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The Wonders of Reiki
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The Wonders of Reiki

Written by Jayne Muir in affiliation with The Essential Wellness Society


Reiki translates to “spiritually guided life force energy,” a fitting name for this unique energy healing practice.  The most predominant form of Reiki practiced today was developed in early 20th century Japan by Dr. Mikao Usui, who taught students to connect with the Universal Life Energy and strengthen their sense of self and contentment.  Reiki doesn’t directly cure any illness or disease but is known to improve general well-being and make symptoms more manageable.  It seeks to balance internal frequencies, boost relaxation, speed up healing processes, and decrease physical and mental discomfort.  

When treating someone with Reiki, practitioners will hover their hands close to the patient’s body or lightly touch it, traveling between the chakras as they transmit Universal Life Energy to the patient.  Reiki specialist Sarah Grant describes her body as a “channel” in this process, explaining this energy is not something her body manifests itself; she is only the tunnel through which it travels from “the void” to another’s body.  

Throughout my Reiki treatment, Sarah’s hands projected warm, nurturing sensations that invoked a meditative state.  She is a unique practitioner who incorporates several modalities into her Reiki to stimulate positivity within patients.  I was especially enamored by her use of two-pronged, steel forks that resonate at specific pitches when struck and set vibrating.  She coordinated these tuning forks with particular channels and chakras throughout the session, often placing them on pressure points for vibrations to be absorbed inwardly.  My treatment included an oil infused with frankincense and sandalwood to promote grounding, as Sarah uses her knowledge of herbalism to choose essential oils specific to the needs of her patients.        

Recent events lead me to enter my session feeling anxiety and self-doubt.  These spiraling, ungrounding emotions diminished as Sarah went through the individual chakras to find where they were most reminiscent and counter the unease with loving frequencies.  By the end, I felt tranquil, grounded, and present.  A dramatic shift was indicated by how much I needed to stretch and yawn when the session ended, which likely marked changes in my state of awareness and synaptic efficacy.  I awoke the following day with more motivation and self-worth than I’d felt in weeks, and I believe Sarah’s intuition helped guide me to a brighter place.  

To learn more about Sarah’s various wellness services, visit