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Monroe Student Handbook 2024-2025
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Monroe Elementary School

3615 W. Cassia Street

Boise, Idaho 83705

The Monroe Policy online handbook is designed to assist our students and families in understanding the policies, procedures, and programs adopted by the Boise School District and by Monroe staff. If you have any questions regarding any protocol, please contact Ms. Bronner, so we can answer your questions or lead you to the right person. My hope is that you will read through it, put it in a safe place and refer to it throughout the school year if a question arises.





At Monroe Elementary School, we believe that all children can and will learn. To ensure that all children will reach their potential....

  • We will maintain high expectations and promote academic excellence for all students.

  • We will create and support a school environment in which all children and adults feel welcomed, respected, trusted, and an important part of the school.

  • We will create an environment where we can learn together and support each other.

  • We will foster a positive school climate of a caring community which respects and values diversity and nurtures everyone's self-esteem. 


The Monroe staff and students have worked hard to put procedures in place in order to create a positive and safe culture for all of our students.  Last year, every student worked hard on Position 1, Position 2, and Team Line, as well as put behavioral expectations in place for all parts of the school. We have seen a huge increase in positive behaviors. Ask your Bobcat!

 POSITION 1: Learning

   POSITION 2: Transition

      TEAMline: Moving

         Ears Open

We are also deeply committed to helping all students become people of character, so this year we will be working on the Bobcat R.O.A.R.

Responsibility                Only Kindness                Always Safe          Respect

Everyday students are recognized for letting their ROAR show.  They receive a R.O.A.R. card, visit the office to hit the HYPE button followed by a big celebration.  Ask your students about how they can ROAR through the school year!



The Independent School District of Boise City #1, in complying with all legislation in the areas of employment and the delivery of educational services, has adopted the following policy statement:


It is the policy of The Independent School District of Boise City #1, in subscribing to and promoting the principles of equal protection under the law, that neither the Board of Trustees nor its designated agents will discriminate in employment or in the equal delivery of educational services and opportunities against any person because of race, color, sex, religion, age, birth, ancestry, national origin, family relationship, personal or political patronage, or handicap.



Before School:

Our campus opens at 8:15 a.m., when an adult supervisor is present in front and out back. We ask all students to walk safely on a sidewalk at all times and enter through the side gate. Breakfast will be served at 8:40am to all students  this year.


After School:

All students will be excused at 3:15 p.m. We need students to be picked up on time and to quickly leave school grounds, due to limited supervision options after school. We ask that South Junior High kids stay off campus until 3:15 p.m. and then quickly pick up siblings and leave campus.



Regular student attendance is key to successful school performance; however, if your child is sick or will not be at school for any reason, it is very important that parents call the school before school starts at 8:45 a.m. We want to ensure the safe arrival of all students. If your child is going to be absent from school, please call the office (208-854-5620) or email the absence to as soon as you can. If we have not heard from you by 9:00 a.m., we will try to get in touch with you.


If your student is tardy, your student will ring the front door bell, wait to be cleared for entrance and then enter the front doors. They will be given a ticket and head straight to class.


This school year Monroe will be serving free breakfast in the classroom to all students. Each class will enter through the cafeteria at 8:40 with their teacher and pick out their meal. Students will walk to their classroom and eat there. Breakfast will not be served before school. Students who are tardy will have an opportunity to eat their breakfast once they arrive.



For information about monthly menus please visit: Food Services Website




School library books are furnished free of charge to students. Books may be checked out for one week. Students are required to pay for lost or damaged books. Students may go to the library as often as necessary during the week.  



The State of Idaho requires that all children be immunized against diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus (DPT), polio, measles, rubella (three-day measles), hepatitis B, and mumps. These immunizations can be given by your family physician or by the Central District Health Department. The school needs to have documentation of these dates or a signed waiver on file when the child enrolls.


