Total Number of Pages: 3
Suggested Title: Opposition to Israeli Settlements in Palestinian Land
Resolution #6111: Opposition to Israeli Settlements in Palestinian Land - Amend General Church Budget Implications: None
Global Implications: Yes
Amend 4th sentence in 2nd paragraph:
Moving We oppose governments moving their embassies to Jerusalem is as a hindrance to just and lasting peace.
Amend 5th paragraph:
WHEREAS, the continuing confiscation of Palestinian land for construction of settlements and the building of a separation wall on Palestinian lands violates human rights, subverts the peace process, destroys the hope of both Israelis and Palestinians who are working for and longing for peace, and fosters a sense of desperation that can only lead to further violence; and
Amend 10th paragraph:
WHEREAS human rights organizations have documented that private foreign donors, including Jewish and Christian individuals and nonprofit organizations, have provided financial support for illegal settlements and that some of these donations are tax-deductible; and
Amend 11th paragraph:
WHEREAS, the church continues to work with ecumenical and interfaith bodies to advocate for Palestinian self-determination and an end to Israeli occupation; to affirm Israel’s right to exist within secure borders; to affirm the right of return for Palestinian refugees under international law; to call for region-wide disarmament; to urge Israelis and Palestinians to stop human rights violations and attacks on civilians, such as targeted assassinations and suicide bombings; and to urge the USall governments to initiate an arms embargo on the entire Middle East region;
Amend 12th paragraph:
Therefore, be it resolved, that The United Methodist Church opposes continued military occupation of the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem, and also the Syrian Golan Heights, the confiscation of Palestinian land and water resources, the destruction of Palestinian homes, the continued blockade of Gaza where over half the residents are children, the military detention of Palestinian children – often without trial, the continued building of illegal Jewish settlements, and any vision of a “Greater Israel” that includes the occupied territories and the whole of Jerusalem and its surroundings.
Amend 14th paragraph:
Be it further resolved, that we urge the USall governments to end all military aid, arms transfers and arms sales to the region, and secondto end all arms purchases from companies in the Middle East, and to redistribute the large amount of military aid now given to Israel and Egypt to fund humanitarian health and educational work such as that of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), to support economic development efforts of nongovernmental organizations throughout the region, including religious institutions, human rights groups, labor unions, and professional groups within Palestinian communities.
Amend 16th paragraph:
We also urge the Palestinian Authority and all Palestinian religious and political leaders to continue to publicly condemn violence against Israeli civilians and to use nonviolent acts of disobedience to resist the occupation and the illegal settlements.
Amend 18th paragraph:
We ask all companies that profit from and/or support settlements through their business activities to examine these and stop any business that contributes to serious violations of international law,
promotes systemic discrimination or otherwise supports ongoing military occupation or attempted annexation.
Amend 19th paragraph:
The United Methodist Church does not support a boycott of products made in Israel. Our opposition is to products made by Israeli companies operating in occupied Palestinian territories.
Date: August 26, 2019
The Rev. Susan Henry-Crowe
General Secretary
Bishop Sally Dyck
President of the Board
General Board of Church & Society
Phone: 202-488-5629
E-mail Address: