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Handbook 2024-2025
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Our Lady of Refuge School

Parent-Student Handbook

2024 - 2025



Stepping Toward Sainthood

Lauri Hoffman, Principal

Erin Martinez, Assistant Principal


Additional Services………………………………………………………………………………...………………………….…………………..22

Admissions Policy……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………….3




Birthday Policy………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………….26

Building Security…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………19

Code of Conduct……………………………………………………………………………………………………….………….……………………12


Computer Policy…………………………………………………………………………………….……………………….…………………………18

Criminal Acts……………………………………………………………………………………..………………………….……………………………15




Dress Code………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………11

Extended Care Program…………………………………………………………………………….……………………….……………………6

Field Trips…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………..25

Grading Scale………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………….……………………………10

Health and Medical Needs………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………..19

Honor Roll……………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………….……………………………….9

Inclement Weather………………………………………………………………………………….……………………….………………………19


Liturgical Celebrations……………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………….3

Lost and Found……………………………………………………………………………………..……………………….…………………………..25



Mission  Days and Spirit Days……………………………………………………………………………………………..……………….11

Mission Statement…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………3


Parent Involvement (Raven Credits)…………………………………………………………………………………….………….25

Report Cards/Conferences……………………………………………………………………..…………………………….………………..8


School Philosophy and Mission Statement…………………………………….……………………………………….…….…3

Spiritual Life…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………..….7

Student Activities…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………….22

Student Responsibilities…………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………….…10


Time Schedule……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………..…6





OLR Handbook Revised August, 2024


At Our Lady of Refuge, we are a Catholic family on an

academic journey that embraces Jesus’ love,

under the mantle of Mary.


Provide a secure and safe environment for students to

encounter God’s love and develop an unbreakable

spiritual foundation to build their futures on faith.



Each grade level worships God through planned liturgies. Students in grades 1-8 attend and participate in liturgies once a week on Wednesdays. Kindergarten joins the rest of the school on holy days and in the second semester.  Parents are invited to join the students in these Eucharistic celebrations.


As stated in Policy 5020 of the A.O.D. School Policies and Guidelines, Our Lady of Refuge School admits students of any race, national or ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded students at school.  It does not discriminate against otherwise qualified individuals on the basis of sex, race, national or ethnic origin in the administration and other school administered programs.  Catholic schools are allowed by law to give preference to an applicant of the same religion. Students of other religions choosing to attend Our Lady of Refuge will adhere to all established curriculum including religious studies, along with attendance and participation in weekly and holiday mass schedules. A non-refundable registration fee is required upon registration.  

Registration occurs in the following order:

  1. Students currently enrolled in the school and their siblings register first.
  2. Children of registered, participating members of OLR Parish register second.
  3. Children of registered, but non-participating members of OLR Parish.
  4. Catholic children from other parishes.
  5. Non-Catholic children who desire a Catholic education.

Candidates are selected through an application and/or testing process. When classrooms are filled, families are placed on a waiting list and contacted as soon as space becomes available.  Transfer students (Grades 1-8) are given grade level testing as a prerequisite for admittance.  When accepted, these students are placed on probation. During this time, the student must display an interest in learning, exert necessary effort and observe the rules of OLR School.  At the end of the probationary period, the teachers and principal will review each student’s academic, behavioral and social progress.

All children will be tested for readiness. All students are placed on a probationary period for one semester, unless otherwise specified by administration.  

The policy of Our Lady of Refuge School is not to accept parent or student requests for a specific teacher. Many factors go into putting a classroom together to assure the best learning environment for every child. The teachers and administration diligently work together to compile the class list and all lists are final.

Our Lady of Refuge is accountable to its faith community and the Archdiocese of Detroit to be consistent with and promote the teachings of the Catholic Church.  Parents/Guardians must understand that admission to the school is based on the acceptance of the Catholic philosophy and practices of the school as they exist.  Students are required to follow the instructional program of the school and participate within the Catholic guidelines in the Religious Education Program.

Admissions Records:

     For the admission of a new student the parent(s)/guardian(s) shall present:  

  1. Completed application form
  2. Child’s birth certificate
  3. Baptismal Record
  4. In custodial cases, a legal document designating custody
  5. Health and up-to-date immunization records as required by Oakland County and the state of Michigan
  6. A copy of the last two year’s report cards
  7. Proof that all tuition and fees from previous school are paid (if student was enrolled in a parochial or private school)
  8. A copy of the candidate’s interview
  9. A copy of the Parent interview
  10. The evaluation form from two previous teachers
  11. STAR Standardized Test scores (The test will be administered upon application to students entering into grades 2-8)
  12. Paid registration fee
  13. Signed transfer from previous school for CA60

Archdiocese of Detroit School Policy 5002 states, “When registering anyone, the school will adhere to the directives of the Cardinal, the Archdiocese School Office, and the State of Michigan.  Parents or guardians of students seeking admission or transfer to Our Lady of Refuge Catholic School must present copies of the most recent report card, standardized test results, and/or evidence of achievement from the last school attended.  Testing for admission may be required. In addition, the principal will interview prospective students and/or their parents to determine reasons for seeking admission.”

The acceptance of a student depends on the students’ successful completion of the previous school year and is also contingent upon the school administration’s review of the students’ academic and discipline record, and/or testing. Our Lady of Refuge Catholic School, respecting the rights of all involved, retains its authority to deny admittance to, and/or expel, at any time, any student whom it determines is unsuitable for enrollment, in violation of the student code of conduct and policies, whose special needs cannot be met within the school setting, and/or whose presence would seriously impair the development of Christian education. The decision to accept a student is the responsibility of the principal (5002).

New students are accepted on a probationary basis for a period of not less than one semester (5002), with proper placement being determined by the past performance of the student.

During the time of probation, parents are encouraged to maintain open, frequent communication with their child(ren)’s teachers.  At the end of the probationary period, a conference may be held with the teachers, parents, and Pastor in attendance.  At this time a decision will be made as to whether to end the probationary period, extend it, or ask the parents to seek another educational setting for the student.

Parents seeking to enroll their child(ren) in Our Lady of Refuge Catholic School are expected to:


Each child is required to have a current “Emergency Form” on file in the school office.  Please include a cellular phone number if you are unable to be reached at work.  Use the electronic form to record the order of emergency calls to be placed, should a situation (medical emergency) occur.  It is the responsibility of the parent(s)/guardian(s) to inform the school if a student is subject to any medical need that may merit regular or periodic attention while at school.


