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Commands of Christ - SCL
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Command of Christ #1:

Believe & Repent

Looking Back

Care:  Share a high and a low from this past week.  

Worship: pray for one another related to the above highs and lows.

Loving Accountability: Last week, how did we...

Connect w/ Jesus and the saints?

Obey Jesus?

Share the Gospel?

Train other disciples?

Vision: Using Acts 2:36-42, describe through image, story, or lesson, what God can do in and/or through believers to impact lostness and expand God’s Kingdom.

Looking Up

New Lesson 

Describe the practice of the New Testament Church (Acts 2:37-47): v.38-41

Read the command to “Believe” from Mark 1:15

Share the story of Zacchaeus found in Luke 19:1-10 using your own words

Retell the story in pairs using our own words.

Read the story from Luke 19:1-10 (2x if possible using different translations)

Discuss the story using some bible discovery questions. If time allows do Explore more questions. Any terms or phrases that need to be defined? What do you learn about God,? What do you know or learn about the people in the story? How is it relevant to us? What are you going to do because of this lesson?

Explore more:

Explore on your own time this week if you run short on time when meeting together.

  1. What does repent mean?

No longer trusting in myself or my ways to merit eternal life.

  1. What does believe mean?

Putting my trust in Jesus alone.

  1. Why should we repent and believe?

Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Romans 10:9-10

  1. Who has eternal life? Who does not have eternal life? How confident should you be of your eternal life?

1 John 5:11-13 says those who have the son by believing in him have eternal life.

  1. How can you reinforce this confidence?

1 John 2:3

  1. Can we lose our eternal life?

John 10:27-30, Jesus promises that nothing will take us away from God.

Looking Ahead

Practice:  Practice telling the story in the above lesson or a discipleship tool you’ve learned so far.

Set Goals: This week, how will you...

Connect w/ Jesus and the saints?

Obey Jesus?

Share the Gospel?

Train other disciples?

Pray: Ask our Heavenly Father for the faith and power to obey Him this week in the above goals. Pray for one another, for their friends who are far from God - specifically, that they will choose to follow Jesus and make disciples.

Command of Christ #2:

Baptize & Be Baptized

Looking Back

Care:  Share a high and a low from this past week.  

Worship: pray for one another related to the above highs and lows.

Loving Accountability: Last week, how did we...

Connect w/ Jesus and the saints?

Obey Jesus?

Share the Gospel?

Train other disciples?

Vision: Using Acts 2:36-42, describe through image, story, or lesson, what God can do in and/or through believers to impact lostness and expand God’s Kingdom.

Looking Up

New Lesson 

Describe the practice of the New Testament Church (Acts 2:37-47): v.41

Read the command to “Go Baptize” from Matthew 28:19

Share the story of Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch found in Acts 8:26-39 using your own words

Retell the story in pairs using our own words.

Read the story from Acts 8:26-39 (2x if possible using different translations)

Discuss the story using some bible discovery questions. If time allows do Explore more questions. Any terms or phrases that need to be defined? What do you learn about God,? What do you know or learn about the people in the story? How is it relevant to us? What are you going to do because of this lesson?

Explore more:

Explore on your own time this week if you run short on time when meeting together.

  1. What is Baptism?

Rom. 6:3-4 says it is a symbol of our life, death and resurrection. It also shows our decision to die to our old life and to be raised to a new life with Jesus.

  1. Who should be baptized?

Acts 2:38 - everyone who repents and believes. (Also Matt. 28:19)

  1. Why should we be baptized?

Matt 3:13-15 - Jesus was baptized. Receiving baptism means we’ve identified Jesus as Lord.

  1. How should we be baptized?

Matthew 3:16 - Jesus went down into the water.

  1. What if I was already baptized?

Acts 19:1-5 - Baptism comes after repenting/believing. If done before, one should be re-baptized.

Looking Ahead

Practice:  Practice telling the story in the above lesson or a discipleship tool you’ve learned so far.

Set Goals: This week, how will you...

Connect w/ Jesus and the saints?

Obey Jesus?

Share the Gospel?

Train other disciples?

Pray: Ask our Heavenly Father for the faith and power to obey Him this week in the above goals. Pray for one another, for their friends who are far from God - specifically, that they will choose to follow Jesus and make disciples.

Command of Christ #3:

Be Filled with the Word

Looking Back

Care:  Share a high and a low from this past week.  

Worship: pray for one another related to the above highs and lows.

Loving Accountability: Last week, how did we...

Connect w/ Jesus and the saints?

Obey Jesus?

Share the Gospel?

Train other disciples?

Vision: Using Acts 2:36-42, describe through image, story, or lesson, what God can do in and/or through believers to impact lostness and expand God’s Kingdom.

