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The Facebook Companies
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As of 2/3/2020

The Facebook Company Products

The Facebook Company Products are, together, the Facebook Products and other products provided by the Facebook Companies that are subject to a separate, stand-alone terms of service and privacy policy, including the WhatsApp, Oculus, Masquerade, and CrowdTangle websites, products, or apps.

What are the Facebook Products?

The Facebook Products include Facebook (including the Facebook mobile app and in-app browser), Messenger, Instagram (including apps like Direct and Boomerang), Portal-branded devices, Bonfire, Facebook Mentions, Spark AR Studio, Audience Network, NPE Team apps and any other features, apps, technologies, software, products, or services offered by Facebook Inc. or Facebook Ireland Limited under our Data Policy. The Facebook Products also include Facebook Business Tools, which are tools used by website owners and publishers, app developers, business partners (including advertisers) and their customers to support business services and exchange information with Facebook, such as social plugins (like the "Like" or "Share" button) and our SDKs and APIs.

Facebook Products does not include some Facebook-offered products or services that have their own separate privacy policies and terms of service – such as Workplace, Free Basics, and Messenger Kids.

The Facebook Companies

In addition to the services offered by Facebook Inc. and Facebook Ireland Ltd, Facebook owns and operates each of the companies listed below, in accordance with their respective terms of service and privacy policies. We may share information about you within our family of companies to facilitate, support and integrate their activities and improve our services. For more information on the Facebook Companies’ privacy practices and how they treat individuals’ information, please visit the following links:

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