In the event of an injury, we will administer simple first-aid only. Your child will be cared for temporarily by a staff member or school nurse, and you will be notified. If you cannot be located, your family doctor will be called if possible, or your child will be taken to the emergency room of a hospital unless you have given instructions to the contrary. It is extremely important that the school has the name of another party to call in case of illness or injury when you cannot be located.



Even with the greatest of precautions and the closest supervision, accidents can and do happen at school. Parents need to be aware of this and prepare for possible medical expenses that may arise should their child be injured at school. THE SCHOOL DISTRICT DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL INSURANCE TO PAY FOR MEDICAL EXPENSES WHEN CHILDREN ARE INJURED AT SCHOOL. This is the responsibility of the parents or legal guardians. Student medical insurance is available for purchase. Brochures outlining the coverage and premiums are sent home at the beginning of the school year and are available at the office.


At times it is important that students take medications at school.  Students are not allowed to bring medications of any kind and take them on their own. If your child needs aspirin, antibiotics, or other prescription drugs, the parent/guardian must sign a medication form, which is available from the school nurse, and leave the medication with the secretary so that it can be administered as directed. We ask that you do not send your child to school if they have a fever or complaints of being ill. If you have any questions for our nurse about symptoms your child may be having, please call the school before sending your child to school.




The staff is aware that in some cases, doctor or dental appointments can only be scheduled during school hours.  A written note from home to the teacher will excuse the students for these appointments. Please keep in mind; medically excused absences are still marked as an absence in Infinite Campus.  




During the school year, we will prepare our students for and practice several different emergency drills including:

In an extreme emergency that requires an evacuation from our school, students and staff will relocate to our alternate shelter, which is at South Junior High School. The nature and severity of the emergency will dictate whether the parent phone tree is initiated.




The school office telephone is for business purposes, and except for emergencies, students may not use it. Please discuss after-school activities with your child in the morning so it will not be necessary for him/her to call home. Each classroom has a telephone in it that may be used with the teacher’s permission. To limit interrupting valued instruction time, teachers are unable to take telephone calls when class is in session, but a message will be taken and they will return your call.


If you need to get an important message to your child, please leave it with the school secretary. We normally will not call your child from the classroom to the telephone.



All Boise School District students are provided with an electronic device. They will continue to have this device for school use. Please make sure to discuss the importance of Digital Citizenship and review their own rules for electronics in the classroom and at home. Any student using their device for non-instructional purposes in the classroom, hallways, recess time, etc. will have a consequence based on the infraction. At this time, the device will be taken until a parent has been contacted by administration. If a student attempts to search a topic that is deemed inappropriate, the classroom teacher or principal will call home and discuss next steps with the parent.

Please keep in mind that Monroe does not have secure lockers and cannot guarantee the security of your child’s personal device on the school premise. It is our strong recommendation that if your child brings a device to school, he/she checks it in with the office or the teacher during the school hours.

Cell phone use is prohibited while on school property, unless given permission by their teacher.  Students are free to use the office phone if there is a need.


We highly recommend every family purchasing chromebook insurance for your child’s school computer. The fee is $25.00 and covers any damage done on your child’s device.  For more information, please click on the following:  Technology Damage Insurance




Because the school has a great responsibility for your child's safety, all children are required to stay on the school grounds from the time they arrive on school property until they are dismissed at the end of the day.  



All school visits by adults or students must be scheduled with the teacher or principal before/after school.   



In the event of an extended absence, we ask that parents call in two days in advance to ask for missing homework. It is strongly recommended that students and parents communicate with the teacher if an absence is longer than three days so that the proper materials are provided for the student.




For safety reasons, all students must walk their bike, scooter, skateboard, wheelies or any other transportation with wheels while on the school campus, which includes front sidewalks and blacktop out back. Failure to comply with this rule will result in the student having to pick up the equipment from the principal’s office. If a second occurrence takes place, a parent will be asked to come in to retrieve the equipment.