Looking Up

New Lesson 

Describe the practice of the New Testament Church (Acts 2:37-47): v.38-39, 42

Read the command to “live” on the word in Matthew 4:4

Share the story of Mary and Martha found in Luke 10:38-42 using your own words

Retell the story in pairs using your own words.

Read the story from Luke 10:38-42 (2x if possible using different translations)

Discuss the story using some bible discovery questions. If time allows do Explore more questions. Any terms or phrases that need to be defined? What do you learn about God,? What do you know or learn about the people in the story? How is it relevant to us? What are you going to do because of this lesson?

Explore More:

Explore on your own time this week if you run short on time when meeting together.

  1. When do we receive the Holy Spirit?                                                

Ephesians 1:13-14 - Immediately after we repent and believe.

  1. How to be filled with the Spirit?

Compare Eph. 5:18-21 and Col. 3:15-17.The commands are different but the results are similar.

To be filled with the Spirit, a devotion to the Word is needed.                

  1. What does it look like to be filled with the Spirit vs. other things?

Read Luke 4:1-13, Gal. 5:16-26

  1. What happens if we commit ourselves to God’s Word?

Psalm 1:2-3 - we will bear fruit at all times like that described in Gal. 5:16-26

Looking Ahead

Practice:  Practice telling the story in the above lesson or a discipleship tool you’ve learned so far.

Set Goals: This week, how will you...

Connect w/ Jesus and the saints?

Obey Jesus?

Share the Gospel?

Train other disciples?

Pray: Ask our Heavenly Father for the faith and power to obey Him this week in the above goals. Pray for one another, for their friends who are far from God - specifically, that they will choose to follow Jesus and make disciples.

Command of Christ #4: 


Looking Back

Care:  Share a high and a low from this past week.  

Worship: pray for one another related to the above highs and lows.

Loving Accountability: Last week, how did we...

Connect w/ Jesus and the saints?

Obey Jesus?

Share the Gospel?

Train other disciples?

Vision: Using Acts 2:36-42, describe through image, story, or lesson, what God can do in and/or through believers to impact lostness and expand God’s Kingdom.

Looking Up

New Lesson 

Describe the practice of the New Testament Church (Acts 2:37-47): v.42

Read the command to “Pray” from Luke 11:1

Share the story of The Lord’s Prayer found in Matthew 6:5-13 using your own words

Retell the story in pairs using our own words.

Read the story from Matthew 6:5-13 (2x if possible using different translations)

Discuss the story using some bible discovery questions. If time allows do Explore more questions. Any terms or phrases that need to be defined? What do you learn about God,? What do you know or learn about the people in the story? How is it relevant to us? What are you going to do because of this lesson?

Explore More:

Explore on your own time this week if you run short on time when meeting together.

  1. What is prayer?

Talking with God our Father.

  1. Why do we pray?

Matt. 6:9-13 - God hears us. We desire His will to be done on earth.

  1. How do we pray? By simply talking to God. Here is what Jesus modeled:

“Our Father…” = God is your heavenly father.

“Hallowed be your name…” = Ask God to glorify himself through your life.

“Your kingdom come, your will be done…” = Surrender to God’s kingdom and will being done in and through your life.

“Give us today our daily bread…” = Ask for your needs.

“Forgive us our debts…” = Ask for forgiveness of any sin.

“Deliver us from the evil one…” = Pray for deliverance when you face temptation.

Looking Ahead

Practice:  Practice telling the story in the above lesson or a discipleship tool you’ve learned so far.

Set Goals: This week, how will you...

Connect w/ Jesus and the saints?

Obey Jesus?

Share the Gospel?

Train other disciples?

Pray: Ask our Heavenly Father for the faith and power to obey Him this week in the above goals. Pray for one another, for their friends who are far from God - specifically, that they will choose to follow Jesus and make disciples.

Command of Christ #5: 

Make Disciples

Looking Back

Care:  Share a high and a low from this past week.  

Worship: pray for one another related to the above highs and lows.

Loving Accountability: Last week, how did we...

Connect w/ Jesus and the saints?

Obey Jesus?

Share the Gospel?

Train other disciples?

Vision: Using Acts 2:36-42, describe through image, story, or lesson, what God can do in and/or through believers to impact lostness and expand God’s Kingdom.

Looking Up

New Lesson 

Describe the practice of the New Testament Church (Acts 2:37-47): v.47

Read the command to Make Disciples from Matthew 28:18-20

Share the story of The Samaritan Woman found in John 4:4-42 using your own words

Retell the story in pairs using our own words.

Read the story from John 4:4-42 (2x if possible using different translations)

Discuss the story using some bible discovery questions. If time allows do Explore more questions. Any terms or phrases that need to be defined? What do you learn about God,? What do you know or learn about the people in the story? How is it relevant to us? What are you going to do because of this lesson?