Policy 5016 of the A.O.D. School Policies and Guidelines states that if a student withdraws from school, the cumulative record is forwarded to the receiving school. However, if fees and/or tuition are in arrears, grades or transcripts will be withheld until such amounts are paid in full.


Tuition and fees are paid through FACTS Management. To set up your FACTS account or if you have questions please contact the Business Manager at the parish office. Each school family is expected to volunteer time and talent for the benefit of the school community.  Each family is expected to participate for a designated amount of hours (Raven Credits)  at school.  The allotted commitment  for 2023-24 is 15 credits (25 for Athletic families) and will be overseen by the OnVolunteer program director.

In addition to tuition, registration fees (per child) and lunch fees (per family) are due and are non-refundable. The registration fee includes books and administrative costs; the lunch fee pays the trained staff of regular lunch personnel. The legal basis for the private school is contractual.  Therefore, if tuition and/or fees are in arrears, report cards, diploma, and/or school records may be withheld until such amounts are paid in full. The following onetime fees apply and are added to the full tuition for 2023-24:

Registration Fee:

If registered by May 1st:                                 $300.00 registration fee per student (Non-Refundable)

If registered after May 1st:                         $400.00 registration fee per student (Non-Refundable)

Lunchroom Supervision Fee:                         $85.00 per family (Non-Refundable)

8th Grade Graduation Fee:                         $25.00 per 8th Grade Student (Non-Refundable)

Technology Fee:                                $150.00 per student (non-refundable)

Security Fee:                                        $400.00 per family (non-refundable)


Optional fees:


Our Lady of Refuge follows Archdiocesan guidelines and provides 1098 hours of instruction.  Orientation days for faculty and seasonal vacations are not included.  Institute or in-service days for teachers may be included depending on instructions from the Archdiocese.


7:40 A.M  .–  Teachers on duty, doors open; students enter building, First Bell

7:50 A.M. --   Teachers shut doors; Students must be in the classroom; Second Bell, TARDY     

7:52 A.M.  --  Prayers, Pledge and Announcements

8:00 A.M.  --  Classes begin

11:05 A.M. –  11:50 A.M.  --  Lunch/Recess for Grades 1- 5

11:50 A.M. –   12:25 P.M  --  Middle School Lunch

3:03 P.M.  --   Prayers & Announcements

3:10 P.M.  --   Dismissal Bell

Weekly Eucharistic Liturgies are scheduled for Wednesdays at 8:10 A.M.

Students arriving in the classroom after 7:50 A.M. are marked as tardy.  

½ Day Dismissal 11:00 A.M.

Regular attendance and promptness promote positive academic achievement. Tardiness is disruptive to the teacher and the other students. Please make every effort to arrive on time. Students are expected to be in their classroom at 7:50 A.M. or they are marked tardy. Excessive tardies refer to page 7.

Students who are not picked up in the back by 3:10 P.M. will be taken to the school office and should be picked up at the front main doors.  Students not picked up by 3:30 P.M. will be sent to the after school extended care program and charged the appropriate fee.


PURPOSE:  The Latchkey Program is an auxiliary service which provides after school care for students in grades K-8 at Our Lady of Refuge School.  The program is under the sponsorship of the school and parish Administration and is supervised on a daily basis by the program director and staff.

REGISTRATION: Pre-registration begins in the fall.  A $25.00 non-refundable fee (unless enrollment is denied due to lack of space) is required at this time.  Information and emergency forms will be required for each student.  If registration exceeds capacity, priority will be given to families making the most frequent and regular use of the program.

HOURS:  On all regular school days, the Latchkey Program will begin immediately after school and end promptly at 6:00 p.m.

FEES:  Rates are:  $14.00 per hour for the first child in the family, $6.00 per hour for the second child, and $5.00 per hour for the third child.  Families are charged for the first hour, even if they leave before the hour ends.

BILLINGS:  Charges are billed at the beginning following the end of the month.  Fees will be billed on FACTS. Since continuing participation in the program depends on timely payment of fees, families that have not made payment by the next billing cycle will be subject to removal from the program until paid current. Late fees may be assessed on outstanding balances.

LATE FEES:  The latchkey program closes promptly at 6:00 p.m. If a child is not picked up by that time, a late fee of $5.00 per 15 minutes will be charged per child (e.g. one child $5.00; two children $10.00). If you have not called and made arrangements by 6:15 p.m. the staff will attempt to contact the designated emergency contact for pickup.


Students celebrate the liturgy on Wednesday at 8:10 A.M.  They may also attend Mass on Holy Days as they occur during the school week.  Parents are always welcome to celebrate the Liturgy with the children.  However, this does not meet your Sunday obligation.

Confessions are available specifically for the children during Lent and Advent.  Parents and students are encouraged to receive the sacrament more often.

Parents are highly encouraged to share in all the adult Christian Formation Meetings and programs.  Those who have children receiving sacraments for the first time MUST attend Sacramental Preparation Classes offered by Our Lady of Refuge Parish.


Students are expected to attend school on a daily basis if they are to profit from their school experience.  Maintaining satisfactory attendance patterns is the basic responsibility of the parents or guardians.

Absences:  In case of absences due to illness, parents must call the school before 8:30 A.M.  to report an absence.  Please include the child’s name, grade and nature of illness – e.g. flu, fever, etc.  This is to assure the school that the child is absent and the parents/guardians know his/her whereabouts.  The office staff will begin to call home phone numbers after 8:45 A.M. if you have failed to notify the school.  If the school does not make contact, emergency and/or work numbers will be called to insure the safety of all children.  In addition, compliance with the Oakland County Health Department requires the reporting of all communicable diseases; in these cases, a letter from the doctor must be presented before a child may be readmitted.

Homework Requests: Homework requests are only provided for students who are absent more than one day and MUST be requested by noon on the second day to ensure teachers adequate time to prepare it. Homework requests can be picked up in the main office or sent home with another student.  

Excused absences:  Explanations must be provided in writing upon return to school. Excused absences are those due to illness of a student, death in the family, a doctor or dentist appointment or those instances where the principal determines that exemption from attendance is in the best interest of the school or student.  Students with an excused absence are responsible for making up schoolwork.  A grade is given upon satisfactory completion of assignments.

