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Diaz Eaton CV 5_8_24
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Dr. Carrie Diaz Eaton

Lifetime social justice advocate and leader in postsecondary STEM Education. Over 25 years of equity and inclusion leadership in higher education and more than 20 years in higher education as instructor of record. Research covered in Science, Nature, NPR, and the Washington Post combines an interdisciplinary, complex adaptive systems, and mixed methods approaches (computational, qualitative, quantitative) with a focus on building an inclusive STEM ecosystem.

Academic Appointments

Associate Professor of Digital and Computational Studies

BATES COLLEGE, Lewiston, ME, 2018 - current

Executive Director and Principal Investigator

Institute for a Racially-just, Inclusive, and Open STEM education (RIOS Institute),,  2021 - current

as SCORE Network 2019 - 2021

Faculty, Institute on AI, Pedagogy, and the Curriculum

AACU, Washington, DC, 2024 - 2025

Visiting Researcher and Semester Program Director, Data Science for Social Justice

Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics (ICERM)

BROWN UNIVERSITY, Providence, RI, 2022 - 2023

Visiting Researcher and Working Group Organizer, Data Science for Social Justice

Institute for Mathematical and Statistical Innovation (IMSI)

UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, Chicago, IL, Winter 2023

Director of Partnerships and Communications & co-Founder

Virtual Center for Quantitative Undergraduate Biology Education and Synthesis (QUBES),, 2014 - 2021

Visiting Faculty

Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Fall 2016


Associate Professor of Mathematics

Environmental Literacy Program, School for Environmental Citizenship, 2016 - 2018

Center for Biodiversity, 2013 - 2016


Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Center for Biodiversity, 2010 - 2013


Visiting Faculty


Graduate Teaching and Research Associate

Department of Mathematics and Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE, Knoxville, TN, 2004 - 2010

Adjunct Faculty

Project GRAD, UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE, Knoxville, TN, 2009

Adjunct Faculty

via Eastern Maine Community College, Bangor, ME, 2003 - 2004


Research and Teaching Assistant

Department of Mathematics and Statistics, 2002 - 2004



Ph.D. in Mathematics, 2013

     Mathematical Ecology and Evolutionary Theory


M.A. in Mathematics, 2004

     Interdisciplinary Mathematics


B.A. in Mathematics with Honors, 2002

    Minor: Zoology


Honors and Awards

Professional Achievement Awards and Fellowships

Teaching and Mentoring Awards and Fellowships

External Research Grant Awards

Lead PI for ~$2.7 million in awards. Co-PI, subaward PI, or heavily involved senior personnel for ~$7.5 million. Funding sources span federal, private, and donor. Most of these awards are collaborative and multi-institutional, please click on the award link to see the full co-PI list and affiliations.

Leadership in Higher Education

Institution-based Change Leadership

Faculty professional development and mentoring

Teaching, learning, evaluation, and assessment

Selected institutional engagement and governance experience

Professional Community Leadership

Community and institute leadership

Journal editorial boards

Professional executive boards and committees

Conference convening

Advisory boards


Book and Special Issue Projects

  1. Henrich A, Klee S, Diaz Eaton C, and Townsend J. 2024. Math Majors Handbook, MAA Notes Series, Mathematical Association of America (MAA).
  2. Wong TA, Diaz Eaton C, Roca R, & Rodriguez R (Eds.), 2023. "Mathematics and Society," Special Issue of the Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, 12(2).
  3. Rebova R, Diaz Eaton C, Comar T. (Eds.), 2022. Special Issue of Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies (PRIMUS), Mathematics and the Life Sciences: Part 1: Calculus-Based Modules, Programs, Curricula.
  4. Rebova R, Diaz Eaton C, Comar T. (Eds.), 2022. Special Issue of PRIMUS, Mathematics and the Life Sciences: Part 2: Discrete Models, Statistics, Co-Curricular Opportunities.
  5. Highlander HC, Capaldi A, Diaz Eaton C (Eds.), 2020. An Introduction to Undergraduate Research in Computational and Mathematical Biology: From Birdsongs to Viscosities, Foundations in Undergraduate Research in Mathematics Series, Birkhauser/Springer, ISBN: 978-3-030-33644-8.
  6. Ganter S, Hoffrenig S, Diaz Eaton C, and Piercey V. (Eds.), Special Issue of PRIMUS, Interdisciplinary Conversations Part 1, July 2019.
  7. Ganter S, Hoffrenig S, Diaz Eaton C, and Piercey V. (Eds.), Special Issue of PRIMUS, Interdisciplinary Conversations Part 2, July 2019.
  8. Harris PE, Hall B, Davie Lawrence E, and Diaz Eaton C. (Eds.) Special Issue of the Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, Mathematics and Motherhood, July 2018.

