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PILLS Constitution (2023-2024).docx
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Pre-Pharmacy Informational Learning and Leadership Society (PILLS)

Date Prepared: July 12, 2022

Date Amended: March 6, 2023

Date Approved: March 6, 2023

Approved by: PILLS Executive Board 2023-2024

Article I: NAME

Section 1: The name of this organization shall be Pre-Pharmacy Informational Learning and Leadership Society. It was previously known as Pharmacists’ Informational Learning & Leadership Society. Its acronym will be PILLS.


Section 1:

The purpose of this organization is:

(1) To inform fellow Berkeley students about the roles of pharmacists in the community and the various career options in the pharmacy field.

(2) To educate students interested in pre-pharmacy on the basic requirements of different pharmacy schools.

(3) To provide a networking environment for members to continue communication beyond PILLS-sponsored events.


Section 1: Only currently registered students, faculty, and staff at the University of California, Berkeley, who are interested in its purpose, are eligible for membership to this organization.

Section 2: An active member shall be defined as a member who has registered his/her contact information with the organization, paid any required dues, performed four hours of community service approved by the Executive Committee, attended two general meetings and one social per semester. Only active members are eligible to vote, hold office, or participate in any exclusive PILLS-sponsored event. Members, who are potentially eligible for active membership but is missing any of the aforementioned requirements, may waive a requirement per the Executive Committee approval and consent.

Section 3: Only currently registered students, faculty, and staff may be active members in a registered student organization. Only active members may vote or hold office. We will not haze according to California State Law. We will not restrict membership based upon race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, pregnancy (including pregnancy, childbirth, and medical conditions related to pregnancy or childbirth), physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer- related or genetic characteristics), ancestry, marital status, age, sexual orientation, citizenship, or service in the uniformed services (including membership, application for membership, performance of service, application for service, or obligation for service in the uniformed services).


Section 1: Officers for the upcoming year are selected by the last week of April, on basis of an application available no later than the first week of April, and an interview. Only current active members will be considered as applicants. To help facilitate transitioning between Executive Committees, selected applicants will meet with their predecessor and speak directly with them regarding the responsibilities of the position and how to successfully fulfill the duties of the position.

Section 2: The officers and their duties will be as provided:

2.1. President: The duties of the President will be to run the executive committees and general meetings, represent the organization in external affairs, serve as an oversight person, provide general leadership and guidance for the organization, layout the club activities and timeline of events, and direct the student activity group in his/her vision.

2.2 Vice President: The duties of the Vice President will be to aid the President in his/her duties and to assume the responsibilities of the President provided the President is not available or is incapacitated to perform his/her duties. The Vice President will also send event invitations and weekly newsletters to members.  In addition, the Vice president will take minutes at the executive committee meetings and to upload them to the club Dropbox. The Vice President is also responsible for reserving rooms for all club events.

2.4 Treasurer: The duties of the Treasurer will be to act as the trustee of finances, keeping track of the club’s current ASUC and miscellaneous funds and turning in necessary paperwork and applying for grants to gather funding for the club. The Treasurer is also responsible for aiding in reimbursements and other money issues dealing with costs and spending. The Treasurer will head the Budget and Sponsorships Committee for NCPPS.

2.5 General Affairs Officer: The duties of the General Affairs Officer will be to manage club membership, event attendance, and organize community service projects and volunteer opportunities. The General Affairs Officer will foster PILLS’ relationship with other organizations, with the community, and with the general members and officers. The General Affairs Officer will collaborate with the President in creating the General Meeting topics each semester. In addition, they will monitor the PILLS main email account and notify other board members of messages relevant to respective positions. The General Affairs Officer will prepare and compile evaluations for each general meeting from members.

2.6 Webmaster: The duties of the Webmaster will be to take full responsibility of maintaining the club’s website (i.e., posting dates of upcoming meetings and events, deleting old information, posting important resources and links). The Webmaster will be in charge of updating and managing the NCPPS website. The Webmaster will maintain any form of internal, online communication between PILLS Executive Board, Public Relations Committee, and members (i.e. maintaining the PILLS Discord channel by updating channels and troubleshooting problems with members).

