DEI Committee Stakeholders

Updated April 2023

Purpose of this Worksheet

Worksheet Instructions

Worksheet Exercise


Contributors to this Template

Purpose of this Worksheet

The purpose of this worksheet is to provide guidance on how to form a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion committee within your organization. A DEI committee is an internal group of employees, ideally representing various departments and levels, who are focused on leading DEI within the workplace while also driving the connection to the overall business strategy. This worksheet not only walks you through the steps of creating the committee, but it also provides clear action items to ensure the committee is fully set up for success.

Worksheet Instructions

Review and complete the action steps for each stage required as part of forming an effective DEI committee. The actions listed are linked to a purpose, which as an outcome determines the next step needed in the process. Upon completion of the tasks provided in each stage, provide a check mark in the “Complete” column to confirm that the stage has been fully executed.

Worksheet Exercise




Outcome: Next Step


Assess Org Readiness

  • Conduct org deep dive to understand its demographics, DEI objectives, current challenges and desired future state.
  • Determine commitment and support levels from executive leadership towards the org’s DEI goals.
  • Gauge interest from team members

To ensure the org is fully ready to create an effective DEI committee with clear purpose, leadership sponsorship and resources.

Share assessment and proposal to key decision makers to align on moving forward with forming a DEI committee.

Build Framework

  • Identify an executive sponsor.
  • Establish committee member criteria and expected commitment.
  • Select and invite members.
  • Understand additional available resources.

To establish the core framework components of the committee as it relates to members and resources.

Bring the committee together to meet and get to know one another to begin establishing trust and community.

Develop Strategy

  • Establish mission, vision and values
  • Define roles, responsibilities and ways of working.
  • Decide group structure which may include leads and  subcommittees.
  • Design a strategy and roadmap inclusive of initiatives, activities and projects as well as projected timing.

To develop a clear course of action for the committee with direction and milestones that drive the vision forward.

Present committee strategy and roadmap to leadership for buy-in in determining budget needs and approvals.

Officially launch the committee to the org by sharing its purpose and strategic roadmap.

Measure Success

  • Evaluate what success of the committee would look like within a specific time frame.
  • Identify how the metrics needed to determine success and how they will be collected.

To ensure that the committee isn’t only focused on action, and instead they can also demonstrate the ROI and impact to employees as well as the org.

Continue to communicate to leadership and the org the success of the committee’s work and how it has improved the overall business.

Keep Momentum

  • Continue to move forward in meeting the committee’s goals.
  • Conduct ongoing pulse checks of committee members, their capacity, and interests.
  • Open up the committee for more members or rotate when desired.
  • Find ways to reward and recognize committee members for their individual work.
  • Celebrate wins!

To keep the committee active, engaged and incentivized along its journey.

Getting it right takes time, so iterate when needed and remain flexible in trying new ways of doing things for optimal effectiveness.


Upon completion of this worksheet, you will have created a successful DEI committee that aligns to the org’s business priorities and is structured in a way that welcomes growth along the journey. By sharing the committee’s impact on the business and its employees through ongoing communication, the committee should expect to receive increased credibility, interest, and influence within the org.

Contributors to this Template

OPHR: One Person Human Resources