’s table, than to have someone feed you for the rest of your life.
- Rich men on earth will soon be the poor men in heaven. Money shouldn’t just serve you when your neighbors are suffering.
- You can’t win that battle with a sinful mouth, God’s not with you, the devil whom you don’t like is. Repent so you can start to win.
- Revelation with strength will bring change. Revelation without strength is a pond that doesn't move, rottenness in due time.
- A wise person gets their emotions under control before making a choice, but a person with no self control rushes into battles blind.
- Believing lies is a sickness; once you're infected, you believe them in a split second. Like a disease, you can spread them to others.
- It’s easier to air out empty advice when you have a lighter load. Carry the heavier load so your understanding will work with maturity.
- A carnal person swings his sword and hurts his neighbor. In the same way is a person that mishandles scriptures, he hurts at random.
- The blind mistake faith and confidence, with pride and arrogance, but God elevates a person of right standing, and lowers the prideful.
- God says, nothing makes me happier than seeing my children happy. So why do you do the things you do, to keep them unhappy?
- Not all fights are won by love. Love shows itself in gentleness, kindness, humility, but also in boldness, correction, and boundaries.
- What’s the point of having a nice city with ungodly men? Looks beautiful from the outside, but the inside is full of wickedness.
- People that don’t understand the attack, give advice like Job’s friends. In the end, their advice is without understanding or discernment.
- A wise woman knows how to turn her husband's weaknesses into strengths, but a foolish woman turns his strengths into weaknesses.
- If you want to beat the devil you must forgive those that have done you wrong. Otherwise, you’re defeated from the spirit of unforgiveness.
- A hard worker is a smart worker. He doesn't pass the limits of God, but the foolish don’t keep the sabbath, and inherit burn out, not riches.
- There's still hope for the one that's poisoned when he realizes he is. But there's no hope for the fool who can’t see how poisoned he is.
- A person that sees with a hardened heart, will find ways not to believe. But a person with a childlike heart, will believe without seeing.
- A wise man searches and carefully considers his wife's advice to see if it's from God. But a stupid man rejects everything that comes out of her mouth.
- It’s how you respond to each moment of life that keeps you young. Problems will come, but how you let them affect you, determines your lifespan.
- The people that hate you are the ones you’re supposed to help not become like them. Their experience with you, helps them become a helper like you.
- A blindfolded man is not approachable, he doesn't see his blindfold, and his harsh ways keep him in the dark. But the humble will always have eyes to see.
- A foolish woman desires a Godly husband full of wisdom, but does not receive any of it from him, because all his words sound foolish, as she is foolish.
- A blind woman says in her heart “I’m equal to my husband” and loses her covering. But a woman with submission will always be covered and have eyes to see.
- The man who stands up against control is a man that stays out of the cage. But the one that remains passive for the sake of peace, will have a cage to live in.
- You're a worship leader, you’re supposed to lead people into God's presence. How will you lead them, if you yourself don’t know how to enter His presence?
- Becoming familiar to the Voice of The Holy Spirit is more important than one's family. Troubles will come, but a man that hears His voice will save his family.
- Struggles are meant to prepare you, so you can be the relief for the next generation. Don’t get off the course, God has you on, or you will lose the next generation.
- A person with no urgency is worthless. He says, “The Lord's coming will be at another time.” Those who give ear to his voice, become worthless just like him.
- A man is rich in his deeds towards his community, not in his bank account. A man that gives to God, deposits into his savings in heaven, but whoever only gives to himself, will be more poor than the beggar.
- There are two sides to a story, and there are two kinds of people. One is a one-sided person with no regards to knowing the truth; he accepts anything that comes to his ears. The other listens to both sides before making judgment. Which one are you?
- Your dad is your brother. Your son is your brother. Your wife is your sister. Your grandma is your sister and your grandpa is your brother. We all become the same in heaven one day, with no wrinkles and no gray hair. We are the sons and daughters of God.
- The Pharisee says to Jesus: “Your fruit towards us is not good, you're constantly insulting us.” The wife says the same thing to her husband, “You're constantly rebuking me, where are your good fruits of love towards me?” But the blind wife won’t turn from her errors, just like the Pharisees never turned from theirs.
