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Link Your KCW Pass - Existing Customers
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Keep Colorado Wild Pass Linking Guide – Existing Customers

Updated: 7/1/2023

Find Your Vehicle Registration in the CPWshop System

  1. Verify you have the Keep Colorado Wild Pass. Look for the Colorado Parks and Wildlife logo on your vehicle registration card from the DMV: This logo on your registration card is proof of a Keep Colorado Wild Pass purchase.

  1. After you confirm you own a pass, visit home page with account log in button in upper left.

  1. On the homepage, scroll down the page until you see the tile image with text “Link Your KCW Pass!”

    Screenshot of title image of Link Your Keep Colorado Wild Pass clickable title image.

  1. Click the tile image on the website, then you will be prompted to provide the following information:
  1. Last four digits of your Vehicle Identification Number
  2. Vehicle license plate number
  3. Last name as printed on your Colorado motor vehicle registration card

*Please note:

Screenshot of the lookup your Keep Colorado Wild pass screen.

  1. After you enter your information, click “Search” to locate your motor vehicle registration.  A confirmation message will display stating your Keep Colorado Wild Pass and vehicle registration have been located, and asking if you would like to link this information with your account.

    Screenshot of 'we have found your Keep Colorado Wild Pass that is associated with your vehicle' confirmation message.

  1. Click the “Associate with My Account” button to continue. You will be redirected to our customer sign-in page if you are not already signed into your customer account.

Link Your Account - Existing Customers

  1. Existing Customers: enter your Identifier number and password. Click “Sign In”.

    Screenshot of the customer login page, with login options for existing customers, new customers, or to locate an existing profile and create an account.
  2. Review your account information and click “Confirm Details” at the bottom of the page to continue. Please ensure your contact information and mailing address on file are correct to ensure you can receive your refund in a timely manner.

  1.  A confirmation page will load with the message “Keep Colorado Wild Pass associated with your vehicle (Plate Number: xxxxxx) linked to your account.”  

    Screenshot of the confirmation message when your KCW pass and vehicle license plate number have been successfully linked to your account.
  2. Immediately after clicking “Go to my Account” after linking your pass, you will be redirected to your “Active Products” page.

Once your Keep Colorado Wild Pass is linked to your customer account, you can now display your Keep Colorado Wild Pass proof of purchase on the My CPW App.

If you encounter any issues while linking your Keep Colorado Wild Pass to a account, contact the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Communications Center at (303) 297-1192 for further assistance.

Requesting a Refund

To request a prorated refund request for your annual state parks pass or a refund request for your Keep Colorado Wild Pass, follow the steps above to link your pass to first, and then read our Keep Colorado Wild Pass Refund Guide to submit a refund request.