Unexcused absences:  Unexcused absences may include truancy, cutting classes, tardiness, shopping, vacation, oversleeping, personal grooming, trips to beauty salons, etc.

Extended absences:  Each year, families will receive a school calendar prior to the beginning of the school year.  Our Lady of Refuge provides families with opportunities for vacations during the school year.  We do discourage parents from taking extended vacations or vacations which cause extended absences for your children.  Instructional time cannot be duplicated.  If you must take your child out of school for an extended absence, you must send in a written explanation with as much advance notice as possible.

Please be advised that if you choose to take your child out of school for an extended period of time, there will be a considerable amount of work to be done when the child returns to school.  Teachers are not required to provide work for students prior to departure.  Upon return, the teacher will present the child with assignments.  It will be the responsibility of the student to complete all work within the same number of days that they were absent.

Truancy:  Truancy refers to the condition or offense that results when one is in violation of education compulsory attendance laws.  Truant – is a child who fails to attend school for no apparent reason, for 10 or more days within a semester, or has no permission to leave.  In the case of apparent truancy, contact is first made with the parent or guardian.  If all efforts to persuade the child to return to school are fruitless, the case shall be referred to the police department, Oakland County attendance officer, or friend of the court.

Tardiness:  Explanations (i.e. doctors’ notes) must be provided in writing upon arrival at school. Students are expected to arrive on time for school.  Students are considered tardy when they arrive after  7:50 AM.  3 unexcused tardies during each month will result in a lunch detention and the loss of the next ‘dress down day’. 4-6 unexcused tardies in one month will result in 2 lunch detentions and the loss of a dress down day.  Any additional unexcused tardies in the same month will result in an in-school suspension and a parent conference. If the student’s attendance continues to be an issue, we are obligated to report the issue to the Oakland County Truancy Officer, and can result in an expulsion.

Withdrawal from classes during the school day: We discourage early dismissals and late arrivals. A written request for early dismissal, including the reason for the dismissal, the time of dismissal, and the name of the adult responsible for picking up the child, must be presented to the homeroom teacher at the beginning of the school day. Adults who are picking up students during school hours must report to the school office to sign out the student and may not go directly to the classroom. Excessive early withdrawals may result in the same consequences as outlined in the tardiness section..

Please avoid contacting the school office with arrangements that were not in place at the beginning of the school day. In the case of unforeseen circumstances a call to the school office prior to picking up a child is requested. The school expects parents to make every effort to schedule doctor and/or dental appointments for after school hours or school vacation periods. Please do not email or call the faculty with arrangements made during that school day as the teachers will be teaching and not necessarily checking their messages during the school day.

After school activities: All dismissal requests must be presented in writing to the homeroom teacher at the beginning of the school day.  In the case of unforeseen circumstances, a call into the school front office prior to dismissal is necessary. Please do not email or call the faculty directly with arrangements made during that school day as the teachers will be teaching and not necessarily checking their messages during the school day. In order to alleviate any confusion we will no longer allow students to call home at the end of the day for permission to change afterschool activities.


It is the Parents responsibility to check student progress through FACTS. Report cards are provided digitally through FACTS at the end of each quarter (10 weeks).  The report card provides an evaluation of student performance.  Conferences are held at the first card marking by appointment only (PK-5) and open forum for middle school.  Prior or subsequent conferences may be requested by either parent or teacher with the attendance of the child at the discretion of the parent or teacher.  Parents may not confer with a teacher during class hours, nor meet with the teachers as they are greeting or dismissing students.

Appointment requests may be arranged by a note to the teacher, e-mail or by calling the school.  Parents having concerns or questions about the school program or personnel should direct their questions to the appropriate staff members, individual teachers, or principal by appointment or phone.  The following procedure is the guiding norm for parent-teacher relationships:

  1. Communication concerning curriculum, school regulations and goals, classroom routine, and work must first be directed to the teacher concerned.
  2. If the situation demands further discussion, Administration should be notified and given the opportunity to evaluate the parent’s concern.  Resulting in a conference with teacher, parent, and principal.
  3. If the problem cannot be resolved, then a conference with teacher, parents, administration, and pastor will follow.


In compliance with the guidelines of the Archdiocese of Detroit and the State of Michigan, the following subjects are taught at Our Lady of Refuge School:

        Mathematics               Science                           Religion                 Spanish        Art

        English                        Language Arts                Physical Education        Social Studies   Forensics

        Phonics                       Handwriting                    Computers                Music                Drama



The following guidelines will be followed when retaining* a student:

  1. Teacher(s) will contact the parents at the beginning of the third quarter informing them of

the situation and problems involved and that retention is a possibility for their child.

  1. A review of the student’s progress will be made midway through the third quarter by the

teacher(s) involved and the Multi Tiered System of Support (MTSS) team.

  1. If progress continues to be unsatisfactory, parents will be notified no later than March 1st.  
  2. There will be a follow-up meeting with the parents and teachers.  Administration will be included, if necessary. A review of all potential retention will again be made by the involved teachers and

Administration by April 15.

  1. A meeting will be held at the end of April with the parents, teacher(s) involved, and Administration, if necessary, to determine retention.

* Retention is automatically applied to all students with a 1.5 or below cumulative GPA, not including specials and elective classes. Additionally, 8th grade students with a 1.0 GPA or lower will be issued a Certificate of Attendance in place of a diploma.



Grade                                               Percent Value                                 Point Value

  A                                                        100-94                                               4.0

  A-                                                        93-90                                                3.66

  B+                                                       89-87                                                3.33

  B                                                         86-84                                                3.0

  B-                                                        83-80                                                2.66

  C+                                                       79-77                                                2.33

  C                                                         76-74                                                2.0

  C-                                                        73-70                                                1.66

  D+                                                       69-67                                                1.33

  D                                                         66-64                                                1.0

  D-                                                        63-60                                                0.66

  U                                                         59-00                                                0.0

Kindergarten – Second Grade evaluation key:

E = Exceptional Achievement

P = Progressing Well

N = Needs Improvement


Books:  Students are responsible for all school books assigned to them and expected to carry them in “book bags'' to and from school.  Students are also responsible for any library books they check out from the school library.  All books in general circulation are loaned out for a one-week period.  Fines are imposed at the rate of twenty-five (25) cents a book per day, Students who lose or damage a book are expected to replace the item at school cost.

