S/L: VTVT Up 109% in 2 Days

February 10, 2019

The Insider Report

Trade Alert

As expected, vTv Therapeutics (VTVT)b announced positive results from Phase 2 of its Simplici-T1 study of the drug TTP399.

This has the potential to be the first-in-class adjunctive therapy for patients with Type 1 diabetes.

And the stock responded in kind...

Shares made a peak gain of 109% in just two days.

The stock has retraced a bit in the first hour of trading, but readers still have an open gain of 57% on the position in just four weeks.

I suggest selling half the stock here to lock in profits and raising the stop to protect the rest.

Action to Take:  Sell ½ the shares of vTv Therapeutics (VTVT) at the market.

Raise the stop on the rest to $2.50.

Did you make money on this trade? What about the 162% gain on CDLX stock? Or the 1,090% profit on the options?

Send an email to me directly at rossgivens@gmail.com.

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All the Best,

Ross Givens

Editor, The Insider Report