Peer-reviewed, Submitted or Published

*indicates mentored undergraduate student work

  1. Shrout AH, Higdon-Topaz J, and Diaz Eaton C. (Under revision) Who are We Centering Here?: Analyzing the language of STEMM equity and inclusion in policy. Preprint link
  2. *Mangane S, *Zhao Y, and Diaz Eaton C. (Under revision) Detecting signals of critical transitions in inclusive teaching: An analysis of CourseSource. Preprint link
  3. Buckmire R, Diaz Eaton C, Hibdon JE, Kauba J, Lewis D, Ortega O, Pabón JL, Roca R, Vindas-Meléndez AR, & Zhang S. (Submitted). Quantifying inequities and documenting elitism in phd-granting mathematical sciences departments in the United States. Preprint link 
  4. Diaz Eaton, C, and Moore, CM (Submitted). Theoretical Models of Obligate Mutualism to Link Micro- with Macro-Coevolutionary Dynamics. Preprint link
  5. *Neitzel S, *Zhao Y, and Diaz Eaton C. 2023. Improving interdisciplinary teaching through a complexity lens. International Journal of Complexity in Education, 4(2): 41 - 58.
  6. Roca R, Diaz Eaton C, Lewis D, Hibdon, JE, and Marshall S. 2023. #DisruptJMM: Themes of online social justice advocacy and community building in STEM. Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, 13(2):39-63.
  7. Buckmire R, Diaz Eaton C, Hibdon, JE, Kinnaird KM, Lewis D, Libertini J, Ortega O, Roca R and Vindas-Meléndez, AR. 2023. On definitions of "mathematician". Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, 13(2):18-38.
  8. Villegas Martinez BM, Gesing S, Stirm C, Klimeck G, Zentner L, Wang S, Diaz Eaton C, Donovan S, Zhao L , Song C, Kim IL, Strachan A, Zentner M and Kalyanam R. 2023. Hubzero: Community Growth for Four Science Gateways Supporting Open Science Computing in Science & Engineering, 25(1):34-42. doi: 10.1109/MCSE.2023.3285092.
  9. *Simeonov O and Diaz Eaton C. 2023. Modeling the Drivers of Oscillations in COVID-19 Data on College Campuses. Annals in Epidemiology, 83:40 - 44.
  10. *Simeonov O, *Lemelin K, and *Driscoll J and Diaz Eaton C. 2022. Zombies vs Humans: Data-driven modeling of disease spread. Spora. 8:72-74.
  11. Alexander N, Diaz Eaton C, Shrout AH, Tsinnijinnie B, Tsosie K. 2022. Beyond Ethics: Considerations for Centering Equity-Minded Data Science. Journal of Humanistic Mathematics. 12(2): 254-300.
  12. Diaz Eaton C, Bonner K, Cangialosi K, Dewsbury B, Diamond-Stanic M, Douma J, Smith MK, Taylor R, Wilfong K, Wojdak J. 2022. Sustainability Challenges for Open Resources to promote an Equitable Undergraduate Biology Education. CBE-Life Science Education. 21(3).
  13. Aikens M, Highlander HC, and Diaz Eaton C. 2021. The Case for Biocalculus: Improving student understanding of the utility value of mathematics to biology and affect toward mathematics. CBE-Life Science Education. 20(1): ar5-ar5. 
  14. Emery NC, Bledsoe EK, Hasley AO, and Diaz Eaton C. 2021. Cultivating inclusive instructional and research environments in ecology and evolutionary science. Ecology and Evolution. 11: 1480-1491. DOI:  
  15. (Invited Paper) Akman O, Diaz Eaton C, Horenzick D, Jenkins K, and Thompson KV. 2020. Building community-based approaches to systemic reform in mathematical biology education. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. 82(8), 1-21.
  16. Topaz CM, Cart J, Diaz Eaton C, Shrout AH, Higdon JA, İnce K, Katz B, Lewis D, Libertini J, and Smith CM.  2020. Comparing demographics of signatories to public letters on diversity in the mathematical sciences. PLoS ONE. April 28, 2020. DOI:
  17. Diaz Eaton C, LaMar MD, and McCarthy M. 2020. 21st Century Reform Efforts in Undergraduate Quantitative Biology Education: Conversations, Initiatives, and Curriculum Change in the United States of America. Letters in Biomathematics. 7(1), 55–66.
  18. Diaz Eaton C, Dahlquist K, Highlander H, LaMar MD, Ledder G, and Schugart RA. 2019. “Rule of Five” Framework for Models and Modeling to Unify Mathematicians and Biologists and Improve Student Learning. Special Issue on Interdisciplinary Conversations, Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematical Undergraduate Studies [PRIMUS]. DOI: 10.1080/10511970.2018.1489318