Chapter 1
- Messy house, messy life.
- Anointing is better than talent.
- Dispatching angels requires holiness.
- Knowledge without wisdom is dangerous.
- What you don’t deal with, will deal with you.
- Power is given in the place of intimacy with God.
- Don't let your anointing get ahead of your character.
- Losing all you have for truth, is a man who loves God.
- Spreading knowledge is good, but understanding is better.
- Character is who you are when no one but Jesus is watching.
- Wrong beliefs produce harm, but right beliefs will bring safety.
- You have to win in the spirit before you see your victory on earth.
- When time with God gets replaced, time with activities gets added.
- Giving in secret will give glory to God, but in the open, glory to self.
- Quantity time with God will eventually turn into quality time with God.
- Information can be a poisonous drink. It kills when there's no discernment.
- Speaking against sin will make enemies if it’s not accompanied by conviction.
- A forgiving person is safe from evil, but one that holds grudges makes enemies.
- You can’t lose your calling or gifting, but be careful, you can lose your anointing.
- Avoiding Godly counsel will take you towards one direction; Counsel of the wicked.
- You want the anointing Jesus had, but you don’t want the persecution that comes with it.
- Some things are not for you to fix. God wants it broken so he can establish a new foundation.
- Concealing progress will bring more progress. Protecting it is better than rushing with excitement.
- A gentle wife lifts up her husband when he makes a mistake, but an angry woman beats him down.
- Storms and trials are meant to expose our weaknesses. Then we can evaluate our foundation in Christ.
- Pure gold is more valuable than one that's mixed. So is a pure man more valuable than one mixed with sin.
- Disagreeing with humbleness is a better way to plant your seed. But making your point with arrogance is for fools.
- The woman who does not follow the leading of her Godly husband, will also not follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.
- Believing lies is a sickness; once you're infected, you believe them in a split second. Like a disease, you can spread them to others.
- People that don’t understand the attack, give advice like Job’s friends. In the end, their advice is without understanding or discernment.
- It’s how you respond to each moment of life that keeps you young. Problems will come, but how you let them affect you, determines your lifespan.
- Becoming familiar to the Voice of The Holy Spirit is more important than one's family. Troubles will come, but a man that hears His voice will save his family.
Chapter 2
- Good is the enemy of best.
- No anointing, no manifestation.
- Where there is revival there is prayer.
- Rest is where better decisions come out of.
- Progress can slow down because of presence.
- Zeal is good, if it doesn't take you out of His will.
- You want to change, but your pride is not letting you.
- You can't give God your burden if you don't go to him.
- Submissive wife is beautiful, whoever finds her is blessed.
- Making a habit of asking will get you in the habit of receiving.
- Avoidance from Godly counsel exposes the motive of the heart.
- A busy life is good, when the important things from God are first.
- Better to have a flowing chemistry than the best talents next to you.
- Rest is progress, it will bring you hope and keep your vision revived.
- If victory can’t be found in your struggles, your path will be destructive.
- Knowledge steered without wisdom, is a man's sword steered without eyes.
- Better to teach a baby to use a spoon, than to feed him for the rest of your life.
- When they fight, make them hold hands, they will love you when they grow up.
- Righteous anger will make you do something about it. But passiveness feeds evil.
- A free man doesn’t easily get offended. Man that gets offended is far from being free.
- If you humble yourself, your eyes will see, but because of your pride you will stay blind.
- Growing requires trusting, and trusting requires faith, and faith requires taking a step forward.
- A tree without leaves does not produce shade. Shade comes when the tree is planted by the water.
- God abides in a timeless dimension; entering there in worship will require you to lose track of time.
- The foundation of a small building does not take long to build, but the foundation of a skyscraper does.
- Sometimes it's better to let the dust settle before doing what’s needed. Going in too early will bring disaster.
- Strategy does not always bring effectiveness. Spending time with the Holy Spirit will always lead you to effectiveness.
- The most dangerous people are not with guns. Most dangerous people are the ones that can’t comprehend or understand the truth.
