Dr. Carrie Diaz Eaton
Lifetime social justice advocate and leader in postsecondary STEM Education. Over 25 years of equity and inclusion leadership in higher education and more than 20 years in higher education as instructor of record. Research covered in Science, Nature, NPR, and the Washington Post combines an interdisciplinary, complex adaptive systems, and mixed methods approaches (computational, qualitative, quantitative) with a focus on building an inclusive STEM ecosystem.
Academic Appointments
Associate Professor of Digital and Computational Studies
BATES COLLEGE, Lewiston, ME, 2018 - current
Executive Director and Principal Investigator
Institute for a Racially-just, Inclusive, and Open STEM education (RIOS Institute),
riosinstitute.org, 2021 - current
as SCORE Network 2019 - 2021
Faculty, Institute on AI, Pedagogy, and the Curriculum
AACU, Washington, DC, 2024 - 2025
Visiting Researcher and Semester Program Director, Data Science for Social Justice
Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics (ICERM)
BROWN UNIVERSITY, Providence, RI, 2022 - 2023
Visiting Researcher and Working Group Organizer, Data Science for Social Justice
Institute for Mathematical and Statistical Innovation (IMSI)
UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, Chicago, IL, Winter 2023
Director of Partnerships and Communications & co-Founder
Virtual Center for Quantitative Undergraduate Biology Education and Synthesis (QUBES), qubeshub.org, 2014 - 2021
Visiting Faculty
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Fall 2016
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Environmental Literacy Program, School for Environmental Citizenship, 2016 - 2018
Center for Biodiversity, 2013 - 2016
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Center for Biodiversity, 2010 - 2013
Visiting Faculty
Graduate Teaching and Research Associate
Department of Mathematics and Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE, Knoxville, TN, 2004 - 2010
Adjunct Faculty
Project GRAD, UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE, Knoxville, TN, 2009
Adjunct Faculty
via Eastern Maine Community College, Bangor, ME, 2003 - 2004
Research and Teaching Assistant
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, 2002 - 2004
Ph.D. in Mathematics, 2013 Mathematical Ecology and Evolutionary Theory | UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE, Knoxville, TN |
M.A. in Mathematics, 2004 Interdisciplinary Mathematics | UNIVERSITY OF MAINE, Orono, ME |
B.A. in Mathematics with Honors, 2002 Minor: Zoology | UNIVERSITY OF MAINE, Orono, ME |
Honors and Awards
Professional Achievement Awards and Fellowships
- National Science Foundation SIARM Fellow, Computational methods in STEM Education Research, 2021 - 2024
- Linton-Poodry SACNAS Leadership Institute Fellow, Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science, 2018
- Science Alliance Associateship, University of Tennessee, 2004 – 2009
- Mark A. Musik Doctoral Scholars Fellowship, Southern Regional Education Board, 2005 - 2008
- Top Scorer, for the University of Maine, Putnam Competition, 2001
- First Place, American Regions Mathematics League International Competition, Massachusetts A Team, 1998
- Official Citation Massachusetts State Senate, for co-captaining the team winning the Massachusetts and New England Mathematics League Championships, 1998
Teaching and Mentoring Awards and Fellowships
- MAA Leader, Mathematical Association of America, 2019 - current (mathvalues.org)
- CITL Faculty Fellow, Center for Inclusive Teaching and Learning, Bates College, 2024 - current
- Bonner Fellow, Harvard Center, Bates, College, 2024 - 2025
- John Jungck Prize for Excellence in Education, Society for Mathematical Biology, 2020 (link)
- Project NExT Fellow, Mathematical Association of America, 2012 – 2013
- Graduate Student Teaching Award, Department of Mathematics, University of Tennessee, 2009
- Graduate Student Teaching Chancellor’s Award, University of Tennessee, 2008
- National Award for Mentored Research: Kari Lemelin awarded the BIO-SIGMAA student research award Mathfest, 2013
- College-based Awards for Mentored Research: 1 Unity Award, 1 Academic Excellence Award, 1 Environmental Conservation Award, and 2 Biology Research Awards (Unity College)
External Research Grant Awards
Lead PI for ~$2.7 million in awards. Co-PI, subaward PI, or heavily involved senior personnel for ~$7.5 million. Funding sources span federal, private, and donor. Most of these awards are collaborative and multi-institutional, please click on the award link to see the full co-PI list and affiliations.
- Hewlett Foundation, US $750,000 “Bates College: Support for the Institute for a Racially Just, Inclusive, and Open STEM Education” (PI), June 2024 - December 2025
- Hewlett Foundation, US $698,818 “Bates College: Support for the Institute for a Racially Just, Inclusive, and Open STEM Education” (PI), September 2022 - July 2024
- UBER GRS/GRC conference funding multiple sources: "Undergraduate Biology Education and Research - A New Vision for Change: Re-imagining Biology Education through Social Justice" NSF IUSE, US $119,520 (PI), April 2023 - March 2024, EDU award #2311961; Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), US $82,500 (PI Starlette Sharp), MacMillian ($1000) as well as individual donors.
- Hewlett Foundation, US $605,852 “Bates College: Launching the Institute for Racially Just, Inclusive, and Open STEM Education” (PI), May 2021 - September 2022. Link to Award
- NSF IUSE, US $99,909 “Identifying Assets and Collaborative Activities to Support Student Success in Environmental Data Science at Minority Serving Institutions” (Senior Personnel, PI Michaela Parker), October 2021 - July 2022, DUE award #2135830.
- Hewlett Foundation, US $380,210 “Bates College/QUBES/SCORE: Supporting a more equitable and sustainable open education in undergraduate biology,” (PI), April 2020 - March 2021. Link to Award.
- NSF IUSE Ideas Lab, US $3.8 Million “IUSE Collaborative Grant: QUBES: Quantitative Undergraduate Biology Education and Synthesis,” (Co-PI, Subaward: $232,045, PI M. Drew LaMar, Lead Collaborative PI Sam Donovan), Sept 2014 - Aug 2021, DUE award #1446258, Additional Collaborative DUE awards #1446269, and 1446284.
- NSF RCN-UBE Incubator, US $74,290 “RCN-UBE Incubator Network: Open and Accessible Biology Education: The promise of equity and the challenge of sustainability,” (PI), Aug 2019 - July 2021. DBI award #1919879.
- NSF INCLUDES Conference, US $232,110 “Bringing Conversations on Diversity and Inclusion in Data Science to the Ecological and Environmental Sciences,” (Senior Personnel/Co-organizer, PI Alycia Crall) July 2018 - June 2021, OIA award #1812997.
- NSF IUSE Math, US $2.65 Million “IUSE Math Collaborative Research: SUMMIT-P, A National Consortium for Synergistic Undergraduate Mathematics via Multi-institutional Interdisciplinary Teaching Partnerships.” (Subaward PI: $158,103, Lead Collaborative PI Susan Ganter) Sept 2016 - Aug 2021 (subaward terminated July 2018 due to move to Bates), DUE Award #1625771. Additional Collaborative DUE Awards #1625771, 1625244, 1625166, 1625199,1625519, 1625222, 1625557, 1625142, and 1625321.
- NSF RCN-UBE Incubator, US $59,870 “Learning from the community of education networks,” (Co-PI, PI Gordon Uno) September 2015 - September 2017 DBI award #1543972.
- NSF RCN-UBE Incubator, US $49,992 “An online networking hub for collaboration discovery, and synthesis in quantitative biology curricula,” (co-PI, PI M. Drew LaMar) Jan 2014 - December 2016, DBI Award #1346584.
Leadership in Higher Education
Institution-based Change Leadership
Faculty professional development and mentoring
- HHMI Inclusive Excellence Leadership Team, Bates College, 2020 - current, Co-lead, STEM faculty professional development, 2021 - 2022, organized and led Summer SoTL Fellows program, invited lectures, led Book Club/Learning Communities, Science Faculty Fellows Advisory Group, Bates HHMI IE, 2018 - 2019
- Organizer and facilitator, Race After Technology Book Club/Learning Community, Bates College, Fall 2019, Weapons of Math Destruction Book Club/Learning Community, Bates College, Fall 2018
- Founder and facilitator, Teaching Discussion Group, Unity College, 2010 – 2018
- Co-founder, co-designer, and co-facilitator, New Faculty Mentoring Program, Unity College, 2014 – 2016
- ePortfolio coordinator, Coordinated college-wide academic and co-curricular implementation of ePortfolios, Unity College, 2012 - 2013
- Co-founder, designer, and facilitator, Mathematics Graduate Student Teaching Development Program, University of Tennessee, 2006 – 2009
- Other related committees, Unity College 2010 - 2018: Learning Resource Center (including accessible education and peer tutoring), Diversity Committee
Teaching, learning, evaluation, and assessment
- DCS Program Evaluation liaison, 2020 - 2022, coordinate program evaluation with the Office of Institutional Research and with the use of externally developed surveys, such as the Cultural Competency in Computing.
- Chair, Curriculum Assessment and Planning Committee, Unity College, 2017 – 2018, overseeing all curricular planning including general education, coordinated the writing of a new program review handbook and wrote the General Education assessment portion of the NEASC accreditation mid-cycle review.
- Other related Committees, Unity College 2010-2018: General Education Committee, NEASC Standards 1 and 3 Committee, Faculty Planning Committee, Information and Technology Advisory Committee, Innovative Teaching Task Force, Distance Learning Task Force, Online Graduate and Undergraduate Programming Task Force, Quantitative Literacy Task Force, Instructional Technologist Search Committee, IT Director Search Committee, Thesis [redesign] Committee
Selected institutional engagement and governance experience
- Chapter co-advisor/faculty co-mentor (with Lori Banks as lead advisor in 2022-23), SACNAS, Bates College, 2022 - current, which also includes organizing the annual Bates contingent to the National Diversity in STEM conference.
