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Elvance - Installation & Configuration Guide.
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Installation & Configuration Guide

PreSales for Salesforce.



Managed Package


Initial Steps

Installed Defaults

Settings & Permissions

Add Elvance To Opportunity Records (Optional)

Additional Configuration

Configure Additional Scorecard / Sales Methodology

Intelligent AI Scoring


Using Elvance

Elvance Dashboard

Elvance Scorecards

Activity Log

Assigning Opportunities


Limits and Considerations


Elvance is a Salesforce native PreSales management and workflow application. Elvance covers the complete Sales Engineering journey, from resource scheduling to proactive risk and product gap management with AI technical scorecards.

For more information, visit 


Managed Package

Elvance can be installed directly from the Salesforce AppExchange or through the link provided by our team.

The below Salesforce instructions outline how to install managed packages within your Salesforce ORG: 

On the installation screen, select “All Users” and then install.


Initial Steps

After installation search for the “Elvance” application within Salesforce. You will then see a Welcome screen. Click “Get Started” - this will direct you to the “Setup Assistant” tab. Here, the initial setup steps can be taken.

Assign Licences

The first step is to assign a licence to your users. If you are trialling the product you will have a total of 10 licences. If you require more, please contact 

Elvance includes three permission sets by default for the individual license types. These will automatically be assigned when a user is given a license through the Elvance User Management.

For any user that will be administering Elvance, please ensure they also have the  appropriate permissions to manage the configuration areas.

Licence Breakdown



Leader / Admin

View scorecards of Opportunities that the user has access to.

Request assignment for any unassigned Opportunities.

View the Elvance Matrix, search for individuals and view Scorecards.

Access Salesforce object data for personal reports and dashboards.

View scorecards of all Opportunities the user has access to.

Edit scorecards of Opportunities the user is assigned to.

Edit the Elvance stage of any Opportunities they are assigned to.

Submit activity logs for any Opportunities they are assigned to.

Assign them self to any unassigned Opportunities.

View the Elvance Matrix, search for individuals and view Scorecards.

If permissions are granted, add new risks and feature gaps.

If permissions are granted, add new risks and feature gaps.

View and edit scorecards of all Opportunities the user has access to.

Edit the Elvance stage of any Opportunity the user has access to.

Submit activity logs for any Opportunity.

Assign or reassign any Opportunity.

Respond to assignment requests from Viewers.

View deep insights through the Elvance forecast analysis.

Administer the Elvance application.

Note: Other Elvance and Salesforce permissions can restrict some of the capabilities that come with specific licence levels if desired.

Technical Stages

By default, Opportunities in Salesforce have Stages; however, these are linked to the commercial progress. The Elvance Technical Stages are used to understand the progress from a technical perspective; for example a Technical Stage of “Proof of Concept'' or “Solution Design” will be unique to the technical progress and not necessarily an application commercial stage. Elvance can align these stages to the Commercial stages so that you can easily see any misalignment.

In the example below, a new Technical Stage has been added with alignment to existing Opportunity Stages.

Scorecard Configuration

The first step of configuring the scorecard is to create the appropriate fields on the Elvance Scorecard object, select your desired field data type and once created it will appear in the list.

Within the Scorecard Configuration table, selecting the Edit action for a field will take you to a configuration page where you can choose the visual, status and other data points.

Manage Risks

Add Risks which have the potential to exist on Opportunities here; these can be assigned to scorecards with an impact and likelihood rating and change over time.

Manage Feature Gaps

Similar to the above, Feature Gaps allow you to directly bring product requirements into the scorecard. These can be added with an impact and likelihood rating and change over time.

Installed Defaults

The following configuration is installed by default and can be customised to cater for your requirements:

Scorecard Fields

These fields are created on the Elvance Scorecard custom object:


Default Visual





Next Meeting

Date and Time



Text Field


Technical Close Date



Technical Stages

Stage Name

Corresponding Sales Stages

No Stage



Closed Won, Closed Lost

Settings & Permissions

Permission Sets

Elvance managed package contains three permission sets by default; these align to the licence levels:

Although these permissions can be cloned and modified, it is not recommended as upgrades may contain additional permissions and cause issues.

Ensure only Elvance users are provided with the Permission Sets.

Elvance Settings & Permissions

Control additional Elvance settings and functionality from the Settings & Permissions page.

Add Elvance To Opportunity Records (Optional)

Elvance can be added directly to Opportunity records to view, edit and update scorecards directly from the record.

To do this, edit the Opportunity page and add the “Scorecard Detail” custom component to the layout.

Only users with an Elvance licence will see the component.

Additional Configuration

Add Custom Fields To “Opportunity Details” Tab on Scorecard

The “Opportunity Details” tab allows you to add fields present on the Opportunity record directly within the scorecard. This is driven by Compact Layout on the Opportunity object. You will also be able to view the Elvance Owner and Opportunity Owner. If you have a “Leader” licence you will see the ability to modify the Elvance Owner to another Elvance User.  

If you would like to hide the fields set in the Compact Layout on the Opportunity Details page then navigate to Administration > Settings > “Show Opportunity Details on Scorecard (Compact Layout)”.

Configure Additional Scorecard / Sales Methodology

Elvance can support a second Scorecard page to capture additional details or add a sales methodology/process (such as MEDDIC). This could also be used by another individual or manager working on an Opportunity to compare scores and better determine probability.

