The name of the organization will be the Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools.
The Purpose of TAPPS is and shall be to organize, to stimulate, to encourage and to promote the academic, athletic and fine arts programs in an effort to foster a spirit of fair play, good fellowship, true sportsmanship and wholesome competition for boys and girls.
- Membership in TAPPS is limited to private and parochial schools in the state of Texas, with students enrolled in grades 9-12.
- Private schools are defined as those schools that are established, conducted and primarily supported by a non-government agency -or- primarily supported by student tuition.
- Parochial schools are defined as those schools that are controlled by, supported by, or within the jurisdiction of a church parish.
- All member schools shall submit contract and payment of annual dues and event fees to the state office by September 1 of the current year.
- Applications for membership of new schools must be made to the state office in writing by the school's chief administrator. Applications will be considered by the Executive Board and its decision will be reported to the membership. Note: Former TAPPS member schools having withdrawn in good standing will be required to follow all procedures as outlined in Article III of the Constitution. Any former TAPPS member school not in good standing will be required to follow all procedures as outlined in Article III of the Constitution and in the By-Laws - Probation and Sanctions. New members accepted will be placed in a district by the means of:
- realignment which takes effect in even years or
- odd years with the approval of a district that could adapt its schedule to accommodate the new member school. Any new addition to a district will not compete in any sport/event until the beginning of each school year. Exception: Football is a two-year contract, so a new school may have to compete as an independent until it can be absorbed into a schedule or added during realignment.
- A TAPPS member school shall not be a member of another organization for the purpose of concurrent athletic competition. Nor shall a member school come into conflict that would prevent its participation in TAPPS District or State competition. (Fine Arts Competition See By-Laws Section 202.A).
- Each member school shall be represented by a delegate who will have voting privileges for that member school in association business. The delegate from each school must be a professional (contracted) faculty member of that school and registered as a delegate in the TAPPS State Office.
- The executive management, control, and final authority of this association belong to the Executive Board consisting of nine (9) members. Any new member to the Board is nominated by the President for appointment. This Board and all new board members must be approved by a majority vote of the Board. A President shall be elected from the nine board members by the board members. The Vice-President and Treasurer shall be appointed by the President with the majority approval of the Board. Board members are appointed to a place (numbered 1 through 9) and serve two-year terms, including the President. Each board member is subject to re-election within the Board. Re-elections will occur within the Board at the March meeting. Place(s) 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 shall be elected in odd numbered years, while place(s) 2, 4, 6 and 8 shall be elected in the even numbered years.
- A majority of the Board must be present to act on association business. A majority number of votes of the quorum in attendance shall be required in order for the board to pass any motion.
- State Academic, Art, Athletics and Fine Arts championships will be conducted each year. A state champion will be recognized in both boy and girl designated sports/events.
- The general operations of TAPPS will follow the guidelines as set by the TAPPS Constitution, By-Laws, Athletic, Academic, Art and Fine Art Plans.
Eligibility qualifications for competition. A student/athlete:
- has not reached 19 years of age prior to September 1 of the current school year; and
- initially enrolled in the ninth grade not more than four years ago nor in the tenth grade not more than three years ago. A student may participate in TAPPS contests during a normal program of high school courses over a period of four consecutive calendar years after the student first enrolls in the ninth grade. Students who never entered the ninth grade but were placed into the tenth grade have three consecutive years from their first entry into tenth grade to complete their high school eligibility. NOTE: If a player competes for or against a varsity team before enrolling in the ninth grade, the Player’s four years of eligibility begins on the date of competition for or against the varsity team. It is a violation to allow students not yet in high school to participate with or against high school students.
- has not graduated from high school or other school of equal or higher status; and
- is a full time, day student at the member school; and
- allowed to participate in TAPPS competition or contests only if the student is in good and regular standing which included but not limited to:
- enrollment in at least four accredited academic courses
- failing no more than one course during the grading period
- in determining whether or not the student is passing his or her work from the beginning of the semester to seven days before contest must be considered.
- the length of time for ineligibility after a grading period shall be at least two weeks;
- NOTE:see Section 77 for details
- is enrolled in an accelerated Christian education school he/she must be proceeding toward graduation on a credit basis and on a passing basis with a regularly checked procedure by each school to ensure they are in good academic standing. If a question of eligibility arises, a school may be required to present the student’s transcript concerning eligibility to the state office; and/or
- must meet guidelines of TAPPS transfer rule. See By-Laws - Transfer Rule; and
- shall not take part in any competition or contest of TAPPS if participant has received money or gifts or valuable consideration for participating in any sport or contest, with the exception of FFA or 4-H participation. NOTE: TAPPS reserves the right in the Executive Board to assess and make the final judgment of whether or not money or valuable consideration were given, or if either TAPPS rules and regulations and/or amateur status were violated; and
- has not been induced for athletic purposes.
The Amending Process: Amendments to the State Constitution of TAPPS must be proposed in writing to the Executive Board by member schools. A proposed amendment will be included on the agenda only if it is endorsed in writing by at least two other member schools and if it is submitted to the state office prior to the summer Convention and Coaches Clinic. The Executive Board shall make a recommendation to the membership for each amendment submitted. Ratification of amendments shall be a 2/3 vote of the membership.
TAPPS shall deem all games in which an ineligible player participates to be a loss even if the team had obtained a victory in said game/games. Participation will include but not be limited to dressing in the team uniform, playing in a game against any opponent or any other act which TAPPS considers to be participation.
General Bylaws-Sections 1-129
Subchapter A – Definitions and General Provisions
Section 1 – Definitions
In the TAPPS Constitution, By-Laws and Contest Rules, unless the context requires otherwise:
- Calendar week means 12:01 a.m. on Sunday through midnight on Saturday.
- Constitution means the Constitution of the Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools.
- Contest includes competition.
- Contest Rules means the rules governing TAPPS contests and competitions adopted by the Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools.
- District means a grouping of participant schools within an established classification that is determined to facilitate reasonable competition among the schools in TAPPS contests for a two-year period (designated as region in some instances).
- District Executive Committee means the committee of superintendents or designated representatives of participant schools within an assigned district.
- Director means the director of the Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools.
- Enrollment begins the day of a student’s registration and attendance in the minimum number of required daily class periods and ceases with the last day of attendance.
- Fan(s) means devotees of a germane activity, e.g., spectators at a sporting event or a performance involving school students.
- High school means a school that offers instruction in the ninth, tenth, eleventh or twelfth grades, or any combination thereof, whether all of the grades are offered instruction in the same building.
- (Not playing for TAPPS Honors - Withdrawn from TAPPS District Participation)): A school may play as a “withdrawn team” if
- the school declares withdrawn status prior to realignment
- If the team is placed in a TAPPS district and later withdraws from competition in the district to play a non-TAPPS schedule
- During the first year of an alignment, the school must compete as a non-TAPPS school for the remainder of the Alignment Cycle.
- During the second year of an alignment, the school may not return to TAPPS competition for the following Alignment Cycle.
- This ‘Withdrawn Team” is subject to all TAPPS rules.
- A $250 per school fee is owed to TAPPS for withdrawal.
- If a team is placed in a district and later withdraws without competing in interscholastic competition for that season, the district shall approve reentry into the district. A $250 per school fee is owed to TAPPS for the withdrawal. All provisions of Section 9 apply.
- Junior high school means a school that offers instruction in the seventh and eighth grades, whether it also offers instruction in the sixth or ninth grade, and whether it occupies a building separate from an elementary or high school.
- TAPPS means the Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools.
- TAPPS contest means competition between a TAPPS school, any other school (TAPPS or non-TAPPS member), and any organized homeschool group in any contest listed in Section 73.
- Nonparticipating school means a member school that has not elected to participate in the germane activity.
- Participant school means member private or parochial school for which the annual event fee has been paid.
- Probation - A given period of time during which a member school, employee(s) of the member schools or a specific program of the member school is subject to critical examination and evaluation to determine if the subject on probation is in compliance with the TAPPS constitution, By-Laws, and contest rules. If the component, while on probation, is found to be in violation of the TAPPS Constitution, By-Laws or Contest rules, that component will be subject to more stringent sanctions.
- Inducement means to encourage students to come to or remain at a member school for the purpose of participating in TAPPS events. Inducement includes but is not limited to the following: offer or acceptance of the payment of tuition; offer or acceptance of board; offer or acceptance of lodging;
- offer or acceptance of transportation;
- offer or acceptance of a job for parent or student;
- offer or acceptance of the payment of athletic camp registration;
- offer or acceptance of payment of cash;
- offer or acceptance of a University or College Scholarship;
- offer or acceptance of free or reduced cost private instruction;
- offer or acceptance of any other valuable consideration to induce the student to enroll in a participant's school.
- Region means a grouping of districts of participant schools that is determined to facilitate reasonable competition among schools certified to represent their districts in League contests.
- School week means the week beginning at 12:01 a.m. on the first instructional day of a calendar week and ends at the close of instruction on the last instructional day of the calendar week, excluding holidays.
- Sponsor means any person who is principally responsible, or responsible by delegation of or directing or coaching any student in TAPPS contests.
- TAPPS Executive Board means the State Executive Board of the Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools as described in Article III, #6 of the Constitution.
- Summer months or summer vacation means from the time TAPPS activities end in May until TAPPS activities begin for the new school year as published in the TAPPS calendar.
- Traditional school year means an approximate nine consecutive months instructional period with an approximate three-month vacation during the summer months.
- Valuable consideration means any tangible or intangible property or service, including anything that is wearable, usable or salable.
- Varsity means a contest entry at the highest level of competition as provided for in the fine arts and athletic plans at which the team, team member, or individual student is designated by the school to represent it in TAPPS district, bi-district, region, state or non-conference contests.
- Athletic Executive Committee means the elected committee described in Section 24 of the TAPPS By-Laws.
- Fine Arts Executive Committee means the appointed committee described in Section 25 of the TAPPS By-Laws.
- Coach:
- Any person who interacts with students in practice or competition in an extracurricular activity including but not limited to:
- Training
- Teaching a skill
- Instruction
- Tutoring
- Drilling
- Exercising
- Preparing
- For TAPPS purposes, coaches positions include but are not limited to all of the following arrangements:
- Paid
- Unpaid
- Full-time
- Part-time
- Stipend Only
- Volunteer
- Team or
- Skills only (pitching, kicking, serve/serve return, goalkeeper, etc.)
- Recreational Opportunities – Open Gym or Open Weight Room
- Schools may provide recreational opportunities for students with advance approval of the school board or administration
- The dates and times of the recreational opportunities (open gym times) shall be announced, posted, or publicized so that every student attending the school is aware of the opportunity to participate.
- Activities shall be on a first come, first serve basis
- School Coaches are responsible for notifying student athletes in their sport that any attendance to or participation in the open gym is strictly voluntary, never required, and is in no way a prerequisite for making a team or gaining playing time.
- No instruction may be given during the open gym.
- Someone other than the coach may be appointed to supervise the gym or facilities.
- Coaches should not participate with their athletes in the athletes’ sport.
- Coach participation with their students places the responsibility on the coach and school to prove they are not violating Sunday and off-season regulations.
