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Blog 2724 Landau .... atomic iron road maps
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The Landau geo-physics IRON road map in the Chicago region  

Earth iron road map and iron tractors                        



The ferrous oxide atom, magnetic field interaction  IRON Heme group model.

The  INTERNAL living EARTH  iron core uses the the North/South POLE magnetic field to interact with EXTERNAL living iron objects on the the geography land surface of EARTH.

Thus we have farmers with iron myoglobin proteins in their arm muscles that they use to steer as they  drive  4-wheeled iron farm tractors.  Larger tractors may have wheels with duals ---> driven by  the  farmer indivi.dual --> dual identity implies the duality of the tractor --> tra + actor --> trap actor.

Thus we have Nature's advanced social thought  systems to catch the bragging  BULL-Stories  or the chicken brain nonsense of farm tractor drivers   OR  truck drivers with a tractor-trailer.


RD-blog-number-2724 by Herb Zinser

The year 2008 tragic signal in the Northern Illinois geography region occured on the Earth's geography surface at Cole Hall, DeKalb Illinois.  Signal processing of the EVENT provides interesting CLUES as to the  architecture of the existential structure of Nature in  the Northern Illinois  geology / geography region.

This region is composed of atomic humanoids,  EARTH LAB institutions like the University of Chicago,   4-wheeled iron automobiles,  Illinois Highway 56  with the living EARTH cell double-helix address of  E. 56th Street in the south side of Chicago, and the double-helix work / commuting life style of some atomic bio-physics humanoids that maintain offices at both address 56 location areas.

Let's look at these unusual people and the geography regions they inhabit.

Why is 56 important?

Iron at Chemical 

Basic Information

Name: Iron

Symbol: Fe

Atomic Number: 26

Atomic Mass: 55.845 amu

Number of Protons/Electrons: 26

Number of Neutrons: 30

Classification: Transition Metal 

Crystal Structure: Cubic

Number of Protons 26  +   Number of Neutrons: 30   = Illinois HIGHWAY 56 with iron/ concrete/ glass vertical buildings like FermiLAB Wilson Hall in  Batavia, Illinois.


Let's look at atomic HIGHWAY 56  near Fe = FermiLab ...known by  Fe = Ferrous oxide atomic bio-physics humanoids as the ROC = Region  of Convergence for Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family and their atomic signal processing.




The other HIGHWAY 56 ...for the  super-symmetry geo-physics mapping project ...... is known as  E. 56th STREET in the HIDE PARK dimension  of the Hyde Park (geography  dimension)   by  University of Chicago string theorist.





Now, let's review the SIGNAL  provided by the double-helix work / commuting life style of these  atomic bio-physics humanoids  ...... WITH iron in their LIVER  .... that maintain offices at both address 56 locations /vicinity.


Fermilab route 56 ……

University of chicago South 56th street


Their 2 streets expression relates to author Jonathan Swift.




Gulliver's Travels Study Guide : Summary and Analysis of  Part I ...

www.Gulliver's Travels › Study Guide

Gulliver also has made a great deal of progress in learning the language and ... It is "capable of holding five hundred thousand Souls" and has two great streets ...

"font-family: Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 17px;" data-ved="0CD4QkgowAg">

The two great streets, which run across and divide The two great streets, The two great streets,

The bio-physics LIVER agents  in the Chicago region and at Illinois universities  will not discuss the situation. Hence, the Hierarchy Problem in physics over the Hierarchy of   LIVER  ferrous oxide  Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ...... social   science communications authority.


Thus we see the  evolution of messages from  year 1726 (26 protons of ferrous oxide and their 26 atomic English alphabet letters)  ..... the LIVER optical published words on cellulose paper  ....the year 1726 liver iron  transport system   (WORD ....LIVER  ..algebra subset of  the message Gullible LIVER in  book " Gul.LIVER") from atomic number year 26 relative to Einstein's relative time displacement of century identifier 1700.

Liver iron transport - World Journal of Gastroenterology

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View Sep 21, 2007 – TOPIC HIGHLIGHT. Liver iron transport. Ross M Graham, Anita CG Chua, Carly E Herbison, John K Olynyk, Debbie Trinder. Nathan ...


Thus we begin to see the pattern between the University of Chicago physics (56th street)  and Fe = Ferrous oxide FemiLAB (56th Street by Batavia, Illinois). The traveling researchers and theorists have troubled souls, some  unresolved  mystery in their Carl Jung atomic collective unconscious  MIND seeks  to find  CLUES about the link between Swift and Sartre existentialism. Thus we see

year 1726 (26 protons)  ................. Year 2013 (56th street)

year 1726 (author Swift) .................Year 2013 (the SWIFT automobile travels at 55.85 miles per hour by the commuting researchers)


Year 1726 (GUL + LIVER TRavels) ...year 2013  EXAMPLE ---> (  humanoids ....acting as carrier  bio-vehicles for the biological LIVER ......  walk to a 4-wheeled IRON motor vehicle at University of Chicago.  Then they carefully place their LIVER inside the car (remember .... the LIVER is within the carrier humanoid using  B.F.SKIN ... SKINNER dermatology box  technology ... with modern  skin symbolic packaging).        The LiVER  driver then  drives down 56th Street (symbolic of IRON atomic mass 56  ...then they head WEST  ...seeking Illinois HIGHWAY 56 at FermiLAB.  