Homework:  Homework is a positive means of reinforcement of learned material.  Students are expected to do their own assignments.  At the orientation of each school year, the homeroom/subject teacher will inform the parents about the classroom homework procedures.  Students with absences due to illness may request to have homework brought home through a sibling or a neighbor.   Upon the student’s return, he/she may complete the work missed.  The number of days missed is the number of days allotted to complete the homework. Homework assignments will not be given in advance to students planning extended vacations. Assignment books/planners are a must for grades 3-8.  

Service Hours:  Students in grade 6-8 have a service hour requirement per year.  Service hours opportunities within school must have teacher or administrative approval.  All service hours, both in and out of school, require the supervisor’s signature.  Students cannot serve hours for a paid job or be related to the supervisor.  

Personal Property:  Each student is responsible for any personal property he/she brings to school.  The school is not responsible for any lost, stolen or broken personal items.

School Property:  All students are expected to respect school property.  Any deliberate destruction of school property will result in appropriate disciplinary action by teachers and/or principal.

Telephone calls: 

All dismissal requests must be presented in writing to the homeroom teacher at the beginning of the school day.  In the case of unforeseen circumstances a call into the school front office prior to dismissal is necessary. Please do not email or call the faculty directly with arrangements made during that school day as the teachers will be teaching and not necessarily checking their messages during the school day. In order to alleviate any confusion we will no longer allow students to call home at the end of the day for permission to change afterschool activities. If an emergency situation arises students will be permitted to make a phone call with their teachers’ permission.

Cell Phones:

Students are NOT allowed to have cell phones, or other devices with wireless connectivity, with them (on their person or in their lockers) during school hours.  While we understand there may be an occasional situation where parents may need students to bring cellphones to school for the purpose of communicating with their student after school, those students will need to check their phone immediately upon entering the building to their homeroom teacher.  These phones can then be picked up at dismissal at the end of each day. Cell phones brought to school and not turned in, will be confiscated and held by the Principal and returned to the student at the end of the day.  A second time will result in an automatic detention as well as confiscating the phone until a parent contact is made.  Additional offenses will be a suspension and lead to escalating disciplinary action.

DRESS CODE 2024-25

All students are to come to school neatly and modestly dressed.  It is the parents’ responsibility to see that their children are appropriately dressed before leaving for school. Uniform skirts must be an appropriate length, nail polish/fake nails are not permitted, and shoes may only be one color. Girls may wear stud earrings or small hoops. Any necklace or bracelet must be religious in nature.  Mass uniforms are required for the duration of the day on Mass days. Periodic dress code checks will be performed by administration. Students inappropriately dressed will receive a notification of violation. A second dress code infraction will result in the loss of participation in the next dress down day. Repeated infractions may result in detention.Uniforms are to be purchased through Dennis Uniform. Dennis can be contacted via the link on the OLR homepage or by phone at 248-340-8890. The full uniform description can be found here.

Spirit Wear Fridays Policy (All Grades)

Students who have purchased attire directly through the OLR Parent’s Club may wear this attire on designated Fridays.

Mission Day Policy (All Grades)

Mission Days are held on a designated Friday of each month; students may dress down. For the privilege of wearing jeans, classroom teachers collect $1 from each student to be sent to a chosen charity.


Mission Day Attire

Slacks: jeans, casual slacks, dress pants, capris, or sweats.

No: spandex, stretch, ski, jeggings, or tight-fitting pants.

Tops: OLR Logo gym shirt or OLR team T-shirt, High school or college logo T-shirt or jersey, Plain T-Shirt/Top.

No tank-tops, spaghetti-straps, midriff, tight-fitting or mesh shirts.

Shorts: Permitted 1st Day of School-Nov.1 & May 1- Last Day of School

Dress shorts, casual shorts, jean shorts or skorts only - must be knee-length.

No ripped, torn, biking, spandex, tight-fitting, or cut-off shorts.

Shoes: regular uniform shoes (one color)

No rollers, open toed, open heeled, sandals, flip flops, boots, moccasins or slippers.

Socks: socks are required at all times

Raven Sports Days (All Grades)

Those students participating in CYO sports at OLR may wear their team top or jersey over their regular uniform if there is a weekday game or on Friday for a weekend game.


Rules of conduct flow from obedience, respect for authority and each other, common sense, courtesy and concern for one another.  Student conduct and control extends beyond the classroom behavior and includes respect for adult authority, respect for the common good and respect for school rules and the law. Students having infractions in this area  may result in detention, in or out-of-school suspension, or expulsion and will automatically be issued a ‘D’ for their conduct grade.

Parents are responsible for their children’s conduct and must help in solving behavioral and academic problems.  Parents are expected to be models for their children by explaining the school rules and modeling them. (All references to parents will also include legal guardians).

Each student has the responsibility to:


Disciplinary action will be taken against students who do not observe school rules.  In general, the teacher and/or administrator will handle minor problems informally.  More serious problems will result in more serious consequences.  Students may serve detention(s), be suspended, or expelled from school when misconduct becomes serious and/or continual. Acts of bullying automatically lead to detention or suspension. Suspension can be implemented at the discretion of Administration. 

The Administration has the right to take action for student misconduct on school grounds and in the classroom, lunchroom, playground, on school buses or at school functions.  The following types of aggressive school behavior and activities will most likely result in formal disciplinary action against a student:  

Non-verbally Aggressive Behavior: Making faces, inappropriate hand gestures, drawing derogatory pictures, passing notes with negative messages, pointing out students for their clothing, etc.

Verbally Aggressive Behavior: Name-calling, teasing, making fun of the way someone looks, talks, or dresses, telling another student to harm and/or kill him/herself, etc.