**This paper in December 2019, only a few months after publishing, had the most cumulative reads of any paper published in the last 3 years of PRIMUS and it continues to be the record holder through 2022 when this data was last made available to me**

  1. Diaz Eaton C and Bailey LM. 2018. Finding Luz: Illuminating our identities through duoethnography. Special Issue on Mathematics and Motherhood, Journal of Humanistic Mathematics. 8(2):60-89. DOI: 10.5642/jhummath.201802.08.
  2. Diaz Eaton C and Highlander, H. 2017. The Case for BioCalculus: Design, Retention, and Student Performance. CBE-Life Science Education. 16(2):ar25.
  3. Diaz Eaton C, Anderson LJ, Allen, D, Bowser, G, Pauley MA, Williams, KS, and Uno, GE. 2016. Summit of the Research Coordination Networks for Undergraduate Biology Education. CBE-Life Science Education. 15(4):mr1. 
  4. Donovan S, Diaz Eaton C, Gower ST, Jenkins K, LaMar MD, Poli DB, Sheehy R, and Wojdak JM.  2015. QUBES: A community focused on supporting teaching and learning in quantitative biology. Letters in Biomathematics. 2(1):46-55.
  5. Diaz Eaton C and Wade, S. 2014. Collaborative learning through formative peer review with technology. PRIMUS. 24(6): 529 - 543. DOI: 10.1080/10511970.2014.881442.
  6. Diaz Eaton C.  2008. Coevolutionary Research.  In Encyclopedia of Ecology, ed. Sven Erik Jorgensen & Brian D. Fath, 1st Edition, Elsevier B.V., Oxford, pg 659-663.

Conference Papers

(Papers peer-reviewed before acceptance to present and published by conference, especially common in computer/computational science and education research.)

*indicates mentored undergraduate student work

  1. Invited Conference Paper and Plenary Diaz Eaton C. 2023. STEM as Culture: Exploring exclusion and inclusion in mathematics and biology, in The Learning and Teaching of Calculus Across Disciplines Conference Proceedings, pg 7-20.
  2. Diaz Eaton C, *Zhao Y, and Taylor R. 2023. Centering connections and collaborations in the evaluation of STEM education transformation. Research on Undergraduate Mathematics Education (RUME) XXV Conference Proceedings, pg 252 - 261.
  3. Gesing S, Stirm C, Klimeck G, Zentner L, Wang S, Villegas Martinez BM, Diaz Eaton C, Donovan S, Zhao L , Song C, Kim IL, Strachan A, Zentner M and Kalyanam R. 2022.  Open Science via HUBzero: Exploring Five Science Gateways Supporting and Growing their Open Science Communities.  Proceedings of HICSS-55 (55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences),  Open Science Practices in Information Systems Research, January 2022.
  4. Invited Conference Paper and Oral Presentation Diaz Eaton C. 2022. Teaching Machine Learning in the Context of Critical Quantitative Information Literacy. Proceedings of the Second Teaching Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Workshop, in Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 170:51-56
  5. Invited Conference Paper and Oral Presentation Shrout AH and Diaz Eaton C. 2020. “Bates College: An Integrated Data Science Curriculum: Networks, Cultures, and BS in Data,” Academic Data Science Alliance Data Science Leadership Conference.
  6. *White A, Nadolny R, Diaz Eaton C, and Gaff H. 2014. Modeling Effectiveness of Tick Control by a Species that Exhibits Predator-prey Role Reversal.  Final Proceedings of the Modeling, Simulation & Visualization 2014 Student Capstone Conference, pg 161-166.
  7. Diaz Eaton C, Crook S, Cummins G, and Jacobs GA. 2004. Modeling ion channels from the cricket cercal sensory system. Neurocomputing 58-60:409-415.

Professional Policy Documents

(These documents are large team writing efforts and typically involve review by the institute or professional society executive teams and relevant committees before publication.)