Explore More:

Explore on your own time this week if you run short on time when meeting together.

  1. Who should we share with?

John 4:16 - our families, friends & neighbors

  1. What should we say?

John 4:29 - The woman shared her story and Jesus’ story (the gospel)

  1. Who is qualified to go?

John 4 - The Samaritan woman was! Every believer.

  1. Why should we make reaching the world a priority according to 2 Peter 3:9 and Matt. 24:14?

It is God’s heart that everyone know Him.

Only then will Jesus return.

Looking Ahead

Practice:  Practice telling the story in the above lesson or a discipleship tool you’ve learned so far.

Set Goals: This week, how will you...

Connect w/ Jesus and the saints?

Obey Jesus?

Share the Gospel?

Train other disciples?

Pray: Ask our Heavenly Father for the faith and power to obey Him this week in the above goals. Pray for one another, for their friends who are far from God - specifically, that they will choose to follow Jesus and make disciples.

Command of Christ #6:


Looking Back

Care:  Share a high and a low from this past week.  

Worship: pray for one another related to the above highs and lows.

Loving Accountability: Last week, how did we...

Connect w/ Jesus and the saints?

Obey Jesus?

Share the Gospel?

Train other disciples?

Vision: Using Acts 2:36-42, describe through image, story, or lesson, what God can do in and/or through believers to impact lostness and expand God’s Kingdom.

Looking Up

New Lesson 

Describe the practice of the New Testament Church (Acts 2:37-47): v.42

Read the command to “Love” from Matthew 22:37-40

Share the story of The Good Samaritan found in Luke 10:25-37 using your own words

Retell the story in pairs using our own words.

Read the story from Luke 10:25-37 (2x if possible using different translations)

Discuss the story using some bible discovery questions. If time allows do Explore more questions. Any terms or phrases that need to be defined? What do you learn about God,? What do you know or learn about the people in the story? How is it relevant to us? What are you going to do because of this lesson?

Explore More:

Explore on your own time this week if you run short on time when meeting together.

  1. What is love?

Read John 15:13 and 1 Corinthians 13:1-8

  1. Why do we love?

John 13:34-35 - Because Jesus loved us first. Love teaches the world about Jesus.

  1. Who do we love?

Matthew 22:37-39 - First God, then our neighbor.

  1. How do we love?

John 14:15 - Loving Jesus means we obey Him.

John 15:13 & 21:17 - Loving others means putting their needs before ours and telling them what God has done for us.

Looking Ahead

Practice:  Practice telling the story in the above lesson or a discipleship tool you’ve learned so far.

Set Goals: This week, how will you...

Connect w/ Jesus and the saints?

Obey Jesus?

Share the Gospel?

Train other disciples?

Pray: Ask our Heavenly Father for the faith and power to obey Him this week in the above goals. Pray for one another, for their friends who are far from God - specifically, that they will choose to follow Jesus and make disciples.

Command of Christ #7: 


Looking Back

Care:  Share a high and a low from this past week.  

Worship: pray for one another related to the above highs and lows.

Loving Accountability: Last week, how did we...

Connect w/ Jesus and the saints?

Obey Jesus?

Share the Gospel?

Train other disciples?

Vision: Using Acts 2:36-42, describe through image, story, or lesson, what God can do in and/or through believers to impact lostness and expand God’s Kingdom.

Looking Up

New Lesson 

Describe the practice of the New Testament Church (Acts 2:37-47): v.45-46

Read the command to Give from Luke 6:38                

Share the story of The Alabaster Jar found in Mark 14:3-9 using your own words

Retell the story in pairs using our own words.

Read the story from Mark 14:3-9 (2x if possible using different translations)

Discuss the story using some bible discovery questions. If time allows do Explore more questions. Any terms or phrases that need to be defined? What do you learn about God,? What do you know or learn about the people in the story? How is it relevant to us? What are you going to do because of this lesson?

Explore More:

Explore on your own time this week if you run short on time when meeting together.

  1. What should we give to God?      Our money, time and our lives.

(There are 3 types of monetary giving - the tithe, freewill offering and alms (giving to the poor). The tithe is 10% of your income.)

  1. What is the purpose of the tithe according to Deut. 14:22-23?

That we may learn to fear the Lord always.

Also consider the promise in Malachi 3:8-12 and the challenge in Matthew 23:23

  1. How do we give to God according to 2 Cor. 9:6-7 and Matt. 6:1-4?

Generously, cheerfully, and not under compulsion. Secretly, not for recognition.

  1. Who do we give to according to Acts 4:34-35 and 2 Cor. 9?

The church gave to all who had need.

