API documentation
This ELITEDOMAINS API allows you to interact with ELITEDOMAINS through a simple REST API. For using, please contact our support team. We will promote your account to use the API feature. As soon as you are activated you can manage personal access tokens in your account settings. Please also take a look at the Frequently Asked Questions for the API.
In order to use the API, you should authenticate your request by including a personal access token as a bearer token value:
Authorization: Bearer {token}
Make sure the following content type headers are set on every request:
Accept: application/json
All names are utf-8 encoded. No punycode representation required.
By default, the limit for requests is set for each user:
Please note: during droptime between 2:00 and 4:00am your maximum requests per minute will be reduced to 10%.
If you exceed the limit you will receive a HTTP Response Code 429 Too Many Requests.
You may use the following parameters from the response header to adjust your scripts accordingly.
Header | Example | Description |
X-RateLimit-Limit | 100 | The maximum number of requests you're permitted to make per minute. |
X-RateLimit-Remaining | 98 | The number of requests remaining in the current rate limit window. |
Retry-After | 35 | The number of seconds to wait before the next request. |
X-RateLimit-Reset | 1662764773 | The time at which the current rate limit window resets in UTC epoch seconds |
The base URI is https://api.elitedomains.de
Lists all domains in your account. Paginated by 500 objects per call.
GET /domains
Name | Value | Required | Description |
page | 1 | no | Number of paginated page |
Name | Example value | Description |
current_page | 1 | Current page number of paginated results |
per_page | 500 | The number of items to be shown per page |
path | https://api.elitedomains.de/domains | API Call for this order type |
first_page_url | https://api.elitedomains.de/domains?page=1 | URL for the first page |
next_page_url | https://api.elitedomains.de/domains?page=2 | URL for the next page |
prev_page_url | null | URL of the previous page |
from | 1 | Number of the first object in current result |
to | 500 | Number of the last object in current result |
data | {...} | Collection of domain objects. Default sorting: created_at descending |
Registers or transfers new domains. Domains will be created using the default redirector and handle configuration as set in your accounts advanced settings.
POST /domains
Name | Value | Required | Description |
name | example.de | yes | domain name |
authinfo | E-Hc$f3xx | no | Authinfo code to transfer domains from other providers to ELITEDOMAINS |
Name | Value | Description |
message | Domain created | |
name | example.de |
HTTP Code | Message | Description |
400 | Domain name is missing | name parameter is missing or empty |
400 | Domain name is invalid | Domain name could not be validated |
400 | Default handle in your accounts advanced settings required | |
400 | Authcode invalid | |
403 | {variable messages} | The request was rejected by DENIC. See message for further information |
409 | Domain already registered | |
409 | Domain already in your account |
Deletes a single Domain.
DELETE /domains
Name | Value | Required | Description |
name | example.de | yes | domain name |
Name | Value | Description |
message | Domain deleted | |
name | example.de |
HTTP Code | Message | Description |
400 | Domain name is missing | name parameter is missing or empty |
403 | {variable messages} | The request was rejected by DENIC. See message for further information |
404 | Domain not found |
Returns the AuthInfo Code of the domain. If there is no AuthInfo Code set, a new one will be generated and returned.
GET /domains/authinfo
Name | Value | Required | Description |
name | example.de | yes | domain name |
Name | Value | Description |
message | Authcode exists/created | |
name | example.de | |
authinfo | E-Hc$f3xx | |
expires_at | 2018-10-07 21:34:35 |
HTTP Code | Message | Description |
400 | Domain name is missing | name parameter is missing or empty |
403 | {variable messages} | The request was rejected by DENIC. See message for further information |
404 | Domain not found |
Lists all catcher orders in your account. Paginated by 500 objects per call.
GET /catcher
Name | Value | Required | Description |
page | 1 | no | Number of paginated page |
Name | Example value | Description |
current_page | 1 | Current page number of paginated results |
per_page | 500 | The number of items to be shown per page |
path | https://api.elitedomains.de/catcher | API Call for this order type |
first_page_url | https://api.elitedomains.de/catcher?page=1 | URL for the first page |
next_page_url | https://api.elitedomains.de/catcher?page=2 | URL for the next page |
prev_page_url | null | URL of the previous page |
from | 1 | Number of the first object in current result |
to | 500 | Number of the last object in current result |
data | {...} | Collection of catcher objects. Default sorting: created_at descending |
Add new domains to our RGP Catcher. Successfully catched domains will be registered using the default redirector and handle configuration as set in your accounts advanced settings.
During droptime between 2 and 4 am it is not possible to insert new orders.
POST /catcher
Name | Value | Required | Description |
name | example.de | yes | domain name |
price | 10 | no | price, default 2 |
Name | Value | Description |
message | Domain added to catcher | |
name | example.de |
HTTP Code | Message | Description |
400 | Domain name is missing | name parameter is missing or empty |
400 | Domain name is invalid | Domain name could not be validated |
400 | Default handle in your accounts advanced settings required | |
405 | Catcher Create not possible between 2:00 and 4:00am | |
409 | Domain already added to catcher |
Deletes a single Catcher order.
During droptime between 2:00 and 4:00am it is not possible to delete orders.
DELETE /catcher
Name | Value | Required | Description |
name | example.de | yes | domain name |
Name | Value | Description |
message | Domain deleted | |
name | example.de |
HTTP Code | Message | Description |
400 | Domain name is missing | name parameter is missing or empty |
404 | Domain not found | |
405 | Catcher Delete not possible between 2:00 and 4:00am |
Description of our data objects.
Name | Value | Description |
name | example.de | domain name |
redirector | dns | Type of redirector selected. Possible values: redirect, external, denic, parking, dns, default |
authinfo | E-Hc$f3xx | AuthInfo Code of the domain. null if not set |
autoexpire_at | 2022-08-30 | Date of automatic expiry of the domain. null if not set |
paid_until | 2022-08-31 | Paid until date |
created_at | 2018-10-07 21:34:35 | Created at date |
New entries will show status wait. Servers take up to two minutes to process new entries. After processing the correct status will be available.
Name | Value | Description |
name | example.de | domain name |
status | rgp | Current status of the domain. Possible values: wait, taken, free, failed, success, rgp, authinfo, authinfo_check, restored |
users | 8 | Number of users backordering the domain |
price | 2 | price |
dropdate_at | 2022-08-31 00:00:00 | Dropdate of the domain. Empty if status is wait |
created_at | 2022-08-07 21:34:36 | Backorder created at date |