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Updated 2019






Computations Across the Disciplines

Marquette University (Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and the Computational Sciences)

Computational sciences, applied mathematical modeling, embedded and ubiquitous systems, STEM education 

Students majoring in any of the computational sciences

Professor Dennis Brylow

Undergraduate Research Opportunities

Marquette University

(Opus College of Engineering)

Benefits include the opportunity to work closely with a faculty or research group in an area of interest to gain "hands-on" experience that embodies the concepts taught in classrooms. Benefits also include joining a community of students, faculty, and staff who learn, create, and serve together by pushing the boundaries of discovery.  Participants specialize in a specific discipline of interest and discover how classroom theories are applied in practice.  In addition, Fellows will be asked to contribute to the production and dissemination of knowledge by developing written and oral communication skills. 



Professor John Borg

MU4Gold Scholars  

Marquette University

(Klingler College of Arts and Sciences)

This pilot program represents a step towards increasing opportunities for and the visibility of strong undergraduate research on campus.

We also aim to develop a model to systematize undergraduate research from the Freshman year onwards. This competitive 3-year pilot program will provide research scholarships to a cohort of students and guaranteed access for them to faculty mentored research projects as paid research assistants, starting in their Freshman year. This pilot program seeks also to promote student awareness and engagement in national and international prestigious fellowship and scholarship opportunities and to identify and cultivate student candidates for these fellowships. The MU4Gold Scholars program will guide students through the application processes for prestigious fellowships, off-campus summer research programs and graduate school. Workshops and courses designed to enhance students' preparedness and success will be developed with the Writing Center, which will be open to other interested students on campus as well. 





Summer Research Opportunity Programs (SROP)

Big Ten Academic Alliance (Big Ten universities)

Weekly campus-based educational enrichment activities broaden your view of graduate education and research, along with strengthening your technical skills. Campus workshops inform you about graduate admission procedures, financial aid opportunities, test-taking skills, preparing a presentation, and expose you to a wide range of research fields. Informal social gatherings provide a relaxed setting for students and faculty to exchange ideas and share experiences. At the end of the summer, you present the results of your research project at a symposium or poster session held on your campus. 


Summer Program for Undergraduate Research (SPUR)

Medical College of Wisconsin

The Summer Program for Undergraduate Research (SPUR) has been offered at the Medical College of Wisconsin for over 30 years. During that time, SPUR has hosted hundreds of students who have since made significant contributions to science and humanity through their current positions as teachers, instructors, professors, researchers, industry professionals, government leaders and clinicians. SPUR hosts roughly 25-30 participants each summer from across the country who gain valuable research experience, refine critical thinking skills, build upon academic and professional networks and are introduced to various disciplines of science. Participation in SPUR is intended for students who are currently enrolled at an accredited college or university who intend to pursue scientific-based graduate studies. 

Pathways to Science  


The mission of the Institute for Broadening Participation is to increase diversity in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) workforce. Since 2003, IBP has connected underrepresented students with STEM funding and research opportunities, and has provided faculty and administrators with tools and resources to help promote the positive factors that keep underrepresented students on the STEM pathway into successful STEM careers. We design and implement strategies to increase access to STEM education, funding, and careers, with special emphasis on diverse underrepresented groups. We believe that diversifying the STEM workforce is the best way to ensure our nation's economic vitality and solve global challenges. 



The site was established to be the primary source for searching federally-sponsored opportunities for undergraduate students and undergraduate programs in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) areas. These opportunities range from scholarships and research internships that undergraduate students can apply to directly to funding opportunities for academic institutions to establish innovative undergraduate training programs. Users of the site may search for program opportunities using a set of standardized categories - such as STEM discipline, institutional location where the undergraduate opportunity takes place, and Federal agency sponsor - as well as through using a keyword search. Each search result provides a brief program description and a direct link to the sponsoring agency's program website. Interested applicants should follow the sponsoring agency's procedures for applying. 