- Use of facilities may be restricted to that school’s student body. Note: If only members of an athletic team are participating in their sport in an open recreational facility, it could be deemed a violation of off-season regulations.
- Open Gyms
- During open gyms, the following are acceptable:
- Attendance may be taken
- School equipment may be used
- During open gyms the following are not acceptable:
- Mandatory Attendance
- Posting workouts
- Directing activities
- Demonstrating techniques
- Charting of student achievement
- Grouping of student by performance level or other criteria
- Organizing teams
- Organizing contests or drills
- Open Weight Room
- During open weight, the following are acceptable:
- Attendance may be taken
- School equipment may be used
- Posting workouts
- Directing activities
- Demonstrating techniques
- Charting of student achievement
- Grouping of student by performance level or other criteria
- During open weight rooms the following are not acceptable:
- Mandatory Attendance
- Camp is defined as an organized event with
- a definite beginning and ending date not to exceed 7 consecutive days
- where specific instruction and training in a
- Sport,
- Position,
- skill or
- activity is offered.
- Camp participation should not be mandatory.
- Guardianship (also known as conservatorship) In regards to student eligibility for varsity participation, the board or appointed committee shall determine eligibility. If the student is residing with a guardian, the following conditions may allow a student to participate upon approval and not wait one year from the application for eligibility.
- If a student’s parents are alive but a guardian of his/her person has been established by the appropriate authority and recorded in the county clerk’s office more than one year prior to application,
- If a student’s parents are alive but no legal guardian of his/her person has been established by the appropriate authority and recorded in the county clerk’s office, guardianship may be established if the student has resided with and been supported by the guardian for more than three (3) years prior to application,
- If a student’s parents are deceased and the student resides with and is supported by grandparents, aunt/uncle or brother/sister for TAPPS eligibility purposes.
- If students are placed in a Boarding Facility, as licensed by the state of Texas as a child care facility. This includes students whose parents are living or deceased.
- Gender Identity
- TAPPS recognizes a student’s gender as that which is denoted on the student’s birth certificate as entered at or near the time of the student’s birth.
- TAPPS shall recognize a birth certificate as presented from
- a recognized authority of the State of Texas or
- another such governing body authorized to issue birth certificates for citizens of their jurisdiction in keeping with part A above.
Section 2 – Computation of Time to Act
- Counting after an event. When action is required within a specified period of time after a specific act or occurrence, counting starts the day after the act or occurrence. Do not count Saturday, Sunday or federal or state holidays.
- Counting before an event. When action is required within a specified period of time before a specific occurrence, counting ends the day before the act or occurrence. Count backwards beginning with the day prior to the event to find the date action must be taken. Do not count Saturday, Sunday or federal or state holidays.
Section 3 – Scheduling Restrictions/Accommodation
- In order to provide at least one day of respite from involvement in interscholastic activities each week, TAPPS and TAPPS member schools shall not schedule contests or practices on Sunday. Travel on Sundays is a decision left to the governance of each member school.
- Schools founded on religious tenets that observe the Sabbath other than Sunday may schedule practice or competition on Sunday provided they have notified TAPPS of this request prior to September 1 of each year.
- Under no circumstance shall a school schedule practice or competition which would require the student athlete to participate for seven (7) consecutive days.
- TAPPS shall not schedule practice or contests on Christmas and Easter.
- Individual member schools shall establish their competition schedules in keeping with their individual guiding principles and governance.
- In determining contest dates, member schools should demonstrate the utmost respect for other member schools’ religious observances governing the schools ability to participate.
- Team Sports:
- No member school shall be required to participate on a day of Sabbath observance or a day of traditional religious holidays, to include but not limited to the following:
- Christmas, Easter, Yom Kippur.
- This requirement applies to contests , practices and travel.
- Schedules subject to change in consideration for those schools submitting a request for accommodation for religious observance include
- District
- Post-District
- State
- State Contests
- Any request for accommodation for religious observance must be forwarded to the TAPPS office.
- Individual Competitions:
- Based on the nature of the individual competitions, competitors must compete on the same day and conditions as all other contestants.
- Individual contests are therefore not subject to accommodation for religious observance.
- District, Regional and State competition schedules shall be construed so that religious days of observation are considered when setting the dates of competition.
- Weather related or other emergency situations, which by nature are not planned nor predictable, may necessitate changes that conflict with religious days of observance.
Section 6 - Application for TAPPS Membership
TAPPS has developed the following basic requirements for membership based upon research of those schools applying for and gaining acceptance to the organization. While TAPPS encourages private and parochial schools to view TAPPS membership as an option, schools that are unable to meet their participation goals and commitments harm the district and organization structure. The membership requirements are in place to protect both the applicant schools and the existing member schools.
- Applicant schools must meet the requirements for membership presented in Article III of the TAPPS Constitution
- Requirements at the time of application
- have students in grades 9-12 at the time of application and acceptance for participation
- have a minimum of 20 students in grades 9-12. This is an average of 5 students per grade
- have participated in athletic interscholastic contests at the High School level
- have the recommendation of at least three (3) current TAPPS member schools
- Schools must participate in at least six (6) TAPPS activities upon acceptance
- Boys and girls activities may be counted separately
- Fine Art activities will be included as one activity each
- If the applicant school is a member of an organization similar to TAPPS for extracurricular activities, the school must be in good standing with that organization and eligible for continuing membership in that organization
- Initial request for information
- Complete the Information Request form located on the TAPPS website
- TAPPS office will contact Head Administrator for a phone interview
- Application process
- Phone interview
- After the phone interview, schools meeting the requirements for membership will be forwarded an application for TAPPS membership
- School must complete and return the application with all requested documentation to the TAPPS office
- The Application for Membership must be accompanied with a $200 non-refundable application fee
- Board interview
- Upon receipt of the application and supporting documentation, applicant schools shall be scheduled to interview with the TAPPS executive board
- The interview may be in person or other options as determined by the TAPPS Executive Board.
- Notification
- TAPPS will notify applicant school of acceptance or denial
Subchapter B – Membership in TAPPS
Section 7 – Qualifications for Membership
A member school in good standing is defined as a private or parochial school as described in Article III of the TAPPS Constitution which has:
- returned its annual contract and paid its annual dues and fees by the deadline indicated on the current TAPPS calendar (September 1);
- has met deadlines in submitting required forms and reports to district and state offices;
- has met obligations in regard to competition in scheduled contests;
- has followed the rules and guidelines of the TAPPS Constitution and By-Laws;
- has not been involved with litigation against TAPPS within the past five (5) years; and
- has been approved by an annual majority vote of the TAPPS Executive Board.
- Maintain the minimum number of events required by membership as outlined in Section 6 of the TAPPS By-Laws.
- The first two years a school is a member of the organization, shall be considered a probationary time during which the school’s membership may be subject to review and termination with or without cause.
- If a school voluntarily withdraws membership in TAPPS, the school must wait three realignment cycles before application for reinstatement in TAPPS.
Section 8 – School’s Eligibility to Participate
- General. Unless its right to participate has been suspended or revoked by the TAPPS Executive Board, a school that is a member of TAPPS and has paid the annual TAPPS membership dues and event fees for the particular activity is eligible for competition.
- Exception: Some member schools that do not meet the criteria of private or parochial school as described in Article III of the TAPPS Constitutions that were approved for membership prior to the current definition of private or parochial school, shall remain members of TAPPS so long as they are in good standing and operate as they did when accepted as members of TAPPS.
Section 9 – Membership Dues
- Annual Dues. A school shall pay annual membership dues in an amount determined by the TAPPS Executive Board.
- Event Fees. Each high school that wishes to participate in TAPPS contests shall pay an annual event fee based on the number of activities indicated on the annual contract. The amount of the events fee is determined by the TAPPS Executive Board.
- A school may request to withdraw from an event for which an event fee was paid, however,
- the school must request the withdrawal on the TAPPS form
- there will be a fee of not less than the event fee charged for this action
- A school may request to add an event after submitting their annual contract. In order for the request to be considered,
- the school must request the addition on the TAPPS form
- there will be an additional fee of not less than the event fee charged for this action
- the school must notify the TAPPS office more than 30 days prior to the first competition in the event
- payment must be received in the TAPPS office prior to adding the school to an event or district.
- Special Fee. Events may be assessed a special fee as determined by the TAPPS Executive Board.
Section 10 – Membership and Right to Participate
Each school is responsible for having READ and COMPLIED with the Constitution, By-Laws and Academic, Art, Athletic and Fine Art plans. TAPPS requires all member schools to give each administrator and coach the proper information concerning the particular contest or event and that each school is in compliance with all TAPPS rules and regulations. Each of the following are specific requirements.
- Return the annual contract and certificate of accreditation by the specified date; and
- Pay all dues and fees in full by the specified date; and
- fill out and file the proper eligibility form for each sport and send copies to the District President and TAPPS State office by the specified date; and
- Complete all transfer requirements as set by the TAPPS Constitution, Article V, Item 7 (See By-Laws – Transfer Rule, Section 104); and
- Complete the membership contract and return within the yearly assessment by September 1 of the current year; and
- Complete and mail in by the designated deadline all season reports required; and
- Require a school representative to attend any meeting designated “mandatory” by the TAPPS Executive Board; and
- Comply with the “letter and spirit of the rules and regulations” of the TAPPS Constitution, By-Laws, Athletic, Academic, Art and Fine Art plans; and
- Respond to all requests made by the TAPPS Executive Board and TAPPS State office by the deadline indicated in the correspondence or on the Official TAPPS calendar; (examples include but not limited to: Referendum votes, annual contract, directory information, enrollment forms, surveys, questionnaires; and
- Make provisions for liability and medical insurance on all coaches and players for all TAPPS events.
- The member school must provide the name of the insurance carrier in item #10 when submitting their annual contract.
- RIGHT TO PARTICIPATE. A member school’s right to continue to participate in TAPPS contests may be continued by the school’s timely payment of its annual dues and of the school’s events fee.
- A member school shall maintain the accreditation of the school.
- Accreditation must be with one of the following agencies approved by TEA:
- National Christian Schools Association
- Independent Schools Association of the Southwest
- Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
- Texas Alliance of Accredited Private Schools
- Lutheran Schools Accreditation Commission
- Accreditation Commission of the Texas
- Association of Christian Schools International
- Texas Catholic Conference Education Department
- International Christian Accrediting Association
- Texas Seventh Day Adventist School System
- Southwestern Association of Episcopal Schools
- Association of Christian Teachers and Schools
- Accreditation Commission of the Texas Association of Baptist Schools
- Texas Education Agency See the website for more information
- If a school is not accredited, the school must submit a written statement regarding the school’s academic plan and reason for lack of accreditation. Documentation may be requested by the TAPPS Director or Executive Board to confirm the school’s commitment to student success and achievement of educational goals.
- The accreditation of each TAPPS school is subject to review by the TAPPS Executive Board.
- Fees. No school will be allowed to participate in any event on the district level if they have not paid their events fees for that event to the State Office. A district allowing ineligible schools to participate could forfeit their playoff position in that contest or event.
Section 11 – Event Passes
- The number of events passes each school receives will be determined by the Executive Board.
