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VT Terms of Use
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Terms of Use: Updated 7/20/2020

  1. Terms of Use Apply to All Users. Thanks for engaging with us in this important work. So that we can all use these resources effectively, we need everyone who accesses the Site (that is, the content viewable at the URL, including all content directly reachable through that URL), to follow the rules stated in this document (also referred to as the Terms of Use). If you have questions about them, email
  2. You Agree to Follow Terms of Use. By visiting any part of the Site, you agree to follow the Terms of Use, on behalf yourself and any organization for which you are acting. If you don’t agree, you must leave the Site. If you don’t follow the Terms of Use, we may bar you from using it (no notice required).  
  3. Not for Everyone. Note that the Site is for the use of individual humans (not bots), residing in the US, and over the age of 13 -- and may not be accessed by anyone/anything else without our explicit consent (email us at  (Sorry, Data.)
  4. Supporting the Progressive Community. More specifically, the Site is to support the efforts of the progressive voter education and turnout community. If you are here for any other reason, you are in the wrong place and must leave the Site.
  5. Updates Apply to You. The Terms of Use may be updated from time to time, and you agree to the terms in effect at the time you access the Site.  
  6. Privacy Policy Applies. You agree to the Privacy Policy set out at, as it changes from time to time,  as part of the Terms of Use.
  7. Limited Use. We are happy to have you use and share the information presented to you on the Site for progressive voter education and turnout purposes -- but you may not use, share or republish it for any other purpose without our explicit consent (email us at The Site is a copyrighted work of Vote Tripling PAC.
  8. Misuse. You may not use the Site in any way that could interfere with others ability to use it.
  9. We are not responsible for any third-party content linked to from the Site.  
  10. Disclaimers. “We” do our best here (that is,, Vote Tripling PAC, and everyone else involved in creating and maintaining the Site). But the Site is provided “as is,” “as available,” and your use of it is at your own risk. We can’t promise that everything on the Site is perfect, bug-free, secure, will work for you, or even that we will keep it up.   If there are any errors or omissions, or anyone using the Site or the information presented on it experiences any problems, we are sorry but we are not liable.  If you find anything you think is wrong, or have any trouble, let us know so we can figure out what to do about it.  If any applicable law does not allow some part of our disclaimers, they may not apply to you.
  11. Provide only Authorized, Accurate Information. If you give us information about yourself or others, be sure it is right and that you have the right to share it.  
  12. We’re In California. We’re based in sunny California, so if we have a dispute with you, we will work it out in Los Angeles, under the laws of California (without regard to its choice of law principles).
  13. Enforcement. If at some point we do not enforce some or all of these Terms of Use against you or anyone else, we can still do so later.  If a court finds some part of the Terms of Use unenforceable for any reason, we can still enforce the remaining parts.
  14. Any change to these Terms of Use will be reflected online in the Terms of Use themselves (not by oral statements).