Monroe locks up their side gates when the bell rings each morning at 8:45, so bikes are secured; however, we strongly suggest sending your child with a lock for his/her bike.



Boise Schools adopted a "zero tolerance" to weapons of any type or substances that are a threat to the health and safety of other students. Students will not be allowed to bring pocket knives, toy weapons, or any other object that could be used as a weapon to school or to any school function. These items will be confiscated, the school resource officer may be notified, and suspension or expulsion from school will result. 



All fifth and sixth grade students will be trained to participate in our school safety patrol program. Our patrol school advisor will be in charge of our school patrol program and will be sending out information to all sixth grade families.



Many of our students will be riding the bus this year. Each child has received information on the rules that apply to riding the bus. The bus driver will spend some time reviewing the rules, but please remind your child that riding the bus is a privilege. Students who misbehave will obtain a formal write up and parents will receive a call from the principal. If the behavior continues, the bus company, along with the school, can revoke privileges.

If you need to know about your child’s bus stop,  please visit the following website for more information.  BUS STOP INFORMATION



The bus loading zone is located in the front of the school, along with daycare van pick up. Please do not park or pick your children up in this area. We ask that all parents respect this area, so that our bus riders are safe. If your child needs to cross the road to be picked up, please have your child use the crosswalk.




The car loading zone is located in the front of our school. This is a quick drop off area that is designed to keep a steady flow of cars coming and going. If you have a student that tends to linger, please designate an area close by where your student can find you each day. In addition, we ask that all parents refrain from blocking the driveways of our neighbors and entering the parking lot.


At Monroe Elementary, we have established the following guidelines for clothing that align to the Boise School District.  We ask that all parents and students respect these guidelines.



Special services are provided for children who qualify under group or individual testing. Reading, resource room, gifted and talented, speech/hearing, counseling, and psychological services are available. If you have any questions, please call Mrs. Haughland, our counselor, to schedule an appointment with the team.





The open enrollment guidelines have changed in the Boise School Districts. Updates will be provided to all families via email.   






My child and I have read the Monroe Handbook and the district Rights and Responsibilities Handbook together. We are aware that student safety and an appropriate learning environment are priorities at Monroe School. We support the school’s efforts to provide a safe educational environment.






­­__________________________                              ___________________________

Parent                                                                                        Student




___________________________                           _____________________________


Monroe School Staff                                               Date


**Please return this contract to your classroom teacher.  Thank you!

2024 - 2025 Boise School District

1 to 1 Device Responsible Use and Non-Refundable Damage Deposit (Voluntary)

The Boise School District believes that the district’s technology focus should support student achievement through innovative, mobile, flexible, and responsive devices that prepare tech-savvy and tech-literate students for their future. The district provides students with a general-use device to support learning opportunities at school and at home when necessary.


I understand the Boise School District offers a Voluntary Non-Refundable Damage Deposit. The cost of the Boise School District Non-Refundable Damage Deposit is $25 for one school year and can be renewed each school year. This $25 deposit covers accidental damage, loss, or theft once per school year. Should subsequent accidental damage or loss occur within the school year, the full cost to repair the damage or replace the device will be charged to the student’s account. School administration may reduce or eliminate the fee if extenuating circumstances exist. Negligence or purposeful damage and damage to someone else’s device are NOT covered by this agreement. When necessary, a second device can be checked out while repairs are being completed.

Lost or damaged charging cords for Chromebooks may be considered a damage deposit use. Replacing a lost cord at no cost is considered a  use of the damage deposit. All subsequent cord loss or damage may incur a $20 fee. A student or family may purchase a replacement cord in place of using the damage deposit. There are charging cords available online. The charging cord must be a 45W USB-C AC Adapter Laptop Charger capable of charging the device. Please note that charging cords must be turned in when devices are turned in.



__________________________      ____________________________      _________

          Student Name (print)                     Parent / Guardian Signature                  Date