- The TAPPS card will admit cardholder, spouse and minor children in their company free of charge.
- Passes issued from the following professional organizations will be honored for the cardholder only:
- These passes will be good for any TAPPS contest; including regular season, district, post district and tournaments.
- All TAPPS schools are required to honor the Official TAPPS Pass and the passes from the organizations listed above.
- Schools failing to honor a TAPPS Pass will be subject to sanctions by the TAPPS Executive Board.
- The coach of a team at a championship event will not need a pass; the coach’s spouse may use the coach’s pass for admittance.
- Students or minor children may not present the TAPPS Pass for admittance without the adult holder present.
- Lost passes will not be replaced by the TAPPS office.
- Additional passes may be purchased for $350.00 each.
Section 12 – Legal Action
- In the event that any civil judicial action, including but not limited to a TRO or Temporary Injunction, is brought against TAPPS, the Executive Board, the Fine Arts Executive Committee, the Athletic Executive Committee, any District Committee, any ad hoc or other Committees of the organization, any officer or member of such Boards or Committees, or a TAPPS Member School, for any decision, interpretation, implementation, execution or enforcement of the provisions of the TAPPS Constitution and/or By-Laws, the following actions may be taken:
- stripping awards from teams and/or individual;
- probation of the individual student seeking judicial action and/or the TAPPS member school he/she attends;
- Disqualification from participation for the individual student and/or the full team seeking judicial relief for a full year from the conclusion of the legal action;
- If a lawsuit or judicial action as described in 1 above is filed by a TAPPS Member School, its employee, representative, volunteer, student, or parent or guardian of a student, TAPPS and all of its related representatives and parties shall be reimbursed for any and all expenses and fees in connection with the investigation, defense and resolution of said action.
- Written notice shall be provided for the payment of all expenses and fees incurred as described in 2 above to the party who brought the action. If, within 90 days after receiving said notice, the expenses and fees remain unpaid, the TAPPS Executive Board shall suspend from participation in all TAPPS activities the student(s) and/or TAPPS Member School for a period of one to three years.
(Section 13-15 reserved for expansion)
Subchapter C – Organization and Administration
Section 16 – Composition of TAPPS
Subchapter C
Section 16
Section 17 – TAPPS Binding Actions
TAPPS shall be bound only by those of its actions that are reasonably undertaken by TAPPS officers, pursuant to the TAPPS Constitution, By-Laws and Contest Rules, or to the written resolution or motion passed by the affirmative vote of a 2/3 majority of the members of the TAPPS membership. Actions taken pursuant to this section shall be referred to as binding actions.
Section 18 – Liability Insurance
TAPPS will pay the premium on and be covered by a liability insurance policy. The policy will be in effect as follows:
- All official TAPPS contests and events in which TAPPS secures the site will be covered. This does not include district, bi-district, and some regional events or non-TAPPS activities attended by a TAPPS member school.
- Minimum coverage limits shall be:
- $1,000,000.00 bodily injury
- $1,000,000.00 property damage.
- The TAPPS insurance will not cover participants while actively engaged in practice or games. TAPPS recommends that all member schools provide Liability or Medical insurance for their staff and students who participate in all TAPPS events.
- TAPPS liability insurance will be funded for by using membership assessment monies as directed by the Executive Board.
- This information will be updated as information comes to TAPPS from selected insurance agents.
Section 19 – TAPPS Leadership
- DIRECTOR. The TAPPS Executive Board appoints a person to serve at its pleasure as the Director of Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools. The Director is an employee of TAPPS.
- SUPERVISION. The Director of TAPPS has the responsibility:
- to serve as the chief administrative officer of TAPPS;
- to employ, in accordance with all applicable employment policies of the TAPPS Executive Board, all TAPPS staff and consultants;
- for day to day operation of TAPPS state organization;
- to work within the guidelines set by the TAPPS Constitution, By-Laws, Contest Rules and Executive Board;
- to work closely with the TAPPS Executive Board President on contractual and fiscal matters, board meeting agenda, and other association business;
- for the administration of all events/contests sponsored;
- to prepare the annual budget for TAPPS and submit for approval to the TAPPS Executive Board;
- to take such other, further, and reasonable actions that are necessary or desirable under and consistent with:
- the binding actions taken by the TAPPS Executive Board;
- the TAPPS Constitution, By-Laws, and Contest Rules;
- the law.
- ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR. The TAPPS Executive Board approves a person to serve at its pleasure as the Associate Director of the Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools. The Associate Director is an employee of TAPPS.
- ASSISTANT DIRECTOR. The TAPPS Executive Board approves a person to serve at its pleasure as the Assistant Director of the Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools. The Assistant Director is an employee of TAPPS.
- SUPERVISION. The Associate / Assistant Director has the responsibility:
- To assist the TAPPS Director in the day to day operation of the Association;
- To act as the chief administrative officer of TAPPS in the absence of the Director;
- To become familiar with the duties of the TAPPS staff;
- To perform those duties assigned by the Director;
- To be considered for the role of TAPPS Director when that position is available.
Section 20 – Executive Board
- The executive management, control and final authority of this association belong to the TAPPS Executive Board.
- Composition
- Nine (9) Members as denoted in Article III of the TAPPS Constitution
- The Board members shall occupy one of the nine (9) places
- Members elected to the board shall be subject to reelection as noted in the following:
- Nominations for the odd numbered places shall be accepted and voted upon at the March board meeting each odd numbered year.
- Nominations for the even numbered places shall be accepted and voted upon at the March board meeting each even numbered year.
- In the event a board member cannot finish the elected term, the place shall be filled in accordance with the selection criteria listed herein.
- Requirements
- Full time employee of a TAPPS member school
- Active in the administration, athletic or fine art endeavors of the member school
- New Members must have served TAPPS as active member of one of the leadership committees which include
- Leadership Advisory Council
- Athletic Executive Committee
- Fine Art Executive Committee
- Selection
- Members shall be nominated for open positions on the Executive Board
- Nominees must be presently serving or have served on one of the committees.
- Self-nominations shall be accepted
- Nomination shall include
- Submission of letter of interest
- Submission of resume
- Members of the TAPPS Executive Board shall make final selection based on nominations submitted
- Term
- Board members shall be elected at the March board meeting
- Board member term shall begin with the June board meeting of the election year
- Board member term shall end with the June meeting two years after election
- There is no limit to the number of terms to which a board member can elected
- Duties
- Fulfill the obligations as required by the TAPPS Constitution and By-Laws.
- Establish such guidelines, regulations, policies and procedures as authorized by the TAPPS Constitution and Bylaws
- Establish and levy annual dues and fees.
- Oversight of the financial operations of the organization
- Develop and establish the organization’s annual budget
- Employ an Executive Director and staff as necessary to oversee and direct the daily operations of the associations
- Oversee the membership of the organization including:
- Interview / acceptance of new schools
- Annual review of member school contracts
- Review of member relations and conduct
- Approve and insure events are conducted in accordance with established TAPPS rules, protocols and design.
- Authority
- The TAPPS Executive Board is the full and final authority of the organization
- Assign responsibility for operation of the organization to
- Athletic Executive Committee
- Fine Art Executive Committee
- Ad hoc committees as established by the Executive Board
- TAPPS staff
- The board has the authority to
- Initiate and require investigation
- Impose penalty and sanctions
- Hear appeal of previous decisions
Section 21 – Leadership Advisory Council
Section 22 – Athletic Executive Committee
- Composition:
- The AEC will be comprised of one elected member from each classification and three at large members. The elected AEC shall make recommendations to the TAPPS Executive Board for an additional three members. The Board will appoint at large members from the list of nominations presented by the AEC.
- Members are not eligible for election or selection if their school is represented with a sitting member on the Executive Board. Every effort will be made to not overlap representation with the Fine Arts committee. The Executive Board shall make final determination should participation on the AEC come into question.
- AEC elected members shall be elected every two years in even numbered years to run with re-classification. If an AEC member moves to a different classification during their term, then the sitting AEC will appoint an interim member to serve the rest of that term. Appointed AEC members shall be re-appointed at the end of each classification year.
- Appointed members are only eligible for reappointment for 3 consecutive terms. There are no term limits for elected AEC members.
- Elections shall be held by the end of August whenever possible. Special elections or amended election dates shall be at the discretion of the Executive Board.
- Criteria of Elected and Appointed AEC Members:
- Serve or Served as a District President, Vice President or existing AEC member and
- Be employed in a Full time Position with TAPPS Member School
- Appointed members must have been on the most recent AEC election ballot.
- Responsibilities:
- Athletic Policy
- Review all athletic policies as shown in Sections 103 – 199 of the TAPPS Bylaws
- Make recommendation on athletic policy to the Executive Board
- Advise the TAPPS board on policy impact and financial implications.
- General Policy
- Review general policies as shown in Sections 1 -129 of the TAPPS By-Laws.
- Make recommendation on general policies to the Executive Board
- Governance
- Facilitate and assist District Executive Committees in meetings regarding potential TAPPS violations by students or school personnel.
- The District shall determine any violations
- The District will issue any sanctions necessary.
- In the event of an appeal, the AEC representative will report findings to the Board at the appeal meeting.
- A committee of a minimum of 3 AEC members may be created to conduct an intermediary hearing with issues that may cross districts or classifications. The AEC will issue sanctions in these situations. In the event of an appeal, the AEC representative(s) will report findings to the Board at the appeal meeting.
- The AEC will also hear appeals and issue sanctions involving athletic competition governed in the Athletic Bylaws.
- Local mentorship of AEC members to Athletic Directors.
- The AEC may be directed to create ad hoc committees to assist with sport specific concerns.
Section 23 – Fine Arts Executive Committee
- Composition
- The Fine Arts Executive Committee shall be a selected body consisting of not more than ten (10) members.
- Term of office
- Each term shall be no longer than 3 years
- An FAEC representative may be selected for no more than two consecutive terms.
- Governance
- General Governance (Sections 1-129 of the TAPPS By-Laws)
- Recommend changes to governance to the Executive Board
- Review and recommend changes to governance presented by membership
- General Athletic Governance (Sections 130-142)
- Recommend changes to governance to the Executive Board
- Review recommend changes to governance presented by membership
- Fine Art Activities (Sections 199-263)
- Recommend changes to governance to the Executive Board
- Review recommend changes to governance presented by membership
- Duties of the FAEC
- Mentoring
- Mentoring Fine Art Directors new to the position in TAPPS
- Provide Educational Training at TAPPS sponsored events.
- Assist District / Regional meetings pertaining to
- Planning
- Disciplinary issues.
- Alignment
- Fall Activities
- Spring Activities
- Championship Planning
- Approve Championship Formats
- Approve / Assist in planning of District or Regional Events
- Activities hosted by TAPPS
- Committee members shall attend and represent TAPPS at Regional or State events hosted by TAPPS.
- Committee members shall provide assistance as necessary for Fine Art events with duties to include:
- Event Management
- Awards
Section 24 – District Executive Committee
- JURISDICTION. The district executive committee shall decide reports of violations concerning eligibility and other violations of the Constitution, By-Laws and Contest Rules that occur within its district. A person who represents a school involved in a report may not participate in the committee’s decision.