- Budget and Finance Advisory Committee, 2023 - current
- Ad-hoc Faculty Governance Review Committee, Bates College, 2019 - 2022
- Faculty representative to Senior Staff, Unity College, 2017 – 2018, elected by the faculty, the faculty representative to senior staff attends weekly college senior staff meetings, representing faculty interests.
- Faculty Grievance Committee, Unity College, 2016 – 2018
- Chair, Mathematics Program, Unity College, 2012 – 2016, the mathematics faculty at Unity were distributed among other departments, so the role of the chair is to coordinate mathematics faculty to submit recommendations for course offerings and teaching schedules, chair searches for full-time mathematics faculty, facilitate communication and action on vertical alignment and course coordination, and plan mathematics program events.
Professional Community Leadership
Community and institute leadership
- Director of Strategy and Advancement and PI, RIOS Institute, 2019 - current, rebranding ongoing from SCORE Network, formed in 2019 as lead PI. This virtual institute is housed at Bates, but founded to support a national network of organizations, education researchers, and professional staff that support higher education instructors to make changes in their projects oriented towards social justice. The RIOS Community includes 300 leaders representing 70+ organizations and institutions. RIOS has led conferences, virtual showcases, and multiple virtual learning communities and working groups. After our 2020 social justice and OER learning community, 100% of participants reported it would influence their work, and participants have published nearly 50 OER materials as a result of participating in the network. We have a podcast, Knowledge Unbound, hosted by RIOS Co-director Bryan Dewsbury, and RIOS has published dozens of research articles and books. I oversee 2 additional Directors, 2 Fellows, 2 Advisors, 1 full-time staff, up to 8 student researchers and advisors, and 2 significantly involved contractors (communications and evaluation). I also lead grant writing, manage budgets, and facilitate leadership meetings and retreats. The broader center work also employs additional contractors through our collaborative programming. I also lead select RIOS activities, acting as consultant to multiple organizations, leading book clubs and other professional development activities, and helping build community across RIOS programs. I have also authored or co-authored 19 books and articles aligned with RIOS philosophies during this time, 5 focused on the activities and philosophy of the RIOS Institute (Cangialosi et al. 2021; Diaz Eaton et al. 2022; Gesing et al. 2022, Diaz Eaton et al. 2023, Villegas Martinez et al. 2023).
- Co-Lead organizer with Stanley Lo and AAAS, “A new Vision for Change.” The first in-person meeting of this working group will be in September, 2025 at AAAS headquarters in Washington, DC. We are meeting to kick off an effort to update and revision the undergraduate biology curriculum guidelines, Vision and Change.
- Co-Lead organizer with Victor Piercey, “Research Collaboration Working Group: Co-Creating a Community Data Visualization Tool with Community Partners,” Institute for Mathematical and Statistical Innovation (IMSI),University of Chicago, May, 2024. This follow-up to the previous working group focused on the VECINA project and transferring it to partner control and use.
- Lead organizer, “Summer research program: Social Justice and Data Science: Networks, Policy and Education,” Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics (ICERM), Brown University, Summer 2022 and 2023 Link to Summer 22. As a traditional semester research program I coordinated a research program for over two dozen scholars from early career to full professor and industry-employed, the organizing committee offered three project-based workshops (network science, policy, and education), and we coordinated multiple outreach events and publishing opportunities. Unlike a traditional semester program at a mathematics institute, this was offered over two summers to allow more diverse participation. Also secured co-sponsorship from AMS.
- Lead organizer, “Research Collaboration Working Group: Interdisciplinary and critical data science motivated by social justice,” Institute for Mathematical and Statistical Innovation (IMSI),University of Chicago, January - February, 2023. Led and co-organized with Jude Higdon of QSIDE Institute, a month-long collaborative research group with over a dozen researchers from early career to full professor and industry-employed. Two major research projects were accelerated, both of which were grounded in local community activism. Also secured co-sponsorship from AMS.
- Director of Partnerships and Communication, QUBES, 2014 - 2021. Virtual Center to support instructor development for teaching quantitative biology, co-founded in 2014. As a leadership team we developed both the cyberinfrastructure and social infrastructure to achieve a sustainable community of practitioners, open educational resources, and professional development. My role initially was in partnership building the QUBES Consortium, and managing communications. Later work transitioned much of the work to staff roles, and my focus shifted to diversifying our funding portfolio for sustainability and special projects which focused on equity and inclusion in data science. Management of QUBES successfully transitioned to BioQUEST in August 2021 at the conclusion of primary NSF support.
- Lead Project Manager, “Math Mamas” - A digital narrative project coordinating three partnership projects: 1) NSF INCLUDES Collaboration/In-kind support with AWM on their www.womendomath.org site to provide profiles of women mathematicians who are also mothers (led by Dr. Hall). 2) A Special Issue of the Journal of Humanistic Mathematics (led by Dr. Harris) and 3) a blog with for AMS (led by Dr. Davie Lawrence - who continues to lead other current ongoing Math Mamas initiatives), 2016 - 2019
- Co-organizer, ”Working Group: Unpacking the Black Box: Teaching Quantitative Bio,” (Lead Kristin Jenkins), Institute for Mathematical Biology and Synthesis (NIMBioS), University of Tennessee Knoxville, October 2015 - May 2017, Link to Award.
Journal editorial boards
- CourseSource, 2019 - present
- Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematical Undergraduate Studies (PRIMUS), Taylor and Francis, 2017 - 2023 (two three year terms)
- Letters in Biomathematics, Taylor and Francis, 2013 - 2017
Professional executive boards and committees
- Chair of the Committee on Minority Participation and Ex-Officio member of the Council on the Profession, Mathematical Association of America (MAA), two 3-year terms for Feb 2019 - Aug 2022 and Aug 2022 - Aug 2025
- AMS representative to Section Q of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), March 2022 - Feb 2025
- Instructional Practices Guide Steering Committee Working Group, MAA, June 2022 - current
- American Mathematical Society (AMS) Representative on the MAA-SIAM-AMS Hrabowski-Gates-Tapia-Mcbay Lecture Selection Committee (HGTM), 3-year appointment, Feb 2022 - June 2024
- Mathematics Profession Working Group, COME-IN guidelines inspired by AAAS SeaChange, NSF HRD #1841687, https://seachange.aaas.org/, 2021 - 2022
- Awards Committee, Society for Mathematical Biology, 2022
- Education Subgroup Chair, Society for Mathematical Biology, 2016-2017 Education Committee co-chair, 2017-2019 Education Subgroup Chair, 2019 - 2020 Past Chair of Education Subgroup
- Electronic Communications Chair, BIO SIGMAA Executive Board 2015 - 2017, Program Chair 2013 and 2014, Nominating committee 2023.
Conference convening
- Co-organizer, Math for Racial Justice Conference, MSRI Fall 2024
- Co-chair Gordon Research Conference on Undergraduate Biology Education Research, “A New Vision for Change: Re-imagining biology education through the lens of social justice” (Vice co-chair responsibilities in 2019-2021 for Summer 2021, and co-chair responsibility in 2021-2023 for Summer 2023)
- Co-organizer, SIAM Education Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, July 2022
- (COVID-19 Cancelled) Co-organizer/Senior Personnel, “EDSIN Leadership Workshop,” Spelman College, Atlanta, March 2020
- Co-organizer/PI, “Open and Accessible Biology Education: The promise of equity and the challenge of sustainability,” Lewiston, ME, October 2019
- Co-organizer/Senior Personnel, “Bringing the Conversation of Inclusivity and Data Science to the Ecology and Environmental Science Community,” Boulder, CO, April 2019
- QUBES co-organizing advisory team, “Making Meaning with Modeling: Problem Solving in Biology,” QUBES-BioQUEST-CaseSciNet Summer Workshop, East Lansing, MI, 2017 and “Wicked Problems” QUBES-BioQUEST Summer Workshop, Claremont, CA, 2018, Monday Workshop and OEC Fellows team organizer, “From Data to Data Science” QUBES-BioQUEST Summer Workshop, Williamsburg, VA, 2019
- Co-organizer/co-PI, “Summit of the Research Coordination Networks for Undergraduate Biology Education,” AAAS, Washington, DC, 2015
Advisory boards
- Parents Advisory Group for the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Committee, Brunswick School Department, 2022 - current
- Advisory Board, The Pedagogy Lab@The Center for Black, Brown and Queer Studies, 2024 - current
- Advisory Board, CourseSource, 2020 - current
- Advisory Board, Promoting Equity and Research Using Adaptive Testing to Support Individualized Instruction at Scale, (PI Ben Van Dusen), 2023 - 2028
- Advisory Board, Collaborative Research: Normalizing Ethical Reasoning in Mathematics as a Foundation for Ethical STEM, NSF SBE #2220423 and 2220395 (PIs Piercey and Buell), 2022 - 2025
- Community Discovery Advisor, SERC Compass project, NSF ICER #2034189 (led by Manduca/SERC), 2021 - 2024
- Diversity Equity and Inclusion Advisor, HHMI BioInteractive Data Exploration Course, September 2020 - 2023
- Committee of Visitors, NSF Division of Undergraduate Education, Fall 2022
- Steering Committee/Senior Personnel - “Math Modeling Hub,” supported by SIAM, COMAP, NCTM, 2017-2021
- Advisory Board, NSF IUSE Bio “BioMAAP: Biology undergraduate Mathematics Attitudes and Anxiety Program,”(PIs Wojdak and Fleming-Davies), 2016-2019
Book and Special Issue Projects
- Henrich A, Klee S, Diaz Eaton C, and Townsend J. 2024. Math Majors Handbook, MAA Notes Series, Mathematical Association of America (MAA).