- It’s easier to air out empty advice when you have a lighter load. Carry the heavier load so your understanding will work with maturity.
- A wise woman knows how to turn her husband's weaknesses into strengths, but a foolish woman turns his strengths into weaknesses.
- The people that hate you are the ones you’re supposed to help not become like them. Their experience with you, helps them become a helper like you.
- Struggles are meant to prepare you, so you can be the relief for the next generation. Don’t get off the course, God has you on, or you will lose the next generation.
Chapter 3
- Love is blind without God.
- Can’t see positive without power.
- Remove pride, before it removes you.
- Your fruit will defend you at the right time.
- A person of power, is a person of self control.
- Better to face the problem early than to let it grow.
- Having a reservoir of love is for your own protection.
- One that talks bad about others will talk bad about you.
- Humbleness brings promotion, but arrogance closes doors.
- A car without fuel is like living without your spouse's support.
- You are blind when you listen and accept the words of the blind.
- A free person gives his testimony, but the one in bondage hides it.
- Don't let the fear of losing everything dictate your calling from God.
- Whatever you don't give to God, you have already given to the enemy.
- Truth can’t be destroyed, no matter what happens, it will sprout back up.
- The discerning will see the route, but the simple will only touch the surface.
- Saying: “trust in Jesus” without a fight in prayer, might end in disappointment.
- Better to have it on paper in the beginning, than to give room to the enemy later.
- Standing up for what is right may start a fight, but doing nothing comes from fear.
- Stay on the road of patience not on the road of delay. Discerning the difference is key.
- A wise man gives up his time to God, but a lukewarm person finds excuses why he can’t.
- Don’t remove the guy that puts out fires, or a fire will start and you won’t be able to put it out.
- Fools use knowledge to give harmful advice, but a good man uses knowledge with understanding.
- Keep your ideas silent. Control your tongue till the Holy Spirit can confirm your thoughts to be His.
- Knowledge without faith will bring discouragement, but Knowledge with faith will keep many in hope.
- A woman that's in love with the Lord protects her husband, but a lukewarm woman will give him to the dogs.
- You can’t take the blindfolds off without humbling yourself, and you can’t humble yourself if you don’t know how.
- It’s better to learn to use your own hand to feed from God’s table, than to have someone feed you for the rest of your life.
- A carnal person swings his sword and hurts his neighbor. In the same way is a person that mishandles scriptures, he hurts at random.
- If you want to beat the devil you must forgive those that have done you wrong. Otherwise, you’re defeated from the spirit of unforgiveness.
- A blindfolded man is not approachable, he doesn't see his blindfolds, and his harsh ways keep him in the dark. But the humble will always have eyes to see.
- A person with no urgency is worthless. He says, “The Lord's coming will be at another time.” Those who give ear to his voice, become worthless, just like him.
Chapter 4
- The blind keep others blind.
- Losing fire is like losing purpose.
- Not all gray hair is related to wisdom.
- You have time to fight, but no time to love?
- Fasting will bring back the smile you once had.
- A blessing in the hands of a fool turns into a curse.
- A free man is the man knocking at the door of revival.
- Blessed is the woman who finds the value of submission.
- Sharing your life is good, if you're one with your neighbor.
- You will never truly understand until you wear the same shoes.
- A loving heart makes problems smaller, but fools magnify them.
- An ear that listens to negative news will also be one that speaks it.
- Miscarriage in the flesh is bad, but miscarriage in the spirit is worse.
- Staying surrendered will keep you full, but the prideful will go hungry.
- The voice of the Holy Spirit is more valuable than the treasures of kings.
- Compromising is the quicker way, but it will lead to problems down the road.
- If you don’t see the root of the problem, your counsel will bring more damage.
- Character and a sinless life is more valuable to Jesus, than your talents and gifts.
- A person lives in a cage with bars called negativity. His own lips keep him trapped.
- Kids with choices make good choices, but controlling parents produce controlling kids.
- Discernment and love work better together. When one is not there, it's replaced with evil.
- Positive minded will find good in bad, negative minded will always find bad in even the good.
- Successful person seeks the success of others, but a foolish person only wants success for himself.