  1. Aboufadel E, Buckmire R, Camacho T, Diaz Eaton C, Haas R, Herzig A, Knaub A, Kung D, Manderscheid D, Miniño A, Rivers N, Sharp J, Thurston D, Villalobos C, Williams T, Yong K. 2022. Creating Opportunities in Mathematics through Equity and INclusion (COME-IN) Department Self Assessment Guide. Transforming Post-Secondary Education in Mathematics (TPSEMath).
  2. Aboufadel E, Moss E, Dietz J, Hydorn DL, Nmah B, Puckette E, Ward MD, El Turkey H, Diaz Eaton C, Lewis D, Goff CD. 2022. Professional Development Guideline Statement #6: Best Practices for Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. Mathematical Association of America.

Editor-Reviewed Publications

(These are typically expository writings, refereed by the publisher’s editorial board and published in peer-reviewed journals, magazines, or books. This also includes invited chapters and articles and guest editorials reviewed by the editorial board and staff only.)

  1. Invited Article, Jones Q, Vindas Meléndez AR, Mendible A, Aminian M, Brooks HZ, Alexander N, Diaz Eaton C, and Chodrow P, 2023. Data science and social justice in the mathematics community. AMS Notices. October
  2. Editorial Wong TA, Diaz Eaton C, Roca R, and Rodriguez R. 2023. "Mathematics and Society: Towards Critical Mathematics Research and Education," Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, 13(2):4-7. 
  3. Invited Article, Diaz Eaton C and Linhart JM. 2023. Revising our model of teaching. Focus Magazine, Mathematical Association of America, December/January.
  4. Invited Article, Diaz Eaton C, Bork Rodriguez WM, H Piper, Gómez-Gonzáles C. 2022. #DisruptJMM. Focus Magazine, Mathematical Association of America, February/March, pg 18-21.
  5. Invited Chapter, Cangialosi K, Dewsbury B, and Diaz Eaton C. 2021. RIOS Institute. Policies and Practices: Advocating for Students of Color in Mathematics, Ed. P. Harris and A. Winger.
  6. Invited Chapter, Diaz Eaton C. 2021. Carrie Diaz Eaton. In Testimonios: Stories of Latinx and Hispanic Mathematicians, ed. Pamela Harris, Alicia Prieto Langarica, Luis Sordo Vieira, Vanessa Rivera Quiñones, Rosaura Uscanga, and Andrés R. Vindas Meléndez. Mathematical Association of America, Washington, DC.
  7. Editorial, Highlander HC, Diaz Eaton C, and Capaldi A. 2020. An Introduction to Research in Computational and Mathematical Biology: From Birdsongs to Viscosities. An Introduction to Undergraduate Research in Computational and Mathematical Biology: From Birdsongs to Viscosities, Foundations in Undergraduate Research in Mathematics Series, Birkhauser/Springer.
  8. Opinion, Lauer AJ, Gram W, Crall A, Diaz Eaton C, R Haacker, E Jack-Scott, A Pendergrass, and K Stack Whitney. 2020. Scientific meetings for all, Eos. 101,
  9. Letter to the Editor, ***Diaz Eaton, C et al. 2020. The math community values a commitment to diversity. Notices of the American Mathematical Society. January Volume 1:2-9 of online editorials.
  1. Editorial, Ganter S, Hoffrenig S, Diaz Eaton C, Piercey, V. 2019. Introduction to the Special Issue on Interdisciplinary Conversations (Part 1): Models for Interdisciplinary Conversations, Special Issue on Interdisciplinary Conversations, PRIMUS. DOI: 10.1080/10511970.2019.1619004
  2. Editorial, Ganter S, Hoffrenig S, Diaz Eaton C, Piercey, V. 2019. Introduction to the Special Issue on Interdisciplinary Conversations (Part 2): The Impact of Interdisciplinary Conversations on Courses, Special Issue on Interdisciplinary Conversations, PRIMUS. DOI: 10.1080/10511970.2019.1626959
  3. Editorial, Harris PE, Hall B, Davie Lawrence E, and Diaz Eaton C. Math Mamas: Changing the Narrative. 2018. Special Issue on Mathematics and Motherhood, Journal of Humanistic Mathematics. 8(2):2-4. DOI: 10.5642/jhummath.201802.03 
  4. Judge’s Commentary: Sustainable Cities, Arney K, Beecher A, Diaz Eaton C, Picciuto J. 2017. Undergraduate Mathematics and its Applications Journal, Vol 32.2:181-196.
  5. Invited Book Review, Diaz Eaton C, “Fluke.” Math Horizons, Mathematical Association of America, September 2016.
  6. Highlighted summary, LaMar, MD, Diaz Eaton, C, Poli, D, Sheehy, R, Shende, A and Cho, E 2015. QUBES: Quantitative Undergraduate Biology Education & Synthesis.  Vision and Change: Chronicling Change, Inspiring the Future, American Association for the Advancement of Science. (link)