- Wong TA, Diaz Eaton C, Roca R, & Rodriguez R (Eds.), 2023. "Mathematics and Society," Special Issue of the Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, 12(2).
- Rebova R, Diaz Eaton C, Comar T. (Eds.), 2022. Special Issue of Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies (PRIMUS), Mathematics and the Life Sciences: Part 1: Calculus-Based Modules, Programs, Curricula.
- Rebova R, Diaz Eaton C, Comar T. (Eds.), 2022. Special Issue of PRIMUS, Mathematics and the Life Sciences: Part 2: Discrete Models, Statistics, Co-Curricular Opportunities.
- Highlander HC, Capaldi A, Diaz Eaton C (Eds.), 2020. An Introduction to Undergraduate Research in Computational and Mathematical Biology: From Birdsongs to Viscosities, Foundations in Undergraduate Research in Mathematics Series, Birkhauser/Springer, ISBN: 978-3-030-33644-8.
- Ganter S, Hoffrenig S, Diaz Eaton C, and Piercey V. (Eds.), Special Issue of PRIMUS, Interdisciplinary Conversations Part 1, July 2019.
- Ganter S, Hoffrenig S, Diaz Eaton C, and Piercey V. (Eds.), Special Issue of PRIMUS, Interdisciplinary Conversations Part 2, July 2019.
- Harris PE, Hall B, Davie Lawrence E, and Diaz Eaton C. (Eds.) Special Issue of the Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, Mathematics and Motherhood, July 2018.
Peer-reviewed, Submitted or Published
*indicates mentored undergraduate student work
- Shrout AH, Higdon-Topaz J, and Diaz Eaton C. (Under revision) Who are We Centering Here?: Analyzing the language of STEMM equity and inclusion in policy. Preprint link
- *Mangane S, *Zhao Y, and Diaz Eaton C. (Under revision) Detecting signals of critical transitions in inclusive teaching: An analysis of CourseSource. Preprint link
- Buckmire R, Diaz Eaton C, Hibdon JE, Kauba J, Lewis D, Ortega O, Pabón JL, Roca R, Vindas-Meléndez AR, & Zhang S. (Submitted). Quantifying inequities and documenting elitism in phd-granting mathematical sciences departments in the United States. Preprint link
- Diaz Eaton, C, and Moore, CM (Submitted). Theoretical Models of Obligate Mutualism to Link Micro- with Macro-Coevolutionary Dynamics. Preprint link
- *Neitzel S, *Zhao Y, and Diaz Eaton C. 2023. Improving interdisciplinary teaching through a complexity lens. International Journal of Complexity in Education, 4(2): 41 - 58.
- Roca R, Diaz Eaton C, Lewis D, Hibdon, JE, and Marshall S. 2023. #DisruptJMM: Themes of online social justice advocacy and community building in STEM. Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, 13(2):39-63.
- Buckmire R, Diaz Eaton C, Hibdon, JE, Kinnaird KM, Lewis D, Libertini J, Ortega O, Roca R and Vindas-Meléndez, AR. 2023. On definitions of "mathematician". Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, 13(2):18-38.
- Villegas Martinez BM, Gesing S, Stirm C, Klimeck G, Zentner L, Wang S, Diaz Eaton C, Donovan S, Zhao L , Song C, Kim IL, Strachan A, Zentner M and Kalyanam R. 2023. Hubzero: Community Growth for Four Science Gateways Supporting Open Science Computing in Science & Engineering, 25(1):34-42. doi: 10.1109/MCSE.2023.3285092.
- *Simeonov O and Diaz Eaton C. 2023. Modeling the Drivers of Oscillations in COVID-19 Data on College Campuses. Annals in Epidemiology, 83:40 - 44. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annepidem.2023.04.006
- *Simeonov O, *Lemelin K, and *Driscoll J and Diaz Eaton C. 2022. Zombies vs Humans: Data-driven modeling of disease spread. Spora. 8:72-74.
- Alexander N, Diaz Eaton C, Shrout AH, Tsinnijinnie B, Tsosie K. 2022. Beyond Ethics: Considerations for Centering Equity-Minded Data Science. Journal of Humanistic Mathematics. 12(2): 254-300.
- Diaz Eaton C, Bonner K, Cangialosi K, Dewsbury B, Diamond-Stanic M, Douma J, Smith MK, Taylor R, Wilfong K, Wojdak J. 2022. Sustainability Challenges for Open Resources to promote an Equitable Undergraduate Biology Education. CBE-Life Science Education. 21(3).
- Aikens M, Highlander HC, and Diaz Eaton C. 2021. The Case for Biocalculus: Improving student understanding of the utility value of mathematics to biology and affect toward mathematics. CBE-Life Science Education. 20(1): ar5-ar5.
- Emery NC, Bledsoe EK, Hasley AO, and Diaz Eaton C. 2021. Cultivating inclusive instructional and research environments in ecology and evolutionary science. Ecology and Evolution. 11: 1480-1491. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.7062
- (Invited Paper) Akman O, Diaz Eaton C, Horenzick D, Jenkins K, and Thompson KV. 2020. Building community-based approaches to systemic reform in mathematical biology education. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. 82(8), 1-21.
- Topaz CM, Cart J, Diaz Eaton C, Shrout AH, Higdon JA, İnce K, Katz B, Lewis D, Libertini J, and Smith CM. 2020. Comparing demographics of signatories to public letters on diversity in the mathematical sciences. PLoS ONE. April 28, 2020. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0232075
- Diaz Eaton C, LaMar MD, and McCarthy M. 2020. 21st Century Reform Efforts in Undergraduate Quantitative Biology Education: Conversations, Initiatives, and Curriculum Change in the United States of America. Letters in Biomathematics. 7(1), 55–66.
- Diaz Eaton C, Dahlquist K, Highlander H, LaMar MD, Ledder G, and Schugart RA. 2019. “Rule of Five” Framework for Models and Modeling to Unify Mathematicians and Biologists and Improve Student Learning. Special Issue on Interdisciplinary Conversations, Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematical Undergraduate Studies [PRIMUS]. DOI: 10.1080/10511970.2018.1489318
**This paper in December 2019, only a few months after publishing, had the most cumulative reads of any paper published in the last 3 years of PRIMUS and it continues to be the record holder through 2022 when this data was last made available to me**
- Diaz Eaton C and Bailey LM. 2018. Finding Luz: Illuminating our identities through duoethnography. Special Issue on Mathematics and Motherhood, Journal of Humanistic Mathematics. 8(2):60-89. DOI: 10.5642/jhummath.201802.08.
- Diaz Eaton C and Highlander, H. 2017. The Case for BioCalculus: Design, Retention, and Student Performance. CBE-Life Science Education. 16(2):ar25.
- Diaz Eaton C, Anderson LJ, Allen, D, Bowser, G, Pauley MA, Williams, KS, and Uno, GE. 2016. Summit of the Research Coordination Networks for Undergraduate Biology Education. CBE-Life Science Education. 15(4):mr1.
- Donovan S, Diaz Eaton C, Gower ST, Jenkins K, LaMar MD, Poli DB, Sheehy R, and Wojdak JM. 2015. QUBES: A community focused on supporting teaching and learning in quantitative biology. Letters in Biomathematics. 2(1):46-55.
- Diaz Eaton C and Wade, S. 2014. Collaborative learning through formative peer review with technology. PRIMUS. 24(6): 529 - 543. DOI: 10.1080/10511970.2014.881442.
- Diaz Eaton C. 2008. Coevolutionary Research. In Encyclopedia of Ecology, ed. Sven Erik Jorgensen & Brian D. Fath, 1st Edition, Elsevier B.V., Oxford, pg 659-663.
Conference Papers
(Papers peer-reviewed before acceptance to present and published by conference, especially common in computer/computational science and education research.)
*indicates mentored undergraduate student work
- Invited Conference Paper and Plenary Diaz Eaton C. 2023. STEM as Culture: Exploring exclusion and inclusion in mathematics and biology, in The Learning and Teaching of Calculus Across Disciplines Conference Proceedings, pg 7-20.
- Diaz Eaton C, *Zhao Y, and Taylor R. 2023. Centering connections and collaborations in the evaluation of STEM education transformation. Research on Undergraduate Mathematics Education (RUME) XXV Conference Proceedings, pg 252 - 261.
- Gesing S, Stirm C, Klimeck G, Zentner L, Wang S, Villegas Martinez BM, Diaz Eaton C, Donovan S, Zhao L , Song C, Kim IL, Strachan A, Zentner M and Kalyanam R. 2022. Open Science via HUBzero: Exploring Five Science Gateways Supporting and Growing their Open Science Communities. Proceedings of HICSS-55 (55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences), Open Science Practices in Information Systems Research, January 2022.
- Invited Conference Paper and Oral Presentation Diaz Eaton C. 2022. Teaching Machine Learning in the Context of Critical Quantitative Information Literacy. Proceedings of the Second Teaching Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Workshop, in Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 170:51-56
- Invited Conference Paper and Oral Presentation Shrout AH and Diaz Eaton C. 2020. “Bates College: An Integrated Data Science Curriculum: Networks, Cultures, and BS in Data,” Academic Data Science Alliance Data Science Leadership Conference.
- *White A, Nadolny R, Diaz Eaton C, and Gaff H. 2014. Modeling Effectiveness of Tick Control by a Species that Exhibits Predator-prey Role Reversal. Final Proceedings of the Modeling, Simulation & Visualization 2014 Student Capstone Conference, pg 161-166.