To a local church.

Looking Ahead

Practice:  Practice telling the story in the above lesson or a discipleship tool you’ve learned so far.

Set Goals: This week, how will you...

Connect w/ Jesus and the saints?

Obey Jesus?

Share the Gospel?

Train other disciples?

Pray: Ask our Heavenly Father for the faith and power to obey Him this week in the above goals. Pray for one another, for their friends who are far from God - specifically, that they will choose to follow Jesus and make disciples.

Command of Christ #8:

Celebrate the Lord’s Supper

Looking Back

Care:  Share a high and a low from this past week.  

Worship: pray for one another related to the above highs and lows.

Loving Accountability: Last week, how did we...

Connect w/ Jesus and the saints?

Obey Jesus?

Share the Gospel?

Train other disciples?  

Vision: Using Acts 2:36-42, describe through image, story, or lesson, what God can do in and/or through believers to impact lostness and expand God’s Kingdom.

Looking Up

New Lesson

Describe the practice of the New Testament Church (Acts 2:37-47): v.42

Read the command to Celebrate the Lord’s Supper from Luke 22:19-20

Share the story of The Last Supper found in Luke 22:7-20 using your own words

Retell the story in pairs using our own words.

Read the story from Luke 22:7-20 (2x if possible using different translations)

Discuss the story using some bible discovery questions. If time allows do Explore more questions. Any terms or phrases that need to be defined? What do you learn about God,? What do you know or learn about the people in the story? How is it relevant to us? What are you going to do because of this lesson?

Explore More:

Explore on your own time this week if you run short on time when meeting together.

  1. What is the Lord’s Supper?

1 Corinthians 11:26 - a symbol of the Lord’s death

  1. Why do we eat the Lord’s Supper?

1 Corinthians 11:26 - His body was broken and His blood was spilt, and He is coming back. We remember his sacrifice and his sure return when we do this.

  1. How do we receive the Lord’s Supper?

1 Corinthians 11:27-29 - We must examine ourselves, confess our sins to God and remember Jesus died to give us forgiveness.

  1. When should we celebrate the Lord’s Supper?

1 Cor 11:27-29 - Whenever believers are gathered willing to examine themselves.

**Take time to Celebrate the Lord’s Supper together.**

Looking Ahead

Practice:  Practice telling the story in the above lesson or a discipleship tool you’ve learned so far.

Set Goals: This week, how will you...

Connect w/ Jesus and the saints?

Obey Jesus?

Share the Gospel?

Train other disciples?

Pray: Ask our Heavenly Father for the faith and power to obey Him this week in the above goals. Pray for one another, for their friends who are far from God - specifically, that they will choose to follow Jesus and make disciples.

Command of Christ #9:


Looking Back

Care:  Share a high and a low from this past week.  

Worship: pray for one another related to the above highs and lows.

Loving Accountability: Last week, how did we...

Connect w/ Jesus and the saints?

Obey Jesus?

Share the Gospel?

Train other disciples?

Vision: Using Acts 2:36-42, describe through image, story, or lesson, what God can do in and/or through believers to impact lostness and expand God’s Kingdom.

Looking Up

New Lesson 

Describe the practice of the New Testament Church (Acts 8)

Read the promise that comes from Perseverance in Matthew 10:22

Share the story of The Apostle’s Persecution found in Acts 5:27-42 using your own words

Retell the story in pairs using our own words.

Read the story from  Acts 5:27-42 (2x if possible using different translations)

Discuss the story using some bible discovery questions. If time allows do Explore more questions. Any terms or phrases that need to be defined? What do you learn about God,? What do you know or learn about the people in the story? How is it relevant to us? What are you going to do because of this lesson?

Explore More:

Explore on your own time this week if you run short on time when meeting together.

  1. Who will be persecuted according to Matt. 10:16-33?        

Every disciple of Jesus can expect persecution.

  1. What is our hope amidst persecution according to 2 Cor. 4:5-18 and Heb. 12:1-2?

Our eternity is secure in Heaven.

Fixing our eyes on Jesus, who faced persecution for us.

  1. How can we persevere when persecuted according to Matt. 5:11-12 and Matt. 24:13-14?

Don’t fear, but rejoice!  

Keep proclaiming the Gospel until the end!

Looking Ahead

Practice:  Practice telling the story in the above lesson or a discipleship tool you’ve learned so far.

Set Goals: This week, how will you...

Connect w/ Jesus and the saints?

Obey Jesus?

Share the Gospel?

Train other disciples?

Pray: Ask our Heavenly Father for the faith and power to obey Him this week in the above goals. Pray for one another, for their friends who are far from God - specifically, that they will choose to follow Jesus and make disciples.