- COMPOSITION. The district executive committee is composed of the superintendents of participant schools competing in the assigned TAPPS playing district. The superintendent may designate administrators to represent participant schools on the district executive committee. The superintendent may appoint an alternate to serve in the event the superintendent or the designated representative cannot attend a meeting.
- Organizational Meeting. The temporary district president shall call a district meeting to organize the district. Subsequent regular and special business meetings shall be called by the district president as needed or upon the request of a member of the committee.
- New District. In each new district a temporary president shall be appointed by the TAPPS Director. This temporary president shall serve until the district executive committee elects a president.
- Temporary President. Until a president for the current school year’s district has been elected, the president of the previous district executive committee or the person appointed by the TAPPS Director shall serve as temporary president and be authorized to call meetings of the participant schools.
- Vice President. The district executive committee shall elect a vice president to represents a participant school involved in a matter which would prevent the president from casting a vote.
- Vacancies. In the event a president or vice president has been elected by the committee and becomes for any reason unable to serve, the district executive committee shall elect another president or vice president. The vice president shall serve in the capacity of acting president until the committee elects a new president.
- Failure to create a district executive committee in accordance with the above procedures will result in sanctions against the district and the schools involved.
- MEETINGS. In accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, a district executive committee may hold meetings.
- CONDUCT OF BUSINESS. The president of the district executive committee shall direct the work of the committee pursuant to the TAPPS Constitution, By-Laws and Contest Rules. The business of the committee may be conducted informally.
- VOTES. Each participant school in the assigned district shall have one vote.
- VOTING ON BUSINESS ITEMS. In order to take binding actions on items of business, the committee must vote in accordance with the Constitution.
- Inquiry Concerning Involvement. Prior to calling for a vote, the district president shall ask each member if he or she or the participant school represented is involved in the question.
- Determination of Involvement. Involvement in a question shall be determined on a factual, case by case, basis.
- Involved Not Entitled to Vote. A member of the committee shall not be entitled to vote in a case in which he or she or the participant school represented is involved. This includes the representative from the school:
- that is making a report of violation;
- that is being charged with a violation;
- that the student in question is leaving; or
- that the student in question is changing to.
- Transferal of Case. If the president determines that fewer than three members of the committee remain entitled to vote in the case, the president may immediately transfer the record of the case to the TAPPS Executive Board for disposition.
- RESPONSIBILITIES. In addition to those responsibilities found elsewhere in the TAPPS Constitution, By-Laws and Contest Rules for a district executive committee, it shall have the following responsibilities:
- Enforcement. The district executive committee shall enforce all rules contained in the TAPPS Constitution, By-Laws and Contest Rules. This includes assessing a penalty for every rule violation.
- Investigations. The district executive committee shall investigate the eligibility of contestants.
- Assist Other Participant Schools. The district executive committee shall furnish, upon the request of participant schools in the district, a list of eligible players submitted by each participant school.
- Disputes; Eligibility Questions. The district executive committee shall try to settle within the district all disputes and shall decide all questions of eligibility according to the Constitution, By-Laws and Contest Rules. The district executive committee may, by majority vote, request the TAPPS Executive Board to assume original jurisdiction of disputes or eligibility questions.
- Notification of Appeals. The district executive committee shall make appeals in writing to the president of the TAPPS Executive Board, through the TAPPS Director.
- Determination of Tie Breaker Process. The district executive committee shall determine in writing prior to a contest’s season the method to determine the district representatives in the event two or more schools are tied in win/loss percentages.
- Other Required or Desirable Actions. The district executive committee shall take such other action that is reasonable, necessary or desirable, and consistent with the TAPPS Constitution, By-Laws and Contest Rules, and the law.
- The District Executive Committee shall appoint a representative from the district schools to report the district standings as required by TAPPS in each team sport.
- PERMISSIBLE ZONES. The district executive committee, by majority vote, may subdivide for contest purposes into geographic zones. The zones of a district shall contain an equal number of teams, or as nearly equal as possible. For example: a 16-team district shall be divided 8-8; a 14-team district shall be divided 8-6 unless by unanimous vote the district wants a 7-7 division. Districts with fewer than 14 schools shall divide into zones with an equal number of teams, or as nearly equal as possible.
- Eligibility Questions. The district executive committee does not have the authority to vote a student eligible when that student does not meet the requirements of the TAPPS Constitution or By-Laws.
- Subdividing into Zones. The district executive committee may not subdivide into zones for contest purposes according to the size of the schools, previous success, or win/loss records.
- CONSEQUENCES OF UNAUTHORIZED COMMITTEE ACTION. The TAPPS Executive Board shall have the authority to reject for post-district competition any participant school or its representative contestant whose district executive committee is found to have failed to comply with any rule of the Constitution, By-Laws and Contest Rules, or the TAPPS Executive Board.
Section 25 – Responsibilities of the Superintendent / Head Admin.
The superintendent/headmaster of a member school:
- shall exercise direction and management of all TAPPS contests and scrimmages in which schools in the district compete, including appointing a game administrator for all home TAPPS varsity athletic team contests;
- shall enforce all rules of eligibility with respect to the students in their school;
- shall be responsible for fully cooperating with persons who are appointed by the District President, the TAPPS Executive Board, Fine Arts/Athletic Executive Committees or the TAPPS Director, to investigate allegations against the school, student representatives, or school district personnel;
- shall promptly report to the district executive committee any violation of the TAPPS Constitution, By-Laws and Contest Rules by a student or participant school within the school or other schools unless the violation has already been reported;
- shall provide the district executive committee with full disclosure when a student’s grade, given by a teacher, is modified by an administrator in such a manner that affects TAPPS eligibility;
- shall determine that the events fee is paid;
- shall require the Professional Acknowledgment Form for all of the school’s coaches and sponsors of TAPPS academic, art and music activities (grades 9-12); a Student Acknowledgment of Rules Form from each competing student (Fine Arts and Athletics); and a completed Medical History and Physical Examination form for all athletes at the beginning of each school year. These forms shall be kept on file in the superintendent’s office.
- shall require an annual orientation for all 9-12 grade TAPPS directors, sponsors, advisers and coaches regarding TAPPS rules, expectations regarding appropriate conduct during TAPPS contests, goals and purposes;
- shall approve all athletic and fine arts schedule; and
- shall insure that results from all TAPPS contests are reported within 48 hours as prescribed in the TAPPS manual.
Subchapter D – Violations and Protests
Section 26 – Violations / Penalties Reported to the TAPPS Office
Failure to follow rules listed in the constitution, by-laws and athletic manual is a violation.
The minutes of the district meeting, including violations and penalties imposed by the District Executive Committee are to be sent in writing to the state office within three working days.
Section 27 – Conduct Subject to Protest
- PROTEST OF PARTICIPANT SCHOOL. A participant school may protest an act or omission that is a violation of the TAPPS Constitution, By-Laws or Contest Rules, but may not protest a contest judge’s / referee’s or other official’s decision.
- PROTEST OF AN INDIVIDUAL. If an individual protests an act or omission that is a violation of the TAPPS Constitution, By-Laws or Contest Rules,
- the superintendent should try to resolve the protest within 15 days.
- If the individual is not satisfied with the disposition of the protest, the superintendent shall notify the individual that the individual may file the protest with the District Executive Committee.
- If still dissatisfied with the District Executive Committee’s disposition of the case, and if further information is forthcoming, the case may referred to the
- Athletic Executive Committee
- Fine Arts Executive Committee
- If still dissatisfied with the District Executive Committee’s decision, the case may be referred to the TAPPS Executive Board to determine if there is substance to rehear the case.
- PROTEST OF DISTRICT EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DECISION. If an individual or school is not satisfied with the decision and/or sanctions of the District Executive Committee,
- The Individual or School may file a protest with the TAPPS office to be directed to the
- Athletic Executive Committee; or
- Fine Arts Executive Committee
- If still dissatisfied with the District Executive Committee’s decision, the Individual or School may file an appeal of the case to be referred to the TAPPS Executive Board to determine if there is substance to rehear the case.
Section 28 – Filing a Protest
The superintendent or designated administrator must file the protest in writing with either the executive committee or the TAPPS Executive Board, whichever is appropriate. The protest must be filed within a reasonable time, not to exceed ten days from the date of official notification from TAPPS. The committee shall determine on a case-by-case basis what is a reasonable time, however, there is no time limit to protest eligibility or any other rule which imposes mandatory penalties.
Section 29 – Report of a Violation
A superintendent, principal, school administrator, teacher, coach, or sponsor may report an alleged violation of the TAPPS Constitution, By-Laws and/or Contest Rules by his or her school. The report must be in writing and filed with the district executive committee or the TAPPS Executive Board, whichever is appropriate, within a reasonable time. The committee shall determine on a case-by-case basis what is a reasonable period of time, however, there is no time limit to protest eligibility or any other rule which imposes mandatory penalties.
Section 30 – Investigation of Protests or Allegations
- DIRECTOR’S INVESTIGATION. The Director shall investigate each protest or allegation filed that is within the jurisdiction of the TAPPS Executive Board and report all findings to the appropriate committee.
- SUBMISSION OF RECORDS. In response to a request by the TAPPS Executive Board, Athletic Executive Committee, Fine Arts Executive Committee, district executive committee, or Director, a member school shall submit its records that are germane to the protest filed or being investigated.
- INVESTIGATION BY OTHERS. The district executive committee, or an ad hoc committee approved by the district executive committee, may investigate protests or allegations within the district.
Evidence Review
Section 31 – Probations and Sanctions
- A school that returns its membership contract but fails to submit the contract by September 1 of the current year, or the completed enrollment form by the published due date, is considered late and will result in the following Executive Board actions.
- Failure to comply with any part(s) of Section 10 “Membership and Right to Participate” may result in the member school being placed on probation. Failure to correct the situation and demonstrate positive membership in the state organization will lead to:
- The school’s being able to participate on the district level, but not the play-offs.
- Ultimately a year (or more) suspension from membership in TAPPS may be handed down by the Executive Board.
- Schools leaving TAPPS while on probation will serve that probation upon re-admittance to TAPPS.
- TAPPS member schools eligible for participation in state athletic play-offs or state fine arts competition, but refuse to participate in the play-offs, will be sanctioned.
- No member of that team will be considered for all state recognition.
- Schools must submit in writing a detailed explanation for nonparticipation.
- The member school will be assessed a fee of not less than $100, which must be received by the TAPPS office prior to the school participating in any other TAPPS sponsored event (District, Regional, or State). Exception: See Section 141.A.13 for the exception to this rule.
- Probation – either the District Executive Committee or the TAPPS Executive Board may place a member school, employee(s) of the school, or specific program of the member school on probation for a given period of time in order to examine and evaluate if the subject on probation is in compliance with the TAPPS Constitution, By-Laws and/or Contest Rules. The District Executive Committee may place schools on probation for up to one year. The Executive Board may place schools on probation for up to three years, followed by reevaluation.
(Sections 32-34 reserved for expansion.)
