COVID-19 is a new strain of coronavirus that was originally identified in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China in December 2019. Effective 11 March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO), has declared that COVID-19 outbreak as a ‘pandemic’- a Public Health Emergency of International Concern due to the speed and scale of transmission of the virus in countries around the world, including Australia.
COVID-19 is transmitted from someone who is infected with the virus to others in close contact through contaminated droplets spread by coughing or sneezing or by contact with contaminated hands or surfaces. According to Department of Health, the time of exposure to the virus and when symptoms first occur is anywhere from 2-14 days.
Information and crisis status reports | |
Sources of information to stay updated with crisis developments. |
Communication of relevant information to staff and families. |
Australian Government Department of Health- Coronavirus (COVID-19) campaign resources |
Control the environment – staff / children / parents / visitors | |
Our Service implements procedures as suggested in the Staying healthy: Preventing infectious diseases in early childhood education and care services (Fifth Edition) developed by the Australian Government National Health and Medical Research Council as part of our day-to-day operation. We also subscribe to the guidelines set out by the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) | |
Steps to ensure staff members entering the service at the start of each day have been screened and engage in appropriate hygiene and preventative practices. | All staff diligently practice and model personal hygiene measures such as: regular hand washing and cough and sneeze etiquette. Staff are required to have two doses of the vaccination for COVID-19. We have recommended that all staff receive the seasonal influenza vaccination. Staff members are asked to declare that:
Staff are to wear a mask both indoors and outdoors as currently required under the Public Health Order. They sign in and out using the Centre QR code Staff members are
Locations for pick-up and hygiene routines. | Parents are not permitted to enter the service past the sign out station. They must wear a face mask, stay outside the gate and sign in and out using the QR code Parents continue to be encouraged to use the hygiene station and practice social distancing during the pick-up process |
What will I do in the event of any child, educator, staff member or visitor attending our Service is suspected or confirmed to have the infection? | In the case of a sick child, initial steps taken will be as per our Sick Child Policy. If any staff member or visitor is displaying symptoms of any infectious illness, they must be isolated from others in the Service immediately and requested to leave the premises. All surfaces and resources touched by anyone who is suspected to have an infection must be cleaned with soap and water followed by disinfectant. The Approved Provider or Nominated Supervisor is mandated by law to notify the Public Health Unit or Health Information hotline on 1800 020 080 of any confirmed or suspected cases of COVID-19. In addition, the Approved Provider must also notify the Regulatory Authority in their state or territory within 24 hours. Call 131 450 for translating and interpreting service Health Direct 1800 022 222 |
Control the environment - inside | |
Routine hygiene and cleaning measures all staff will follow while in the service. | The following hygiene measures will be strictly reinforced on a daily basis:
What are the common and logical points of contact during normal operations? | To support the routines listed above hygiene stations and signage will be placed in strategic locations around the Service. This will include posters for: hand washing, cough and sneeze etiquette, disposal of tissues/hand towel, reduce the risk and physical distancing reminders amongst others. |
Facilitating a form of social/physical distancing without compromising supervision and engagement. | To support the concept of social/physical distancing within the early education and care setting we will implement measures to minimise the risk of exposure as reasonably practicable:
Department of Health Social Distancing in schools and Social Distancing in Early Childhood |
Ventilation | Good ventilation will be maintained by opening doors on both sides of the hall |
How we communicate with children in respect of questions about COVID-19 or changes in routine that become evident to them. | Information provided to children about COVID-19 will be age appropriate and sensitive to their emotional wellbeing. Educators will both acknowledge children’s concerns and be open to discussions about COVID-19:
Family engagement and retention | |
What regular information we provide to ensure we retain their trust in our approach to manage the crisis. |
Continuity of educators and staff | |
Manage an incident of a worker presenting symptoms while on shift | The staff member should be sent home as soon as possible and avoid any unnecessary contact with other staff or children. Notify and seek advice through local Public Health Unit Contact your state Regulatory Authority or notify through NQAIT system Clean and disinfect all areas staff member has contacted |
Manage a situation whereby we have learnt that a worker has come in close contact with person infected with COVID-19 | Employee must self-isolate for 14 days Department of Health Isolation guidelines |
Supporting the health of our employees |
Relationships with staff members and staff wellbeing moving forward. | Our Service is committed to provide leadership by implementing strategies to support the health, safety and wellbeing of our employees. These include:
Updated 15 October 2021