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Partì da Reformaziun

Platform for the 60th Cosa

Mac’htici Idéăs, Mac’htici Resultaes

[  “Powerful Ideas, Powerful Results”  ]

The Parti da Reformaziun declares its entrance to the election for the 60th Cosa. During the 58th and 59th Cosas, Talossan society experienced a noticeable stagnation compared to the (often lively) discussion found during their predecessor, and a mild downturn in immigration reflected this. However, we believe that this trend can be reversed with some healthy debate on the changes needed to help Talossan society mature and reach its beautiful potential. As a result, PdR MCs will undertake the following actions in the upcoming Cosa session:

  1. Reform to the structure of the Ziu will streamline the Talossan political process. PdR MCs will propose an amendment to the Organic Law to shift the Cosa to a Mixed-Member Proportional structure, with the ultimate goal of transitioning to a unicameral Ziu in the future.

  1. Provincial reform will reduce the amount of “ghost town” forums visible. The PdR will call for a national convention to coordinate merger efforts between various provinces, as a middle-ground between the “top-down” and “bottom-up” approaches to provincial mergers.

  1. Catchment area reform to better distribute Wisconsin counties, US states, and even foreign nations between all provinces, in a manner that retains both geographical sensibility and cultural significance.

  1. PdR MCs will continue to support any sensible measure that reduces bureaucratic bloat in the current structure of the Talossan state or a democratization of power away from the Crown.

  1. PdR MCs will oppose any attempts at the continued politicization of the Royal Civil Service.

  1. While not a legislative measure, PdR MCs promise to take the high road when it comes to listening to concerns and debate from the public. Current authority figures frequently greet any form of opposition with poorly-disguised venom, snarkily dismissing anyone who does not align with their plans. This corrodes the quality of discourse in Talossa, doing more to push people away than it does to help grow our society.

  1. Acknowledging its republican stance, the PdR will continue to work to educate Talossa on the benefits of a mature democracy that chooses its own leaders, instead of having those leaders forced upon it.