Subchapter E – Committee Meetings and Appeals
Section 35 – Committee Meetings and Appeals
When it is necessary for a district executive committee, the Fine Arts Executive Committee, Athletic Executive Committee or the TAPPS Executive Board, to make a determination with regard to the applicability of TAPPS rules to persons within the jurisdiction of TAPPS, including eligibility cases or alleged violations of TAPPS rules, the applicable committee shall have the option of making a decision on the matter based upon written submissions or convening an informal meeting to discuss the matter in an effort to achieve an equitable resolution. Cases involving school district personnel shall be heard by the Fine Arts Executive Committee or the Athletic Executive Committee pursuant to the rules adopted by the TAPPS Executive Board. Final appeals shall be heard by the TAPPS Executive Board.
If a decision is made to hold an informal meeting (hearing), the interested parties should be given written notice of the meeting and invited to attend. All decisions by committees shall be in writing, whether based upon a written submission or testimony at an informal meeting.
(Sections 36-39 reserved for expansion.)
Section 40 – Appeals
- APPEALS TO TAPPS Decisions by a district executive committee may be appealed to the Executive Board which shall have the discretion to either accept or decline to hear the appeal. If the appeal is heard:
- The appeal may be
- Referred back to the original committee
- Granted
- Rejected-The committee hearing the appeal may accept the sanctions presented, reduce the sanctions or add additional sanctions based on their findings.
- An appeal to the Executive Board shall carry a minimum fee of $200. This fee shall be nonrefundable and due within 10 days of the appeal.
- An additional fee may be charged for any in person appeal in which the board must convene outside of its posted meeting schedule.
- Method of appeal shall be determined by the Executive Board. Methods of appeal may include the following:
- Appeal by email – All information, representing both sides of appeal, is submitted to the TAPPS Office on the appeal form located on the TAPPS website, which in turn is forwarded to the appropriate executive committee for decision without discussion. TAPPS office will contact both parties involved in the appeal, make sure all documentation and written testimony is complete before faxing it to the Board. The executive committee’s decision may be appealed to the TAPPS Executive Board, whose decision is final.
- Appeal by conference call –
- All information, representing both sides of appeal, is submitted to the TAPPS Office on the appeal form located on the TAPPS website
- At the request of the person making the appeal, a conference call hearing is held.
- All information, representing both sides of appeal, is submitted to the TAPPS Office on the appeal form located on the TAPPS website
- Parties involved in an appeal can wait for the next scheduled board/committee meeting and appear for a hearing in person.
- Appealing party is responsible for all costs associated with the special meeting if the timing of the issues requires a special meeting of the committee or board.
- Appeal of a District, Executive Committee, or Executive Board action must be received in the TAPPS office within ten days of notification of findings. After ten calendar days, the District, Executive Committee or Board action will become final if no appeal has been received.
- A member school may have a legal representation present at an appeal to provide advice for the school. However, only the school personnel will be allowed to make a presentation or direct questioning to the ruling body.
- Decisions of the TAPPS Executive Board may be appealed by participant schools affected by the decision.
- Schools whose original appeals are denied by the TAPPS Executive Board may not appeal.
(Sections 41-44 reserved for expansion.)
Subchapter F – Rules and Amendments
Section 45 – Official Interpretations of Rules
- APPLICATION TO TAPPS EXECUTIVE BOARD. Anyone may request through the TAPPS State Office that the TAPPS Executive Board issue an Official Interpretation of a TAPPS rule.
- BINDING EFFECT OF OFFICIAL INTERPRETATION. The Official Interpretation of any of these rules by the TAPPS Executive Board shall be the final, authoritative explanation of the rules so interpreted; no other interpretation by any person is binding on TAPPS.
- RELIANCE ON OTHER INTERPRETATIONS. Anyone relying on an interpretation other than the TAPPS Executive Board, except as provided for under Section 46, below, regarding official TAPPS staff interpretations, risks the consequences, including the imposition of penalties.
- CONTENTS. The TAPPS Executive Board in determining its Official Interpretations of the rules of TAPPS shall state clearly and concisely:
- the language of the interpretation; and
- any consequent instructions to the Director for his subsequent execution or administration of actions on the Board’s behalf including the publication of brief summaries of the Official Interpretations in the TAPPS News briefs and in the TAPPS Constitution, By-Laws and Contest Rules.
Section 46 – Official Staff Interpretations
- AUTHORIZED INTERPRETATIONS. Those staff members of TAPPS who are authorized by the Director may issue written staff interpretations of general applicability that constitute binding actions of TAPPS so long as the conditions set out below have been fulfilled in advance.
- CONDITIONS FOR ISSUANCE. If a person requests a staff interpretation in writing, and accompanies the request with an application for an Official Interpretation by the TAPPS Executive Board, then the staff member may issue a written statement of general applicability that implements, interprets, or prescribes TAPPS policy or procedure or practice requirements. This statement shall be referred to as a staff interpretation.
- EFFECT OF STAFF INTERPRETATION. The statement issued to the applicant may be relied upon until the TAPPS Executive Board issues its order on the application.
- NO ORAL REQUESTS ACCEPTED. No oral requests for staff interpretation will be accepted.
- NO ORAL OR WRITTEN OPINIONS BINDING. No oral or written opinions will be considered staff interpretations and they will not be considered binding on TAPPS. Persons relying upon oral or written opinions do so at their own risk.
Section 47 – Rules of Construction
- GENERAL CONSTRUCTION. Generally, the rules of TAPPS shall be broadly construed to give reasonable effect to the intentions, purposes, and objectives of TAPPS. However, rules involving eligibility, rules involving violations, and rules involving penalties shall be strictly construed.
- MANDATORY, PERMISSIVE, DIRECTORY, FACTUAL. Rules are mandatory if the word “shall” is written; permissive if the word “may” is written, directory if the word ”should” is written; and state factual or expected events of past, present, or future times by writing those tenses of the verb “to be” or in the present tense.
- TAPPS CONSTITUTION PREVAILS OVER CONTEST RULES. Where any term or section of the Contest Rules is found to be inconsistent with the Constitution, the Constitution shall prevail and apply and the remaining terms and sections of the Contest Rules shall continue in effect.
- STATE LAW PREVAILS OVER TAPPS CONSTITUTION, BY-LAWS AND CONTEST RULES. Where any term or section of the TAPPS Constitution, By-Laws and Contest Rules is found to be inconsistent with the laws of the State of Texas, the laws shall prevail and the remaining terms and actions of the TAPPS Constitution, By-Laws and Contest Rules shall continue in effect.
- EFFECT OF TITLES. The titles appearing throughout the TAPPS Constitution, By-Laws and Contest Rules are for descriptive purposes only.
(Sections 48-51 reserved for expansion.)
Section 52 – Proposed Amendments to the By-Laws and Contest Rules
Amendment Proposal Form
Process Flow Chart
Subchapter G – Classifications and Districts
Section 57 – Establishing Classifications
- Before May 1 of each even numbered year, TAPPS shall establish classifications for TAPPS contests, and shall assign each participant school wishing to compete in TAPPS
- activities to an appropriate district, division, and region, where applicable.
- These classifications, divisions, regions, and districts shall be maintained for the next two school years.
- TAPPS shall publish the classification, division, region, and district assignments for each participant school.
Section 58 – Classification Based on Enrollment
- ENROLLMENT. Participant schools shall be assigned to a classification on the basis of an average enrollment of three dates taken from the previous school year and one date taken from the current school year. The formula used to determine enrollment shall be:
- Enrollment Dates and Calculation.
- Enrollment on each of the three (3) transfer deadlines from the previous school year for grades 9-12;
- three times the enrollment on the Fall transfer deadline of the current school year for grades 9-12;
- the sum of 1 and 2 above to be divided by six to produce the average enrollment used in determining classification for the next two year cycle.
- The alignment cycle shall begin the Fall of the next even numbered school year. Other formulas may be reviewed by the Executive Board or appointed committee for use in the classification process.
- Enrollment of New Participant School. New schools shall be assigned to a classification based on
- previous enrollment figures;
- current enrollment; or
- projected enrollment as determined by the Executive Board.
- CLASSIFICATIONS (CLASSES). Participating high schools shall be divided into classifications for the 2020-21 and 2021-22 school years according to the following enrollments:
2022-24 General Alignment Table
Classification | Minimum | Maximum |
6A | 410 | And up |
5A | 245 | 409 |
4A | 149 | 244 |
3A | 100 | 148 |
2A | 67 | 99 |
1A | Up to | 66 |
Section 59 – Competition by a New School
- A participant school just admitted to TAPPS for competition shall be assigned to a classification, division, region, and district, and the member schools of that district shall be notified by TAPPS.
- If district schedules are already set with all schools playing the maximum number of games and tournaments allowed, the district is not required to change the schedule to admit the new school, until schedules for the next year are established
- District schools having open dates during the district schedule or within two weeks of the beginning of the district schedule are to schedule the new school where possible
- If by using open dates, the new school can play all district schools as required, the new school may compete for district honors
- If the new school cannot play all district schools as required, it cannot be considered for district honors
- DISTRICT CORRESPONDENCE. The new school is to be included in all district correspondence, meetings, and communication in order to establish relations with the member schools of the district
- COMPETING FOR HONORS. If a new school cannot compete for district honors due to the schedule, the new school shall not be required to pay event fees for that activity
- Due to two-year contracts, it may be two years before a new school can be included in a football district.
Section 60 – District Reassignment by Agreement
A school may seek reassignment to a new district by agreement.
- After the district assignments have been published, and within the time frame posted for filing appeals, if a school seeks to change its district assignment by agreement, it must:
- obtain the unanimous written approval of the schools in the district to which it was assigned (email confirmation will suffice); and,
- obtain the unanimous written approval of the schools in the district to which it wants to be assigned (email confirmation will suffice); and,
- promptly inform TAPPS of the proposed reassignment.
- If TAPPS determines that the school is entitled to be reassigned, TAPPS shall reassign the school as it proposed and notify all the schools and districts affected by the district reassignment.
- Final approval of all district assignment(s) rests with the TAPPS Executive Board.
Section 61 – Appeal of District Assignment
- APPEAL REVIEW. The TAPPS Executive Board is responsible for assigning all schools to classifications, divisions, regions, and districts. The TAPPS Executive Board serves as the FINAL review for appeals.
- A school may appeal its assignment to a classification, division, region or district, after the district assignments have been posted and within the time frame posted for filing appeals.
- The school shall file its appeal on the form provided for realignment appeals located on the TAPPS website.
- REVIEW. Upon timely receipt of an appeal, the TAPPS Executive Board shall review the request, taking into consideration all information as to the impact of the request on all member schools and what is in the best interest of the association.
- MEMBER INVOLVED. If a member of the TAPPS Executive Board is involved in or affected by the appeal, that member shall abstain from all deliberations and voting.
- GROUNDS FOR CLASSIFICATION REVIEW. With respect to classification decisions, a ground for review is an error in the enrollment basis. Schools may not appeal to be assigned to a smaller classification or division based on evidence that they submitted figures that were too high, unless original documents verifying the error(s) are presented to TAPPS. Additional grounds for review may be established by the TAPPS Executive Board.
- DECISION OF THE BOARD. After review of the appeal, the TAPPS Executive Board shall issue a decision in writing. TAPPS shall promptly notify each school and district affected by the Board’s decision.
