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Bimbo Toon Remote
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

“How weird was that psychic acting?” You laugh, “She looked so spooked when I asked her how the rest of my day would be! Why do you think she called me miss at the end, did I mishear her? And she gave you a weird look, like she knew something really good would happen to you… Do you have a lottery ticket or something???”

Your friend Chris smiles nervously, checking the surroundings suspiciously as you sip on your fountain drink.

“You okay man? Should we get on this bus for some food, or just run up to my apartment for the game?” You ask, giving him an awkward smile as Chris reaches into his pocket.

“Well… Maybe we don’t need the bus…” Chris trails off, pulling out a keyfob and pointing it to the truck behind you.

“Wow, you got a truck!?” You ask excitedly, suddenly freezing as Chris hits a button on the remote.

A slimy feeling crawls down your head, and suddenly you feel your hair shoot out from your head. Your torso tightens as the slime covers your shirt, and the scent of flowers fill your nostrils as an oddly bright mane of yellow/blonde locks frame your face. At the same time your shirt becomes sparkling green, feeling heavy and almost wet on your sensitive torso.

Chris smiles and apologizes before hitting the button again, laughing hysterically as your stomach convulses. The slime fills your belly, and suddenly a burst of fat into your chest makes your dress squeeze your body into a bent over position as your back arches. Sensitive nipples poke through the thick fabric, and your skin crawls and smoothen as more fat surges into your ballooning chest. You look down as the slime races up your torso, bubbling up on your chest and ripping the neckline of your shirt down the middle. A necklace appears out of nowhere as your new neckline shapes into a V, and you feel a tingle in your manhood as the slime slowly crawls up your neck.

Thick mascara weighs down one eyelid as the slime crawls down your arm, and your boobs jiggle as your sleeves shrink up your shoulders. The sounds coming out of you become more ditzy as your plumping lips shape into a permanent pout, and your throat slims down as your facial features sharpen. The slime fills every pore of your skin, and you feel it seep into your skull. It slows your thoughts down to a crawl as it feminizes your deepest memories, replacing your regular old life with a slutty animated one. Layers of red lipstick coat your plumping lips, and you giggle as your chin rounds out.

Your panting turns into exasperated moans as new ideas of lust and arousal fill your mind, your voice sweetening as your vocal cords shrink down and soften. You can only watch Chris with growing arousal, his tenting pants making you more and more turned on as he hits the remote button again.

Your hearing dulls as the slime covers your second eye, and you giggle as another explosion of hormones makes you look down. Your pants shrivel up your legs, and your boxers squeeze your waist into a tiny cinched ring. TGen they suddenly disappear along with your manhood, leaving a small opening that makes you moan as it opens into wet folds.

Your shirt then begins to merge with your pants, the slime coating your entire body and making it smooth as the silky fabric shrinks up to your waist. A wave of euphoria makes you shiver, and your thighs swell immensely as big basketball sized cheeks inflate behind you. They lift above the small of your back as you purr, and your fountain drink becomes a cocktail as your breasts practically pop out of your deep cut skimpy dress. Leather gloves sensuously wrap up the length of your arms, and one last burst of fat suddenly courses through your veins that dumbs you down and makes you crave Chris’s cock like candy.

Anxiety finally overwhelms your senses as the slime closes around you completely, and you beg for Chris to reverse the changes as your sneakers turn into nine inch pumps. He just laughs as he hits his remote again, and your eyes glaze over instantly. It takes a few seconds for your attitude to change, but soon you're flaunting your body and acting on your new cravenous desires.

“I’ve created a mind bending radiation gun; it turns your dopamine molecules into Animine, giving you a cartoonish perception of the world. I also added some good ol’ Bimbo Femwaves to make it more fun for me, but combined with the Animine Generator in my new cartoon remote they do more than just change your thoughts!” Chris laughs, his pants tenting up as your body oozes sex.

You do nothing to respond but lick your lips as you stare at Chris’s crotch, your heart racing as his bulge throbs. You ignore your splashing drink as you turn your hips seductively, making Chris’s jaw drop to the floor as he stands frozen at a loss for words.

“Like, maybe I can thank you for making me so… sexy…” Your luscious voice teases, placing a hand on your hip and blinking alluringly as Chris hits the remote again.

You begin gushing from your new womanhood as euphoria overwhelms your ability to stand, and you collapse in a wet puddle of bliss as the slime slowly covers the world around you. It turns dull objects shiny, and soon everyone you see looks like an anime character. Chris chuckles as you crane your neck, watching the slime somehow cover the sky as he takes his pants off.

You look back down in shock as Chris hits you with the remote again, and the throbbing erection Chris sports quickly becomes animated followed by his body. You lose all intelligence, and babble ditzily as drool and cum puddle together on the floor between your legs. You beg to be taken upstairs, a deep desire to have your pussy filled immediately stops you from thinking about anything else.

“Told ya we wouldn't need the bus!” Chris chuckles, grabbing your ass and leading you up the stairs back to his apartment.

Your hips sashay as you strut up the steps, the clicking of your high heels echoing through the stairwell as you giggle and leak cum onto the floor. By the time you get to your apartment, the front of your dress is soaked and you jokingly curse yourself for not wearing panties.

“Like, I’m just gonna totally, like get into something more comfy!” You giggle lustfully, peeling off your tight green dress and getting a pink nightie from your closet.

The sheer lingerie makes you moan as you slide it down your creamy skin, and you wiggle your hips as you approach Chris. You brush your crotch up against his, moaning as Chris’s throbbing bulge parts your virgin lips. You cry out in ecstasy, draping your body on him and stroking his muscles. He suddenly falls back, and you’re sitting cowboy style in his lap.

Chris laughs as he hits the button on the remote again, and a wave of hormones cause your breasts to swell out of your dress. You can only moan as your voice becomes even more luscious, your hard nipples tingling in the drafty apartment.

Chris’s mouth waters as you pull his member from his shorts, and you gasp euphorically as he hits the remote for the umpteenth time. Your womanhood feels like a melted puddle of bliss as your dress fades away, and you sigh in ultimate relief as Chris’s wet cock effortlessly fills your dripping folds.

He continues changing you with his remote as you bounce in his lap, your pussy tightening and squeezing his cock as your body’s hourglass figure exaggerates even further.

Chris warns that he’s about to finish as a vein in his meme everything bulges into your folds, and you plant your wide hips down in his lap. The most intense orgasm you ever experienced makes your vision blur as warm cum shoots into your womanhood, and you feel yourself become a submissive slave to Chris as you look deep into his eyes.

“You’re gonna be my clueless bimbo wife, ready to do anything I ask her with whoever I want! Understood?” Chris laughs, immediately shooting you with his remote when you hesitate. “Did you not hear me?!”

“Like, I’m a total bimbo cock slut, ready to do anything for your cum, Master. I totally apologize for hesitating and being so unprofessional, like, please spank me as punishment to like, totally teach me a lesson!” You moan lustfully, presenting your cum soaked ass for master.

“I think the real punishment will be NOT spanking you!” Master laughs, making you sigh in despair as your waiting folds drip into his lap.