- Diaz Eaton C, Crook S, Cummins G, and Jacobs GA. 2004. Modeling ion channels from the cricket cercal sensory system. Neurocomputing 58-60:409-415.
Professional Policy Documents
(These documents are large team writing efforts and typically involve review by the institute or professional society executive teams and relevant committees before publication.)
- Aboufadel E, Buckmire R, Camacho T, Diaz Eaton C, Haas R, Herzig A, Knaub A, Kung D, Manderscheid D, Miniño A, Rivers N, Sharp J, Thurston D, Villalobos C, Williams T, Yong K. 2022. Creating Opportunities in Mathematics through Equity and INclusion (COME-IN) Department Self Assessment Guide. Transforming Post-Secondary Education in Mathematics (TPSEMath).
- Aboufadel E, Moss E, Dietz J, Hydorn DL, Nmah B, Puckette E, Ward MD, El Turkey H, Diaz Eaton C, Lewis D, Goff CD. 2022. Professional Development Guideline Statement #6: Best Practices for Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. Mathematical Association of America.
Editor-Reviewed Publications
(These are typically expository writings, refereed by the publisher’s editorial board and published in peer-reviewed journals, magazines, or books. This also includes invited chapters and articles and guest editorials reviewed by the editorial board and staff only.)
- Invited Article, Jones Q, Vindas Meléndez AR, Mendible A, Aminian M, Brooks HZ, Alexander N, Diaz Eaton C, and Chodrow P, 2023. Data science and social justice in the mathematics community. AMS Notices. October https://doi.org/10.1090/noti2773.
- Editorial Wong TA, Diaz Eaton C, Roca R, and Rodriguez R. 2023. "Mathematics and Society: Towards Critical Mathematics Research and Education," Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, 13(2):4-7. https://scholarship.claremont.edu/jhm/vol13/iss2/3
- Invited Article, Diaz Eaton C and Linhart JM. 2023. Revising our model of teaching. Focus Magazine, Mathematical Association of America, December/January.
- Invited Article, Diaz Eaton C, Bork Rodriguez WM, H Piper, Gómez-Gonzáles C. 2022. #DisruptJMM. Focus Magazine, Mathematical Association of America, February/March, pg 18-21.
- Invited Chapter, Cangialosi K, Dewsbury B, and Diaz Eaton C. 2021. RIOS Institute. Policies and Practices: Advocating for Students of Color in Mathematics, Ed. P. Harris and A. Winger.
- Invited Chapter, Diaz Eaton C. 2021. Carrie Diaz Eaton. In Testimonios: Stories of Latinx and Hispanic Mathematicians, ed. Pamela Harris, Alicia Prieto Langarica, Luis Sordo Vieira, Vanessa Rivera Quiñones, Rosaura Uscanga, and Andrés R. Vindas Meléndez. Mathematical Association of America, Washington, DC.
- Editorial, Highlander HC, Diaz Eaton C, and Capaldi A. 2020. An Introduction to Research in Computational and Mathematical Biology: From Birdsongs to Viscosities. An Introduction to Undergraduate Research in Computational and Mathematical Biology: From Birdsongs to Viscosities, Foundations in Undergraduate Research in Mathematics Series, Birkhauser/Springer.
- Opinion, Lauer AJ, Gram W, Crall A, Diaz Eaton C, R Haacker, E Jack-Scott, A Pendergrass, and K Stack Whitney. 2020. Scientific meetings for all, Eos. 101, https://doi.org/10.1029/2020EO138951.
- Letter to the Editor, ***Diaz Eaton, C et al. 2020. The math community values a commitment to diversity. Notices of the American Mathematical Society. January Volume 1:2-9 of online editorials.
- ***17 editorial letter co-authors (led by Diaz Eaton) and over 600 additional signatories, which all appeared in alphabetical order upon final publishing
- Editorial, Ganter S, Hoffrenig S, Diaz Eaton C, Piercey, V. 2019. Introduction to the Special Issue on Interdisciplinary Conversations (Part 1): Models for Interdisciplinary Conversations, Special Issue on Interdisciplinary Conversations, PRIMUS. DOI: 10.1080/10511970.2019.1619004
- Editorial, Ganter S, Hoffrenig S, Diaz Eaton C, Piercey, V. 2019. Introduction to the Special Issue on Interdisciplinary Conversations (Part 2): The Impact of Interdisciplinary Conversations on Courses, Special Issue on Interdisciplinary Conversations, PRIMUS. DOI: 10.1080/10511970.2019.1626959
- Editorial, Harris PE, Hall B, Davie Lawrence E, and Diaz Eaton C. Math Mamas: Changing the Narrative. 2018. Special Issue on Mathematics and Motherhood, Journal of Humanistic Mathematics. 8(2):2-4. DOI: 10.5642/jhummath.201802.03
- Judge’s Commentary: Sustainable Cities, Arney K, Beecher A, Diaz Eaton C, Picciuto J. 2017. Undergraduate Mathematics and its Applications Journal, Vol 32.2:181-196.
- Invited Book Review, Diaz Eaton C, “Fluke.” Math Horizons, Mathematical Association of America, September 2016.
- Highlighted summary, LaMar, MD, Diaz Eaton, C, Poli, D, Sheehy, R, Shende, A and Cho, E 2015. QUBES: Quantitative Undergraduate Biology Education & Synthesis. Vision and Change: Chronicling Change, Inspiring the Future, American Association for the Advancement of Science. (link)
Other Selected Publications
- Math Values Blog Contributor, 2019 - current, mathvalues.org
- Diaz Eaton C, Roberts J, Marsteller P, and Diamond-Stanic M. (2020). S-JEDI Learning Group Resource. Sustainability Challenges for Open Resources to promote an Equitable Undergraduate Biology Education (SCORE-UBE), QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/XXGX-8192
- Letter and Petition, An Open Letter in Response to NSF 20-587 GRFP. 33 co-authors, lead by Jason Williams, with a total of over 600 signatories as of 8/10/2020. https://jasonjwilliamsny.github.io/grfp2020/
- Diaz Eaton, C. (2020) A Framework for Assessing Social- and Location-Based Transmission Risk as a Heuristic for Individual Decision-Making. Preprints 2020050391 doi: 10.20944/preprints202005.0391.v3.
- Crall A, Diaz Eaton C, Gram W, Gupta S, Lauer A, Shanley L, Stone SA, Swan B, Sudduth E, Whitney KS, and Yong K. 2019., "2019 EDSIN Conference Proceedings." DOI: 10.25334/9C03-1518.
- Invited guest blog (poetry), Diaz Eaton, C, “No, not yet,” Math Mamas Blog, American Mathematical Society, June 2019. (link)
- Diaz Eaton, C. (2019). Calling Bull in an Age of Big Data with R (Course Materials). EDSIN: Environmental Data Science Inclusion Network, QUBES Educational Resources. DOI: 10.25334/Q46Q9V
- Diaz Eaton, C. (2019). Discrete Modeling and Structures (Course Materials). The Discrete FMN -- Approachable Modeling without Calculus, QUBES Educational Resources. DOI: 10.25334/Q4PX5R
- Dahlquist KD, Aikens ML, Dauer JT, Donovan SS, Diaz Eaton C, Highlander HC, Jenkins KP, Jungck JR, LaMar MD, Ledder G, and Mayes RL. (2017). An invitation to modeling: building a community with shared explicit practices. PeerJ Preprints, 5, e3215v1. (link)
- Invited guest blog, Diaz Eaton, C, “Lost in Translation: Academic skills beyond academia.” BIG Network Blog, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, March, 2017. (link)
In the Media
- Media coverage of Data Science for Social Justice field building “Can mathematicians help to solve social-justice problems?”, Nature May 23 2024 and Scientific American May 31 2024.
- 2023 UBER Gordon Research Conference Bates College coverage June 29, 2023, DailyCaller also covered this 2/1/24 using several air quotes around 'Social Justice', which means we did something really good here.
- Invited podcast interview, UC Berkeley Podcast, Data Science Education, May 5 2023
- Media coverage of community partnership data science research with Nuevas Voces IMSI Podcast Carry the Two, February 28, 2023. IMSI Data Science for Social Justice program co-organizer, Jude Higdon, also co-hosted a podcast on the QSIDE SToPA lab work on March 14, 2023, coverage of a student researcher from Holy Cross.
- Invited podcast interview, A balanced diet of machine learning with Carrie Diaz Eaton, How do you know? September 9, 2022
- Media coverage of NAS policy reports research, IMSI Podcast Carry the Two inaugural episode June 2022, NPR Short Wave’s 8/8/22 interview with Carry the Two’s host Sadie Witkowski (policy work mentioned at minute 6)
- Invited mini interview, "Carrie Diaz Eaton" QSIDE and SLMath Imagine Math Class, June 2022.
- Profile, Gage Scientists Who Inspire us, August 2021 (link)
- Invited interview, “Carrie Diaz Eaton,” Meet a Mathematician, July, 2020 (link)
- Coverage of Hewlett award for the RIOS Institute April, 2020 (Bates link)
- Media coverage of the Diversity Statements editorial letter and PLoS paper. “Diversity Statements divide mathematics community” Science Magazine, January, 2019 (link).
- Invited interview/web profile/podcast “Carrie Diaz Eaton,” Lathisms, September 20, 2017 (profile link) and December 9th, 2019 (podcast link).
- Coverage of NSF INCLUDES EDSIN conference, “Building Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Environmental Data Science,” NEON blog, Oct 9, 2019.