- It's better to take a loss than to burn a bridge. You're going to need that bridge to cross over one day.
- How can a man get refreshed if he does not know how? Blessed are the feet of those who show the way.
- You want to build a new foundation, but you don’t want to break the old one? That’s why you're not changing.
- Real revelation causes schedules to change. The impact of what you have received puts what's more important first.
- Rich men on earth will soon be the poor men in heaven. Money shouldn’t just serve you when your neighbors are suffering.
- The blind mistake faith and confidence, with pride and arrogance, but God elevates a person of right standing, and lowers the prideful.
- A hard worker is a smart worker. He doesn't pass the limits of God, but the foolish don’t keep the sabbath, and inherit burn out, not riches.
- A foolish woman desires a Godly husband full of wisdom, but does not receive any of it from him, because all his words sound foolish, as she is foolish.
- A man is rich in his deeds towards his community, not in his bank account. A man that gives to God, deposits into his savings in heaven, but whoever only gives to himself, will be more poor than the beggar.
Chapter 5
- Holy Spirit moves into faith.
- Trust is perfected through testing.
- Memorizing is good, but being is better.
- What you take in, is what you will give out.
- I like to tell the truth, it helps me sleep at night.
- Less time with God means more time with burnout.
- Better to walk in anointing than to walk in knowledge.
- You can choose what’s right or you choose what’s easy.
- Hurt people, hurt others; they're trapped in their past pains.
- The world is not running out of money, it's running out of love.
- Better to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit than many counselors.
- The wicked may get a jump start, but the righteous win in the end.
- Shielding yourself from condemnation is obtained through scripture.
- If God can't use you, He neither can replace you. You’re one of a kind.
- How you are towards your spouse, is how you will be towards your kids.
- A person's words may say one thing, but discernment will draw out the motive.
- Don't let zeal run past God's timing. It will take you places you don’t want to be.
- Hang around the wise and you become wise; around fools you will become a fool.
- Being stripped of everything is not always bad. God wants to take over His project.
- Self control holds back a person from making decisions early, but fools rush into a trap.
- You can’t be over someone if you’re not supportive of them. You gotta serve, not be served.
- Don’t rush into a position that you are not called to. The anointing you have is for another task.
- Celebrate the years of unity, not the years of marriage. Marriage is not marriage when it’s divided.
- Tolerating wrong behavior feeds lies, but a person that stands his ground will mold his surroundings.
- You cannot deposit truth into immaturity; it will self destruct and fall apart. Truth never harms the mature.
- The same measure of love you have towards your neighbor is the same measure of love you have towards God.
- An evil spirit says, “I will slow him down,” but does not succeed; so he says, “I will speed him up, to burn him out.”
- You can’t win that battle with a sinful mouth, God’s not with you, the devil whom you don’t like is. Repent so you can start to win.
- God says, nothing makes me happier than seeing my children happy. So why do you do the things you do, to keep them unhappy?
- There's still hope for the one that's poisoned when he realizes he is. But there's no hope for the fool who can’t see how poisoned he is.
- A blind woman says in her heart “I’m equal to my husband” and loses her covering. But a woman with submission will always be covered and have eyes to see.
- There are two sides to a story, and there are two kinds of people. One is a one-sided person with no regards to knowing the truth; he accepts anything that comes to his ears. The other listens to both sides before making judgment. Which one are you?
Chapter 6
- You don’t pray, you will pay.
- Fruit dries up without discernment.
- Wisdom without anointing is powerless.
- Love gives freedom, control gives bondage.
- Leadership that prays together succeeds together.
- You have the energy to fight, but no energy to love?
- Better to take a loss than to win, and have a bad name.
- What you teach yourself is what you will teach your kids.
- Cover your anger with love, so anger does not turn into sin.
- If you’re not a prisoner of Christ, you're a prisoner of the devil.
- Freedom comes before giving. You wont give unless you’re free.
- How can you offer peace when you don't have peace of your own?
- Wisdom is shown in a man when he uses his tongue at the right time.
- Better to give your opinion when asked, than to try to give it forcefully.