Department of Energy Internship Programs

U.S. Department of Energy

The intern program allows students taking at least a half-time course load in an accredited high school, home schooling program, technical school, vocational school, two- or four- year college or university, or graduate or professional school to be part of a cooperative-learning environment. The program offers flexible work schedules, competitive pay, and the ability to gain experience while still completing your academic pursuits. 




NASA Undergraduate Internships

NASA Headquarters

NASA Internships are educational hands-on opportunities that provide unique NASA-related research and operational experiences for high school, undergraduate, and graduate students as well as educators. These internships integrate participants with career professionals emphasizing mentor-directed, degree-related, real-time world task completion. During the internship participants engage in scientific or engineering research, development, and operations activities. In addition, there are non-technical internship opportunities to engage in professional activities which support NASA business and administrative processes. Through these internships, participants leverage NASA's unique mission activities and mentorship to enhance and increase their professional capabilities and clarify their long-term career goals.  

Summer Internships in Parallel Computational Science (SiParCS)

National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)

The goal of the SIParCS program is to make a long-term, positive impact on the quality and diversity of the workforce needed to use and operate 21st century supercomputers. Graduate students and undergraduate students (who have completed their sophomore year by summer 2017) gain significant hands-on experience in high-performance computing and related fields that use HPC for scientific discovery and modeling. This program embeds students as summer interns in the Computational and Information Systems Laboratory, an organization within NCAR charged with provisioning supercomputing and data systems to the geosciences research community. The roles of service and research in CISL support NCAR’s broad scientific mission of discovery in the atmospheric and related sciences. 



Significant Opportunities in Atmospheric Research and Science (SOARS)

National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)

Each summer, SOARS protégés spend ten weeks conducting original research at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) or at laboratories of other SOARS sponsors. By the end of the summer, protégés will prepare scientific papers and present their research at a colloquium. SOARS protégés can participate for up to four summers so that they can explore the breadth of geoscience and transition smoothly into graduate school. 



Summer Undergraduate Program for Engineering Research (SUPER)

National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)

While working at EOL, interns help develop new instrumentation and improve our existing suite of NSF/NCAR lower atmospheric observing facilities. Most internships also offer the opportunity to gain practical experience operating facilities in the field by deploying on one of our NSF-funded research projects. Interns are encouraged to develop their own engineering solutions as they work with and are mentored by professional, experienced engineers and technicians. During the internship, interns have access to a large number of resources such as sophisticated testing and calibration instruments, technical documentation, state-of-the art fabrication capabilities. 




National Science Foundation—Research Experience for Undergraduates (NSF-REU)


NSF funds a large number of research opportunities for undergraduate students through its REU Sites program. An REU Site consists of a group of ten or so undergraduates who work in the research programs of the host institution. Each student is associated with a specific research project, where he/she works closely with the faculty and other researchers. Students are granted stipends and, in many cases, assistance with housing and travel. Undergraduate students supported with NSF funds must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States or its possessions. An REU Site may be at either a US or foreign location. 



Summer Internship Program (SIP) in Biomedical Research

National Institutes of Health (NIH) Summer Research Programs

SIP provides an opportunity to spend a summer working at the NIH side-by-side with some of the leading scientists in the world, in an environment devoted exclusively to biomedical research. Internships cover a minimum of eight weeks, with students generally arriving at the NIH in May or June. The NIH Institutes and the Office of Intramural Training & Education sponsor a wide range of summer activities including lectures featuring distinguished NIH investigators, career/professional development workshops, and Summer Poster Day. 

Biological Engineering Summer Internship Program (BESIP)

National Institutes of Health (NIH) Summer Research Programs

The NIBIB sponsored Biomedical Engineering Summer Internship (BESIP) is for undergraduate biomedical engineering students who have completed their junior year of college. The 10-week program, under the guidance of Dr. Robert Lutz, BESIP Program Director, is scheduled from June 5, 2017 to August 11, 2017. The internship will allow rising senior bioengineering students to participate in cutting-edge biomedical research projects under the mentorship of world-class scientists in NIH laboratories in Bethesda, MD.  

