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Status Report: AWIPS and GEMPAK

September 2018 - March 2019

Michael James

Activities Since the Last Status Report


Unidata’s Jetstream EDEX server continues to serve real-time AWIPS data to CAVE clients and through the python-awips data access framework (API). By offloading the processing of one very large data feed (NEXRAD3) to a separate EDEX Ingest Node, the current implementation of edex-cloud is now cabable of processing and serving more data than ever before. The distributed architectural concepts of AWIPS allow us to scale EDEX in the cloud to account for the size of incoming data feeds.

Software Releases

18.1.1-5 Feb 2019

AWIPS 18.1.1-5 is a major update to both CAVE and EDEX, including a security update to the latest httpd/mod_wsgi packages.

screen shot 2019-02-06 at 10 26 59 am

screen shot 2019-02-06 at 10 31 22 am

18.1.1-4 (development release) Dec 2018

18.1.1-3 Nov 2018

18.1.1-2 Sep 2018

18.1.1-1 Sep 2018


GEMPAK release 7.5.1 February 2019

GOES16 and GOES17 ABI products are distributed in NetCDF4 formatted files, and GEMPAK as of release 7.5.1 can now read and display these products in their native formats (it is no longer needed to convert netCDF to McIDAS area format to display in GEMPAK).

For Full Disk and CONUS sectors, GOES16 and GOES17 ABI products are sent across the Satellite Broadcast Network as tiles, each contributing to a "mosaic" of a full sector scan. The Unidata Program Center has provided an alternate data feed in which all tiles are "stitched" together (thanks to the program ldm-alchemy).

To request these stitched images, add the following request line to your ldmd.conf:


and the following to your GEMPAK pqact.conf:

NIMAGE     .*GOES/(.*)/([^/]*)/([^/]*)/([0-9]{8})/GOES(16|17)_([^/]*)_([0-9]{8})_([0-9]{4})(..)_([^/]*).nc4
       FILE    -close  data/gempak/images/sat/\1/\2/\3/\3_\7_\8

This will write to directories in $SAT which are selectable in NMAP2 > New Data Source > Image:

GEMPAK release 7.4.5 December 2018

GEMPAK release 7.4.3 September 2018

Activities Ongoing/In-Progress


Using the Jetstream cloud, I have created an EDEX ingest with self-ingested scheduled UEMS (WRF) runs.  

Unidata AWIPS release 19.1.1 (release TBD)

Future Activities


AWIPS downloads

GEMPAK downloads

Python-AWIPS downloads

Strategic Focus Areas

We support the following goals described in Unidata Strategic Plan:

  1. Enable widespread, efficient access to geoscience data
    Both AWIPS and GEMPAK are freely available, and both incorporate LDM/IDD technology for accessing geoscience data.  The cloud-based EDEX data server continues to see widespread use and growing adoption. More and more datasets continue to be added to the server as Unidata deploys more decode/ingest nodes.

  1. Develop and provide open-source tools for effective use of geoscience data
    Both AWIPS and GEMPAK are open-source, and while GEMPAK is now in maintenance mode, AWIPS is continuously being developed.  

  1. Provide cyberinfrastructure leadership in data discovery, access, and use
    Unidata is the only known entity to provide a freely-available and non-operational version of the AWIPS software package.  Unidata continues to find and make available new datasets through the AWIPS project.
  2. Build, support, and advocate for the diverse geoscience community
    Using LDM/IDD technology to provide access to real-time meteorological data; providing visualization tools for data analysis.

Prepared  March 2019