- Coverage of DCS 105 Calling Bull with R course at Bates College “Misinformation is everywhere. These scientists can help you fight BS.,” in the Washington Post, June 24, 2019 Bates News.
- Coverage of Math Mamas project, Blog on the Joint Mathematics Meetings, September, 2018 (link).
- Invited interview/web profile “Carrie Diaz Eaton, PhD,” Women Do Math, August, 2017. (link)
- Newspaper and radio coverage of CORaL SUMMIT-P project “To save corals, study science and writing,” Yale Climate Connections and “Can math save coral?” Bangor Daily News
- Press release on student-led disease research: Bangor Daily News Aug. 31, 2016.
- Newspaper and TV coverage of student-led Humans vs Zombies research project. Wildlife Biology major, Kari Lemelin wins mathematics research award for zombie research (2013): US News, Bangor Daily News, WABI-TV, Additional Humans vs Zombies coverage WABI-TV, Oct. 20, 2015.
- Invited interview/profile “What is your Mentoring Style?” Southern Regional Education Board, October, 2015. (link)
- Newspaper and radio coverage of QUBES $2.9M NSF QUBES grant in Bangor Daily News (Sept. 11, 2014), radio coverage on MBPN and “Online Hub Feeds Biology Faculty Resources” in Campus Technology Sept. 29, 2015.
- Invited interview/profile “Carrie Diaz Eaton, PhD,” Cracking the (bio)Code, SACNAS 2014. (link)
- Press release Keynote Speaker at UMF Mathematics Forum in Village Soup, March 3, 2014. (Link to talk)
Teaching and Advising
Teaching as Instructor of Record
Bates College 2018 - current | Undergraduate Teaching: Introduction to Programming with Python, Introduction to Computing for Science and Mathematics, Discrete Structures and Modeling, Information and Data Literacy/Calling Bull, Network Analysis, Capstone PIC Math: Community-engaged data science, Community Organizing for a Digital World, Past, Present and Possible Dystopian Future of Computing, First-year Experience/STEM Scholars. Teaching in-person, hybrid (21-22), and online (20-21). |
Unity College 2010 - 2018 | High School Outreach and Teaching: Developed and co-taught summer bridge in sustainability science and studies Undergraduate Teaching: Foundational mathematics and modeling courses including Statistics, Algebra and Calculus, Modeling Disease Ecology, Discrete Modeling, Spanish I Graduate Teaching: Developed an online graduate course in Systems Thinking for environmental professionals which included agent-based and systems modeling. |
College of the Atlantic 2010 | Undergraduate Teaching: Modeling Continuous Systems with Differential Equations |
University of Tennessee 2004 - 2010 | Teaching Awards: Department Graduate Teaching Award in 2009, University Graduate Teaching Award in 2008 High School Outreach and Teaching: Algebra I – High school to college transition course for underrepresented Knoxville area students Undergraduate Teaching: Mathematics for Life Sciences, Quantitative Reasoning for Liberal Arts Graduate Teaching: Co-developed and taught graduate student professional development and certificate program including graduate courses such as GTA Teaching Development Seminar, Mentoring Graduate Students Seminar, and Advanced Topics in Mathematics Education |
Jackson Laboratories (Via EMCC) 2003 - 2004 | Adult Education: Introduction to Mathematics for the Laboratory, also revised the curriculum for the course substantially in consultation with Jackson Laboratories |
University of Maine 2002 | Undergraduate Teaching: College Algebra |
Theses advised as lead advisor
*Resulted in publication, +Presented work at national conference
Bates College: DCS does not have a major, but we can serve as lead for Interdisciplinary thesis and for other programs if they approve.
Unity College: Theses at Unity are not required and have 2 advisors each, typically a within-major lead and an external consultant. Math/Stats did not have a major, but I occasionally advised students in the minor as lead.
†Resulted in college-wide award ‡Applied/community-based thesis option
- ‡ Timothy Beaulieu (2018) “Evaluating effectiveness of Phase I water treatment for Narragansett Bay” with community partner, Department of Environmental Management, Rhode Island
- † Joe Moran (2017) “Mitigation of Chronic Wasting Disease though strategic harvest management regimes”
- †*Alexis White (2013) “Modeling Effectiveness of Tick Control by a Species that Exhibits Predator-prey Role Reversal”
Academic advising
Bates College: STEM Scholars (underrepresented student cohort in STEM) in 2021 - 2023.
Unity College: 30 academic advisees per year (8-10 assigned each year at the end of the students’ first semester).
Student supervising
Bates College: Average of 3 grant-funded research students per year and 3-4 DCS-funded students per year (1-2 attached tutors per semester, a grader, and the DCS student engagement coordinator)
Unity College: Average of 3 supervised work-study and grant-funded students per year
Club advising
SACNAS Student chapter (co-advisor), Bates College, 2023 - current
Humans vs Zombies club, Unity College, 2012 - 2018
American Sign Language club, Unity College, 2013 - 2016
Spanish Language Table, Unity College, 2011 - 2013
External advising
In addition to college-level advising, I also occasionally serve as a mentor for undergraduate, graduate and postdocs at other institutions. This is sometimes codified through official appointments on thesis committees, but often not. Typically the students I agree to mentor share queer, Latinx, and/or other relevant identities and are involved in various areas of science research related to my own (e.g. dissertation in science identity formation in chemistry, thesis in community activism informed technology development, thesis in representation of race and ethnicity individuals in STEM curriculum materials, postdoc in understanding the formation of healthy networks for social good). The level of commitment varies from occasional check-ins during the duration of the project to weekly meetings in one case during my sabbatical.
Other Professional Leadership and Outreach
Invited Presentations
- (upcoming) Invited Workshop Presenter, Project NExT Workshop, “Mentoring Undergraduate Research”, Mathfest, Sacramento, CA, August 2025.
- (upcoming) PLENARY, Latinx in the Mathematical Sciences Conference, Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics, UCLA, March 6 - 8, 2025.
- (upcoming) University of Louisiana - LaFayette, Fall 2024
- “Data Science for Social Justice,” MyFest24, July 2024, link to recording
- JOINT SIAM AN24/SIAM ED 24 PLENARY SPEAKER, “Signals of critical transitions in inclusive STEM Education,” Joint SIAM Annual Meeting and Education Subgroup Meeting, Spokane, WA, July 2024.
- “Nuevas Voces and PIC Math: Environmental data justice in undergraduate courses”, KSMB/SMB joint meeting, Seoul, South Korea, July 2024.
- “How to Network”, Early-Career Workshop, KSMB/SMB Joint Meeting, Seoul, South Korea, July 2024.
- PLENARY, “Centering equity and justice for sustainability and lasting change,” Biological and Environmental Data Education (BEDE) Network Meeting, New York City, NY, June 2024
- SULSKI LECTURER, “Making a difference locally,” Leonard C. Sulski Memorial Lecture in Mathematics, Holy Cross, April 2024.
- “Can biocalculus help fix the calculus image problem?,” Mathematics Department, Harvard University, March 2024.
- “Calling Bull: What students might need most out of their math and science education”, Every Learner Everywhere, February 2024.
- “Community building for equity and inclusion in STEM”, Department of Biological Sciences, CalPoly Humboldt, Dec 1, 2023.
- “Our Stories: Carrie Diaz Eaton” OURFA2M2, November, 2023.
- “Community-driven data science for social justice and research practices,” Mathfest, Tampa, FL, August 2023.
- “Community relationship building for data justice” Diversity in Math Biology Summer Seminar Series, Society of Mathematical Biology, July 2023.
- PLENARY “Calculus and Biology: A mutualism” CalcConf23: The Learning and Teaching of Calculus Across Disciplines, Bergen, Norway, June 2023
- “Models and assumptions in an inclusive STEM education,” Physics and Astronomy STEMM Equity Achievement (SEA) Change, American Association of Physics Teachers, April 2023
- “Community-driven data science,” Lathisms Cafe con Leche Colloquium Series, March 2023
- “Data Science to understand policy in STEM education,” AAAS Conference, Washington, DC, March 2023
- KEYNOTE “Communities as intentional ecology” Conference on Strengthening Community in Research Mathematics, Claremont, CA, February 2023
- “Open STEM Ed+” SERC colloquium, February 2023
- “Modeling and assumptions”, Joint Mathematics Meetings, Boston, MA, January 2023
- “Community for Social Justice Research in Mathematics”, Joint Mathematics Meetings, Boston, MA, January 2023
- Invited Workshop Presenter, Project NExT Workshop, “Interdisciplinary and inclusive modeling across the curriculum”, Mathfest, August 2022
- KEYNOTE “Community, networks, advocacy, and change.” Diversify NetSci Satellite, NetSci Conference, July 2022
- Speaker/Panel Moderator, “Emerging Research in Data Science for Social Justice,” SIAM Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA July 2022.
- Speaker/Panel Moderator, “Conversations on QuantCrit for the Applied Mathematics Community,“ SIAM Education Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, July 2022.
- “Promoting effective and enduring collaboration in networks” with Jason Williams, Network Analysis for Social Systems Workshop, ICERM, July 2022.
- PLENARY “Revising our Model - Again” MAA Kentucky Spring Section Meeting, Louisville, KY, April 2022
- “Calling Bull: Scientific and data literacy in the age of misinformation” Darwin Days, Roanoke College, VA, March 2022
- Panelist, “Supporting Pedagogical Change,” Critical Issues in Mathematics Education 2022: Initiating, Sustaining, and Researching Mathematics Department Transformation of Introductory Courses for STEM Majors Part 2, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI), Berkeley, California, March 2022. Link to workshop.