Section 62 – Final District Assignments and Contracting Games
- When all reviews and appeals of classification decisions and assignments to districts have been made, the classifications and assignments to districts shall be final on the date shown on the TAPPS calendar.
- Until the classification and district assignments are final, contracts for contests by schools are not effective.
- A school may be disqualified for district honors for up to two years in that sport for contracting games with schools prior to the finalization of the reclassification and realignment process.
- All football games shall be contracted with a fully executed copy of the agreement kept on file by both schools, and submitted to the TAPPS office.
(Sections 63-66 reserved for expansion.)
Subchapter H – Non Discrimination Policy
Section 67 – Non-Discrimination Policy
No student otherwise eligible under TAPPS Constitution shall be denied, because of race, color, sex, or national origin, the equal opportunity:
- to try out for and if selected, participate in the Fine Arts Plan contests offered by the member school district;
- to try out for and, if selected, participate in
- Cross Country,
- Golf,
- Swimming and Diving,
- Tennis, or
- Track and Field
- Wrestling
- Individual Athletic Plans
- Schools that offer any of these plans may not permit mixed or unequal plans for boys and girls. Each of the above named activities is classified as an individual sport and therefore, female students may not participate on boys teams as the opportunity exists to participate at the district, regional and state levels as an individual.
- to try out for and, if selected, participate in the corresponding Athletic Plans as follows:
Corresponding Athletic Plans |
Boys Plans | Girls Plans |
Boys Basketball | Girls Basketball |
Boys Soccer | Girls Soccer |
Schools offering these plans may not permit boys to participate on girls’ teams, nor girls to participate on boys’ teams, nor permit mixed team participation.
- TAPPS football – girls may participate, but any accommodations shall lie with the member school and not the host school for any contest.
- TAPPS Volleyball is for girls only. Boys may not participate in TAPPS Volleyball.
- TAPPS Wrestling is for boys only. Girls may not participate in TAPPS Wrestling.
- Exceptions: If one of the following conditions exists, a female student may try out for and, if selected, participate on the corresponding boys’ team:
- the school does not have the corresponding Girls’ Basketball Plan to the TAPPS Boys’ Basketball Plan it offers; or
- the school does not have the corresponding Girls’ Soccer Plan to the TAPPS Boys’ Soccer Plan it offers;
- the female student desires to participate in the high school Baseball Plan, however, girls shall not participate in both baseball and girls’ softball at the same time.
Section 68 – Exceptions to Non-Discrimination Policy
Only girls eligible under Article V of the TAPPS Constitution may try out for and participate under the High School Athletic Plans designated for girls’ teams. Boys shall not play on girls’ teams.
(Section 69-72 reserved for expansion.)
(Subchapter I reserved for expansion.)
Subchapter J – Contests
Section 72 – Henderson Cup
- OVERALL STATE CHAMPION. In order to recognize state champions in Art, Academics, Vocal and Instrumental Music, and various team sports, TAPPS awards an Overall State Championship Trophy – The Henderson Championship Cup to the school in each classification that accumulates the most points in all competitions. The HENDERSON CUP shall keep the traveling trophy for one year, then return it for presentation to the next year’s winner. A plate shall be added to the trophy each year indicating the school name and year of the latest recipient.
- Awarded as outlined in the chart below
- Ties:
- See the TAPPS Tie Breaker Manual for additional information.
State Champion | 10 points |
State Runner up | 8 points |
Regional winner or 3rd place in State | 6 points |
Area winner or 4th place in State | 4 points |
Bi-district winner or 5th place in State | 2 points |
Playoff Qualifier or 6th place in State | 1 point |
Section 73 – TAPPS Contests
TAPPS shall conduct ANNUAL CONTESTS, as follows:
- Academics
- Yearbook
- Ready Writing
- Spelling
- Science
- Social Studies
- Number Sense
- Calculator
- Mathematics
- Advanced Mathematics
- Spanish
- Current Events and Issues
- Literary Criticism
- Persuasive Speaking
- Poetry Interpretation
- Prose Interpretation
- Original Oratory
- Solo Acting
- Duet Acting
- Lincoln-Douglas Debate
- Art
- Drawing Black and White
- Drawing Color
- Communication Design
- Computer Rendered Art
- Painting
- Printmaking
- 2D Mixed Media
- Photography Black and White
- Photography Color
- Sculpture
- Relief
- Fashion Design, Textile Arts, and Jewelry Design
- Applied/Industrial Design
- Pottery, Ceramics, Plastic Arts
- Senior Portfolio
- On-Site Drawing
- Art History
- Seek & Sketch – Black and White
- Seek and Sketch – Color
- Short Film
- Vocal Music
- Male Solo
- Female Solo
- Small Ensemble
- Pop/Show Ensemble
- Sacred Ensemble
- Large Ensemble
- Piano Solo
- Band Music
- Woodwind Solo
- Brass Solo
- Percussion Solo
- Piano Solo
- Small Ensemble
- Handbell Ensemble
- Medium Ensemble
- Jazz Band
- Large Ensemble
- String Music
- String Solo
- Piano Solo
- Small Ensemble
- Medium Ensemble
- Large Ensemble
- Drumline
- Fall Band
A. Marching Band
B. Field Band
- One Act Play
- Spirit
- Cheer
- Dance
- Robotics
- Athletics
- Baseball -Boys
- Basketball -Boys
- Basketball -Girls
- Cross Country -Boys
- Cross Country -Girls
- Fall Soccer -Boys
- Football ( 6-man) -Boys
- Football (11-man) -Boys
- Golf -Boys
- Golf -Girls
- Softball -Girls
- Swimming/Diving -Boys
- Swimming/Diving -Girls
- Tennis -Boys
- Tennis -Girls
- Track and Field -Boys
- Track and Field -Girls
- Volleyball -Girls
- Winter Soccer -Boys
- Winter Soccer -Girls
- Wrestling -Boys
Section 74 – Official Calendar Published
Before June 15 the Director shall announce the official calendar for TAPPS contests for the coming year.
Section 75 – Scheduling Contests
The TAPPS Executive Board shall establish dates for district certification, playoff games and state championship games.
- Districts will design their schedules to complete the district contest, including makeup or playoff games, prior to the district certification deadline.
- If it appears not to be feasible to hold a contest at the scheduled place or time because of weather, facilities, or other cause, the Director shall determine where, when, or if the contest will be held.
(Section 76 reserved for expansion.)
Subchapter K – Eligibility
Section 77 - No Pass, No Play
This section applies to the eligibility of students based on grades.TAPPS rules in this section provide the minimum requirements. Member school rules may be more restrictive.
- Time Frame
- The rules presented in this section govern student eligibility
- During the school year and
- the school year grading periods.
- No Pass / No Play requirements do not apply to
- Summer participation
- Breaks between semesters/trimesters(exception: District Contests)
- Activities
- Athletics
- Fine Arts
- Courses
- All courses in which a student is enrolled
- Course structure includes the following
- Brick and Mortar
- Virtual
- Dual Credit
- Grading
- Passing grade levels shall be established by the TAPPS member school.
- Any additional grade points for Honors/Accelerated courses shall be local control.
- Grading may be numerical or pass/fail.
- A grade of incomplete shall be considered a failing grade for purposes of establishing student eligibility if not resolved within one week of the end of the grading period.
- Students whose courses are graded on a semester basis are still required to have a grade review at no later than nine weeks for eligibility purposes in alignment with the member school grading periods.(including Dual Credit)
- Grading Periods
- Grading periods shall be established by the TAPPS member school.
- For the purpose of this section, student grades must be reviewed after each grading period.
- For the purpose of this section, grades must be checked no longer than each 9 weeks.
- Period of Ineligibility
- Students failing more than one course are ineligible for a minimum of two weeks.
- The period of ineligibility shall begin no later than 1 week after grades are announced and shall continue for 14 days.
- A student who continues to fail more than one course (not limited to the initial courses) shall be ineligible on a week to week basis until such time as the student is failing no more than one course.
- A student who is failing no more than one course after the 14 days shall be considered eligible to participate in activities.
Section 78 – Border Schools – International Commuter Student Eligibility
This section applies to those students who attend a TAPPS member school located near an international border.
- In order to establish eligibility, these students must
- Reside with their parents
- In a residence no more than 75 miles from the school
- Not reside on a temporary basis with any other party either in the
- United States or
- foreign country
- Students are in good standing with all local regulations regarding commuting across international borders.
- Students must be full time day students at the TAPPS member school
- The Transfer Process as described in Section 104 of the TAPPS Bylaws must be followed for all students.
- All students who are not citizens of the United States are subject to the eligibility restrictions set forth in Section 102 of the TAPPS By-Laws. This includes but is not limited to eligibility being withdrawn (Section 102) if the student
- Receives advanced training or
- participates on any international team
- Students who meet the above conditions shall be subject to the eligibility considerations as citizen students.
- The TAPPS member school shall maintain records which verify residency and status which shall include
- Visa or Passport
- Proof of Residence
- Lease or purchase agreement for housing
- Utility bills for this primary student residence.
- Or any other documentation as requested by TAPPS.
Section 79 – Boarding School
For the purposes of Student Eligibility, TAPPS will review and approve schools to be Approved Boarding Schools. The TAPPS Executive Board will approve all Boarding schools.
- A boarding school is a residential private school.
- Students actually live in dormitories or resident halls on school owned property.
- The dormitories are supervised by members of the school’s staff who are usually faculty.
- Reasonable payment for Boarding is made to the school.
- Make application to the TAPPS Executive Board
- Meet with the TAPPS Executive Board
- Gain approval from the TAPPS Executive Board
- Transfer Forms will be obtained from all incoming 9-12th grade students who have participated in athletics at their previous school.
- Boarding School Questionnaire will be obtained from all Students if directed by the board
- Attested to by Student
- Attested to by Parent
- All International Student documentation will be kept on file and available for review
- Application
- I-20
- Room and Board Agreement
- Medical Release
- Copy of Passport
- Copy of Visa
- Other Documentation as requested by TAPPS
- Schools shall attend all scheduled TAPPS Approved Boarding School meetings
- Day students who attend the Boarding School are subject to all TAPPS rules and regulations, including Section 80 for those students who do not live with their parents.
- The eligibility of students attending and residing in boarding schools as defined in this section is established as outlined below. For TAPPS purposes, the number of students in the boarding program does not include those not yet in high school or those whose four years of high school eligibility has been exhausted.
- Schools in which boarding students account for 50% of the total high school student enrollment.
- School must register with and be approved by TAPPS as a Boarding School.
- Students must be reported to TAPPS as BOARDING STUDENTS in TAPPS database
- Student eligibility will be established with attendance at the school and after transfer approval if required.
- Schools in which boarding students account for less than 50% of the total high school enrollment.
- School must register with and be approved by TAPPS as a Boarding School.
- Approved Boarding schools may assist in the placement of students in the school operated boarding facility as defined in part A of this section.