Selected by a nationwide competition, the interns will have the opportunity to indicate preferences from a list of available NIH projects that involve areas of engineering or physical science expertise. The students will participate in group meetings, attend planned lectures and laboratory visits, and be encouraged to submit posters to the NIH Poster Day where summer interns from all disciplines present their projects. 

Introduction to Cancer Research Careers (ICRC)

National Institutes of Health (NIH) Summer Research Programs

The Introduction to Cancer Research Careers (ICRC) program gives highly qualified undergraduate, post-baccalaureate, graduate, and recent graduate students who are financially disadvantaged and/or from underrepresented populations in science the opportunity to participate in vital cancer research at the National Cancer Institute (NCI). Selected candidates will have the opportunity to interview with top NCI Principal Investigators and potentially experience a summer or post-baccalaureate internship in an NCI research laboratory or office. 



Cancer Research Interns (CRI) Summer Program

National Institutes of Health (NIH) Summer Research Programs

The Cancer Research Interns (CRI) Summer Internship Program is a strategic effort by the CCR to increase diversity by recruiting and training students from groups under-represented in biomedical science or disadvantaged backgrounds who have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and cancer-related interests.   The premise of the Program was to provide an initial training opportunity. However, over the past several years we have expanded selections to include students (from under-represented groups) who are pursuing advanced degrees. The Program networks with colleges, universities, and minority-targeted programs across the United States.  We have created a pipeline of future cancer researchers from diverse backgrounds who are preparing themselves for leadership roles.  More than one-third of our CRI fellows have begun or have completed graduate degrees in science. 

Diversity in Vision Research & Opthalmology (DIVRO)

National Institutes of Health (NIH) Summer Research Programs

Students from traditionally underrepresented groups age sixteen and over who are enrolled at least half-time in high school or in an accredited U.S. college or university and have completed course work relevant to biomedical, behavioral, or statistical research. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents and should have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) or science course GPA of 3.2 or better. 



NIDDK Diversity Summer Research Training Program (DSRTP) for Undergraduate Students

National Institutes of Health (NIH) Summer Research Programs

The DSRTP Program provides an independent summer research experience at NIH laboratories to undergraduate students interested in research careers. Research performed by the laboratories and branches of the NIDDK covers an extraordinarily diverse area but is unified by a commitment to excellence in both basic and clinical investigation. The basic science laboratories include outstanding groups in many facets of modern molecular biology, structural biology, including x-ray crystallography and NMR, cell biology, and pharmacology. Systems under study include viruses, prokaryotes and eukaryotes, including yeast and mammalian cells. Developmental biology is represented by studies ranging from those on cellular slime molds to those on mouse oocyte development. Several laboratories use the most up-to-date techniques in receptor pharmacology, natural products chemistry, and organic chemistry to study a wide variety of compounds, particularly neuroactive agents. Not only biochemical but also mathematical and physical chemical methods are applied to a variety of fundamental problems. 






National Institutes of Health (NIH) Summer Research Programs

To expose future dentists to careers in research, the NIDCR offers an outstanding summer research training opportunity in its intramural research labs for dental students.  The NIDCR Summer Dental Student Award is designed to give talented dental students hands-on research experience and exposure to the latest advances in oral health research.  Summer Dental Student Awardees are assigned to mentors who conduct research in the students’ areas of interest. Participation in the program may result in presentation of research findings at a scientific meeting or co-authorship of scientific publications. 


(301) 594-6578



The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Student Opportunities

Southwest Fisheries Science Division (SWFSD)—Santa Cruz, CA

The Student Opportunities program is designed to provide information about educational opportunities that are available throughout NOAA. Information on scholarships, internships and fellowships including a brief description of each program; application deadline; award amount; dates of opportunity; contact name, telephone number, and e-mail address; and website for the various opportunities are found on this site. The Special Opportunities section contains student opportunities categorized by geographic location, underrepresented communities and opportunities specific to students with disabilities. 