Physically Aggressive Behavior: Play fighting, pushing, hitting, wrestling, kicking, slapping, spitting, pinching, throwing objects, etc. between two or more people

Threatening Behavior: Telling someone you will cause physical harm to another – whether in seriousness or “just kidding,” conversations regarding hurting others or destruction of their property, etc.  Any incident that involves injury or harm to oneself or others OR any incident that involves threatened injury or harm to self or others may result, at the discretion of the Our Lady of Refuge Catholic School Administration, in the student being required to attend counseling/therapy and/or participate in a “Threat/Risk Assessment” conducted by a qualified, licensed, mental health professional in order to remain enrolled in Our Lady of Refuge Catholic School. In the event that Our Lady of Refuge Catholic School Administration requires counseling and/or a “Threat/Risk Assessment”, it is the responsibility of the parent(s) to provide written documentation which is to be completed by the mental health professional, that the student has complied with the requirements and has participated and if needed, is continuing to participate in counseling services in order to return to school. If it has been determined that a “Threat/Risk assessment” is needed for a student’s return to school, the assessment and all written documentation must be completed and supplied to the Our Lady of Refuge Catholic School Administration within 15 school days. This documentation MUST be completed by a licensed mental health professional and MUST indicate that the student is NOT currently a threat to himself/herself or to others. Failure to comply with the “Threat/Risk Assessment” and/or provide the necessary written documentation within 15 school days will result in the student being expelled from Our Lady of Refuge Catholic School.

Bullying Behavior: Any of the above behaviors that continues on after a previous action has been documented and disciplined. This includes cyberbullying. Bullying (including cyberbullying) is identified as repeated behavior that does any of the following:

In addition, this list is not meant to be all-inclusive, but is intended to highlight other major areas of behavior concern that a student will be disciplined for:  

A.  Classroom Rules:  

Each class formulates classroom rules and consequences for failure to obey them.  The rules are approved by the Administrator and are given to each student during the first week of class. For the safety and well-being of all students and school personnel, staff may confiscate objects that are a distraction to the learning environment.   

B.  Teacher Action:

The following are actions that may be taken by the teacher if he/she should encounter an offending student who is disruptive to the teaching and learning process:

  1. Isolate the student in an appropriate place within the classroom
  2. Conference with the student & teacher contacts home
  3. Assign a reflection assignment relating to the academic/behavioral issue
  4. Assign detention & teacher contacts home
  5. Fill out an MTSS Referral and contact made with Administration

C.  Action in the Lunchroom/Playground

Students are expected to conduct themselves in a responsible and respectful manner in the lunchroom and on the playground.

  1. Students are expected to sit at their assigned table.
  2. Students are not to trade and share food.
  3. Students are expected to speak in a natural tone—no screaming.
  4. Students are responsible to keep their area clean after eating.
  5. Students who need to move away from the table or need something must raise their hand.

For the protection and safety of everyone, students are not allowed to:

  1. Play dangerous/aggressive games(e.g. wrestling, karate kicks, tackle football)
  2. Disregard the regulations for safe use of playground equipment, such as standing on slides or swings.
  3. Make or throw stones, snowballs/ice balls of any shape or size.
  4. Climb the fence, school or school railing.

If a lunchroom supervisor or monitor should encounter a student who is disruptive, disrespectful or not following directions, he/she may take the following actions:

  1. Require them to have a “quiet time” during lunch.
  2. Remove them from a particular “play” area.
  3. Take other outside privileges away from them.
  4. Isolate the student to a new lunch table.
  5. Isolate the student and make them sit out of “play-time” on the playground or outside facilities.
  6. Exclude the student from lunchtime by sending them to the office and contact made with Administration.

D.  Administrative Action

Disciplinary action will be taken in the event of student misconduct or infraction of the Code of Conduct as mentioned above.  The school administration will enact further disciplinary action if the behavior is repeated or if misconduct is severe.  In these cases, punishment may be lengthened, shortened or adjusted as determined by an administrator(s) to take into account a particular set of circumstances, or if it is determined to be in the best interest of students or the school.   In each case, consideration will be given to age, experience and abilities. O.L.R. uses a progressive disciplinary procedure policy, past incidents of misconduct will be carefully noted when dealing with a student regarding a current conduct violation. 

The following administrative actions may be taken by an administrator seeking to correct unacceptable student behavior:







All disciplinary actions up to and including expulsion are subject to administrative discretion. 

General Discipline Protocol

Detention is meant to be a time of reflections and penance. Detention is to be served in silence. It is not a study hall so completion of homework will not be allowed. If weather permits students may be asked to participate in the beautification of school and church grounds.




A.  Definition:  The State of Michigan defines the following activities as crimes.  Parents and students should be aware that state law requires that school officials, teachers and appropriate law enforcement officials be notified when a student is involved in an unlawful activity.  The school, regardless of whether criminal charges result, will take serious disciplinary action, which may include immediate suspension and/or expulsion for the following acts:

  1. Any student discovered to be, or suspected of, carrying, possessing, concealing or transferring a weapon on school premises or in the immediate vicinity of the school shall be immediately excluded from classes pending investigation.
  2. A search can be conducted to verify the suspicion or clarify the discovery.  It may include without prior warning an inspection and search of the student's person, pockets (the student empties his/her own pockets), book bags, purse, lunch container, locker, automobile, etc.  Questioning of the same purposes may include questioning by the principal, a member of the administrative team, a school teacher, the pastor or a person acting in the place of any of these.
  3. When a body search is conducted it shall be in the principal’s office or other appropriate place.  Such a search should be conducted by a law enforcement officer.
  4. If the student refuses to cooperate or interferes with a search of a person or possessions or premises: s/he should be warned that refusal to cooperate without legitimate reason will result in disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion from school.
  5. Depending on the nature of the weapon, the local police department shall be notified immediately and if possible, the student detained whenever the school has reason to suspect a student may have a weapon or when a weapon is present on school premises.
  6. Any student found to be in violation of the school’s policy is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion (permanent dismissal).
  7. If an injury occurs in school, on school premises or in the immediate vicinity, as the result of a student carrying a weapon, the principal and teachers shall endeavor:

1)  to have students remain calm and avoid panic;

2)  to notify the police, the pastor of the parish/interparish school;

3)  to secure the school; and

4)  to notify and consult with the immediate supervisor or other appropriate party in

  the Catholic Schools Office. The Superintendent’s Office will in turn notify

  appropriate offices in the Archdiocesan Central Services.

                    h)         The principal may exercise the options to keep non-school persons out of the school

 and/or retain students in the school until police have completed their investigation.

        i)         Any student determined to have brought a firearm to school will be expelled for a period

 of not less than one year.  The term “firearm” means:

  1. any weapon including a starter gun which will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive;
  2. the frame or receiver of any such weapons;
  3. any firearm muffler or firearm silencer; or
  4. any destructive device.

All State laws and policies of the Archdiocese of Detroit concerning weapons will be enforced.