- Students must be reported to TAPPS as BOARDING STUDENTS in TAPPS database
- Student eligibility shall be established by the following:
- Application
- Documentation
- Committee Approval
- Students who reside in the Boarding School program and subsequently leave the program to live with a guardian will be subject to all provisions of Section 80 – Students not Living with Parents – but application and required documentation are not required.
- Students who are granted eligibility as a boarding student, who leave the boarding program to reside with a guardian are not eligible for varsity participation for a period of one year.
- Regardless of the student’s age, to be eligible for participation in TAPPS, a student must live with
- Parent(s),
- approved relatives,
- approved guardians or
- other approved adults.
Section 80 – Students Not Living With Parents
- Students not Living with Parents must submit the approved application prior to participation at the school.
- The approval process cannot begin until enrollment at the new school and withdrawal from the previous school.
- Students not Living with Parents are ineligible if they have been induced to come to or remain at a member school. Inducement includes but is not limited to the following:
- Offer or acceptance of the payment of tuition
- Offer or acceptance of a reduction in tuition payments (outside of School Financial Aid Programs)
- Offer or acceptance of board
- Offer or acceptance of lodging
- Offer or acceptance of transportation
- Offer or acceptance of a job for a parent or guardian
- Offer or acceptance of payment for athletic camp registration
- Offer or acceptance of payment for summer conditioning programs, or conditioning camps
- Offer or acceptance of cash payments
- Offer or promise of University or college scholarships
- Offer or acceptance of free or reduced cost private instruction
- Offer or acceptance of any other valuable consideration
- Students not Living with Parents must complete the application and certification process in order to establish eligibility at the TAPPS member school.
- Students not Living with Parents who attend a member school’s elementary/junior high school for one or more years may be eligible for Varsity Athletic participation upon entering high school.
- Students not Living with Parents may be eligible for Varsity Athletic participation upon review and approval by TAPPS in the following instances:
- If a student’s parents are alive but a guardian of his/her person has been established by the appropriate authority and recorded in the county clerk’s office more than one year prior to application,
- If a student’s parents are alive but no legal guardian of his/her person has been established by the appropriate authority and recorded in the county clerk’s office, guardianship may be established if the student has resided with and been supported by the guardian for more than three (3) years prior to application,
- If a student’s parents are deceased and the student resides with and is supported by grandparents, aunt/uncle or brother/sister for TAPPS eligibility purposes.
- If students are placed in a Boarding Facility, as licensed by the state of Texas as a child care facility. This includes students whose parents who are living or deceased
- Students not residing with Parents at least five (5) days per week must be complete the Student not living with Parent process prior to Varsity participation.
- For purposes of this section,
- the term family member refers to biological or adopted parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts and uncles.
- Cousins and other family members do not qualify for TAPPS purposes.
- The Host family and the Guardian must be the same person
- Previous Athletic Participation Form is required on all students in accordance with Section 104 of the TAPPS By-Laws.
- If a change in guardianship occurs, a new Students not Living with Parents Form must be submitted to the TAPPS Executive Board for review and approval. The student will not be eligible for interscholastic participation until such approval is made.
- Regardless of the student’s age, to be eligible for participation in TAPPS, a student must live with
- Parent(s),
- approved relatives,
- approved guardians or
- other approved adults.
Section 81 – High School Graduate
- COMPLETION OF HIGH SCHOOL. A person is considered a high school graduate if that person received a diploma or other certificate signifying successful completion of high school from a high school or other institution of equal or higher rank, participated as a graduate in the graduation exercises of a high school, or complied with the requirements for graduation during a normal four-year program, whether or not the student participated in the graduation exercise.
- GED TESTING PROGRAM. A student who receives an equivalency credential based on the General Education Development Testing Program is not considered a high school graduate, if that student remains in or returns to high school, and has not otherwise met the requirements for high school graduation.
Section 82 – Full-Time Day Student
A person is considered a full-time day student if that person:
- is enrolled in a participant school whose annual contract, dues and fees are current.
- is enrolled in at least four academic classes for which:
- Credit is given toward graduation at the member school and reflected on the student’s transcript; and,
- A grade is given and calculated in overall GPA.
- Courses which satisfy this requirement include:
Core Courses
Bible/Theology/Religion Courses
Fine Arts Courses
Dual Credit
- Courses which do not satisfy this requirement include:
Study Hall
Teacher’s Aide
Courses for which no grade is given
Athletics/PE Courses
- is attending the required classes:
- On the campus of the participant school; or,
- Dual credit courses may be taken on the campus of the participant school, online, or at the location designated by the university.
- PACES or similar Self-Paced Curriculum if approved by the participant school and follows the requirements of section II. above.
- is in compliance with written transfer and admission and attendance policies of the member school.
- A full time student at a TAPPS member school may not be concurrently enrolled in or seeking graduation from another school or homeschool program and/or participate in activities sanctioned by TAPPS on
- A sports team at another school
- A homeschool sports team
- Any other such group organized for interscholastic competition.
Section 83 – Regular Attendance
- A student is in regular attendance even though he or she is absent for ten class days or less after enrolling in school because of illness or other unavoidable cause, if the parent or guardian submits a written statement certifying this as the reason for the absence and the principal approves the absence.
- Students who are not enrolled during the current academic year, at the member school, are ineligible to participate in any extracurricular activity, including, but not limited to off season workouts and spring training.
- A student who drops out of a member school, transfers to another school, becomes homeschooled, or is expelled from a member school must re-establish eligibility at the TAPPS member school by following the transfer guidelines outlined in section 104 of the TAPPS Bylaws in order to participate in varsity athletic competition. This applies to all students, regardless of whether they participated in athletics at the new school/home school.
Section 84 – Four Year Normal Program of High School Courses
- A student may participate in TAPPS contests during a normal program of high school courses over a period of four consecutive calendar years after the student first enrolls in the ninth grade.
- This includes enrollment in a home school, online or other alternative school program.
- Students who never entered the ninth grade but were placed into the tenth grade have three consecutive years from their first entry into tenth grade to complete their high school eligibility.
Section 85 – 8th Grade Participation
- Students not yet in high school may not compete with or against high school students.
- Eighth grade students currently enrolled in another school cannot participate for the member school.
- Contact football camps and spring football practice for eighth grade students not currently enrolled in and attending the member school are not permitted.
- Students in the Seventh and Eighth grade are allowed to participate in the school’s largest musical ensembles in band, fall band, drumline, orchestra and vocal competition. Please see music rules for further clarification.
Section 86 – Participation of Seniors on Junior Varsity Teams
- Seniors (12th graders or students who are playing their last season due to age) may compete on a member school’s junior varsity team(s).
- Seniors (12th graders or students who are playing their last season due to age) may participate on the high school’s sub-varsity teams only if their participation is required in order for the school to field a sub-varsity team.
- The purpose for playing a junior varsity (JV) schedule is to allow younger, inexperienced players the opportunity to participate and gain game condition experience. In some cases, unless one or more seniors are allowed to play on the JV, the school might not have enough players to field a JV team, therefore depriving the younger players an opportunity to play. Member schools should be very careful that seniors playing on the JV are not taking playing time from younger players nor should seniors be included on the JV in order to make the team stronger.
- It should be made clear to the opponent prior to the contest if seniors are participating on the sub-varsity team.
Section 87 – Solicitation of Students
The following rules apply to all TAPPS member schools in regards to high school students and those entering high school. For those TAPPS member schools which provide educational opportunities prior to high school, these rules extend to students in all grades provided at the TAPPS member school.
- SOLICITATION Unlike public schools, our member schools are not aided by geographically drawn attendance zones to provide a given student enrollment base. Families choose private and parochial schools for a variety of reasons other than geographic location, such as religious affiliation, parental participation, class size, academic programs, faculty and staff. For our member schools to survive, it is essential to solicit families to choose one of our member schools to educate their child / children.
- Forms of Acceptable Solicitation
- Billboard Advertising
- Mailings
- Open House
- Campus Visits to feeder schools
- Visits to churches
- Those things that promote the school to prospective families.
- Examples of Unacceptable Solicitation The unacceptable solicitation of students by school personnel, school volunteers, parents, or any other third party is a violation of TAPPS rules and may result in the loss of the affected student’s eligibility to participate in TAPPS events.
- School personnel campus visits targeting athletes
- Mailings to specific athletes or groups of athletes
- Open House for athletes
- Tryouts or combines for athletes
- Those things that target specific students for their athletic ability
- Materials that negatively reflect on other TAPPS member schools
- INDUCEMENT What is not to be included in the solicitation or retention of students is the inducement of students by a member school. The inducement of students by school personnel, school volunteers, parents, or any other third party is a violation of TAPPS rules and may result in the loss of the affected student’s eligibility to participate in TAPPS events. Inducement includes but is not limited to the following:
- Offer or acceptance of the payment of tuition
- Offer or acceptance of a reduction in tuition payments (outside of School Financial Aid Programs)
- Offer or acceptance of board
- Offer or acceptance of lodging
- Offer or acceptance of transportation
- Offer or acceptance of a job for a parent or guardian
- Offer or acceptance of payment for athletic camp registration
- Offer or acceptance of payment for summer conditioning programs, or conditioning camps
- Offer or acceptance of cash payments
- Offer or promise of University or college scholarships
- Offer or acceptance of free or reduced cost private instruction
- Offer or acceptance of any other valuable consideration
- TAMPERING Tampering is not to be included in the solicitation of students by school personnel, school volunteers, parents, or any other third party. Tampering is a violation of TAPPS rules and may result in the loss of the affected student’s eligibility to participate in TAPPS events. Tampering occurs when any of the aforementioned people directly or indirectly
- Entices
- Induces
- Persuades
- Recruits
- Targets for athletic purposes
- Or attempts to entice, induce, persuade, recruit or target any student to attend a TAPPS member school while the student is registered at another school.
Section 88 – Burden of Proof for Eligibility
If a student’s eligibility to compete in a TAPPS contest is questioned, the student has the burden in any proceeding to establish that he or she is eligible.
Section 89 – Burden of Proof in Allegations of Violations
If at any level, it is determined that a complaint or report of a violation has enough validity to hold a hearing, the burden to disprove the allegation rests with the accused.
Section 90 – Denial to Renew Membership
Being that Article III.6 states the executive management, control, and final authority of this association belong to the Executive Board; and being that the Executive Board votes each year whether to accept or deny any school desiring membership into TAPPS by application or contract renewal; the TAPPS Board reserves the right to deny membership to any school that it determines has brought discredit to the integrity of TAPPS or is a detriment to the good reputation of the TAPPS organization.
(Section 91 reserved for expansion.)
Section 92 – Eligibility for Fine Art Contests
Subject to the other sections of this Subchapter, an individual is eligible to participate in a TAPPS academic/art contest fine art contests as a representative of a participant school if that individual meets all the requirements set forth in the TAPPS Constitution and By-Laws.
(Sections 93-101 reserved for expansion.)
Section 97 – Eligibility for Music Contests
Subject to the other sections of this subchapter, an individual is eligible to participate in a TAPPS music contest as a representative of a participating school if that individual meets all the requirements of the TAPPS Constitution and By-Laws.
(Sections 98-101 reserved for expansion.)