Other Selected Publications

In the Media

Teaching and Advising

Teaching as Instructor of Record

Bates College

2018 - current

Undergraduate Teaching: Introduction to Programming with Python, Introduction to Computing for Science and Mathematics, Discrete Structures and Modeling, Information and Data Literacy/Calling Bull, Network Analysis,  Capstone PIC Math: Community-engaged data science, Community Organizing for a Digital World, Past, Present and Possible Dystopian Future of Computing, First-year Experience/STEM Scholars. Teaching in-person, hybrid (21-22), and online (20-21).

Unity College

2010 - 2018

High School Outreach and Teaching: Developed and co-taught summer bridge in sustainability science and studies

Undergraduate Teaching: Foundational mathematics and modeling courses including  Statistics, Algebra and Calculus, Modeling Disease Ecology, Discrete Modeling, Spanish I

Graduate Teaching: Developed an online graduate course in Systems Thinking for environmental professionals which included agent-based and systems modeling.

College of the Atlantic


Undergraduate Teaching: Modeling Continuous Systems with Differential Equations

University of Tennessee

2004 - 2010

Teaching Awards: Department Graduate Teaching Award in 2009, University Graduate Teaching Award in 2008

High School Outreach and Teaching: Algebra I – High school to college transition course for underrepresented Knoxville area students

Undergraduate Teaching: Mathematics for Life Sciences, Quantitative Reasoning for Liberal Arts

Graduate Teaching: Co-developed and taught graduate student professional development and certificate program including graduate courses such as GTA Teaching Development Seminar, Mentoring Graduate Students Seminar, and Advanced Topics in Mathematics Education 

Jackson Laboratories (Via EMCC)

2003 - 2004

Adult Education: Introduction to Mathematics for the Laboratory, also revised the curriculum for the course substantially in consultation with Jackson Laboratories

University of Maine


Undergraduate Teaching: College Algebra

Theses advised as lead advisor

*Resulted in publication, +Presented work at national conference

Bates College: DCS does not have a major, but we can serve as lead for Interdisciplinary thesis and for other programs if they approve.

Unity College: Theses at Unity are not required and have 2 advisors each, typically a within-major lead and an external consultant. Math/Stats did not have a major, but I occasionally advised students in the minor as lead.

†Resulted in college-wide award ‡Applied/community-based thesis option

Academic advising

Bates College: STEM Scholars (underrepresented student cohort in STEM) in 2021 - 2023.

Unity College: 30 academic advisees per year (8-10 assigned each year at the end of the students’ first semester).

Student supervising

Bates College: Average of 3 grant-funded research students per year and 3-4 DCS-funded students per year (1-2 attached tutors per semester, a grader, and the DCS student engagement coordinator)

Unity College: Average of 3 supervised work-study and grant-funded students per year

Club advising

SACNAS Student chapter (co-advisor), Bates College, 2023 - current

Humans vs Zombies club, Unity College, 2012 - 2018

American Sign Language club, Unity College, 2013 - 2016

Spanish Language Table, Unity College, 2011 - 2013

External advising

In addition to college-level advising, I also occasionally serve as a mentor for undergraduate, graduate and postdocs at other institutions. This is sometimes codified through official appointments on thesis committees, but often not. Typically the students I agree to mentor share queer, Latinx, and/or other relevant identities and are involved in various areas of science research related to my own (e.g. dissertation in science identity formation in chemistry, thesis in community activism informed technology development, thesis in representation of race and ethnicity individuals in STEM curriculum materials, postdoc in understanding the formation of healthy networks for social good). The level of commitment varies from occasional check-ins during the duration of the project to weekly meetings in one case during my sabbatical.

Other Professional Leadership and Outreach

Invited Presentations

Professional Societies


Selected other service to professional community

Selected service to local community for the profession

Other institutional service related to social justice, diversity, equity and education

Workshops and Certification Programs

Selected Teaching Development Activities

Selected Research Activities


Additional Engagement

Other Grants Awarded

Internal grants

Selected travel grants

Other Service

Additional professional service

Additional institutional service

Other Research and Training

Oral contributed presentations

Other workshops and professional development