- Invited Guest Lecturer with *Ognyan Simeonov, “Modeling Disease Transmission in Humans vs Zombies,” Biomathematics in the Biomedical Sciences class, Murray State University, February 2022
- “Reclaiming space for justice and belonging in STEM - a journey,” SACNAS Chapter, University of Tennessee, February 2022
- PLENARY Blackwell-Tapia Conference, “Who Are We Centering in This?: Examining the Language of Equity and Inclusion in STEM Education Policy” Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, November 2021 Video link
- KEYNOTE “Community, networks, and advocacy,” Field of Dreams Conference, Mathematics Alliance, November 2021
- Invited Workshop Presenter, Project NExT Workshop, “Interdisciplinary and inclusive modeling across the curriculum”, Mathfest, August 2021
- Invited Workshop Presenter, “An introduction to humanizing statistics”, Decolonizing the Teaching of Statistics Workshop, Westminster College, June 2021
- “QUBES and SCORE Network”, DEI SIG and Education SIG Joint Webinar, Academic Data Science Alliance, June 2021
- JOHN JUNGCK EDUCATION EXCELLENCE PRIZE PLENARY, “Systems Biology to Systemic Racism: Exploring the language of STEM cultures,” Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Biology, June 2021 link
- BATTLES PLENARY LECTURER, “A year of revising our model” Meeting of the Northeast Section of the Mathematical Association of America, June 2021
- “A Framework for Models and Modeling to Move towards a More Inclusive STEM,” Maine Biological and Medical Science Symposium, Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory, April 2021
- “Social Justice, “Citizenship,” Community, and Math Education,” PLENARY SPEAKER, Sonoma Mathfest, Sonoma State, April 2021
- “A Framework for Moving towards a More Inclusive STEM,” HHMI IE Idea Factory Series, Lawrence Technological University, April 2021
- “Models and Modeling for a More Inclusive STEM,” MARC U-STAR Mathematics and Biology Seminar, Northeastern Illinois University, March 2021
- “Revising Equity and Inclusion,” (with AH Shrout), Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics (ICERM) Hot Topics Workshop, March 2021
- “Making Sense of COVID through Mathematics”, Rhode Island Math Teachers Association, March 2021
- “Quantitative biology and the inclusive and interdisciplinary transformation of STEM education,” Department of Biology, Purdue University, February 2021
- Invited Panelist and Moderator “What students need to know about social justice in disease modeling, and what faculty can do to support it”, SIMIODE Expo, February, 2021
- Invited Panelist, “What Culturally Competent Data Science Training Looks Like”, Ecological Forecasting Initiative Series, January, 2021 Link
- “Moms of Color in Academia,” SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program Webinar Series, Southern Regional Education Board, December 2020
- “Calling Bull - rethinking the Q requirement,” Mathematics Department, California State University - Long Beach, December 2020
- “Civic, ethics, and social justice discussions in computational and applied mathematics courses,” with *Carly Ransford, Mathematics Department, Grand Valley State University, November, 2020
- “Supporting Students Equitably,” with Adriana Salerno, University of Connecticut, November, 2020
- “Meet a Mathematician: Random walks and community,” Association for Women in Mathematics Chapter, University of South Alabama, October 2020
- “STEM Mamas: Balancing Motherhood and a Career in STEM,” Panel, Annual Diversity in STEM Meeting, SACNAS, October 2020
- “Impacts of COVID on Data Science in Academia,” Data Science Leadership Summit Panel and Discussion, Academic Data Science Alliance, October 2020
- “Mathematics and Computing for Social Justice and Social Justice for Mathematics and Computing,” Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, St. Mary’s College of California, September 2020
- “Career and Family - Who says you have to choose?,” SACNAS Webinar Panel, August 2020
- “Teaching Mathematical Biology Hybrid and Online,” Education Subgroup Panel, Annual (e-)Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Biology, August 2020
- “Getting Ready for this school year,” #EthicalCS and @qubeshub Twitter Panel, August, 2020
- “Computational courses for social good,” Project NExT Invited Session on Developing Applied and Computational Math Courses, July 2020
- (COVID-19 Canceled) “Rule-of-five modeling framework,” SIAM Ed Invited session on Modeling. SIAM Ed/Mathfest, Philadelphia, PA, July 2020
- “B(ui)lding community for a new data science education in biology,” Decolonizing your DNA, Twitter Conference #DecolonizingDNADay, April 2020
- (COVID-19 Canceled) PLENARY SPEAKER, “Calling Bull (with R),” MAA Michigan Section Meeting, Allendale, MI, April 2020
- (COVID-19 Canceled) PLENARY SPEAKER, “Zombifying and Rehumanizing Mathematics,” North Shore Undergraduate Mathematics Research Conference, Salem State University, March 2020
- “Diversity Equity and Inclusion in the Profession,” with Victor Piercey, ALGS Lunchtime chats, Association for General and Liberal Studies, February 2020
- “Communities as Complex Adaptive Systems,” Women in Computing, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME February 2020
- QUANTITATIVE LITERACY SIGMAA INVITED PLENARY, “Calling Bull (with R),” Joint Mathematics Meetings, Denver, CO, January 2020
- “Finding Luz,” AMS Invited session on Mathematics and Motherhood. Joint Mathematics Meetings, Denver, CO, January 2020
- “Coevolution of Plant-Pollinator Networks,” Invited session on Complex Adaptive Systems, National Diversity in STEM Conference (SACNAS), Honolulu, HI, October, 2019
- EGAN LECTURER, “Finding Community to Advance STEM Education,” University of Alaska Southeast, Juneau, AK, September 2019 (Video link).
- “Interdisciplinarity through Data Science,” Department of Mathematics, University of Alaska Southeast, Juneau, AK, September 2019
- “A Rule-of-Five Framework for Models and Modeling,” with Dr. Glenn Ledder. Invited Session on Mathematical Biology Education, Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Biology, Montreal, Canada, July 2019
- Invited Visiting Researcher, “Frameworks for Interdisciplinarity Inspired by Mathematical Biology,” and “Conversations on Inclusive Excellence and Data Science for Biology,” Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe, NM, June 2019
- Invited Panelist, Open Educational Resources Conference, Bates College, Lewiston, ME, April 2019
- Invited Visiting Researcher, “Quantitative Biology Education and Research,” NSF EPSCOR Big Data: From Genes to Ecosystems, University of Puerto Rico - Río Piedras, April 2019
- Invited Moderator, “Opening Panel: Further defining the problem space,” Bringing the Conversation of Inclusion and Data Science to the Ecology and Environmental Sciences Community, Boulder, CO, April 2019
- ARI Invited Research Lecturer, “Zombifying and Humanizing Mathematics” and “Network Assembly and Analysis,” Marshall University, Huntington, WV, February 2019
- “Math Mamas,” with Dr. Becky Hall, MAA Invited Paper Session on Inspiring Diversity in Mathematics, Joint Mathematics Meetings, Baltimore, MD, January 2019
- BIO SIGMAA EDUCATION PLENARY SPEAKER “Life after my BEER intervention,” International Symposium of Biomathematics and Ecology Education and Research, Tempe, AZ, October 2018
- “Resource User Communities: From theory to practice,” Mathematics and Life Sciences Joint Colloquia, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, October 2018
- “Balancing Academia and Motherhood,” Advance the Rising Tide, Bangor, ME, May 2018
- “A Framework for Moving towards a More Inclusive Science,” Bates College, Lewiston, ME, March 2018
- “Mutualistic Networks: Dynamics, Data, and Education,” Appalachian State University, Boone, NC, February 2018
- “Giving a Chalk Talk” Institute on Teaching and Mentoring, Arlington, VA, October 2017
- PLENARY SPEAKER “QUBES: A community supporting faculty teaching at the interface of mathematics and biology,” Gordon Research Conference on Undergraduate Biology Education, Easton, MA, July 2017
- “QUBES: Providing community tools for undergraduate mathematics education,” Mentoring Undergraduate Research at Liberal Arts Colleges, Philadelphia, PA, May 2017
- “A community-centered approach to STEM education,” STEM Education Colloquia, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, December 2016
- “Ecology, Evolution and Mathematics: A co-evolutionary model of mutualism,“ School of Biology and Ecology, University of Maine, Orono, ME November 2016
- “Yes, I model,” Department of Mathematics, Marymount University, Arlington, VA, October 2016
- PLENARY SPEAKER “Community Building,” International Symposium of Biomathematics and Ecology Education and Research, Charleston, SC 2016
- “Modeling Ecological Networks,” American Mathematical Society Northeast Region Meeting, Brunswick, ME, September 2016
- “QUBES: Quantitative Undergraduate Biology Education and Synthesis,” Topic Study Group on Interdisciplinary Mathematics Education, International Congress on Mathematics Education, Hamburg, Germany, July 2016
- “Reflectionary blogging,” Active Learning Strategies in Calculus Minicourse, Joint Mathematics Meetings, Seattle, WA, January 2016
- “Giving a Chalk Talk,” Institute on Teaching and Mentoring, Arlington, VA, October 2015
- “Supporting faculty teaching at the interface of mathematics and biology,” Mathematics Department, University of Maine, Orono, March 2015
- “QUBES Hub: A vision of online collaboration in teaching and learning in quantitative biology,” BioQUEST-HHMI Quantbio-CaseSciNet Workshop, University of Delaware, June 2014
- KEYNOTE SPEAKER “House of Cards: Mathematics of Sustainability,” Pi Day and 150th Anniversary Celebration, University of Maine, Farmington, March 2014 (link)
- “QUBES Hub: A vision of online collaboration in teaching and learning in quantitative biology,” the International Symposium for Biomathematics and Ecology Education and Research, Arlington, VA, October 2013
- “Ecological Networks: dynamic equations, graphs, and data mining,” Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, IN, June 2013
- “Mutualistic Networks and Facebook?,” Bates College, Lewiston, ME, March 2013
- “Mathematics and Biology: Increasing the efficiency of a mutualism,” Radford University, Radford, VA, November 2012
- “Ecology, Evolution and Mathematics: A co-evolutionary model of mutualism,“ School of Biology and Ecology at the University of Maine, Orono, ME December 2011
- “Coevolution and Cophylogeny,” Invited Guest Lectures, Graduate Seminar on Evolution, University of Maine, Orono, ME April 2011
- “Why stability of equilibria isn't the end all,” University of Maine, Orono, ME, November 2009
- “A mathematical model of mutualism and co-evolution in figs and fig-wasps,” Department of Mathematics Colloquium, University of Maine, Orono, ME, November 2009
- “A mathematical model of mutualism and co-evolution in figs and fig-wasps,” Department of Mathematics Colloquium, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME, November 2009
- “Teaching tips from Experienced GTAs,” UT Graduate School Orientation, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, August 2008
- “Designing the syllabus,” Best Practices in Teaching Program, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, February 2008
- Graduate student panel representative, The Institute for Mathematical Biology Education and Resources (TIMBER), Boone, NC, November 2007
- “Teaching tips from Experienced GTAs,” UT Graduate School Orientation, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, August 2007
- “Designing the syllabus,” Best Practices in Teaching Program, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, November 2006
- Graduate student panel representative, New GTA Orientation, UT Graduate School Orientation, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, August 2006
- “Fast-spiking Cell and Networked Cell Models,” College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Research Symposium, University of Maine, Department of Mathematics nominated presenter, May 2002
Professional Societies
- Lifetime member of Mathematical Association of America and current member of the Special Interest Groups Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (RUME), Biology (BIO), Statistics (Stat)
- Lifetime member of Society for Mathematical Biology and Education Subgroup member
- Lifetime member of SACNAS, Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science & Chapter member of Bates College chapter
- Lifetime member of the National Association of Mathematicians
- Member of American Association for the Advancement of Science
- CourseSource, Letters in Biomathematics, PRIMUS, Coevolution Journal, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Applied Mathematics and Computation, CBE-Life Science Education, Natural Resource Modelling, BioScience, Springer-Birkhauser
- National Science Foundation (NSF) Review Panel and/or ad hoc reviewer, 2018, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
- National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Review Panel 2023
- Multiple tenure and promotion external evaluation committees - I typically agree to up to 3 per year.
Selected other service to professional community
- (COVID-Canceled) Mentoring program co-organizer, Latinx in Mathematics Conference, Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM), UCLA, 2021
- Invited Guest Lecture, Mathematics for Social Justice class, CalPoly Pomona, April 2021
- Invited facilitator, “Talking About Leaving Revisited: Community conversation,” AAAS SeaChange, December 2020
- Mentor, Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Latinos and Native Americans in Science, 2018, 2019, 2020
- Mentor, Society for Mathematical Biology, 2015, 2016, 2020
- Mentor, NetSci, 2019
- Invited panelist, “Enterprise Thinking and Leadership in Science,” National Diversity in STEM Conference (SACNAS), 2019
- Workshop presenter, Undergraduate STEM Teaching in Maine, 2018
- Judge, Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling, Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications (COMAP), Bedford, MA, 2016, 2017, 2018, site coordinator 2018
- Mentor, Society for Mathematical Biology, 2015 and 2016
- Minisymposium/Invited papers session co-organizer, International Symposium of Biomathematics and Ecology Education and Research, Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Biology, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Mathfest, Joint Mathematics Meetings, Latinx in Mathematics at IPAM
Selected service to local community for the profession
- Panel speaker “Science Fact vs Science Fiction in Film,” Bates Film Festival, Freeport, ME, April 2022.
- Panel speaker “Humans vs Zombies,” “So you think you know math?” Maine Science Festival, Bangor, ME, March 2016.
- Workshop presenter, Math4ME, Women’s Resource Center, University of Maine, March 2004
- Workshop presenter and counselor, MathCamp, Women’s Resource Center, University of Maine, July 2002
Other institutional service related to social justice, diversity, equity and education
- Invited Panelist, “Faculty Panel,” CBB Anti-racist Education Conference, August 2021
- Invited Panelist, "Back to Bates: Strategies and Solutions for the “Classroom”", Bates College, August 2020
- Invited Panelist, My favorite writing assignment, Bates College, December 2019
- Invited Panelist, “True or False? Teaching Students to Discern the Truth,” Parents’ weekend, Bates College, October 2019
- Invited Panelist, "The role of the liberal arts in teaching truth," Kroepsch Panel, Bates College, September 2019
- Invited Panelist, Mathematics for Social Justice class, Bates College, April 2021
Workshops and Certification Programs
Selected Teaching Development Activities
- “Best practices for Liberal Arts Mathematics Education Online,” HHMI IE Community of Practice, July - August, 2020.
- “Teaching Online in Fall 2020: How to design and run an effective and equitable online course,” ASPIRE Alliance, July - August 2020.
- Accepted participant “Critical Issues in Mathematics Education 2020: Today’s Mathematics, Social Justice, and Implications for Schools,” Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, UCBerkeley, CA March 2020
- Open Education Resources Workshop, Bates College, February 2020
- Public Writing and Harkness Seminars, Bates College, May 2019
- Open Education Resources Workshop, Bates College, April 2019
- Data 4 Black Lives II Conference (Including “Introduction to R for Data Visualization” workshop), MIT, Cambridge, MA, January 2019
- Strategies for Inclusive Teaching, delivered by Kimberly Tanner, Bates College, October 2018
- Decolonizing Higher Education, Bates College, October 2018
- Hackman workshop on Racism in Higher Education, Bates College, Fall 2018
- Green Dot Training, Bates College, Fall 2018
- Invited participant “Next Generation Careers in Environmental Biology,” Ecological Society of America, Baltimore, MD, October, 2016
- Invited participant “Quantitative Biology Undergraduate Education Symposium,” Spelman College, Atlanta, GA, March 2016
- Invited participant “Envisioning the Future of Undergraduate STEM Education,” AAAS and NSF, Washington, DC, April 2016
- Accepted applicant “Mathematics of Planet Earth 2013+: Education for the planet earth of tomorrow,” National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis, Knoxville, TN, October, 2015
- Invited participant “SUMS4Bio,” NSF-funded workshop on integrating quantitative activities into biology courses, Radford, VA, May, 2013
- MAA Short Course on Conceptual Climate Models, Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Diego, CA, January 2013
- “R Workshop,” International Symposium on Biomathematics and Ecology Education and Research, St. Louis, MO, November 2012
- Teaching Modeling-Based Calculus, NSF Pre-conference workshop, Joint Mathematics Meetings, Boston, MA, January 2012
- “Beyond Survival: Transforming the Culture of Learning in Higher Education,” Center for Excellence in Teaching and Assessment (CETA), University of Maine, March 2011
- 8th Annual New England Latino Student Leadership Conference, University of Maine, Orono, ME, March 2010
Selected Research Activities
- Invited participant “Workshop for the Latinx in Mathematics Network,” American Institute of Mathematics, San Jose, CA, December 2019.
- Accepted participant and poster “Gordon Research Conference on Undergraduate Biology Education,” Bates College, Lewiston, ME, June 2019
- Invited participant “Workshop for the Latinx in Mathematics Network,” American Institute of Mathematics, San Jose, CA, December 2018.
- Accepted applicant “Workshop on Socioepidemiology,” Mathematical Biosciences Institute, Columbus, OH, March 2018
- Invited participant “Netweavers Workshop Exploring Effective Networks and the Role of Network Leaders,” organized by the Network of STEM Education Centers, New Orleans, June 2017
- Accepted applicant “Workshop on Generalized Network Structures and Dynamics,” Mathematical Biosciences Institute, Columbus, OH, March 2016.
- Accepted applicant “Gordon Research Conference on Undergraduate Biology Education,” Bates College, Lewiston, ME, June 2015
- Accepted applicant “Spatial Heterogeneity in Biotic and Abiotic Environments: Effects on Species Ranges, Co-evolution, and Speciation,” Mathematical Biosciences Institute, Columbus, OH, March 2006
- Fluent (use daily/have taught) Spanish, R, Matlab/Octave, LaTeX, Python
- Experienced (student theses/small projects) NetLogo, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, preTeX
- Used in the past (prior course experience) C++, Fortran77, German
- Interests and curiosity (dabbled here and there) French, Korean, Catalan, PhPBB
Additional Engagement
Other Grants Awarded
Internal grants
- Bates STEM Faculty-Student Summer Research Award 2024, “Developing VECINA for community-led data activism." $6,874
- Bates Faculty Development Award 2022, “Social Justice and Computational Research.” $7550
- Unity College Faculty Professional Development Grant 2016, $1359
- Unity College Faculty Professional Development Grant 2014, $1000
- Unity College Faculty Professional Development Grant 2013, $2500
- GTA@itc! Grant 2006, Innovative Technology Center, “Delivering Mathematics: Reaching Out to 21st Century Students,” University of Tennessee, Fall 2005, $500
- Undergraduate Student Senate Grant Fall 2002 to create the Pi Mu Epsilon Student Mathematics Lounge, University of Maine.
