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Chromebook Academic Expectations
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Academic Expectations for Thomas Jefferson Middle Chromebooks

Student Expectations

Teacher Expectations

Parent/Guardian Expectations

Students are on assigned sites and activities AT ALL TIMES

Assignments on chromebooks should have an intentional instructional focus.

Parents/Guardians are aware of student work in Google Classroom.

Students are putting their work into their own words (not copy and pasting; cite your sources)

*AVOID Plagiarism*

Class should have access to pen/paper and Chromebook components. Chromebooks are not expected all day everyday.

Parents/Guardians are tracking through IC missing work and assisting students in completion of work.

Use technology to improve academic understanding (Revise, Rewatch, and/or Resubmit improved work; use tools appropriate to your needs)

Provide feedback and revision opportunities for student work completed on Chromebooks.

 Parents/Guardians will communicate with content teachers if there are concerns with student academic or behavioral concerns regarding the chromebook.

Chromebooks are

the property of TJMS and provided  as a privilege and for use as a learning tool.

Plans for use of chromebooks are  outlined daily in lesson plans and connected to the learning objective.  

Parents/Guardians will check the GoGuardian reports that are sent home periodically regarding their student’s chromebook use.

All chromebooks should be closed during non-chromebook activities (including hall transitions)

Intentionally practice different e-learning tools for all types of learners.

Parents/Guardians will assist students in alternative activities if technology cannot be accessed at home.

Headphones should only be used when explicitly directed by teacher

Student to student talk is a best practice and will be happening in addition to the chromebooks.

You are responsible to bring a fully charged chromebook to school each day.

Hard copies of assignments prepared in case a student loses access to their technology.

What does each department need for the chromebooks?

Need some basics for chromebook understanding

What protocols do we have in place to teach students?

What is the plan for sub days?

What do exemplars look like for chromebook work?

AIS 5 days- Can we work on department focus then? Including pedagogy

Time on task? Can we track it and reward it?

Possible HERO track- For documentation

2- Lose for project

4- Lose for day

6- Lose for Week


  1. This is an educational tool
  2. You are responsible for your actions
  3. Follow expectations given by teachers and staff  
  4. No food or drink when using chromebooks

* In accordance with AUP  *HERO will be used to track student issues with chromebooks and chromebook usage.