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Status Report: Support

November 2022- March 2023

Jennifer Oxelson, Tom Yoksas, Mike Zuranski, UPC Staff

Executive Summary

The currently-used eSupport package is long in the tooth.  A small group of people within Unidata have volunteered to start vetting replacement packages.

Questions for Immediate Committee Feedback

What changes/recommendations would you like to see in Unidata support or how Unidata conducts support?  Are you subscribed to any of the unidata software package mailing lists?  


Activities Since the Last Status Report


Unidata training/workshop information can be found in the Community status report.

Looking for a new in-house support package

New Activities

In order to fulfill our objectives articulated in the Unidata 2018 Proposal, focused efforts are needed in two major areas:

Relevant Metrics

Since January 26, 2006 approximately 69516 user support "transactions" (new inquiries and follow-ups) have been processed through the Unidata inquiry tracking system.  Other methods of providing answers to questions posed (e.g., Github, Stack Overflow, Jira, mailing list replies, etc.) add substantially to the support load.

Additional metrics may be found in the Comprehensive Metrics Data portion of this meeting’s agenda.

Fig. 1:  Below are histograms that portray the number of Unidata email responses for categories of support logged in the Unidata Inquiry Tracking System  for the 12 month period from March 1, 2022 until February 28, 2023.  
The quarters shown are defined as:  

Winter:                        January, February, March
Spring:                         April, May, June
Summer:                         July, August, September
Fall:                                          October, November, December

Individual support activities included in the categories shown above are listed in the following table.


eSupport Departments


Support AWIPS


Support CaseStudy, Support CONDUIT, Support Datastream, Support LEAD, Support Level II, Support NOAAPORT, Support SUOMINET


Support GEMPAK


Support IDD, Support IDD Antarctica, Support IDD Brasil, Support IDD Cluster, Support IDD SCOOP, Support IDD TIGGE


Support IDV, Support IDV Storm, Support McV, Support VisAD


Support LDM


Support McDevelop, Support McIDAS, ldm-decoders


Administration, Development, Plaza, Staging Folder, Support, Support eSupport, Support Miscellaneous, Support Platforms, Support Plaza, Student Interns, Systems, Support Machine Learning


Support LibCF, Support netCDF


Outreach, Polcomm, Science Gateway, Support Egrants, Support eLearning, Support News, Support Outreach, Support Workshop, Usercomm, Student Interns


Support Python




Support netCDF Java, Support THREDDS


Support LDM-McIDAS, Support netCDF Decoders, Support netCDF Perl, Support OPeNDAP, Support Rosetta, Support UDUNITS



These numbers and conclusions should not be taken too literally, for several reasons:

Additional User Support Metrics

Strategic Focus Areas

We support the following goals described in Unidata Strategic Plan:

  1. Managing Geoscience Data
    Unidata User Support enables access to geoscience data by supporting the use of tools created and/or supported by the UPC.
  2. Providing Useful Tools
    A significant part of providing useful tools is providing support for those tools.  Unidata has always provided world class support for all of the tools that it makes freely available to the greater geoscience community.

  1. Supporting People
    The user support provided by the UUPC is recognized throughout the atmospheric science community.  Unidata’s outreach efforts are routinely noted as being exceptional  in surveys of the NCAR/UCAR community.

Prepared March 2023