2.7 Public Relations Committee Chair: The duties of the Public Relations Committee Chair will be to publicize for PILLS inside and outside of the University of California, Berkeley campus, take charge of the Public Relations Committee members and run PR Committee meetings, and organize social events. Publicizing includes, but is not limited to, handing out flyers and tabling.

2.7 Northern California Pre-Pharmacy Symposium (NCPPS) Co- Chairs: The duties of the NCPPS Co-Chairs—two people are to be co- chairs— are to plan and execute the annual pre-pharmacy conference consisting of pre-pharmacy and pharmacy students, and pharmacy professionals held every spring. This includes the selection and management of NCPPS staff consisting of the active members of PILLS. The staff should be divided into committees including, but not limited to Technical, Food, Programs, Publicity, Registration, and Gifts. NCPPS Co-Chairs are also responsible for inviting pharmacy professionals and student speakers.

Section 3: The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers.

Section 4: The aforementioned officers will hold their posts for an academic year.

Section 5: The primary signatory of PILLS is the President.

Section 6: In the event of a vacancy, the Executive Committee will solicit applications for the vacancy no later than one week after the vacancy. The executive committee will consider and select a new officer with a two- third approval of those executive members present, no later than three weeks after the vacancy. Current officers are eligible to apply for a new post.

Section 7: If an officer fails to perform his specified duties, he/she may be removed from office with a two-thirds vote of the entire Executive Committee.

Section 8: No one person may hold more than one Executive Officer position, unless one position remains unfilled.


Section 1: The Executive Committee will meet no less than twice per month; the general meetings will be held no less than every six weeks.

Section 2: The meeting will be called to order by the President.

Section 3: All decisions of this organization will be passed by a majority vote of those voting from the Executive Committee.

Section 4: A quorum shall be comprised of two-thirds of the entire Executive Committee.

Section 5: An emergency meeting may be called by a written request by three of the Executive Officers.

Section 6: In a state of emergency, to be determined by the President and one additional Executive Officer, the President and/or Vice President may pass a presidential order to make required decisions.

Section 7: Members will be notified of emergency meetings by e-mail.

Section 8: The Executive Committee meetings shall be run loosely based on Robert’s Rule of Order.


Section 1: Amendments may be proposed to the Executive Committee by any three active members.

Section 2: All proposed amendments must be considered at the next Executive Committee meeting; the proposers of the amendments must be present to argue their case.

Section 3: A final vote must be conducted no later than two weeks after the proposed amendment.

Section 4: Members will be notified by e-mail that an amendment is going to be voted upon.

Section 5: A constitutional amendment shall be made with a two-thirds vote of the entire Executive Committee and majority vote of active members.

Section 6: All amendments, additions or deletions to this document must be filed with the LEAD Center at, or LEAD Center at 432 Eshleman Hall.


Section 1:

This organization hereby wishes to seek ASUC sponsorship. This organization adopts and incorporates by reference Schedule A of ASUC Bylaw 2201, and the same as may be amended from time by time, completely and fully as part of this [constitution, charter, articles, etc]. This organization cannot amend this clause unless and until the ASUC has certified that this organization has ceased to be ASUC-sponsored, all ASUC property has been returned to the ASUC, access to all ASUC resources and facilities has been relinquished, and any debts, liabilities, or other responsibilities to the ASUC have been resolved. This organization will continue to be bound by any provisions specified in Schedule A for actions it took while this clause was in effect, even if this clause is amended.


Section 1: The organization may be dissolved with a unanimous vote of the entire Executive Committee.

Section 2: If the organization is ASUC- or GA-sponsored, all unspent ASUC funds shall return to the ASUC; all Graduate Assembly funds shall return to the Graduate Assembly. If the organization is defunct for five or more years, any privately obtained funds (including any funds left in miscellaneous accounts) shall be donated to Berkeley Free Clinic.

Section 3: In the event that the designated nonprofit organization no longer exists or has ceased to be a nonprofit, then the unspent funds shall be donated to the ASUC.

Adopted October 1999