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STRPB Agenda 2021_10_19.docx
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Six Town Regionalization Planning Board Meeting 

Towns of Bernardston, Gill, Leyden, Montague, Northfield, and Warwick 

Remote Participation due to Pandemic 

October 19, 2021 (6 pm) 


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 842 6991 5838

Passcode: 946205

I. Call to Order Governors announcement regarding remote meetings.

II. Attendance/ Roll Call

III. Announcements

IV. Review/Approval of Minutes 8/24/2021 and 9/21/2021

         A.  Education Subcommittee Minutes? Member Appointments?

         B.  FTF Subcommittee Minutes? Member Appointments?

V.  Actions/Updates:

  1. Discussion/Vote to release funds for the Abrahams Group
  2. Update Article regarding our work (Recorder)
  3. Extension Grant

VI. Public Announcement of STRPB Facilitator. (Greenfield Recorder, 10/9/21)

a.        Expectations

b.        Process in Working with consultant(s)

c.        Timeline            


2. New Grant

a.        Application/Expectations (See Attachment)

b.        Process                                                                         

c.        Timeline

                        d. Education Subcommittee (Next Steps)

                        e.  FTF Subcommittee (Next Steps)

                        f. PR Subcommittee (Next Steps)

                       g. Meeting with Rural Commission Subcommittee (Regionalization)

VI. Review Goals

VII. Parking Lot Items

VII.  Meeting Calendar (Tuesday, October 26th; 6:00 pm)

IX.   Other Items not Anticipated

X.  Adjournment

*The duration of the meeting will be no more than 2 hours

Overview of STRPB Process and Goals

  1. Write/submit/execute a new grant
  2. Assimilate Subcommittee Findings into a Comprehensive Summary Document
  3. Share With Both Districts’ Administration, Faculty, Staff for Feedback
  4. Create Updated Summary Document to Share with General Public
  5. Create Plan for Sharing Document and Obtaining Feedback
  6. Curate Feedback
  7. Full Board Review and Discussions (several meetings)
  8. Full Board Recommendation(s)