Thus it can be said ... in year 2013 that  the  EVENT nouns/adjectives  ( LIVER TRAVEL's swiftly) is as super-symmetry parallel to year 1726 ( GUL + LIVER Travels Swift).    

Thus we see the atomic mass...mass communications continuum  ... deep inside the atom .... has some LINK / invariant information properties between year 1726 and  today's expression (current times).

Can we help these poor professorial  lost souls that wander between the 2 GREAT STREETS in the Chicago region  in their quest?



In addition, the  2 streets signal of  number 56 ..... suggests number 256 .....   some information highways ....such as a bio-physics arteries highway inside the human biological system.

Let's look at number 256 --> BASE 16 Hex'100'  ...... thus we see Nature's evolution to alpha /numeric symbolic bio-processor.

Base 16 Hex'100''  Data processing  ..... the Darwinian identifiers ... B................ 100 D --> spells Nature's  new  hematology invention .... the new version of B100D with symbolic machine abilities ..... that think in behalf of Nature's biochemistry social engineering systems and  other  projects of NATURE.

 [[image file="2013-03/picture----hex-2.png" ]]

Do you have Base 16 hexadecimal B100d LEVEL 256?

This is one of the QUESTS being sought by those that travel between  E 56th Street UC   to Highway 56  at Fe. During their travels they may  drive pass a PIER ONE Imports retail store   ...... and applied super-symmetry physics notices that  FermiLAB director ...... from Nature Vast systems  VIEW of EARTH LAB social engineering processes ...... notices the FermiLAB  "Pier One import from Peru"  who attended Nature's  brain cell MITochondria education center known as MIT ...... in the EARTH city of  CAM =  Computer Aided Man  BRIDGE (like a communications BRIDGE  with Nature .....   similar to  Walden Pond with Thoreau )


Now, let's look at the LEVEL 256 B100D wars that began in year 2008 in the Northern Illinois geography region. Year 2008 --> Base 2  math exponent 008 --> 256.


Nature designed the tragic EVENT as a social process control FEEDBACK  signal to society  ..about the CITIZENS and their social engineering ERRORS in the Chicago region.



Northern Illinois University shooting

Northern Ill nois(e)  Universe shooting


The Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took place on
February 14, 2008 (20 +08 = 28 neutrons of the
Fe = Ferrous oxide atom time machine …
Fe = February failure of human Fe = Female blood iron-54 with the 28 neutron day information cycle menstruation …..
blood information flow  
, during which Steven Kazmierczak shot multiple people on the campus of Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois, United States


that took place on February 14, 2008,

that took place on February 14, 2008,


that took place on Fe = Ferrous oxide atomic timetable...... 2008 --> Base 2 exponent 008 = 256



The perpetrator of the Northern Illinois University shooting was 27-year-old Steven Phillip Kazmierczak, a former student of NIU. He was born in Elk Grove Village, Illinois on August 26, 1980


August 26 August 26 A.........26 --> Atomic number signal 26


University shooting was 27-year

University shooting was 27-year Universe  shooting was 27 -->  3 math exponent 3 -->  3 cubed


Crystal Structure: Cubic

Crystal Structure: Cubic

Cry            Structure: Cubic  --->  3 cubed --> Cry  the DeKalb lies/schemes

Cry            Structure: Cubic  --->  3 cubed  -->Cry I-35W bridge collapse

Cry            Structure: Cubic  --->  3 cubed --> Cry SEPT 11,2001 ...World Trade Center  (of Mass) 9th month  = 3 squared 11th day --> Binary 11 = decimal 3 Manhattan project ..incomplete explanations of EVENT


Name: Iron MAN project of Polish atomic /magnetic field heritage Symbol: Fe  ---> February and  ST.Valence  Day atomic mass massacre

Atomic Number: 26 --> Max BORN physics Born August 26,1980 Atomic Mass: 55.845 amu ..rounded to integer 56  ...atomic information HIGHWAY 56 communications errors

Number of Protons/Electrons: 26  ...Brain electron  thoughts in Steven K.

Classification: Transition Metal  --> transition Meta L --> Transiton Meta-languages and transition Metabolism   with Franz Kafka's  Metamorphosis.

Classification: Transition Metal

Classification: Transition Me l

Class:  oceanography implies waves implies wave mechanics

At approximately 3:05 p.m. CST, Steven Kazmierczak entered a large auditorium-style lecture hall in Cole Hall (Auditorium 101) with approximately 120 students, where an oceanography class