B.  Investigations of Allegations of Criminal Activity

C.  Categories of Misconduct:  The following are categories of misconduct which may result in          detention, in or out-of-school suspension or expulsion. Additionally a grade of ‘D’ can be issued in conduct for infractions in this area.


Students are expected to be courteous and respectful to others, including administrators, teachers, parish and school employees, volunteers, parents and students, in all of their interactions.  Students who engage in name-calling, threats, bullying, intimidation, or other conduct or communication that has the purpose or effect of creating a hostile, offensive or abusive atmosphere, including such activity using pictures, videos, e-mail, texting, in online postings, blogs, or on social-media sites, may be disciplined, up to and including expulsion.

Retaliation in any form, such as harassment, name-calling, ostracizing, intimidation, threats, etc. against an individual including all parish and school employees, volunteers, parents and students, for reporting or cooperating, in good faith, in a parish or school-sponsored or sanctioned investigation will not be tolerated.  Anyone found to have engaged in retaliation will be subject to sanctions, up to and including termination from employment and/or exclusion from school.  


Sexual harassment refers to behavior that is not welcome, personally offensive and fails to respect the rights of others in a sexual nature.  Harassment can be either conduct or communication.  Actions that seem harmless or amusing to some may be offensive to others.  Sexual harassment is defined as any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, verbal or physical conduct or communication of a sexual nature when:

  1. Submission to such conduct is made an explicit or implicit term or condition of any aspect of an individual’s education or school related pursuits, or

  1. Submission to or rejection of such conduct or communication is used as a factor in decisions affecting the individual’s education, or

  1. Such conduct is intended or has the purpose or effect of interfering with an individual’s education or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive educational environment.

Examples of Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment by a teacher or teacher aide or member of the clergy directed at a student also may constitute child abuse that must be reported by law.  See Policy 5004, Child Abuse/Child Neglect Reporting.


Our Lady of Refuge is pleased to offer student access to the parish school Computer System.  Use of the computer system and the resources that it enables the students to access is a privilege, not a right.  Inappropriate use of the computer system may result in the suspension or revocation of these privileges as well as other disciplinary or legal action including financial liability for any damages.  Prior to using the computer system, students and their parents or guardians are encouraged to read and understand the following acceptable use policies.  By using the system, students and their parents or guardians acknowledge, accept and agree to abide by this policy. Review policy here.


A.  Parents and Visitors to the School

Parents and other visitors to the school are required to sign in at the school office upon entering the building to receive and wear a yellow “Visitor” lanyard at all times while on premises.

Parents may not escort their child(ren) to class on the first day of school.  

Parent/teacher helpers are required to wait in the front office until Morning Prayer, attendance, and announcements have been made.

We strongly encourage parental communication with teachers.  However, parents and visitors may NOT enter a classroom without first reporting to the school office.

B.  Volunteer Criminal Background Check

Any parent/guardian who wishes to volunteer in the school must complete the following BEFORE opportunities will be available; a criminal background check, volunteer confidentiality form, and recertification or completion of Protecting God’s Children Workshop,

C.  Fire, Tornado and Lockdown Drills

State and Local laws require that 8 fire drills, 2 tornado drills, and 2 lockdown drills be held periodically during the school year.  Students are expected to follow the established procedures of OLR School for each of these drills.

Each time the fire alarm is sounded, EVERYONE must leave the building.

D.  Inclement Weather/Emergency School Closings

Our Lady of Refuge utilizes FACTS messaging system to notify parents of school closings and other pertinent events. Please make sure that FACTS has your correct phone number and email so that you can be immediately notified. Concerning inclement weather, we follow St. Mary’s Prep and/or West Bloomfield School District closures.  In the event of any school closing during the day, students remain in school and are released to parents/ designated guardians only.


A.  Exclusion for Health Reasons

Our Lady of Refuge follows the recommendations of the Oakland County Health Department and the American Academy of Pediatrics regarding medical issues and immunizations.

Students are excluded from class for the following diseases and can only be admitted per Oakland County Health Division guidelines:  Mumps, Meningitis, Chickenpox, Mononucleosis, Whooping Cough, any rash.

Students are excluded from school with the following communicable diseases until:

Illness                                                            Time required

Pink eye                                                      No discharge remains – 24 hours after starting antibiotic drops

German Measles                                           Four days from onset

Impetigo                                                         When under medical treatment

Ringworm                                                      When under medical treatment

Streptococcal                                                 Including scarlet fever, strep throat –when recovered and

                                                                       released by a doctor

Pediculosis                                                    Until lice and viable eggs are destroyed

Influenza                                                        Until fever is gone for 24 hours and child feels able to attend


Ringworm                                                       24 hours after the start of appropriate therapy.

Fever                                                             100.4 degrees or higher within 24 hours of the start of the

                                                                       school day

Fifth disease or Roseola                          Children with the rashes of Fifth disease or roseola may

                                                                       return to the classroom because the infectious period is

                                                                       prior to the onset of the rash

MRSA        48 hours after starting antibiotic treatment and do not have draining lesions

COVID-19        Comply with the recommendations of the AOD, CDC and local and state health policies

Parents or appropriate designees are required to pick up their child in a timely manner, when notified by the school that the child is ill.

Students are NOT to return to school until they are 24-hours fever free and/or 24-hour free of vomiting.

Students who vomit in school will be sent home for a 24-hour period.

Students who do not attend school due to illness may not attend after school activities until cleared to return to school.

B.  Illness-Call-in Procedures

When your child is ill and unable to attend school, you must call or email the school by 7:30 A.M. with the following information:  

C.  Medical Needs

It is the responsibility of the parents/guardians to inform the office and appropriate teachers if a student has any medical needs that may merit regular or periodic attention while at school.

D.  Medications

All medications are to be dispensed from the school office Students may not keep on their person or property or in their desk or locker any form of medication except asthmatic inhalers and emergency allergy EPI pens.  2000 Public Act 10 requires as a condition to permitting the student to carry and use an inhaler or epi-pen, that the school be provided with a written emergency plan for its use prepared by a licensed physician in collaboration with the parent, updated as necessary for changing circumstances.  