Section 102 – Eligibility of Foreign Students
For the purpose of establishing a student’s eligibility to participate in TAPPS sponsored activities, any student who is not a citizen of the United States must be approved by the process defined in Section 102 of the TAPPS Bylaws prior to participation. The student’s eligibility will not begin until TAPPS approval. Schools should forward application and information to the TAPPS office when students first attend the school in order to begin the approval process.
- Foreign Students must meet the following guidelines to be considered for eligibility at TAPPS member schools:
- Has produced a copy of a valid visa.
- Has not received advanced training (defined as training which is above and beyond that which is normally provided in TAPPS schools) in the germane activity, such as pre-Olympic training, being nationally ranked or having similar status in a sport (home country or United States, or participation on a national team.
- School may appeal to the Executive Board for relief from this provision
- Relief would be limited to one exception per school year
- A one year sit out period would be required of any student being granted eligibility to participate in TAPPS activities
- Has met the eligibility requirements as outlined in Article V of the TAPPS Constitution.
- Has not graduated from high school or other school of equal or higher status.
- Initially enrolled in the ninth grade not more than four (4) years ago or tenth grade not more than three years ago.
- Is a full time, day student at the certified member school.
- $30 fee will be charged for each submission.
- Foreign Students are ineligible if they have been induced for athletic purposes to come to or remain at a member school. Inducement includes but is not limited to the following:
- Offer or acceptance of the payment of tuition;
- Offer or acceptance of board;
- Offer or acceptance of lodging;
- Offer or acceptance of transportation;
- Offer or acceptance of a job for parent(s) or student;
- Offer or acceptance of the payment of athletic fees;
- Offer or acceptance of the payment of athletic camp registration and fees.
- Payment of cash;
- Promise of a University or College scholarship;
- Reduction of entry requirements of member school;
- Use of outside agents or agencies that are connected (i.e. school, parents or school personnel employed by agent or agency) to enrolling school to locate students, pay tuition, payment of athletic fees, provide or arrange board, lodging and/ or transportation; and
- Any other valuable consideration.
- Foreign Exchange Students are students who are certified through a Council on Standards for International Educational Travel (CSIET) United States Foreign Exchange Program.
- Students may qualify as Foreign Exchange Students for only one year during their academic career for eligibility purposes. This includes attendance at TAPPS member schools and nonmember schools.
- Students are eligible for one year, provided they are enrolled at and attend a certified member school.
- They are under the age of 19 prior to September 1 of the current school year.
- They may not have graduated in their own country.
- FOREIGN RESIDENT STUDENTS residing with family members.
- Students who reside with a family member must apply and be approved prior to competition.
- For TAPPS eligibility purposes, the term family members includes Parents, Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles, Brothers and Sisters.
- Cousins and other family members do not qualify as family members for TAPPS eligibility purposes.
- If a court has appointed guardianship of the minor to a guardian(s), the guardian shall be considered as parent and eligibility shall begin with approval by TAPPS.
- A Power of Attorney or Notarized Statement of Guardianship does not change the status of the guardian to family member.
- Upon approval of the Foreign Student Committee, students residing with a family member may be granted immediate VARSITY eligibility without having to sit out a year.
- If at any time the student ceases to reside with a family member and resides with a guardian who is not a family member as described above, the student’s varsity eligibility status is suspended until approval is granted by the Foreign Student Committee.
- If a change in guardianship occurs, a Change in Guardianship form must be submitted to the TAPPS office for review and approval. The student will not be eligible for varsity participation until such approval is made.
- FOREIGN RESIDENT STUDENTS residing IN TAPPS APPROVED BOARDING PROGRAMS - Foreign Students who are enrolled and attend a boarding school are under the same guidelines as Citizen Students, provided the boarding school at which they are enrolled and attending is a certified member school.
- Boarding Schools are schools that have been identified by the TAPPS Board as being a boarding school.
- Boarding Schools must apply to the TAPPS Executive Board to be identified as such.
- FOREIGN RESIDENT STUDENTS residing with GUARDIAN - Foreign Students who live in the United States with someone other than immediate family members (The Host family and the Guardian must be the same person) are eligible to participate at the Varsity level provided the approval process has been completed .
- A Previous Athletic Participation Form is required on all students in accordance with Section 104 of the TAPPS By-Laws.
- If a change in guardianship occurs, a Change in Guardianship form must be submitted to the TAPPS office for review and approval. The student will not be eligible for varsity participation until such approval is made.
- Schools enrolling Foreign Students should review the information posted on the TAPPS website.
Section 103 – Amateur Athletic Status
An amateur participates in athletics for the aesthetic, physical, mental, and social benefits derived there from. Therefore, the purpose of such participation is playing for the intrinsic rewards rather than for valuable consideration. The amateur rule is a safeguard against exploitation and commercialization of high school students. It poses a responsibility on the student at all times (whether in school or outside school) to abide by the letter and intent of amateurism. Schools are charged with the responsibility of informing students of all applicable subsections of this rule and enforcing this rule. Administrators and coaches must ensure that athletes receive only services specifically permitted by written rule. Any breach of the rule undermines the educational goals of interscholastic athletics.
- NOT AN AMATEUR. For purposes of competing in an athletic contest, a student in grades 9-12 is not an amateur if that individual, within the preceding 12 months received money or other valuable consideration for participating in a TAPPS sponsored school sport or received valuable consideration for allowing his or her name to be used in promoting a product, plan, or service related to a TAPPS contest or accepted money or other valuable consideration from school booster club funds for any non-school purpose.
- Seniors may sign a letter of intent or scholarship agreement which contains the conditions of a scholarship with a post-secondary institution.
- For purposes of competing in an athletic contest, the participant school, school district or a student’s parent(s) may provide medical examination and services, athletic insurance, transportation and other travel expenses incurred in competing away from home, or supplies and services during and in connection with a game or practice period.
- Participant schools may permit student athletes to attend contests by permit admission through a pass gate.
- STATUS REGAINED. If a student did not realize that accepting the valuable consideration was a violation of the amateur rule, and returns the valuable consideration within 30 days after being informed of the violation, that student may regain athletic eligibility as of the date the valuable consideration is returned. If a student fails to return it within 30 days, that student remains ineligible for one year from when he or she accepted it. During the period of time a student is in possession of valuable consideration, he or she is ineligible for all varsity athletic competition. Any games or contests in which the student participated during that time may be forfeited as the minimum penalty.
- TEAM VIOLATION. If the team violates this section, the penalty shall be assessed against the team and not against each individual.
Section 104 – Transfer Rule
Purpose of the Transfer Rule
- The TAPPS Transfer Rule
- has been developed to protect, not inhibit students who wish to participate in interscholastic competition.
- is preventative and is devised to eliminate the incentive to transfer schools once a student (family) has initially enrolled in and attended a school of their choice.
- is designed to protect students who have previously participated in interscholastic competition at any school from being replaced by students who transfer for athletic or other purposes, including the effects of student, or family, shopping for schools or being recruited for athletic purposes.
- encourages fair play, discourages the abuses of overenthusiastic promotion of school programs, and protects the integrity of interscholastic athletic programs for both member schools and the TAPPS organization.
- Transfer Rule Application
- All students transferring to a TAPPS member school must complete the Transfer Process to establish eligibility.
- The transfer rules apply to all students who attended traditional schools, participated with Home School teams, or any other such team organized for interscholastic competition.
- Transferring students may not participate in any interscholastic competition (Scrimmage, Sub-Varsity or Varsity) until the transfer process is complete and the student is approved by the TAPPS OFFICE.
- The eligibility roster for all sports in which a student will participate, along with the completed transfer form, shall be on file with the TAPPS State Office before the transferring student is eligible to participate in any level interscholastic competition.
- Transfer Deadlines
- Transfer Deadlines are posted on the approved TAPPS calendar located on the TAPPS website. The transfer deadlines are included on the calendar for
- Fall
- Winter
- Spring
- In order to be eligible to compete in a given season, the student must be
- Withdrawn from the previous school
- Enrolled in the new school and
- in attendance at the new school prior to or on the date of the Transfer Deadline for that season.
- Senior Transfer Deadline
- Students transferring to a new school for their senior year must be withdrawn from their previous school, enrolled and attending the new school by the date shown on the TAPPS calendar.
- The senior transfer deadline applies to all activities throughout the school year.
- If a senior transferring student arrives at the new school after the date shown on the TAPPS calendar, an appeal can be made to the TAPPS Executive Board by completion of the Senior Transfer Appeal Form along with payment of any fees owed.
- Transfer Rule Process and Procedures
- The approval process cannot begin until the student is
- enrolled at the new school and
- withdrawn from the previous school.
- For students who transfer to a member school during the school year, the transfer process must be initiated within two weeks of their first day of attendance at the new school.
- The Transfer Process begins with the completion of the student profile in the TAPPS database.
- All students transferring to a new school
- must complete the Student Transfer Form in the TAPPS database.
- must complete a Previous Athletic Participation Form if they participated in athletics at a previous school during the current or previous school year.
- if the student participated in a sport in either sub-varsity (JV) or varsity in the 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grade during the current or previous school year.
- Participation includes practices
- held before the beginning of school for Fall Activities
- in Cross Country, Fall Soccer, Football and Volleyball.
- If the new student did not compete either during the current or the previous school year, a PAPF is not required.
- TAPPS must approve the student’s participation prior to the student participating at any level at the new school. Approval shall be made through the TAPPS database.
- Prior to approval by the TAPPS office
- The student may practice or participate in off season activities.
- The students may not participate in any interscholastic competition (Scrimmage, Sub-Varsity or Varsity) until the transfer process is complete and the student is approved by the TAPPS OFFICE.
- Please see Article VII of the TAPPS Constitution for the definition of participation.
- The TAPPS office shall review the STF and PAPF (if required) to determine the student’s eligibility
- If questions arise,
- the TAPPS office shall notify the school for clarification.
- A letter of explanation or other documents as requested shall be provided to the TAPPS office.
- The TAPPS office shall notify district schools of the Transfer Student approval.
- Approval by the TAPPS office or district committee does not preclude additional review of the student’s eligibility by TAPPS should additional information be presented regarding the student’s previous participation or compliance with eligibility standards
- If any district school raises an objection,
- The district president shall notify the TAPPS office
- a district meeting may be held in order to determine the student’s eligibility as determined by the TAPPS office
- The student will not be eligible until the meeting is held and eligibility is determined.
- After a district hearing, any party to the decision may appeal the decision to the TAPPS Executive board by completing the Appeal Form and the payment of any required fees.
- Previous Student / New School Personnel Interaction
- A student who transfers to a TAPPS member school shall not be eligible for Varsity competition in a sport for a period of one year if:
- a coach in that sport at the new school coached or trained the student at the previous school during the previous 12 months.
- a coach in that sport at the new school coached or trained the student on an AAU, select, club, 7 on 7, 6 on 6 or similar team during the previous 12 months.
- a coach at the new school provided individual or group instruction to the student during the previous 12 months.
- a coach at the new school provided skills training, fitness training, personal training or other such training to the student during the previous 12 months.
- EXCEPTION to the rule:
- Adopted or birth children are eligible if their parent who is the coach changes schools.
- If the previous school attended by the student and coach has closed, the above rule does not apply.