Selected travel grants
- COACh Workshop travel grant, SACNAS National Diversity in STEM conference, October 2018, $800
- Carl Strom Underrepresented Minority Fellowship for the Gordon Research Conference on Undergraduate Biology Education, July 2015, $850
- Travel Grant, International Symposium for Biomathematics and Ecology Education and Research, Arlington, VA, Oct 2013
- Travel Grant, Integrating Science and Mathematics Education Research into Teaching, Orono, ME June 2010
- Travel Grant, Transforming Research in Undergraduate STEM Education, Orono, ME June 2010
- Mathematical Biosciences Institute Workshop Travel Grant, March 2016, February 2006
Other Service
Additional professional service
- Hrabowski-Gates-Tapia-McBay Lecture and Panel organizer, “Narratives” Joint Mathematics Meetings, January 2021.
- Hrabowski-Gates-Tapia-McBay Lecture and Panel organizer, “Diversity for whom?” Joint Mathematics Meetings, Denver, CO, January 2020.
- AMS Invited Session Co-organizer, “Mathematics and Motherhood,” Joint Mathematics Meetings, Denver, CO, January 2020.
- Minisymposium Co-organizer, “Building Bridges for Mathematical Biology Education.” Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Biology, Montreal, Canada, July 2019
- Invited Session Co-organizer, “Quantitative Literacy for Biology Education.” International Symposium of Biomathematics and Ecology Education and Research, Tempe, AZ, October 2018
- Minisymposium Co-organizer, “Topics and Issues in Mathematical Biology Education.” Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Biology, Sydney, Australia, July 2018
- Invited Session Co-organizer, “Teaching Discrete Mathematical Modeling.” International Symposium of Biomathematics and Ecology Education and Research, Normal, IL, October 2017
- Invited Session Co-organizer, “Approaches to Teaching Mathematical Modeling.” International Symposium of Biomathematics and Ecology Education and Research, Charleston, SC, October 2016
- Invited Session Co-organizer, “Frameworks for Teaching Mathematical Modeling to Biologists.” Joint Meeting of the Education Section of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics and Mathematics of Planet Earth, Philadelphia, PA, October 2016
- Minisymposium Co-organizer, “Topics and Issues in Mathematical Biology Education.” Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Biology, Nottingham, UK, July 2016
- Minisymposium Organizer, “BEER QUBES: Quantitative Undergraduate Biology Education and Synthesis.” International Symposium of Biomathematics and Ecology Education and Research, Normal, IL, October 2015
- Minisymposium Co-organizer, “Issues and Topics in Mathematical Biology Education,” Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Biology, Atlanta, GA, July 2015
- Minisymposium Organizer: “BEER QUBES: Quantitative Undergraduate Biology Education and Synthesis.” International Symposium of Biomathematics and Ecology Education and Research, Claremont, CA, October 2014.
- Student Awards Paper Judge, International Symposium on Biomathematics and Ecology Education and Research, Arlington, VA, October 2013
- Session co-organizer, Undergraduate Research Activities in Mathematical Biology, Mathfest, Hartford, CT, August 2013
- Project NExT Panel co-organizer, “Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Idea to publication.” Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Diego, CA, Jan 2013
- Minisymposium organizer, “First-year mathematics course reform for biology majors.” Annual Meeting of the Society of Mathematical Biology, Knoxville, TN, July 2012
- Co-president and Secretary, Pi Mu Epsilon, National Mathematics Honor Society, Maine Alpha Chapter, University of Maine, 2002 – 2004 and 2000 - 2001, respectively
Additional institutional service
- Other institutional Committees, Bates College: GSS search committee (2022), DCS search committee (2019-2020 & 2020-2021, 2022), Grants Director search committee (2019)
- Departmental Liaison, Mathematical Association of America, Unity College, 2012 - 2016.
- Organizer and Facilitator, Paperless Discussion Group/ePortfolio Group, Unity College, 2010 – 2013
- Local organizer, Math Awareness Month and Mathematics of Planet Earth 2013, Unity College, 2013
- Other institutional committees Unity College: Faculty Professional Development Committee, Sustainable Fisheries Search Committee, Math Search committees
- Organizer for the Graduate Student Seminar Series, Graduate Student Executive Council, Department of Mathematics, University of Tennessee, 2007 – 2008
- Graduate Student Representative, Evolutionary Theory Search Committee, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Tennessee, Fall 2006
- Co-president, Pi Mu Epsilon Math Club, University of Maine, 2001-2004, Secretary, 2000-2001
- Panelist, Dialogues in Diversity Program, Office of Multicultural Affairs, University of Maine, 1998-2000
Other Research and Training
Oral contributed presentations
- “Humanizing mathematical biology research and education,“ International on Biomathematics and Ecology Education and Research Symposium, Normal, IL Nov 2022
- “Assessing, improving, and evaluating interdisciplinary teaching practice using bipartite network analysis.” NetSci, Burlington, VT, May 2019
- “Opening the classroom: Adopting and Adapting Open Educational Resources and Open Source Software for a discrete computing course.” Joint Mathematics Meetings, Baltimore, MD, January 2019.
- “Translating Marine to Math,” with Emma Perry, Unity College, Unity, ME, January, 2018.
- “Translating Marine to Math,” Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Diego, CA, January, 2018.
- “Re-claiming identity through cultural education,” with Marizza Bailey, Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Diego, CA, January, 2018.
- “QUBES,” World Conference on Natural Resource Modeling, Barcelona, Spain, June 2017.
- “Diving into Calculus,” with Emma Perry, Joint Mathematics Meetings, Atlanta, GA, January, 2017.
- “A framework for the teaching of modeling for biologists,” International Symposium of Biomathematics and Ecology Education and Research, Charleston, SC, October 2016.
- “A framework for modeling to encourage interdisciplinary conversations,” Joint Meeting of the Education Section of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics and Mathematics of Planet Earth, Philadelphia, PA, October 2016.
- “Biocalculus: Is it better?,” Joint meeting for the Society of Mathematical Biology and The European Conference of Mathematical and Theoretical Biology, Nottingham, UK, July 2016.
- “The case for biocalculus: Interdisciplinary Conversations,” with Hannah Callender, Joint Mathematics Meetings, Seattle, WA, January, 2016
- “QUBES Hub: An online community,” International Symposium on Biomathematics and Ecology Education and Research, Claremont, CA, Normal, IL, 2015
- “The case for biocalculus,” with Hannah Callender, International Symposium on Biomathematics and Ecology Education and Research, Claremont, CA, October 2014
- “QUBES Hub: A vision of online collaboration in teaching and learning in quantitative biology,” with M. Drew LaMar, International Symposium on Biomathematics and Ecology Education and Research, Claremont, CA, October 2014
- “QUBES Hub: A vision of online collaboration in teaching and learning in quantitative biology,” Joint Mathematics Meetings, Baltimore, MD, January 2014
- “Harnessing the power of alternative energy,” MAA Contributed Paper Session on Mathematics of Planet Earth in the Curriculum, Mathfest, Hartford, CT, August 2013
- “The Evolution of Ecological Communities,” Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Diego, CA, January 2013
- “Problem-based Approaches in Elementary Statistics,” International Symposium on Biomathematics and Ecology Education and Research, St. Louis, MO, November, 2012
- “Ecological Networks: What is the rule and what is the exception?” International Symposium on Biomathematics and Ecology Education and Research, St. Louis, MO, November, 2012
- “Peer-review Using GoogleDocs,” MAA Contributed Paper Session on Incorporating Writing and Editing into Mathematics Classes, Mathfest, Madison, WI, August 2012
- “First-year biomathematics: considerations and possible frameworks,” with Dr. Erin Bodine of Rhodes, College, Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Biology, Knoxville, TN, July 2012
- “So why do you require Calculus?,” MAA Contributed Paper Session on Trends in Undergraduate Mathematical Biology, Joint Mathematics Meetings, Boston, MA, January 2012
- “Calculus I and II for Ecologists and Wildlife Biologists,” International Symposium of Biomathematics and Ecology: Education and Research, Portland, OR December 2011
- “Modeling the genetic effects of host adaptation and preference in mutualists,” Evolution, Moscow, ID, June 2009
- “Understanding the genetic effects of mutualism,” Southeastern Ecology and Evolution Conference, Gainesville, FL, March 2009
- “Mentoring as a vital component to a graduate teaching assistant teaching development program,” MAA Southeast Regional Meeting, Charleston, SC, March 2008
- “Creating and Nurturing a Mathematics Education Community: A bottom-up and top-down approach,” MAA Southeast Regional Meeting, Statesboro, GA, March 2007
- “Fast-spiking Cell and Networked Cell Models,” Mathfest, Burlington, VT, August 2002
Other workshops and professional development
- Mentoring and Time Management Workshop, delivered by NCFDD, Bates College, October 2018
- COACh Workshop on Negotiating in Academia, SACNAS, San Antonio, TX, 2018
- Best Practices in Teaching Mathematics Certificate Program, Department of Mathematics, University of Tennessee, Fall 2006 – Spring 2009
- “Young Researchers in Mathematical Biology Workshop 2009,” Mathematical Biosciences Institute, Columbus, OH, August 2009
- Institute on Teaching and Mentoring, Arlington, VA, October 2007
- “Teaching for Understanding in Science,” Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Tennessee, October 2007
- Best Practices in Teaching Certificate Program, University of Tennessee, Fall 2005 – Spring 2006
- “Spatial Heterogeneity in Biotic and Abiotic Environment,” Mathematical Biosciences Institute, Columbus, OH, February 2006
- Institute on Teaching and Mentoring, Arlington, VA, October 2005
- Leadership Training & Development Certificate Program, University of Maine, Orono, ME, 2002 – 2004
- Black Bear Student Leadership Conference, Orono, ME, October 2002
- Integrating Science and Mathematics Education Research into Teaching, Orono, ME June 2002
- Peer Tutoring Advanced Tutor Certification from the College Reading and Learning Association, University of Maine, Orono, ME 1999 – 2001