Naval Research Enterprise Intern Program


The Naval Research Enterprise Internship Program (NREIP), provides an opportunity for students to participate in a paid research experience at a Department of Navy (DoN) laboratory during the summer. The goals of NREIP are to encourage participating students to pursue science and engineering careers, to further education via mentoring by laboratory personnel and their participation in research, and to make them aware of DoN research and technology efforts, which can lead to employment within the DoN.


NREIP provides competitive research internships to approximately 275 college students (200 undergraduate students and 75 graduate students) each year. Participating students spend ten weeks during the summer conducting research at approximately 29 DoN laboratories. 


(202) 649-3833

The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE)

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)/Department of Energy (DOE)

The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) administers a variety of internship programs for undergraduate students at national laboratories and other federal research facilities across the United States. By conducting real-world research while also networking with mentors and fellow students, you will gain a better knowledge of your anticipated field of study and may even expand your expertise into a number of new areas. Whether you are seeking a summer, fall or spring internship, or a longer-term research opportunity to provide hands-on laboratory experience, ORISE has a program for you. In addition to internships and other research opportunities ORISE sponsors for undergraduates, there are also a number of opportunities with immediate availability for students currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree. 



American Museum of Natural History Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program

American Museum of Natural History

The Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program, funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), offers paid summer internships for qualified undergraduate students to conduct research projects with AMNH scientists in either evolutionary biology or physical sciences. Students receive a generous stipend and living and transportation expenses; housing is provided at nearby Columbia University. In addition to hands-on research, students participate in a series of weekly meetings at which they discuss their research, present informal progress reports, and engage in discussions and seminars regarding scientific research, graduate school, and research career opportunities. At the conclusion, they deliver oral presentations of their work and prepare publication quality research papers. 






Amgen Scholars


The Amgen Scholars Program provides hundreds of selected undergraduate students with the opportunity to engage in a hands-on research experience at many of the world's leading educational institutions. The Program seeks to increase learning and networking opportunities for students committed to pursuing science or engineering careers and to spark the interest and broaden the perspective of students considering scientific careers. Ultimately, the Program aims to increase the number of students pursuing advanced training and careers in the sciences. 




Caltech Student-Faculty Programs

California Polytechnic Institute

Caltech is committed to promoting diversity within its educational programs and activities and strives to ensure that differing cultural, ethnic, social, geographic, and economic perspectives are represented. Caltech's WAVE Fellows program aims to foster diversity by increasing the participation of underrepresented students in science and engineering Ph.D. programs and making Caltech's programs more visible and accessible to students not traditionally exposed to Caltech. The program is extended, but not limited, to underrepresented minorities, women, first-generation college students, geographically underrepresented students, educationally or financially disadvantaged students, and students with disabilities.  This program is open only to visiting (non-Caltech) students.


Discover your potential as part of Caltech's Amgen Scholars program. The Amgen Scholars program provides visiting (non-Caltech) students the opportunity to conduct research in biology, chemistry, and bio-technical related fields under the guidance of a Caltech faculty mentor. The program offers students interested in pursuing a Ph.D. or M.D./Ph.D. a great opportunity to participate in cutting-edge research as part of a cohort of young scholars. 



Harvard-MIT Program in Health Sciences and Technology (HST) Summer Institute

Harvard University

The Summer Institute offers a unique opportunity for outstanding undergraduate college students considering a career in biomedical engineering and medical science. This highly competitive program offers a hands-on research experience in a scientific community internationally recognized for its leadership and commitment to excellence. Participants are supported by cutting-edge research facilities and expert mentors.  Sponsored by the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation, participating institutions include the Harvard-MIT Program in Health Sciences and Technology (HST), Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), Department of Biomedical Informatics (DBMI) at Harvard Medical School, and others. The Institute is part of an effort at MIT to help facilitate the involvement of talented students in engineering and science research--in particular, underrepresented minority students, first-generation college students, and those from disadvantaged backgrounds. 

Institute for Strategic Enhancement of Educational Diversity—Undergraduate Summer Research

University of Buffalo

iSEED Summer Students will:

--Work on novel and exciting research projects.

--Learn about recent advances in the STEM fields.

--Be mentored by faculty, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows through the summer and beyond.

--Learn about graduate school and career opportunities.

--HAVE FUN in Buffalo during the Summer! 

Lincoln Laboratory at MIT

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Program participants will contribute to projects and gain experience that complements their courses of study. Opportunities exist in fields such as communication systems, sensor and radar data analysis, digital signal processing, laser and electro-optical systems, solid-state electronics, cyber security and information science, software engineering, and scientific programming. Projects may be available for students with backgrounds in electrical engineering, computer science, physics, mathematics, mechanical engineering, aeronautics/astronautics, materials science, molecular biology, biochemistry, and related fields. 








LEXINGTON, MA 02421-6426

Lunar Exploration Summer Intern Program

Lunar and Planetary Institute

The Lunar and Planetary Institute invites undergraduates with at least 50 semester hours of credit to experience cutting-edge research in the lunar and planetary sciences. As a Summer Intern, you will work one-on-one with a scientist at the LPI or at the NASA Johnson Space Center on a research project of current interest in lunar and planetary science. Furthermore, you will participate in peer-reviewed research, learn from top-notch planetary scientists, and preview various careers in science. 



Nebraska Summer Research Program



The Nebraska Summer Research Program is a consortium of NSF funded Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) and other summer research opportunities programs (SROP). One unique feature of the Nebraska Summer Research Program is the partnership between the REU and SROP programs and the Office of Graduate Studies. Students benefit in having a community of scholars in which to learn and to share research with. This intensive summer research experience provides mentoring and research experiences while allowing scholars to preview graduate school life. Students with a strong interest in graduate programs are particularly encouraged to apply, as are those from populations traditionally underrepresented in graduate education. 

NSF REU in Astrophysics

Maria Mitchell Observatory (Nantucket, MA)

Research at MMO emphasizes state-of-the-art data reduction techniques and thoughtful physical interpretation. Data for projects are obtained from Hubble Space Telescope, leading ground-based optical, infrared and radio telescopes, and next generation surveys such as the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS). Students also obtain data and develop their hands-on observational skills with the MMO’s 24″ and 17″ research telescopes equipped with modern CCD cameras. In addition, students have access to the digitized photographic plate collections of the MMO and the Harvard College Observatory, a unique historical resource for studies of variable objects over long time periods. 

Smithsonian Internships

Smithsonian Institute (Washington, D.C.)

Smithsonian internships offer an incredible range of learning opportunities. Because each unit of the Smithsonian (Natural History Museum, Smithsonian Libraries, American Art Museum, etc.) understands the learning opportunities it can offer best, each unit manages their own internship application process directly. In terms of application dates, Interns at the Smithsonian arrive and depart on a rolling basis. Different units run programs on different calendar cycles – be sure to check the application dates for the programs that interest you. Competition is fierce! But don’t be discouraged – we have a lot to offer and we host a lot of interns. 



Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience (SAGE)

Los Alamos National Laboratory (New Mexico)

The Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience (SAGE) is a unique program designated to introduce geophysics students to geophysical exploration and research. SAGE's purpose is to enhance a student's knowledge by going beyond a standard classroom-based geophysics curriculum, and to encourage qualified students in related fields to consider careers in geophysics. The course focuses the student's preparation and experience on geological problems of research and practical interest. Students combine geophysical data, acquired using a variety of techniques, with knowledge of the geological setting to derive integrated subsurface interpretations. Processing and modeling of geophysical data are PC and workstation-based, using state-of-the-art software. Modern field equipment and vehicles are provided by various academic institutions and industrial affiliates. 


(505) 665-0855  

Stanford Summer Research Program (SSRP)/Amgen Scholars Program

Stanford University

The SSRP-Amgen Scholars Program is a fully-funded research-intensive residential program that takes place on Stanford's beautiful campus for a nine-week period. Participants are matched with a member of Stanford's distinguished faculty and work in one of our state-of-the-art research facilities. Each participant works with both a faculty member and a lab mentor to craft a research project. The lab environment provides challenging projects and involves a broad range of research techniques that are feasible within the nine-week period. The program culminates with a research symposium, where students present individual talks and posters on their summer projects in front of their peers, faculty, lab mentors, University administrators, and general public. 


(650) 725-8791

Summer Research Program in Genomics

Broad Institute (Cambridge, MA)

The Broad Summer Research Program (BSRP) is an intensive nine-week summer research opportunity designed for undergraduates with a commitment to biomedical research and an interest in genomics. BSRP has a strong record of success in helping students to nurture their passion for research and succeed in graduate school and scientific careers. Students spend the summer performing original computational or experimental-based research in labs across the Broad's research areas, from cancer to infectious disease to computational biology. At the program's conclusion, students deliver oral and poster presentations on their research projects. 



UC Irvine Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF)

UC Irvine

UC Irvine’s Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program offers undergraduate and master’s diversity students an opportunity to work closely with faculty mentors on research projects and provides an intense course of graduate preparation workshops. The program, which is designed for students who plan to pursue a Ph.D. or M.F.A. degree and enter academic careers, provides the tools needed to facilitate application, admission, and enrollment to graduate school. The SURF program is open to virtually all academic fields at UC Irvine. Qualified students with interest in pursuing their graduate program at UC Irvine are especially encouraged to apply. 


(949) 824-8730

UCLA Summer Research


The UCLA Summer Programs for Undergraduate Research (SPUR) offer upper division undergraduate students with outstanding academic potential the opportunity to work closely with faculty mentors on research projects. The programs are designed for students who wish to learn more about the graduate school experience and possibly pursue an academic career in teaching and research. Opportunities are available in virtually all academic fields (e.g., arts, humanities, social sciences, life sciences, health sciences, physical sciences, etc.). 


(310) 206-8743

MPL Summer Internship Program

UCSD/Scripps Institution of Oceanography/Marine Physical Laboratory

The Marine Physical Laboratory (MPL) at world-renowned Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) seeks inquisitive motivated undergraduates with exceptional aptitude for quantitative science, majoring in engineering, physics, chemistry, biology or geology. Undergraduate college students contemplating a career in scientific research and development are encouraged to apply for a summer research internship in marine science and technology. This ten- week summer internship program offers qualified students the opportunity to work with some of the most notable scientists in the world while earning a modest salary. In addition to their research, students will attend weekly seminars given by members of our faculty and scientific staff. 



American Physiological Society Summer Research Fellowships

The American Physiological Society (Bethesda, MD)

APS is proud to offer five programs that allow undergraduate students to participate in research during the summer. Each program recruits undergraduate students nationwide (worldwide for the Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship and the Undergraduate Research Excellence Fellowship), and some are geared toward providing research experiences to a wide range of students—including those from disadvantaged backgrounds and from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups and students with disabilities—to work with APS member-researchers in a specific area of physiological research. Fellows participate in hands-on research and learn to develop a hypothesis, design and troubleshoot experiments, collect and analyze data, and write and present results. 



(301) 634-7164

American Society for Microbiology (ASM) Undergraduate Research Fellowship

American Society for Microbiology (Washington, D.C.)

