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Privacy Policy
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Privacy Policy

We take your privacy seriously and we are committed to safeguard your privacy, and this privacy policy explains our data collection, use, and disclosure practices concerning end-users of our apps.
If you have specific questions about how we deal with this information, or if you want to obtain a copy / delete the personal information about you that you provide through the Site or through our apps, please contact us by email
Our policy may be updated from time to time.

Information collected

We are keeping information about installation of our apps on your device (like time, date, IP-address). We keep Your installed apps package names.
We keep Your IP address and mobile device identifiers (such as your device ID, advertising ID, MAC address, IMEI), if it is submitted by your device during installation.
We can request some information directly for the purpose of registering you in a high scores system (like e-mail address).
We may also automatically record your Advertising ID for advertising or analytics purposes. These IDs do not reveal any specified information about the user. Though, if you want to reset your Advertising ID, you can follow these instructions:


In some of our apps we use subscriptions in order to provide you with interesting offers. Technically, these subscriptions are provided by Google Play / App Store, and we do not collect any extra information besides your email address.

For App Store Auto Renewable subscriptions, you can turn off auto-renew by following this instruction:

How do we use it

We process the this information in an anonymous way for the general purposes:

How do we store it

We have physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with regulations to protect personal information about you. However, the internet is not a 100% secure environment, and we cannot guarantee the security of any information you transmit to us.

How do we share it

We have never received any requests from the state authorities of any country for providing such information.
However, we believe it is necessary to share information if it is required by law, in order to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats to the physical safety of any person.

External links

Our website and some of our apps may have links to other sites, apps and services. They do not operate under this Privacy Policy, we recommend you to review their own privacy policies.

Agreement with this Policy

By using our website and apps, you are confirming that you agree with our Privacy Policy. In case you do not agree with it, we recommend you to refrain from using our products.

Tell us which marketing messages are acceptable to you.

Contact us

Should you have any other requests regarding privacy, please, contact us at: