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Gaming Social Skills Assessment
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Assessment of Game Related Social Skills for

Tabletop RPG Social Skills groups

This checklist is designed to assess generalized skills that contribute to a successful social skills group using Role Playing Games, starting with a foundation of basic skills needed for their participation and building into higher order goals that help build a table culture that enables them and others to practice these social skills. A numbered score rates each student on these skills, with 1 being a failure to meet these goals, and a 5 being that they have mastered this skill.

Student name:

Character name:


1. Engagement with Game

Goal: Student should be able to join in the game in a constructive way that furthers the group activity without being disruptive or excessively off task. Student is aware of rules and understands how their character works mechanically. Student engages with the game in a way that is appropriate and contributes to the group.

1 (Student is unable or unwilling to engage with game, is distracted, and makes no effort to join the game or engage with the active play.)
5 (Student is fully engaged in game, elects to declare what their         character is doing when appropriate, and responds appropriately to prompts within the game.)


2. Teamwork        

Goal: Student should be an active member of the table community, and is able to engage with others as a group in a way that promotes acting as a team and builds team cohesion where appropriate, while also being aware of other students' well being.

1 (Student is consistently electing to have their character do their own thing, irrelevant to, or in opposition to, what others are doing.)
5 (Student regularly interacts with other students and the group at large within the context of the game, whether that be role playing,         discussing strategy, or offering helpful advice. Student is actively aware and checking in on how other students are faring)


3. Role Playing

Goal: Student should be able to separate themselves from their character, and successfully act out how their character would behave in a way that is appropriate to their character, not themselves.

1 (Student role plays as themselves, does not think about the character's           perspective or how they would act, while also taking character events personally.)




5 (Student is able to fully actualize their character, their motivations, and how they would act given the situation they are facing in a way that strengthens the game narrative, while also separating themselves from their character's behavior.)


4. Empathy

Goal: Student should be able to show empathy and express an understanding of a character's background and personality.

1 (Student shows little awareness of other character's perspectives and why          they may act the way they do.)




5 (Student is able to empathize with other characters and take their stories and perspectives into account when role playing, is able to show mercy, selflessness, and kindness where appropriate.)



Built by Peter Jung M.Ed.