The following guidelines have been approved by the American Academy of Pediatrics Council on Child Health and endorsed by the Oakland County Division of Health.  It is recognized that at the present time, many children are able to attend regular school because of the effectiveness of medications in the treatment of chronic disabilities and illnesses.  Any student who is required to take prescribed medication during regular school hours must comply with school regulations.  These are as follows:


Prescription Medications

Over-the-Counter Medications

No drug substance should be in a student’s possession except asthma inhalers and emergency allergy EPI pens. According to law, medication cannot be dispensed in any classroom by a teacher. Students are not to have medications in their possession during school hours or while on school property (this includes throat lozenges and cough drops). Asthma inhalers and EPI pens, as indicated, are acceptable. Cough drops, allergy and cold medicine, aspirin, Tylenol, Motrin, etc. must be accompanied by a signed and dated note with specific requirements for administering, signed by a doctor and brought to the office.  The medication must be in the original container.


E.  Accidents

Any type of accident which occurs on school premises will be reported to the office as soon as possible and the policy below will be followed:


A.        Auxiliary Services

West Bloomfield School District provides Auxiliary Services to students referred to them through the school with the cooperation of parents.  The following are available:


B.        Instructional Support

The Resource Teacher supports classroom teachers and students to maximize the learning process. Working collaboratively in a team environment, the Instructional Support Teacher will assist teachers in selecting and adapting teaching strategies to meet students’ needs. The Instructional Support Teacher sees students both individually and in a group format.


Students may bring their lunches or purchase hot lunch provided through an outside service when those services are made available.  Hot lunches are ordered and paid for on a weekly basis through Ordo.  

Paid and volunteer* lunch staff supervise the students in the lunchroom and on the playground.  All supervising staff members have full authority during the lunch period and students are to respect that authority and follow the Code of Conduct.  Parents please refrain from texting or using cell phones during lunch supervision duty.

No food can be taken out of the lunchroom to be eaten on the playground or in the classrooms.  No food or drink is allowed on the playground before school or after dismissal.  

Weather permitting; ALL students are required to go out for recess.  Indoor recess will occur if the weather is inclement or determined by Administration because of a funeral or other extenuating circumstance. Inclement weather is described as below 20 degrees (taking windchill into consideration and/or rain.)

Late lunches delivered by parents are to be delivered to the drop area in the vestibule outside of the School Office only.

*For parent involvement RAVEN CREDIT requirements see page 25 


The following activities may be offered. The policies of the handbook must be upheld at all school events; including apparel and behavior.

A.   Altar Servers

Our Lady of Refuge Students in grades 4-8 are invited to become altar servers and enhance the Liturgy with their presence.

B.  NJHS (Middle School)

NJHS provides students in grades 7-8 with leadership and decision making opportunities.

C.  Spelling Bee, Optimists Club Oratorical, Lego Robotics


Students in grades 4-8 are invited to participate in Our Lady of Refuge Parish’s CYO Program. The program, through the Athletic Director, Sport Coordinators and Coaching Staff provides the opportunity to learn, enjoy and compete in the Archdiocesan CYO Leagues. The following sports may be offered:


Football -- Grades 4-8 boys

Volleyball – Grades 4-8 girls

Basketball -- Grades 4-8 boys and girls

Baseball – Grades 4-8 boys

Ski Club - Grades 3-8 boys and girls

Martial Arts - Grades K-8 boys and girls

Wrestling - Grades 3-8 boys

Cheer - Grades 3 - 8 girls

Golf - Grades 3 -8 boys and girls

Students participating in sports are NOT permitted to be in the gym or at the field unsupervised. Siblings of players are not allowed to wait in the gym for pick up while practice is being held. Siblings without supervision will be sent to the extended care program and charged accordingly.

Students must maintain the minimum of a “C” (2.0 GPA) in core subjects, not including specials or electives, or higher to be eligible to participate on sports teams. Conduct grades must be a "B" average or better. If academic or conduct grades fall the student will be placed on "athletic probation". The principal and athletic director will review the students' conduct on a week to week basis to determine eligibility for athletic participation. All suspensions will automatically result in a loss of athletic privileges. 

All student athletes, parents, and relatives are expected to represent themselves in a sportsmanlike manner while participating in OLR sporting events. Persons not conducting sportsmanlike behavior will be asked to leave the field or gym and/or receive consequences at school.
The same level of respect for our facilities is expected after school hours and disciplinary actions will be similar to the ones outlined in the OLR code of conduct.  A parent/student contract will be signed yearly.  

Parents, siblings, and relatives must refrain from "sideline coaching". Sideline coaching is telling your child or any other athlete what you think they should do while the game or event is being played. It is important that the athlete is only following the direction of their coach. Any parental grievance towards a coach or student athlete mandates a "24 hour rule". A "24 hour" rule means you must wait at least 24 hours before discussing your grievance with the coach/ athletic director.

A sports fee is established yearly by the Sports Program for all sports.  Fees are to be paid at the time of registration.

Students who wish to participate in any sport must have a physical dated after April 15th prior to participation in any sport each year.

A designated day is set by the Sports Program for the return of uniforms following the last game for that sport.  Students that fail to do so will not receive their report card and may be subject to uniform replacement costs.


Each month a calendar, newsletter and other important information is sent home to each family. Flyers from outside sources are not endorsed by the school but are sent home for information purposes only.


Students may withdraw books from the school library for a one week period.  Fines are imposed at a rate of twenty-five (25) cents per book per day including week-ends and holidays. Students who lose or damage a school property are expected to replace the item at school cost.  

Report cards and/or school records will not be released until all fines are paid. A library notice will be sent home to parents one week before report cards/progress reports.


Our Lady of Refuge School is blessed by the many fine volunteers who make this school a vibrant and spiritual community.  The major organizations are:


Parents’ Club:  This group works for the welfare of our children by enriching their education through special activities and fundraising for various school enhancements. Meetings are listed on the monthly calendar.

The Parents’ Club Board Members include a President, Co-President, Vice -President, Secretary & Treasurer.

Parents’ Club Objective: To work for the welfare of our school children by enriching their education through special activities and funding various school enhancements.

Parents’ Club Purpose: The purpose of this Club shall be to work under the direction and guidance of the school Administration and Our Lady of Refuge Pastor sponsoring functions and fundraisers.

Parents’ Club Membership: Open to all parents/guardians of children in attendance at Our Lady of Refuge and all those who have an interest in Our Lady of Refuge and who attend the meetings.

Finances: All monies derived from activities and fund raising by the Club shall be designated for specific purposes in accordance with the objectives of this Club.