- Being passive means less headache in the beginning, but more at the end.
- Lack of appreciation stops progress, but encouragement gives fuel to the task.
- The gift of discernment shows you what things to pray for, not to gossip about.
- Strength is in the man with purpose, but a man without purpose goes on sinning.
- Speaking about a matter with discernment is better than speaking out of experience.
- A wise wife respects her husband's role as a man, but a disgraceful wife takes his place.
- Run in humbleness or don’t run at all. Why let pride waste your time in the wrong direction?
- More time with God and less with self brings real change. Change without effort is for dreamers.
- Real truth will bring division, it’s a sword that divides for a time, but will bring healing at the end.
- A man that prays in tongues will get rich in knowledge, but a man that does nothing will stay poor.
- Your smartness is working against us. You have become a smart tool of the devil with that hardened heart.
- The amount of freedom you're walking in, is the amount of freedom you're going to help someone else walk in.
- A woman in bondage will always make excuses not to be intimate with her husband. Her heart sees the act as a chore.
- Revelation with strength will bring change. Revelation without strength is a pond that doesn't move, and rottenness in due time.
- Not all fights are won by love. Love shows itself in gentleness, kindness, humility, but also in boldness, correction, and boundaries.
- A person that sees with a hardened heart, will find ways not to believe. But a person with a childlike heart, will believe without seeing.
- The man who stands up against control is a man that stays out of the cage. But the one that remains passive for the sake of peace, will have a cage to live in.
- Your dad is your brother. Your son is your brother. Your wife is your sister. Your grandma is your sister and your grandpa is your brother. We all become the same in heaven one day, with no wrinkles and no gray hair. We are the sons and daughters of God.
Chapter 7
- Pride will keep you suffering.
- Better to side with truth than family.
- First comes fasting, then comes progress.
- Falling out of prayer is like losing the battle.
- A gun pointed the wrong way, can't hit the target.
- The man that stands for truth will also stand by fire.
- Better for a child to first learn to worship than to walk.
- Knowing what to do is useless without the power to do it.
- If losing a fight gives you a chance to plant a seed, you win.
- Better to wear makeup, than a face covered with a bad attitude.
- A healed man can be trusted, but the broken will break promises.
- When you start caring about yourself. You’ll start forgiving others.
- The man that stops spending time with God, spends it with activities.
- Hang around careless people, and you will become like them: Careless.
- A sloppy business comes to ruins, but efficiency makes you more money.
- Anointing works with holiness and holiness, with power from the Holy Spirit.
- Promotion comes through a life of endurance. Who wants to promote a quitter?
- Humble responses preserve relationships. In the right time, you will bear its fruit.
- Loving your kids more than your spouse is a trap, little by little you’ll lose them all.
- Pride holds apologie as a prisoner. Remove pride, and apology will restore relationships.
- Hiding behind wisdom shows fear. When your wisdom is of the world, it fights against faith.
- Stop complaining and start admitting with repentance, your life will flourish with God's blessings.
- Good done with complaining is no good at all. There will be no reward for the good that was done.
- A woman that rejects affection and love from his husband will also reject affection and love from God.
- Understanding deep parables comes to softened hearts, A fool with a hardened heart will never understand.
- You can’t comprehend the depth of scripture with a hardened heart, comprehending scripture is for the children.
- Not having an opinion on everything is good, but those who give their opinion on everything set a trap for themselves.
- A wise person gets their emotions under control before making a choice, but a person with no self control rushes into battles blind.
- What’s the point of having a nice city with ungodly men? Looks beautiful from the outside, but the inside is full of wickedness.
- A wise man searches and carefully considers his wife's advice to see if it's from God. But a stupid man rejects everything that comes out of her mouth.
- You're a worship leader, you’re supposed to lead people into God's presence. How will you lead them, if you yourself don’t know how to enter His presence?
- The Pharisee says to Jesus: “Your fruit towards us is not good, you're constantly insulting us.” The wife says the same thing to her husband, “You're constantly rebuking me, where are your good fruits of love towards me?” But the blind wife won’t turn from her errors, just like the Pharisees never turned from theirs.