‘Guernsey just seemed like the ideal place to visit’ naomi said. ‘ Guernsey doesn’t attract much attention, therefore the light will be aimed on us at all times, it brings in the cash’. The girls otherwise known as the Goldylucks have officially began there tour, starting on the discreet island of Guernsey. ‘ of course we have made time to do additional activities whilst on tour, we plan on going on balling nights out and partying with our fans’. Wise and confusing words blurting out of Masie’s mouth.

‘Ironically we used to hate each other, we would always be getting into fights at school and would endlessly diss each other about our drip’ now 6 years later they are singing together at the ‘Garenne stand’ in St.Peter.Port on thursday 25th of July 2019. ‘Yh we went to the same school, we were never in the same social group and I tended to keep to myself, it was the summer before spring break of 2013, we both applied for this local singing competition. The judges weren’t to impressed and suggested we became a duo to see how it would work, and then here we are 6 years later’. Releasing their new album soon ‘ ...and the three bears’ I enquired as to how they started singing. ‘Well we’ve always enjoyed singing and would always compete in school for the best voice, I was always told to follow my dreams, and that's what I did’ the duo began singing together as a busking duo on the streets and quickly got recognised, that then lead to endless amounts of auditions for tv shows and being declined, finally one person saw there potential and invested $20,000 into beginning their careers as long as he received a 15% return. Not long after gaining an audience did they split from Michael lennon and worked for themself.

Being in Guernsey just over a week, the stars have gained much of the attention surrounding there fame, a photo has been navigating itself around the web, care to explain what it’s about? ‘ I imagine it’s the one of us outside cafe Delice after what seemed a fun night, until someone lost their purse with our Id’s in it’ said Masie… to then get a sharp response ‘ well it wouldn't have happened if you didn't leave me with our bags to go off with the bartender’ the girls go on to explain that they were retracing their steps in the town and happened to stop off at a cafe for brunch, they admitted to not looking the best and opted to apologise to the cafe manager for bringing so much attention to the cafe. A fan whose name can not be leaked has said ‘ yeah the girls were a load of fun, they were buying drinks for everybody and wouldn't stop complimenting me on my erratic dance moves’ the girls persisted that the event never occurred and that they were stable all night, although the picture never lies.

The fans are ‘hyped’ for the festival, and say they can’t wait to meet Goldylucks. However not everything is as bright and breezy as you may first infer, some of the fans are disappointed at the fact that the stars are as they say ‘hung over’ on the day of the festival. I then went on to ask, Do you not think it’s inappropriate to become so intoxicated that you lose personal possessions the night before your performance? They go on to say ‘ yes maybe it was not the smartest idea, however we need to enjoy ourselves as well as doing our job…’ surprised that Naomi would call it a job I asked, this is a job to you? ‘ hesitantly I was given a response ‘ no...no I worded that wrong I enjoy what I do, sorry I feel targeted’ I was just trying to get all the information, in order to write an article.

‘After the tour we are going on a break, I’m going to bora bora with my fiance and spending  three months there, to then return to Las Angeles’ was said from Masie. On the other hand Naomi is spending quality time with her family. ‘ well we can’t give to much away all we can say is it is being dropped this month!’

Just before we ended our interview, we concluded what we talked about, this being the excitement the fans are feeling waiting for the performance. The troubles the stars gave the fans knowing they were intoxicated under 24 hours before their live performance startled the island. There seems a bright future for these two young ambitious stars, the world awaits their success however that all depends on whether the two stars are able to control their fame and not let it go to their heads.