The ASM Undergraduate Research Fellowship (URF) Program is to help develop the next generation of future scientists actively pursuing careers in the microbial sciences. Towards this goal, the Program supports highly motivated, promising undergraduate students, working with a faculty mentor at their home institution, in a research experience in the microbial sciences. Community college students are allowed to conduct research with a faculty mentor at a nearby 4-year institution. All students who will continue their undergraduate studies immediately after the summer in which they have conducted their research are eligible to apply. Students are expected to attend the 2019 Microbe Academy for Professional Development and ASM Microbe Meeting, pending acceptance of abstract. Faculty mentors must be committed to the development of undergraduate students interested in pursuing microbial science careers. 

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Undergraduate Research Program

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

The Undergraduate Research Program (URP) at CSHL provides an opportunity for undergraduate scientists from around the world to conduct first-rate research.  Students learn the scientific process, technical methods and theoretical principles, and communicate their discoveries to other scientists.  Approximately 20 students come to CSHL each summer for the 10-week program, living and working in the exciting Laboratory environment. 


California and Oregon

We offer paid internships in three California locations - South San Francisco (our headquarters), Vacaville, and Oceanside - as well as in Hillsboro, Oregon. Most internships take place in the summer and are typically 10-12 weeks (and occasionally last up to one year). We recruit interns for many functions across the company. Our Cooperative Education Program gives students the opportunity to supplement their education with valuable hands-on experience and training. Co-ops are paid and are typically 6-12 months. You must be enrolled in at least six units in an academic program related to the Co-Op project and must receive course credit for the co-op. 

Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Medical Research Fellowships


The Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s (HHMI) Medical Research Fellows Program has selected 79 talented medical and veterinary students to conduct in-depth, mentored biomedical research. Fifty-three percent of the awardees are female, the greatest representation of women in the program to date. Starting this summer, each fellow will spend a year pursuing basic, translational, or applied biomedical research at one of 32 academic or nonprofit research institutions across the United States. Each medical fellow receives $43,000 in grant support, and fellows are eligible to apply for a second year in the program. 




Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Gilliam Fellowships


The goal of HHMI’s Gilliam Fellowships for Advanced Study program is to ensure that a diverse and highly trained workforce is prepared to assume leadership roles in science, particularly college and university faculty who have the responsibility to develop the next generation of scientists. The training of scientists and engineers has long been a cornerstone of public science policy. HHMI has invested and continues to invest substantially in graduate and medical research education through the direct support of fellowship and training programs. The Gilliam Fellowships for Advanced Study program promotes excellence in the life sciences and related fields by supporting (i) PhD students committed to a career in academic research, and (ii) faculty and training programs dedicated to developing the talents of promising graduate students from underrepresented groups. 



ISIS Pharmaceuticals Summer Research Programs

Ionis Pharmaceuticals (Carlsbad,CA)

Ionis is a dynamic company that offers a team-oriented, highly participative work environment. Employees benefit from a creative exchange of information with peers and management through project team meetings and seminar presentations. We promote independent thinking and afford unique opportunities for motivated individuals. We are committed to encouraging students who have an interest in science to continue to pursue that interest by providing opportunities for exposure in a scientific focused business and culture. Internship opportunities are offered in Research, Development and Business in various fields, such as Pharmacology, Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Business Development, Clinical Development, Corporate Communications, Toxicology, and Pharmacokinetics. Students work under a practicing professional who provides guidance and mentorship during the internship program.

Merck Research Laboratories, Interns

Merck Research Laboratories

Join a program that provides exemplary students with the opportunity to work on meaningful assignments and gain real word experiences.

Internships: 9 to 11 week assignments between June and August.

Co-Op: 4 to 6 month assignments. 




Roswell Park Cancer Institute Summer Research Participation Program in Science

Roswell Park Cancer Institute

Your research experience will take place in the collaborative environment of a research laboratory headed by a world-renowned cancer researcher. You will receive mentorship and insight into your desired future career by working alongside a research staff of graduate students, post-doctoral scholars and laboratory technicians. This core research experience will be fortified by a curriculum of educational and career development activities. 