The following is a list of annual sub-committees which satisfy Parent volunteer hours. This is not an all inclusive list. Please contact the committee chairs for information on events.

PC Parish Council Representative        

Dad’s Club                        

Daddy/Daughter Dance

Mother/Son Event                                                 

Casino Night

Ice Cream Social                                

Locker Decorating (Pep Rallies)                                


Golf Outing

Teacher’s Pantry                         

Santa’s Secret Shop                

Catholic Schools Week Activities        

Field Day                        



Each family at Our Lady of Refuge is required to donate 15 credits (25 for Athletic families) of volunteer time per year to the school. The credits can be obtained through active involvement in a club such as: Parents Club activities, Cafeteria/Recess duty, Athletics events or one of the other numerous opportunities that benefit the students and school.

The OnVolunteers online program keeps record of all credits that each family earns per school year. Committee and Club Chairs, along with the lunchroom Supervisor will sign off for worked hours through OnVolunteers.   Current Parent Volunteer credits are accumulated from August 1st through June 15th.  Credits not earned are assessed after the June 15th deadline.  A $500 fee will be assessed through FACTS to families that have not worked their required yearly credits. Family volunteers can include Mother, Father, older brother/sister(s), and GrandParents. Alternate activities should be checked first with the Administration.  A paid job may not earn credits. Please read this Raven Credit FAQ for more detailed information regarding Raven Credits.  


Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Detroit shall participate in the standardized testing programs as determined by the Office for Catholic Schools Policy 7007 of the A.O.D. School Policies and Guidelines. The following tests are administered annually to the students of Our Lady of Refuge School:

STAR Testing                                        Grades K - 8

The High School Placement Test                             Grade 8 – taken at local Catholic high schools

WIDA Assessment                                Grades K-8

Fountas and Pinnell Reading Assessment        Grades K-8


All outside doors are locked during school hours. It is required that all visitors are admitted through the Front Office to register in the visitor’s log and receive a visitor’s identification.  Visitors without identification will be directly escorted to the front office.


Students at school sponsored, off campus events shall be subject to school rules and regulations and are subject to the authority of school officials.  Before arrangements for such events can be finalized, parents must submit the permission slip entitling their child to attend the function.  The school will provide a form for that purpose.  Students who choose not to participate must attend school on the day of the field trip or be marked absent.  Field trips are an important, integral enhancement of each grade’s curriculum. Student attendance on class field trips is contingent upon student conduct and behavior.

Parent drivers must show proof of insurance and driver's license. All parent volunteers must have completed a background check and Protecting God’s Children and have records on file with the Parish office.


Unclaimed items are donated at the end of each semester.

NOTE:  It is advised that all items brought or worn to school be marked with your child’s name.  Please remember to include lunch boxes, jackets, gloves, sweaters, and sweatshirts.


Morning Drop Off:  The church parking lot is to be used in transporting children to school by car for grades K-8.  

Afternoon Dismissal: Parents are to use the same path that is used for drop off for pick up.  Students will be dismissed when parents arrive.  They will be called from their classrooms using the PA system.  Parents are not permitted to leave their car during dismissal.  

Please follow the prescribed traffic flow pattern both morning and afternoon, to ensure the safety of all children.

Drop Off/Pick Up Procedure Maps Link



If you wish to celebrate your child’s birthday at school please understand the following guidelines:


• Lockers are the property of the Catholic School.

• No food or perishable materials may be kept in the locker except lunch.

• The school is not responsible for any items taken from lockers.

• Lockers may be inspected by the Principal or a teacher with another teacher as a witness. This may be done at any time and at the Principal’s discretion.

• Students caught stealing from another locker, or damaging lockers in any way may be suspended.

• Periodically students will be asked to clean their lockers at the teacher’s discretion.


Our Lady of Refuge Catholic School requires that divorced parents file a court certified copy of the custody section of the divorce decree with the school office. A non-custodial parent has no right of physical access to a child unless granted by court order. With the increasing prevalence of divorce, many

schools are faced with questions regarding the rights of non-custodial parents. The initial issue is the terms of custody, usually contained in a divorce decree or custody order. If a parent claims the custody arrangements have changed, the parent must provide a copy of the new order.


We, as parents, are accepting the challenge to “train up a child in the way he should go…” Proverbs 22:6 and affirm that this training will be carried on in the home. We shall place our trust in Our Lady of Refuge School to extend that teaching and work with us for the educational and spiritual growth of our child. We, hereby support the administration and staff in maintaining discipline and order in the school. We grant authority to discipline our child as it relates to the rules and regulations of the school. We pledge to work with and support the administration and staff as it relates to discipline and school rules as outlined in the Our Lady of Refuge Parent/Student Handbook.

We pledge to support and encourage good school attendance and promptness. We pledge that we will do our utmost to see that our child does his/her best in their academic work (homework, class work, participation, etc.) by encouraging them and assisting him/her as needed with the aid of the teacher. We also accept the school’s expectation that all students must maintain a 2.0 grade point average and a final grade in conduct and/or effort no lower than a “C” in conduct. We recognize that the student may be dismissed if requirements are not met. We agree to pay for any school property damage or loss caused by our child. This shall include, but not be limited to, damage or loss to building, grounds, fixtures, furniture, equipment, books and supplies. We agree to be financially responsible and abide by the policies regarding monetary matters as established by the Our Lady of Refuge Tuition Office and we also agree to sign a tuition payment agreement before admission will be approved. We are further aware that no student will be readmitted with an outstanding tuition/fee balance. We understand we may be denied readmission if we are regularly delinquent in our financial obligations.

In summary, we pledge our support and understanding of all the School Regulations now in effect or as may be adopted or amended and will assist our child in following them completely. If, for any reason(s), our child or we as parents do not continue to cooperate favorably with the school and its policies, and upon recommendation from the Principal and the decision of the Pastor, that our child may be dismissed. We, as parents, do sincerely give our pledge to all items stated above and we affirm our efforts to work with the administration and staff to keep Our Lady of Refuge an outstanding school.


School Policies and Regulations:  No attempt is made in this book to cover every possible policy, regulation or situation.  It is understood that the administration is empowered to handle situations not specifically mentioned.  Students are notified and reminded throughout the school year of policies through oral or written announcements.

Right to Amend: School administration is the final recourse and reserves the right to amend this handbook at any time during the school year if conditions or circumstances warrant such change. Parents will be given prompt notice of all changes.