To configure, enable the “Enable Additional Scorecard Page” toggle with Settings & Permissions under the Administration tab. You will then need to give the second page a name and also set the scoring configuration.

Add Custom Fields To Scorecard “Opportunity Details” Tab

Once enabled, you will now see the “Scorecard Category” input when selecting a field on the “Manage Scorecard Configuration”  page . For fields you would like visible on the additional page, enter a value. Any fields that do not have a value or the value is “Default” will be present on the first page.

Configure Scoring of Multiple Scorecards

When using multiple scorecards there are three options to choose from to configure the scoring, you will see these options within the “Additional Scorecard Page Settings” on General Administration:

  1. Separate
  2. Single
  3. Combined

Separate will treat each scorecard individually and each will have a corresponding value.

Single will use the default Score__c field for both scorecards, when using this mode you do not need to add configuration for the Additional_Score field as it will not be used.

Combined will use an average of the two fields and show this value on both scorecards.

Intelligent AI Scoring

Intelligent AI scoring uses the latest generative AI technology to provide an assessment of the opportunity details and a probability score of closing, including feedback on the reasons why.

This feature first needs to be enabled for your environment, please contact to request activation and receive support on configuring Elvance Intelligent Scoring.

IMPORTANT: You must also add a Remote Site setting with the following details to use this functionality:

        Name: Elvance_Intelligent_Scoring


        Active: True

For more information on creating a Remote Site Setting, view the Salesforce guide.

Within General Administration you will be able to see if this feature is enabled for your account and activate.

Configure AI Scoring

There are three settings for AI scoring:

  1. Combined
  2. AI
  3. User

Combined will use an average of the AI value and user value. If one value is not present it will return the value which has been set.

AI will use the AI score only.

User will use the User score only.  

AI scoring can be used in addition to the Additional Scoring setting if you have enabled a second scorecard. The table below outlines how the scoring values are calculated for each scenario.

AI Scoring Setting

AI Disabled

AI Only




Combined score calculated as an average of both Scorecards.

AI Score - A single combined score calculated as an average of the AI scores on each Scorecard.

Both AI and user scores combined for both Scorecards and a single average score.

Combined score calculated as an average of both Scorecards.


Separate scores on each Scorecard.

AI Score - Two separate AI scores for each Scorecard.

Two separate scores for each Scorecard as an average for the AI and user score.

Separate scores on each Scorecard.


Single score from the Main Scorecard.

AI Score - Main Scorecard.

Average of AI and user score - Main Scorecard

Single score from the Main Scorecard.


Single score from the Main Scorecard.

AI Score - Main Scorecard.

Average of AI and user score - Main Scorecard

Single score from the Main Scorecard.


The Elvance permission sets contain the core permissions for users to access the Elvance objects and data. However, depending on your existing organization security setting, you may need to review the following:

The below article provides more details on OWDs and Salesforce sharing:

Using Elvance

Once you have finished the configuration steps and assigned licences to your users, it is time for them to begin using the tool.

Elvance Dashboard

The Elvance Dashboard is where Opportunities are managed. You can move them between stages and begin to create a scorecard.

Elvance Scorecards

If you select an Opportunity and scorecard exists then you will be presented with the “Create A Scorecard” button. Selecting this will load a new scorecard based on your configuration.

After completing the scorecard you can save a new record or update the existing one. By saving new versions you can track trends over time. In the example below, the trend is positive as the score has increased from 83 to 94.


Risks can be added to Scorecards and can also be tracked over time:

Feature Gaps

As above, Feature Gaps can also be added and updated:

Activity Log

Another scorecard feature is the ability to add activity details and track time. Click the “Activity” tab to access the input screen and see the hours currently spent.

Assigning Opportunities

Depending on the licence level, a user can assign, reassign or request assignment on Opportunities. Once an Opportunity has been assigned only a Leader can update the assignment.

Leader - Assign an Opportunity to any Elvance user and also reassign any Opportunity.

Individual - Assign an unassigned Opportunity to themselves.

Viewer - Request assignment for any unassigned Opportunities.  

Viewing Assignment Requests

Any user with the Leader licence will be able to access the “Supervisor Management” tab, this will allow them to view any unactioned assignment requests.


I do not see the “Elvance” Salesforce App

This is usually due to your User/Profile not having the appropriate permissions.

I receive an error that the custom field data type is not supported

Elvance is working on supporting more data types for custom fields. Send us a note with what you would like to see at 

I receive an error on Opportunity records after adding Elvance Scorecard

This is likely due to permissions, remove the component and contact for support.

I am not a Salesforce Administrator and receive an error when saving Elvance configuration

This is likely due to permissions, along with the Elvance permission set, users who need to configure Elvance must also have the Customize Application and Modify Metadata Through Metadata API Functions Salesforce permissions.

Unable to save Scorecard after updating picklist values

Due to Scorecards retaining historic data we recommend for any picklist fields disabling the “Restrict picklist to the values defined in the value set” checkbox. Any new scorecards will only show the updated active values and previous scorecards will keep the already saved values.

Limits and Considerations

Matrix Return Results

A maximum of 200 records will be returned when return results from the Opportunity Matrix, these are ordered by Opportunities which are not Closed Won/Lost. If the desired Opportunity is not found in the list then use the search field to locate.