Vertex Summer Internship Program

Vertex (Boston, MA)

Looking to gain experience on your summer break? We offer 10-12 week assignments starting in May or June through the middle of August. Students enrolled in a college or university who are planning to return to school following their internship are eligible. Positions are posted beginning in December, and applications are accepted through the end of February. 

Center for Ethnographic Research Summer Workshop Training Program

University of California at Berkeley

The Center for Ethnographic Research (CER) Summer Workshop provides mentorship, hands-on research experience, and advanced training in designing and executing a project using qualitative methods for motivated undergraduates and beginning graduate students. During the CER workshop, students develop an empirical research project proposal for an honors thesis, masters thesis, advanced methods class, scholarly article, or conference presentation. In this process, students develop hands-on research and logistical experience and receive structure and guidance in the development of an independent and original project. Students will walk away with a refined 6-page research proposal for an honors thesis, masters thesis, graduate school, or fellowship application. They will also gain first-hand experience in qualitative research data collection and analysis methods through a collective research project conducted during the six weeks of the workshop. 


(510) 642-0813

The University of Notre Dame Environmental Research Center

University of Notre Dame

The UNDERC-West program offers a 10-week field biology course for undergraduate students who have completed the UNDERC-East course. This 3-credit summer course is located in western Montana on the Flathead Reservation. This course expands on concepts covered in the UNDERC-East course, with modules on grassland ecology, montane forest ecology, and Native American ecology. Students conduct an independent research project under the direction of the assistant director or graduate student mentors.  The UNDERC-West course is more focused on research than the UNDERC-East course, as students are given more time to spend on their project and more independence. Most students conduct research at the National Bison Range National Wildlife Refuge or surrounding tribal lands. 


(574) 631-7186

UCLA Film & Television Summer Institute

University of California, Los Angeles

The UCLA Film & Television Summer Institute offers students from around the globe an unparalleled opportunity to study filmmaking at one of the most prestigious film schools in the world – right in the heart of Hollywood. The Summer Institute is an intensive program that is taught by UCLA faculty. Students can choose from four specializations:

Creative Producing

This eight-week long track lets college students study the role of the creative producer or executive while engaging in entertainment industry internships. Film Production

In this six-week long track college students and aspiring filmmakers (ages 19+) collaborate on short film projects as they learn the aesthetics, techniques and practice of filmmaking from beginning to end.  


In this six-week long track college students (freshman and above) and aspiring animators (ages 18+) learn to write and draw their animated movies. No drawing experience required, just limitless imagination. Session Digital Filmmaking

This Pre-College track is a two-week intensive production workshop designed for talented and highly motivated high school rising juniors and seniors (under 18). 


(310) 825-4101

Institute for the Recruitment of Teachers

Philips Academy (Andover, MA)

The IRT offers two distinct programs: the Summer Workshop for college juniors and seniors who intend to pursue graduate study immediately upon completion of their undergraduate degree; and, the Associate Program for college seniors, recent graduates, and working professionals who want to continue their graduate education in the humanities, social sciences and education.  All participants receive the following support throughout the graduate school application process at no charge, which include:

  • Individualized support and extensive counseling as you clarify your graduate education and career goals, choose graduate programs and apply to a renowned consortium of graduate schools across the country;
  • Application fee waivers for 10-12 graduate programs, a savings of at least $1,000;
  • One-on-one coaching and advising as you fine-tune statements of purpose, resumes, and writing samples;
  • Personalized support throughout the matriculation and placement decision-making process. 

For undergraduates, have earned a grade point average of 3.0 or above (on a 4.0 scale); and for graduate students, have earned a grade point average of 3.5 or above (on a 4.0 scale).

Demonstrate a commitment to eradicating racial disparities in education;

Demonstrate a professional interest in teaching, counseling, or administration (K-12 or higher education)

Submit a complete online application by March 1st, 2018 

(978) 749-4116